Spontaneous Frontal Polymerization - American Chemical Society

spontaneously generated at the center was propagated to complete the .... Spontaneous generation of the propagating front in the polymerization of MMA...
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Chapter 11

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Spontaneous Frontal Polymerization: Propagating Front Spontaneously Generated by Locally Autoaccelerated Free-Radical Polymerization 1



K o u i c h i Asakura , Eisuke Nihei , Hirokazu Harasawa , Akihito Ikumo , and S h u i c h i Osanai 1



Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan Department of Applied Physics and Physico-infomatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan


Free-radical polymerization exhibits nonlinear phenomena, such as the Trommsdorff effect and thermal autocatalysis. A propagatingfront,an interface between reacted and unreacted zones, thus can be observed in thefree-radicalpolymerization system. Thefrontalpolymerization is usually started by attaching a mixture of monomer and initiator to an external heat source. In this chapter, we introduce that the propagating front can be generated at the center of the reaction system by the local accumulation of the heat of reaction. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate was carried out in a test tube in a thermostatic oil bath. Under optimum conditions, the front spontaneously generated at the center was propagated to complete the polymerization without forming bubbles. The phenomena might be an alternative to an interfacial gel polymerization for preparing functionally gradient materials.

© 2004 American Chemical Society

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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136 There are two nonlinear phenomena in free-radical polymerizations, the Trommsdorff effect and thermal autocatalysis. In the Trommsdorff effect, the totalrateof polymerization is increased as the polymerization proceeds since the diffusion-controlled termination reaction is slowed. Increasing the viscosity of the reaction system scarcely decreases the rate of the propagation reaction (/, 2). Thermal autocatalysis, often called thermal runaway, also makes the polymerization strongly autoaccelerated because of the exothermic propagation reaction (3). Nonlinear behaviors are usually undesirable in industrial polymer production, since the polymers thus produced are inferior in quality. They tend to have large variance in molecular weight distribution and contain relatively large amounts of unreacted monomer (4). In addition, they sometimes result in reactor explosion. Frontal polymerization discovered in 1972 (J) could be realized in freeradical polymerization because of its nonlinear behavior. If the top of a mixture of monomer and initiator in a tube is attached to an external heat source, the initiators are locally decomposed to generate radicals. The polymerization locally initiated is autoaccelerated by the combination of the Trommsdorff effect and the thermal autocatalysis exclusively at the top of the reaction system. An interface between reacted and unreacted regions, called propagatingfront,is thus formed. Pojman et al. extensively studied the dynamics of frontal polymerization (6-9) and its application in materials synthesis ( 10-13). Koike, Nihei, and the coworkers have developed gradient refractive index (GRIN) plastic optical fiber (14) and plastic lens (15). An interfacial gel polymerization (16) was employed for the preparation of the GRIN polymers. They performed polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in a tube made of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The surface of the PMMA is swollen by MMA to form a gel layer. The polymerization proceeds faster in the gel layer than in the bulk of the MMA because of the Trommsdorff effect. The isothermalfrontwas thus formed and propagated towards the center. By adding a dopant into the polymerization system, aradialgradient in concentration of the dopant was formed and the concentration became the highest at the center, since the dopant was forced into the center by the propagating isothermalfront.GRIN type polymers could be produced if the dopant changes the refractive index of the PMMA. Inserting a thin PMMA rod in the center of the polymerization system also resulted in the GRIN polymer. In this case, concentration of the dopant was the lowest at the center. Our initial motivation to start this research project was to investigate whether a thermal front can force a dopant to make a distribution in its concentration. If the radial gradient in concentration of the dopant can be formed by thermal frontal polymerization, it might be an alternative to the interfacial gel polymerization for manufacturing the GRIN polymer. Chekanov and Pojman have succeeded in preparing PMMA having an axial gradient of dye by thermalfrontalpolymerization (12). But, this procedure requires an external

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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137 pump to create the composition variation. Polymerization of MMA in a test tube immersed in a thermostatic bath was carried out at first. We thought that the propagatingfrontwould form near the wall of the test tube and propagated to the center of the reaction system. However, all attempts to generate a propagating front near the wall of the test tube failed. By choosing the appropriate bath temperature, size of test tube, and concentration of the initiator, a spherical propagating front was found to be formed at the center of the polymerization system by the local accumulation of heat of reaction. The front propagated to complete the polymerization without formation of bubbles when diphenyl sulfide was added to the reaction system. In this chapter, our research on the spontaneousfrontalpolymerization and its application to the preparation of transparent polymer is introduced.

