Aug 22, 2011 - ACS's online Program & Abstract Creation System (PACS) opened on Aug. 22 for San Diego abstracts. Please visit PACS at abstracts.acs.or...
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SPRING 2012 ACS NATIONAL MEETING Divisions issue CALLS FOR PAPERS for the March 25–29 meeting in San Diego CALLS FOR PAPERS for the spring 2012

However, the President, with the concurrence of either the Chair of the Board of Directors or the Vice-Chair of the Council Policy Committee, may authorize an extraordinary symposium at a national meeting provided that (1) the symposium has as its primary focus significant scientific developments too recent for programming deadlines, and (2) the request for authorization for such a symposium has been made jointly by a member of the Society and one of the following: the Chair of a relevant Division of the Society, the Chair of the Committee on Divisional Activities, or the Chair of the Committee on Science. c. No paper by a chemical scientist residing in the United States who is not a member of the Society shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society unless it be a joint paper with one or more Society members, or unless for a national, regional, or national-divisional meeting the author has been invited to present the paper at a symposium organized by a Division of the

ACS national meeting (March 25−29) have been issued. The preliminary program for the meeting in San Diego will be in the Jan. 30, 2012, issue of C&EN; the technical program will be available at www.acs.org/ sandiego2012 in early March. The society bylaw governing presentation of papers appears below. ACS’s online Program & Abstract Creation System (PACS) opened on Aug. 22 for San Diego abstracts. Please visit PACS at abstracts.acs.org.

SOCIETY BYLAW GOVERNING PAPERS Bylaw VI, Sec. 6, governs presentation at society meetings. a. The term “paper” shall include any scientific presentation that can be reduced to writing. b. No paper shall be presented at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting unless its title and author(s) appear on the program for the meeting.

Society or by Sections of the Society, and the Chair of such Division or of the host Section has certified to the Executive Director of the Society prior to publication of the program that presentation by the author of such paper is important to the success of the symposium. d. Rules corresponding to paragraphs a, b, and c of this section for a cooperative meeting shall be subject to agreement in advance between the organizations concerned but should conform, insofar as possible, to this Bylaw and be subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Society. e. The Society assumes no responsibility for the statements or opinions expressed by individuals in papers or discussions thereof. f. The President shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its scheduled presentation at a meeting of the Society. Board Regulation VII, No. 3, supplements Bylaw VI, Sec. 6, as follows: a. Authorship of papers shall be accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. b. Therapeutic Papers. It is the policy of the Society to encourage the presentation of chemical papers with pharmacological and physiological aspects but to discourage presentation, by other than qualified clinical investigators, of papers in which clinical interpretations are the principal contribution. Divisions shall adhere to this policy when determining the acceptability of papers for their meeting programs. The Divisions also

Deadlines For Abstract Submission For The San Diego National Meeting, March 25–29 All dates are preliminary. The final dates approved by the divisions are on the abstract submission site: abstracts.acs.org. DIVISION



Oct. 17 a Oct. 17 Oct. 17 na na na Oct. 31 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 17





Oct. 17 a Nov. 7 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Nov. 1 Oct. 17 Oct. 28 Oct. 17


a = Will not meet in San Diego. na = not available at press time. p = probationary division.



AUGUST 2 2 , 20 1 1


Oct. 24 Oct. 27 na Oct. 17 Nov. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 a Oct. 17




na Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 na


are urged to exclude from their programs, and especially from any abstracts issued, statements recommending procedures for the treatment of human disease or announcement of any “cures” not confirmed by competent medical authority. Any author contributing a paper that includes discussion of the treatment of human disease must submit for review, by representatives of the appropriate Division, a complete manuscript in addition to an abstract. Notes: Submission of papers for presenta-

tion at an ACS meeting does not constitute

submission for publication in an ACS journal. Regulations for the acceptance of papers to be presented as part of divisional meetings vary for each division. However, publication of papers in ACS journals is based upon the earliest date of receipt of the complete paper by the appropriate editor. The council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made to the author as to whether he or she is to read the entire paper or to abstract it to allow time for discussion.

Special attention should be given to the misuse of trade names, secret formulas, or secret processes in papers at national meetings of the society. It is requested that authors avoid the use of trade names in papers presented at ACS meetings. Chairs are responsible for enforcing this policy.

Note: Contact information for program chairs and symposium organizers is indicated only once in each listing.


SAN DIEGO, MARCH 25–29, 2012

Program chair unavailable at press time.

