$2 A on Readers' Service Card,page 101 A the electronic ... computer users can trade in older ... Baltimore, is offering a rapid repair and reconditio...
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NEWS the electronic, chemical, and related in­ dustries, has organized W a y n e K e r r Corp., Phila., to handle distribution, sales and service of its products in the United States.

W i l l Corp. of Maryland, located in Baltimore, is offering a rapid repair and reconditioning service on p H meters, spectrophotometers, colorimeters, and other electronic instruments.

Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc. The second addition within the past year will add a 5400 square foot wing to facilities of the Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc., at Skokie, 111. The additional space will be used to enlarge R C L ' s research and develop­ ment activities in the field of nuclear instrumentation and data processing, and also increase the machine shop and sheet metal facilities.

N R D Instrument Co. Manufac­ turing facilities of the N R D I n s t r u m e n t Co., makers of instruments used in the detection and measurement of radioac­ tivity, are being combined with other plant facilities at Denville, N . J. N R D ' s manufacturing operations will be conducted in a new section of a building now occupied by Central Electronic Manufacturers, Inc., makers of electronic tubes and specialized elec­ tronic equipment. Both firms are di­ visions of Nuclear Corp. of America.

Mid-Century Instrumatic Corp., of New York City, is offering a trade-in program to broaden the analog com­ puter market. Under the plan veteran computer users can t r a d e in older equipment for discounts on new m a ­ chines ranging u p to 5 0 % of selling price. T h e "trade-in's" will be sold or leased to users in new industries a t attractively low rates.






Mine Safety Appliances Co. of Pittsburgh is expanding the field sales and service organization of its Techni­ cal Products Division to provide nation­ wide service on the design, installation, and maintenance of instruments and process control equipment for the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, synthetic y a r n , and food industries.

GE Diffraction School The X - r a y D e p a r t m e n t of the Gen­ eral Electric Co. will conduct the 1958 Fall Diffraction School at the firm's classrooms in Milwaukee, Wis., Sep­ tember 15 through 19. D r . W. F . Loranger, Industrial Section, is in charge of arrangements.

Absorption Spectroscopy Meeting The Annual Meeting and Instru­ ment Exposition of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and Joint Meet­ ing with the American Society for Test­ ing Materials Committee E-13 on Ab­ sorption Spectroscopy will be held Nov.



Place rod on pan . . . twist knob to balance position . . . read to .5 mg. Elapsed time: under 10 seconds! Also . . . extensively used for Spectrograph ic a n d X - r a y samples. Cat. # 7 0 0 1 . . . O n l y $260.00 Write Today for Further Information !



HOLLIS 2 3 , Ν. Υ.

The Carpenter Steel C o . has opened a new corrosion research laboratory at Reading, Pa. Particular emphasis will be placed on accurate determination of corrosion rates of all metals. Equipment is available to work from room tem­ peratures to 1000° F. and for one-half atmosphere to 2000 p.s.i. Shown above is the electro-chemical equipment used to study stainless steels

Circle No. 62 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A 6 2 A




For further information, circle number 63 A on Readers' Service Card, rage 101 A