Spot test for detection of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

can perform this test in laboratory class. Supportedin part by the Ford Foundation Grant No. 690-0108. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Eric J...
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Spot Test for Detection of Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids A spot test has been developed for detection of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on a micro-scale. A fatty acid in ether solution either saturated or unsaturated is spotted an Silica Gel G ehromato-glass plate. This spot is treated with one drop of 1.0% copper sulfate solution and heated at 120°C for 15 min. If the spot turns black, then the given fatty acid is unsaturated. If the spot. does not become black or brownish-black, then the given fatty acid is saturated. The limit of identification is up to 25 mg and less. In spite of its sensitivity, the test has the advantage of being simple, specific, and economical. The citrate, tartrate, oxalate, phosphate, and fluoride do not interfere in the spot test. The metal ions of silver, bismuth, and arsenic interfere in the test. Students can perform this test in laboratory class. Supported in part by the Ford Foundation Grant No. 690-0108. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60637

Eric John Singh Frederick P. Zuspan

Volume 50. Number 10, October 1973