MEETING THEME: CHEMISTRY OF LIFE Program Chair: P. Senter, Seattle Genetics, 21823 30th Dr. S.E., Bothell, WA 98021, (425) 527-4710, psenter@seagen. com Abstracts due Oct. 17. Chemistry of Life Plenary. P. Senter The Kavli Foundation Innovations in Chemistry Lecture. P. Senter

AGRICULTURAL & FOOD CHEMISTRY Program Chair: N. C. Da Costa, Flavors Analytical Research, International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., 1515 Highway 36, Union Beach, NJ 07735, (732) 335-2110, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Advances in Food Allergen Detection. L. Jackson, [email protected]; M. Ross, [email protected] Carotenoid Cleavage Products. P. Winterhalter, [email protected]; R. Rouseff, [email protected]; S. Ebeler, seebeler@ ucdavis.edu Cocoa: Science & Technology. J. Vinson, [email protected] Coffee Chemistry. M. Adams, mradams@ xula.edu General Papers. M. Qian, michael.qian@ oregonstate.edu; N. Da Costa General Posters. M. Qian, N. Da Costa Graduate Student Symposium. C. Brine, [email protected]; L. Jackson; N. Da Costa Hispanic Foods. E. Demejia, edemejia@illinois. edu; M. H. Tunick, Michael.Tunick@ars. usda.gov Nanotechnology for Food & Agriculture. B. Park, [email protected]; M. Appell, [email protected] Recent Advances in Nano/Microencapsulation of Bioactives. Q. Huang, qhuang@ aesop.rutgers.edu Sources, Metabolism, Bioavailability & Applications of Bioactives. A. Mitchell, [email protected]; F. Shahidi, [email protected]; N. Da Costa Undergraduate Symposium. C. Brine, L. Jackson, N. Da Costa

Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

AGROCHEMICALS Will not meet in San Diego.



Program chair unavailable at press time.

Program Chair: C. Larive, U of California, Dept. of Chemistry, Riverside, CA 92521, (951) 827-2902, [email protected]

Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

Abstracts due Oct. 17. Active Learning in the Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Curriculum (Cosponsored with CHED). T. Wenzel, twenzel@ bates.edu Advances & Applications of Metabolomics. C. Larive Advances in Analytical Separations. Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy. Advances in Bioanalytical Chemistry. Advances in Environmental Analysis. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Advances in Screening Technologies & Their Applications. Advances in Surface Analysis. Bioanalytical Sensors & Applications. Q. J. Cheng, [email protected] Capillary Electrophoresis as a Tool for Bioanalysis. C. R. Harrison, harrison@ sciences.sdsu.edu Challenges in Algal Biofuels: Biochemistry, Lipid Extraction & Analysis (Cosponsored with CELL). Fluorescence Imaging of Cellular Structure & Dynamics. General Posters.

CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY Program chair unavailable at press time. Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (PROBATIONARY) Program Chair: B. Zhou, Headwaters Technology Innovation Group, 1501 New York Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, (609) 3943102 ext. 211, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 31. Acid-Base Bifunctional Catalysis. Biomimetic/Biocatalysis. Data-Rich Approaches in Catalysis Research. Electro/Photoelectrocatalysis. Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative Research in Catalysis. George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry. Molecular Insights toward Novel Catalysts. Selective Oxidation.

BIOCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Program Chairs: A. Amanullah, Genentech, 1 Antibody Way, Oceanside, CA 92056, (760) 231-3050, amanullah. [email protected]; P. Cirino, U of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd., Houston, TX 77204, (713) 743-4399, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Advances in Biofuels Production. Advances in Biotechnology Product Development. Downstream Processes. Poster Session. Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering. Therapeutic Proteins & Biophysical & Biomolecular Processes. Upstream Processes.



Abstracts due Oct. 17. Algal Biorefineries (Cosponsored with ANYL & I&EC). M. Burkart, [email protected] Anselme Payen Award Symposium: Advanced Materials from Cellulose & Renewable Polymers (Cosponsored with PMSE). G. Sun, [email protected]; L. Lucia, [email protected] Biosynthesis, Structure & Interactions of Native Cellulose. C. Haigler, [email protected]; D. Cosgrove, [email protected]; J. Kubicki, kubicki@ geosc.psu.edu Poster Session. S. Murphy Cellulose Nanomaterials. Y. Hsieh, ylhsieh@ ucdavis.edu Cellulose-Based Biomimetic & Biomedical Materials. H. Brumer, harry@biotech. kth.se; V. Edwards, vince.edwards@ars. usda.gov Electrospun Fibers from Renewable Materials (Cosponsored with PMSE & POLY). G. Buschle-Diller, [email protected]; G. Selling, [email protected] Improving Efficiency at Biorefineries. A. French, [email protected]; A. Ragauskas, [email protected]. edu; B. Saake, [email protected]; P. Navard, [email protected] Life-Cycle Analysis & the Challenge of Measuring Bioenergy’s Sustainability. J. Sheehan, [email protected] Lignin as a Renewable Raw Material. A. Jaaskelainen, [email protected]; D. P. Harper, [email protected]; M. Osterberg, [email protected]; T. Elder, telder@ fs.fed.us Polysaccharide-Based Hydrocolloids (Cosponsored with COLL). P. Fardim, [email protected] Structural Properties & Surface Interactions of Cellulosic Materials. M. Pasquinelli, [email protected]; Y. Yingling, [email protected] A Study in Carb Loading: The Structural Biology of Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes (Cosponsored with BIOL). C. L. Allen, [email protected]

Program Chair: S. Murphy, Ashland, AAFI Research Center, 500 Hercules Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808, (302) 995-3710, [email protected]

Researchers supported by grants or contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense are required to submit proposal abstracts and manuscripts for review by DOD if so specified in the grant or contract. It is the responsibility of the authors to secure approval when necessary and to indicate to program chairs that approval has been obtained or is expected.