Profiles of Polymerization of M M A Performed in Test Tubes

Attempts to Generate a Propagating Front Near the Wall of the Test Tube The polymerization of MMA using 2,2-azobis(isobutyronitrile) (ÀIBN) as an initiator in a test tube, having an inner diameter of 23 mm, was carried out in 60°C oil bath. The concentration of AIBN was 2.0 wt% and 15.0 mL of MMA was polymerized. In order to prevent the radical trap by the oxygen in air, argon gasflowedinto the test tube at a rate of 5 mL/min. In the early stage of the reaction, heat camefromthe bath through the wall of the test tube to initiate the polymerization. Frontal polymerization is usually initiated at the part of the reaction system attached to the heat source (5-5). We thus expected that the front was generated near the wall of the test tube and propagated towards the center of the reaction system. If this situation can be realized, it could be regarded as the same as the interfacial gel polymerization of MMA initiated from the surface of the tube made of PMMA (16). Contrary to our expectations, the propagatingfrontcould not be generated near the wall of the test tube. A buoyancy-driven convection prevented the formation of thefront.Experiments were carried out by changing the size of the test tube and the temperature. In test tubes having inner diameters of 23, 13, or 8 mm, AIBN was dissolved in 15.0, 5.0, or 1.7 mL of MMA. The depth of MMA liquid in each test tube and the concentration of AIBN (2.0 wt%) was kept constant. The tubes were then placed in a 50°C oil bath to start the polymerization. In all cases, thefrontwas not generated near the wall of the test tubes.

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

138 Autoacceleration of Polymerization of MMA In order to seek alternative reaction conditions in which the propagating front could be formed, the kinetics of the polymerization were studied. Changes in conversion and temperature under each condition were Monitored. Polymerization was stopped at specific times by picking up a test tube from the bath and immersing it into liquid nitrogen. The reaction mixture was then dissolved in CHC1 and the solution was diluted with CDC1 for H NMR spectroscopy analysis. Conversion was determined by the ratio of integral values of proton signals of ester methyl groups of P M M A and M M A . Temperature change in the polymerization system was monitored by immersing a thermocouple into the center of each test tube. In order to characterize the PMMA produced in the reaction system, the number average molecular weight, M„, and polydispersity, MJM„, of PMMA were determined by GPC analysis. The autoacceleration in the polymerization was observed in all cases as shown in Figure 1. Apparent autoacceleration was observed earlier stage in the reaction as the inner diameter of the test tube increased. In addition, the autoacceleration observed in the smallest test tube was not as abrupt as the one observed in the larger test tubes. l

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t/min Figure 1. Conversion as a function of time forfree-radicalpolymerization of MMA performed in test tubes having different diameters.

As shown in Figure 2, the temperature at the center of the larger test tubes suddenly rose by more than 60 degrees at the onset of the autoacceleration, while the temperature rise was only several degrees in the smallest test tube.

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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139 Both the Trommsdorff effect and thermal autocatalysis can lead to the autoacceleration in free-radical polymerization. The results indicated that the autoacceleration observed in the smallest test tube was mostly due to the Trommsdorff effect, while both the Trommsdorff effect and thermal autocatalysis strongly affected the onset of autoacceleration in the larger polymerization system. When an exothermic reaction is performed in a larger system, more heat tends to be accumulated in a reactor, since a surface-tovolume ratio is decreased as the size of the system increases. There was a critical size in the inner diameter of the test tube at which the behavior of the autoacceleration of the polymerization changes.







t/min Figure 2. Temperature change at the center of a reaction system offree-radical polymerization of MMA performed in test tubes having different diameters.

The difference in the mechanism of autoacceleration, depending on the size of the test tubes, changed the character of the PMMA produced in the reaction system. As shown in Figure 3, both M and MJM„ increased in the smallest test tube after the onset of autoacceleration. This is a typical phenomenon for the Trommsdorff effect, since it is led by the retardation of the termination reaction. Increase of M„ of the polymer, however, was not observed in the larger test tubes. Thermal runaway led to rapid decomposition of the initiator to produce more radicals transiently. This process produced more polymers having a lower degree of polymerization, lowering M„. n

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

140 30 25|.



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10 5


0 0





23 mm 13 mm

8 mm 150


t/min Figure 3. Changes of number average molecular weight, M„, and polydispersity, M /M„, of PMMA produced by the polymerization ofMMA in test tubes having different diameters. w

Thermal runaway should usually be avoided in polymer industrial plants, since it lowers the quality of the polymers and damages the reactor. It seemed that our trial to produce radial functionally gradient polymers by frontal polymerization failed.

Spontaneous Generation of a Propagating Front

Local Autoacceleration of Polymerization to Form a Propagating Front We carefully checked the polymerization system in which the thermal runaway reaction was performed. A propagating front was found to be formed spontaneously at the center when the polymerization exhibited autoacceleration in the larger test tubes. The polymerization in a test tube having an inner diameter of 13 mm was recorded by digital video camera. No visible inhomogeneity was observed before the onset of the autoacceleration. A heated and reacted region was then generated at the center of the polymerization system to form a propagating front as shown in Figure 4.1. This indicates that thermal runaway locally occurred at the center and spread throughout the whole reaction

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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system. Heat generated by the polymerization is diffused through the wall of the test tube. Spatial temperature distribution was thus formed to ignite the local thermal runaway at the center. The formation of the propagating front was also observed in a test tube having an inner diameter of 23 mm as shown in Figure 4.2. No visible inhomogeneity was observed when the polymerization was carried out in a test tube having an inner diameter of 8 mm.