AUGUST 2 2 , 20 1 1



Program Chairs: I. Levy, Gordon College, Wenham, MA 01984, irv.levy@gordon. edu; W. S. Harwood, U of Northern Iowa, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, 1227 W. 27th St., Cedar Falls, IA 50614, [email protected]; A. Cannon, Beyond Benign, 100 Research Dr., Wilmington, MA 01887, [email protected]

Program Chair: R. Bienstock, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, [email protected]

Abstracts due Oct. 31. Achievement in Research for the Teaching & Learning of Chemistry Award Symposium. ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education. M. Fisher, [email protected] Chemical Biology or Is It Biochemistry: When Two Heads Are Better Than One. T. Mui, [email protected] Chemical Education Research: Graduate Student Research Forum. M. Anzovino, [email protected] Chemistry for Engineers. GEMs for Chemists: Integrating Green Chemistry into First-Year Chemistry. J. Haack, [email protected] General Papers. General Posters. George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education Award Symposium. Green Chemistry Theory & Practice. E. Brush, [email protected] High School Program. Improving Safety Education in Academic Institutions. D. Finster, dfinster@wittenberg. edu Next-Generation PLTL: Symposium in Honor of Jack Kampmeier. P. Varma-Nelson, [email protected] NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum. A. Wallner, twallner@mail. barry.edu; D. Soulsby, david_soulsby@ redlands.edu; L. J. Anna, laura.anna@ millersville.edu NSF-Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Curriculum. S. Hixson, shixson@ nsf.gov Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL). R. Moog, [email protected] Research in Chemical Education. C. Russell, [email protected]; G. Bhattacharyya, [email protected] Successful Student Chapter Posters.

CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY Program Chairs: D. M. Decker, Office of Environmental Health & Safety, U of California, Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis, CA 96516, (530) 754-7964, dmdecker@ ucdavis.edu; L. M. Stroud, Science & Safety Consulting Services, 2808 Rue Sans Famille, Raleigh, NC 27607, (919) 270-2914, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Challenges of Design, Construction & Transitioning to Operations for New Laboratory Facilities (Cosponsored with CCS). J. Pickel, [email protected]; K. Jeskie, [email protected] Chemical Health & Safety Poster Session. F. Wood-Black, [email protected] Escondido House: How To Safely Blow Up a House (Cosponsored with CCS). N. Langerman, [email protected] It’s Not All About PowerPoint: Latest & Greatest Techniques for Engaging Adult Learners in Safety Training (Cosponsored with CCS). D. M. Decker Research Operations: Supporting the Whole Research Project (Cosponsored with CCS). J. Pickel; K. Jeskie

Abstracts due Oct. 17. Beyond the Database: New Models of Scholarship in an eScience World. P. Bourne, [email protected] CINF Scholarship for Scientific Excellence. G. Grethe, [email protected] CINFlash. R. Guha, [email protected] Drug Polypharmacology Design & Prediction. S. Zhang, [email protected] General Papers. R. Bienstock How Good Are Computational Methods for Drug Design?: How Many Drugs Were Successfully Designed as a Result of a Computational Method? O. Ravitz, orr. [email protected] InChI Symposium. A. Tropsha, alex_tropsha@ unc.edu; A. J. Williams, antony.williams@ chemspider.com Instruction Tools for Chemical Information. C. Huber, [email protected] Joint CINF-CSA Trust Symposium: Beyond Small Molecules: Pushing the Envelope for Chemical Structure Representation. K. Taylor, [email protected] Mobile Space & EBooks. R. Apodaca, [email protected] Reaction Searching. D. Evans, david.evans@ reedelsevier.ch; R. Schenck, rschenck@ cas.org Research Assessment. A. Twiss-Brooks, [email protected]; L. Solla, leah. [email protected] Systems Chemical Biology: What Is Systems Chemical Biology? E. Kajosalo, kajosalo@ mit.edu; J. Kuras, [email protected]; T. Oprea, [email protected]

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY Will not meet in San Diego.

CHEMISTRY & THE LAW Program Chairs: J. Hasford, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, 901 New York Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20001, [email protected]; K. Bianco, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, 901 New York Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20001, krista. [email protected] Abstracts due Nov. 7. The Many Faces of CHAL: Where Chemistry Meets the Law. J. Hasford, K. Bianco

COLLOID & SURFACE CHEMISTRY Program Chair: R. Nagarajan, Molecular Sciences & Engineering Team, Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center (NSRDEC), 15 Kansas St., Natick, MA 01760, (508) 233-6445, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 31. Basic Research in Surfactants, Colloids & Nanomaterials. R. Nagarajan Biocidal Materials & Interfaces. J. Wynne, [email protected]; K. Schanze, [email protected] Biomembrane Structure, Mechanics & Dynamics. N. Srividya, narayanan_srivid@ wsu.edu; S. Muralidharan, subra.murali@ wsu.edu Fundamental Research in Colloid & Surface Science. R. Nagarajan


Fundamentals & Applications of Particles at Fluid Interfaces. R. Tilton, tilton@andrew. cmu.edu Interactions of Colloidal & Nanoparticles with Textiles & Fibers. J. P. Hinestroza, [email protected]; R. Nagarajan Nanomaterials & the Environment: Chemistry & Materials Science Perspective. D. Fairbrother, [email protected]; G. Brown, [email protected]; R. Hamers, [email protected]; R. Penn, rleepenn@ umn.edu; V. Grassian, vicki-grassian@ uiowa.edu Nanoparticle Enhanced Spectroscopy. A. Haes, [email protected] Novel Surface Science Techniques Probing Solid-Liquid & Biological Interfaces. Proteins at Interfaces. Surface Chemistry in Oncology. L. Nagahara, [email protected]

COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY Program Chairs: E. X. Esposito, exeResearch LLC, 32 University Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823, (517) 639-0684, [email protected]; S. Wildman, Washington U of St. Louis, Biochemistry, Box 8231, 660 S. Euclid Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110, [email protected] Abstracts due Nov. 1. Advancement of Computational Approaches in Pharmaceutical SolidState Chemistry. Applications of Computational Methods to Environmentally Sustainable Solutions. G. Fitzgerald, [email protected] Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award. C. Simmerling, carlos.simmerling@ stonybrook.edu Collaborative Open Source Drug Discovery for Neglected Diseases. J. Jansen, [email protected]; R. Amaro, [email protected]; W. Cornell, wendy_ [email protected]; Y. Tseng, yjtseng@ csie.ntu.edu.tw Computational Approaches to Spectroscopy Analysis. E. X. Esposito Computational Study of Water. E. X. Esposito Data Science (Informatics). E. X. Esposito Drug Discovery. S. Wildman; Y. Tseng Hewlett-Packard Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. C. Simmerling Integrating Theory & Experiment for Discovering the Fundamental Chemistry of the Li-Air Battery System. Y. Xu, xuy2@ ornl.gov Integration of Computer Simulation with Experiments. E. Bittner, [email protected]; R. Faller, [email protected] Material Science. E. X. Esposito Membranes. M. Feig, [email protected] Methods & Applications in Structure-Based Design for Building Novel Molecules. S. Singh, [email protected] Molecular Mechanics. M. Feig Molecular Simulations of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels & the Mechanism of General Anesthesia. Natural Product (Like) Scaffolds for Drug Discovery. J. Bikker, [email protected] Perspectives in Applied Computational Methods. C. Bancale, cynthia@eyesopen. com; R. Alvarez, [email protected] Peter Kollman Graduate Award in Supercomputing. C. Simmerling Poster Session. E. X. Esposito Quantum Chemistry. E. Patterson, epatters@ truman.edu Rational Drug Design. Structural Bioinformatics. M. Landon, [email protected] Symposium in Honor of Andy McCammon. J. D. Madura, [email protected] Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award. A. Nicholls, [email protected]; G. Skillman, [email protected]