Figure 4. Spontaneous generation of the propagatingfront in the polymerization of MMA in the larger test tubes by setting the bath temperature at 50 °C. (a): Just before the appearance of thefront;(b), (c), and (φ: 10, 50, and 70 sec qfier the appearance of the front (e), φ, and (g): 5, 20, 50 sec after the appearance of the front.

The shape of the propagating front could be changed by changing the depth of the M M A solution in the test tube. The longitude of the sphere increased by increasing the depth of the solution. The situation just after the spontaneous formation of the propagating front in a long tube reactor could be regarded as same as the one just after immersing a thin PMMA rod into the center of a

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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mixture of MMA and initiator to start interfacial gel polymerization. Unlike the interfacial gel polymerization, the preparation of the tube or thin rod made of PMMA is not needed for this spontaneous frontal polymerization. This phenomenon thus has a potential importance for preparing radial functionally gradient type polymers. Bubbles, however, were formed before the completion of the reaction as shown in Figure 4. In order to prepare the transparent functionally gradient polymer by this method, the formation of the bubbles should definitely be eliminated.

Attempts to Complete Spontaneous Frontal Polymerization without Formation of Bubbles Release of gas by the decomposition of initiator and boiling of monomer lead to the formation bubbles infreeradical polymerization. Masere et al. developed gas-free initiators for high temperature polymerization (17). The formation of bubbles in this case, however, was mostly due to the boiling of MMA. In order to reduce the temperature near thefront,polymerization in a test tube having an inner diameter of 13 mm was carried out by setting the temperature of the oil bath at 45, 50, and 55 °C. Maximum temperature during polymerization was found to be lowered by decreasing the bath temperature as shown in Figure 5.





t/min Figure 5. Temperature change at the center of the reaction system of freeradical polymerization ofMMA performed in a test tube having an inner diameter of 13 mm in oil bath at different temperatures.

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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The formation of the bubbles, however, could not be completely inhibited by decreasing the bath temperature to 45 °C as shown in Figure 6.1. Chechilo et al. performed thefrontalpolymerization of MMA under high pressure to inhibit the formation of the bubbles (18, 19). The cost of manufacturing, however, increases if the polymerization is carried out under high pressure. In order to seek reaction conditions at which no bubbles are formed before the completion of the spontaneousfrontalpolymerization, the polymerization was carried out adding diphenyl sulfide. The bubble formation was completely inhibited by adding 5.0 wt% of diphenyl sulfide as shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6. Spontaneous generation and propagation ofthefrontobserved in the polymerization ofMMA by setting the bath temperature at 45 °C. (α), φ), (c), and (d): 10, 50, 110, and 170 sec after the appearance of the front (e), φ, (g), and (h): 10, 40, 110, and220 sec after the appearance ofthe front

Temperature change at the center of the polymerization system containing diphenyl sulfide was monitored. As shown in Figure 7, the maximum temperature was about 10 degrees lower than the one observed in the

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

144 polymerization system in the absence of diphenyl sulfide. The role of diphenyl sulfide in bubble prevention, however, has yet to be determined and the mechanism is now being in considered.


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Without addition of diphenyl sulfide Addition of diphenyl sulfide 20 150






Figure 7. Temperature change at the center of the reaction system offreeradical polymerization of MMA in the presence and absence of diphenyl sulfide. A transparent polymer rod was prepared under these conditions. The method does not require extra treatments such as preparation of a tube or thin rod made of PMMA before polymerization or reaction conditions requiring high pressure. It might be an alternative to interfacial gel polymerization for manufacturing radial functionally gradient materials.

Conclusion The polymerizations of M M A using AIBN as an initiator in a test tube in a thermostatic oil bath were carried out by changing the size of the test tube and the temperature of the oil bath. A l l attempts to generate a propagating front near the wall of the test tube failed. A spherical propagating front, however, was found to be formed at the center of the reaction system when the polymerization was carried out in larger test tubes. The spontaneous polymerization was completed without formation of bubbles by setting the bath temperature at 45°C, choosing the test tube with an inner diameter of 13mm, and adding 5.0 wt% of diphenyl sulfide in the polymerization system. We are now trying to apply this

In Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems; Pojman, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

145 spontaneous frontal polymerization for the preparation of transparent functionally gradient polymers.


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This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for the 21st Century COE program "Keio Life Conjugate Chemistry" from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan.

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