AUGUST 2 2 , 20 1 1

ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Program Chair: S. R. Al-Abed, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268, (513) 569-7849, al-abed.souhail@ epa.gov Abstracts due Oct. 17. Beyond & Through the Body: Fate of Past & Present Medicines & Personal Care Products. D. Garshott, garshodm@ udmercy.edu; M. Benvenuto, benvenma@ udmercy.edu Bioassay-Directed Chemical Analysis: Exploring the Unknown Unknowns. K. Maruya, [email protected]; S. Snyder, [email protected] Biofuels: A Friendlier Alternative for the Environment & Health? J. De Andrade, [email protected] Chemistry in Water Treatment & Purification. G. Rytwo, [email protected] Current Issues in Atmospheric Chemistry. A. Asa-Awuku, [email protected]; D. Cocker, [email protected]; W. Goliff, wendyg@ engr.ucr.edu Emerging Environmental Contaminants: Chemistry & Toxicology. D. Dionysiou, [email protected]; M. Plewa, [email protected]; S. Richardson, [email protected]; X. Li, xingfang. [email protected] Environmental Applications & Ecological Implications of Nanotubes, Nanowires & Fullerenes. D. Dionysiou; G. Li Puma, [email protected]; J. Fortner, jfortner@ wustl.edu; K. Chen, [email protected]; P. Alvarez, [email protected] Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry. R. Austin, [email protected] Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World. D. Robert, [email protected]; E. Lichtfouse, [email protected]. fr; J. Schwarzbauer, schwarzbauer@lek. rwth-aachen.de Environmental Chemistry Issues Related to Natural Disasters. K. Valsaraj, [email protected]; R. R. Kommalapati, [email protected] Environmental Fate of Dispersants Used in Oil Spills. F. Rosario, fernando.rosario@ colorado.edu; K. Linden Environmental Materials. T. Mallouk, tom@ chem.psu.edu Fundamental Science & Technological Applications of Bioelectrochemical Systems. H. Lee, [email protected]; M. El-Naggar, [email protected] General Posters. S. Al-Abed Innovative Tools for Assessing Subsurface Chemistry & Biochemistry In Situ. K. McClellan, [email protected]; R. U. Halden, [email protected] Microbial & Biochemical Transformations of Emerging Contaminants. L. Colosi, [email protected]; Q. Huang, qhuang@ uga.edu Nanomaterial Interaction on Biological Interfaces. J. Fortner, [email protected]; N. Saleh, [email protected]; S. Hussain, [email protected] Nanoparticles at Key Environmental Interfaces. S. Mylon, [email protected]; S. Walker, [email protected] Nanoscale-Enhanced Environmental Technologies. A. Sotto, [email protected]; B. Van der Bruggen, bart.vanderbruggen@ cit.kuleuven.be; J. Kim, jeonghwankim@ inha.ac.kr; P. Luis, patricia.luis@cit. kuleuven.be Sorption & Transformation of Contaminants in Natural Soil Environment. C. Gu, [email protected]


Note: Contact information for program chairs and symposium organizers is indicated only once in each listing. Special Symposium in Honor of Martin Reinhard (Cosponsored with GEOC). C. J. Werth, [email protected]; G. Lowry, glowry@ cmu.edu; P. Grathwohl, grathwohl@ uni-tuebingen.de; Y. Fujita, yoshiko.fujita@ inl.gov Sustainability & Water Reclamation. S. Ahuja, [email protected] Sustainable Processes in Remedial Investigations & Applications. A. Cooper, [email protected]; C. Clark, [email protected]

FLUORINE CHEMISTRY Program Chair: M. Etzkorn, UNC Charlotte, Dept. of Chemistry, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, (704) 687-4443, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 24. ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry. M. Etzkorn Fluorine-18 Radiochemistry. H. Van Brocklin, [email protected]; N. Vasdev, [email protected] Poster Session. M. Etzkorn

FUEL CHEMISTRY Program Chair: Y. Hu, Michigan Technology U, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931, (906) 487-2261, yunhangh@ mtu.edu Abstracts due Nov. 1. Advances in Energy & Fuel Processes, Systems, Materials & Utilizations (Cosponsored with PETR). Y. Hu Catalysis for Clean Energy Technologies (Cosponsored with PETR). C. Liu, coronacj@ tju.edu.cn; C. Song, [email protected]; R. Glaeser, [email protected] CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion & Utilization (Cosponsored with PETR). N. Rosi, [email protected]; P. Thallapally, praveen. [email protected]; S. Deng, sdeng@ nmsu.edu Fuels, Chemicals, Materials & Energy from Biomass, Coal, Natural Gas & Other Natural Resources (Cosponsored with PETR). D. Wang, [email protected]; G. Cao, [email protected]; J. Hwang, [email protected]; M. Nimlos, mark. [email protected] Hydrogen Production & Application. J. Yang, [email protected]; X. Wang, xianqin. [email protected]; Y. Chen, yongsheng30@ hotmail.com Materials & Catalysis in Fuel Cells (Cosponsored with PETR). P. Atanassov, plamen@ unm.edu; W. Li, [email protected]; W. Lin, [email protected] Microtechnologies for Energy & Fuels (Cosponsored with PETR). D. Meng, dmeng@ mtu.edu; J. Guo, [email protected] Nanotechnology for a Sustainable Energy Economy (Cosponsored with PETR). S. Qiao, [email protected]; U. Burghaus, [email protected]; Y. Hu Solar Energy Conversion & Utilization for Fuels & Energy Production (Cosponsored with PETR). C. Aikens, christine. [email protected]; C. Liu; S. Kar, s.kar@ neu.edu

Symposium in Memory of James A. Franz for His Scientific Contributions (Cosponsored with PETR). T. Autrey, tom. [email protected] Theory & Simulation in Energy Production, Storage & Utilization (Cosponsored with PETR). J. Wang, [email protected]; P. Liu, [email protected]; Q. Ge, qge@ chem.siu.edu Ultraclean Fuels Production & Utilization (Cosponsored with PETR). E. Fox, elise. [email protected]; Z. Liu, [email protected]

GEOCHEMISTRY Program Chair: R. L. Penn, U of Minnesota, 139 Smith Hall, 207 Pleasant St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612) 626-4680, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Atmospheric & Geochemical Interfaces. Bioweathering Controls on Contaminant Dynamics: Model Systems to Complex Field Sites. Chemical Evolution on Earth. Computational Chemistry for Geochemistry. Coupled Microbial-Chemical Processes & Their Impact on Mineral Formation & Metal Transformation. Fate of Petroleum in the Marine Environment: Lessons Learned Two Years After the Deepwater Horizon Incident. Redox Processes of Bioactive Molecules in Aquatic Environments. Redox Transformations of Metals in Sediments.

HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY Program Chair: S. C. Rasmussen, Dept. of Chemistry & Molecular Biology, North Dakota State U, NDSU Dept. 2735, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050, (701) 231-8747, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 28. The Double Bind: Minority Women in Science & Update 37 Years Later (Cosponsored with CMA & WCC). J. Brown, [email protected] HIST Tutorial & General Papers. S. C. Rasmussen SpringerBriefs History of Chemistry Launch Symposium. S. C. Rasmussen

INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Program Chair: M. K. Moore, Eastman Chemical Co., P.O. Box 431, Kingsport, TN 37662, (423) 229-1911, mkmoore@ eastman.com Abstracts due Oct. 17. 10th Symposium on Nanotechnology & the Environment: Green Technology Symposium in Honor of Dr. Barbara Karn & Professor Stanislaus S. Wong. V. Sharma, [email protected] Chemistry, Process Design & Safety for the Nitration Industry. C. Evans, [email protected]; R. Odle, roy.odle@ sabic-ip.com; T. Guggenheim, thomas. [email protected] E. V. Murphree Award. M. Moore Fundamentals & Applications in Hydrometallurgy: From the Molecule to the Process. A. Chagnes, alexandre-chagnes@ens. chimie-paristech.fr; B. Hay, haybp@ornl. gov; B. Moyer, [email protected]; G. Cote, [email protected] General Papers. J. Engelman, JHEngelman@ gmail.com; M. Moore General Posters. J. Engelman, M. Moore


Green Solvents & Ionic Liquids as the Next Generation of Green Solvents. R. Jha, [email protected] Ionic Liquids: Science & Applications. A. Visser, [email protected]; N. Bridges, [email protected]; R. Rogers, [email protected] Joe Breen: Green Student Poster Session. M. Kirchhoff, [email protected] Microalgae-Derived Products (Cosponsored with CELL). J. Laszlo, Joe.Laszlo@ars. usda.gov Separation & Science Award. M. Moore Symposium in Honor of Mark Vineyard: Industrial & Engineering Applied Chemical Technology Fellow. J. Zoeller, jzoeller@ eastman.com; M. Moore Symposium in Honor of Lawrence L. Taylarides: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fellow. C. Tsouris, [email protected] Symposium in Honor of Robin D. Rogers: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fellow. A. Myerson, [email protected]; R. Rogers, [email protected] Undergraduates Collaborating for the Future. E. Ledesma, [email protected] Waste Forms for Environmental Remediation. D. Hobbs, [email protected]; J. McCloy, [email protected]; K. Fox, [email protected]

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Program Chairs: N. Radu, DuPont, P.O. Box 80328, Wilmington, DE 19880, [email protected]; S. Koch, State U of New York, Stony Brook, Chemistry Dept., Chemistry Rm. 675, Stony Brook, NY 11794, koch.stephen@ gmail.com Abstracts due Oct. 24. Bioinorganic Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Koch Chemical Interactions of Metal-Related Therapeutic Drugs. C. Verani, cnverani@ chem.wayne.edu; M. Lim, mhlim@umich. edu Chemistry of Materials. (Oral & Poster submissions.) C. Lugmair, claus.lugmair@ sud-chemie.com Coordination Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) D. Crans, crans@lamar. colostate.edu Early Transition Metal Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Koch Electrochemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) B. Lucht, [email protected] Emerging Developments in Nanomaterials for Energy Applications. J. Pietryga, [email protected]; M. Kanatzidis, [email protected] Environmental & Energy Related Inorganic Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Koch Inorganic Catalysts. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Koch Inorganic Spectroscopy. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Ronco, [email protected] Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. De Bettencourt Dias, [email protected] Late Transition Metal Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) S. Koch Main Group Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) N. Radu Nanoscience. (Oral & Poster submissions.) R. Richards, [email protected]; S. Wong, [email protected] Nanostructured Electronic Materials. (Oral & Poster submissions.) G. Girolami, [email protected]; L. McElwee-White, [email protected] Organometallic Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) N. Radu


AUGUST 2 2 , 20 1 1

Sustainable Inorganic Chemistry. C. Mehnert, christain.p.mehnert@exxonmobil. com; I. T. Horvath, [email protected]; R. Eagling, [email protected] Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry. (Oral & Poster submissions.) B. Reisner, [email protected]; J. Stewart, [email protected]

MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Program Chair: J. Barrish, Immunology & Metabolic Diseases Chemistry, Bristol-Myers Squibb R&D, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 27. Breaking into New Chemical & Physicochemical Space: Conceptions, Implications & Novel Directions. A. Jordan, [email protected] CETP Inhibition: A Promising Way To Reduce Cardiovascular Risk or a Poor Choice? A. Ali, [email protected] Challenges in Phenotypic Whole-Cell HighThroughput Screening & Medicinal Chemistry Optimization of Hits: Strategies to Discover Novel Antiparasitic & Antimycobacterial Agents. J. Butera, [email protected] Desktop Modeling for Medicinal Chemists: Has It Come of Age? D. Ortwine, ortwine. [email protected] Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 1 (DGAT-1) & Metabolic Diseases. First-Time Disclosures. General Oral Session. J. Barrish General Poster Session. J. Barrish GPCR Drug Discovery, High-Resolution Structures & Modeling. K. A. Jacobson, [email protected] GPCR Signaling Revisited with Biased Ligands. B. McKittrick, brian.mckittrick@ spcorp.com; C. Correll, craig.correll@ merck.com New Concepts for Combating Bacterial Resistance. N. Peet, [email protected]; T. Bannister, [email protected] Playing Well With Others: Successful Collaborations between Pharma & Academia. C. J. Thomas, [email protected] Schizophrenia. C. Dzierba, carolyn.dzierba@ bms.com Strategies, SAR & Case Studies on Clearance. L. Di, [email protected] Update on Treating Alzheimer’s Disease. J. Macor, [email protected]

NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGY Program chair unavailable at press time. Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Program Chairs: A. F. Abdel-Magid, Chemical Development, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development (Retired), Spring House, PA 19477, (215) 913-7202, [email protected]; R. Gawley, U of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry, 119 Chemistry, Fayetteville, AR 72701, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Biologically Related Molecules & Processes. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. AbdelMagid, R. Gawley Chemistry of Life. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley

Heterocycles & Aromatics. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Material, Devices & Switches. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Metal-Mediated Reactions & Syntheses. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. AbdelMagid, R. Gawley Molecular Recognition & Self-Assembly. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. AbdelMagid, R. Gawley Nanostructured Electronic Materials. G. Girolami, [email protected]; L. McElwee-White, [email protected] New Reactions & Methodology. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Peptides, Proteins & Amino Acids. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations, Mechanisms, Photochemistry & HighEnergy Species. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Playing Ball: Molecular Recognition & Modern Physical Organic Chemistry. C. Nuckolls, [email protected]; D. Johnson, [email protected]; F. Hof, [email protected] Recent Progress & Applications of Multicomponent Reactions. A. Doemling, [email protected] Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules. (Oral & Poster submissions.) A. Abdel-Magid, R. Gawley Understanding Additions to Alkenes. D. Nelson, [email protected]

PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY Program Chair: T. H. Gardner, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 3610 Collins Ferry Rd., P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, WV 26507, (304) 285-4226, todd. [email protected] Abstracts due Nov. 14. 9th International Symposium on Heavy Oil Upgrading, Production & Characterization (Cosponsored with FUEL). J. Schabron, [email protected]; L. Kraus, [email protected]; P. Rahimi, [email protected]; P. Robinson, [email protected] Advances in X-to-Liquids Technologies (X=Coal, Natural Gas & Biomass): Chemistry, Reactor & Process Design (Cosponsored with FUEL). N. Elbashir, [email protected]; T. Gardner; W. de Jong, [email protected] Chemistry of Petroleum & Emerging Technologies (Cosponsored with FUEL). (Oral & Poster submissions.) T. Gardner High-Throughput Screening Approaches for Catalyst Discovery & Optimization (Cosponsored with CATL & FUEL). A. Gellman, [email protected]; J. Miller, [email protected] Life & Death of Catalysts (Cosponsored with CATL & FUEL). L. Thompson, ltt@ umich.edu; S. Oyama, [email protected]; T. Gardner Novel Materials for Catalysis & Fuels Processing (Cosponsored with CATL & FUEL). M. Kidder, [email protected] Renewable Resources for Fuels & Chemicals (Cosponsored with FUEL). C. Hsu, hsu@ magnet.fsu.edu; K. Fjare, kristi.a.fjare@ conocophillips.com Selective Oxidation (Cosponsored with FUEL). A. Gaffney, [email protected]; I. Hermans, [email protected]; S. Oyama Water Photolysis for Hydrogen (Cosponsored with FUEL).


POLY/PMSE Plenary Lecture & Awards Reception (Cosponsored with PMSE). Polymers in Organized Assemblies. S. Boyes, [email protected] Silicones VI. S. Clarson, stephenclarson@ gmail.com Undergraduate Research in Polymer Chemistry.

Program Chair: M. Gruebele, U of Illinois, Chemistry SCI, 600 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, (217) 333-1624, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Current Views on Secondary Structure. A. Garcia, [email protected]; F. Gai, gai@sas. upenn.edu; S. Decatur, sean.decatur@ oberlin.edu From Geochemistry to Biochemistry & the Origin of Life. S. Mansy, mansy@science. unitn.it; U. Muller, [email protected]; V. Vaida, [email protected] Frontiers in Heterogeneous Catalysis. R. Rousseau, [email protected]; Z. Dohnalek, [email protected] Nonadiabatic Dynamics: Surface Hopping & Beyond. O. Prezhdo, prezhdo@u. washington.edu; X. Li, [email protected] Physical Chemistry Awards Symposium. M. Gruebele Physical Chemistry of CO2 Separation. A. Bhown, [email protected]; W. Schneider, [email protected] Physical Chemistry Poster Session. M. Gruebele Single Molecules: Theory Meets Experiment. J. Cao, [email protected]; R. Dickson, [email protected] Water-Mediated Chemical Assembly. D. Ben-Amotz, [email protected]; D. Matyushov, [email protected]

POLYMERIC MATERIALS: SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Program Chairs: A. Nelson, IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120, (408) 927-2449, alshak@ us.ibm.com; J. Pyun, U of Arizona, Dept. of Chemistry, 1306 E. University Blvd., P.O. Box 210041, Tucson, AZ 85721-0041, (520) 626-1834, [email protected]. edu; C. M. Stafford, Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards & Technology, MS 8542, 100 Bureau Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (301) 9754368, [email protected]

POLYMER CHEMISTRY Program Chairs: S. Iacono, U.S. Air Force Academy, Dept. of Chemistry, 2355 Fairchild Dr. Ste. 2M257, USAF Academy, CO 80840, [email protected]; S. LinGibson, NIST, 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8543, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, slgibson@nist. gov; J. Youngblood, Purdue U, 501 Northwestern Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47907, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. 11th International Symposium on Biorelated Polymers. R. Ottenbrite, ottenbrite@ vcu.org Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research. C. Ellison, [email protected]; C. Landry-Coltrain, christine.landry-coltrain@ kodak.com; T. Long, [email protected] Federally Funded Polymers Research (Cosponsored with PMSE). K. Beers, [email protected] Frontiers in Polymer Characterization. M. Dadmun, [email protected]; T. Seery, seery@ mail.ims.uconn.edu General Topics: New Synthesis & Characterization of Polymers. D. Garcia, dana. [email protected] Glycopeptide Polymers. S. Lecommandoux, [email protected]; T. Deming, [email protected] Herman J. Mark Polymer Chemistry Award: Symposium in Honor of Krzysztof Matyjaszewski. Ion-Containing Polymers. K. Wynne, kjwynne@ vcu.edu; R. Weiss, [email protected] Memorial Symposium in Honor of Samuel J. Huang. R. Kasi, [email protected]; R. Weiss Next-Generation Renewable Polymers (Cosponsored with PMSE). C. Tang, tang.c@ chem.sc.edu; G. W. Coates, gc39@cornell. edu; M. Hillmyer, [email protected] Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award. Photocleavable Polymers & Block Copolymers. E. Coughlin, [email protected]. umass.edu; P. Theato, [email protected] Poly(2-oxazoline)s & Related PseudoPolypeptide Structures. H. Schlaad, [email protected]; R. Hoogenboom, [email protected]; S. Grayson, [email protected]


Abstracts due Oct. 17. Biochemically Responsive Polymers. J. Cha, [email protected]; N. Gianneschi, [email protected] Cooperative Research Award Symposium. S. C. Jana, [email protected] Fire & Polymers. A. Morgan, alexander. [email protected]; C. Wilkie, [email protected] General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric Materials. D. Martin, [email protected] Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session. D. Martin Nanofabricated Surfaces: Techniques, Materials & Applications. J. Watkins, [email protected] PMSE Fellows Symposium. J. Grunlan, [email protected]; Q. Lin, [email protected]. com Polymer-Based Hybrid Materials for Energy Conversion, Storage & Transmission. C. Luscombe, [email protected] Responsive Nanostructured Materials via Self-Assembly. A. Voronov, [email protected]; L. Ionov, [email protected]; O. Sydorenko, [email protected] Self-Assembled Nanostructures of Biopolymers, Organic Semiconductors & Inorganics. H. Heinz, hendrik.heinz@ uakron.edu; J. Gilman, [email protected]; J. Luettmer-Strathmann, jutta@uakron. edu; R. Berry, [email protected]

PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS Program Chair: R. D. Libby, Chemistry Dept., Moravian College, 1200 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18018, (610) 861-1436, [email protected]

Best Practices for Entrepreneurs Panel Discussion (Cosponsored with CEPA, COMSCI & PROF). J. Sabol Chemical Entrepreneurs Poster Session (Cosponsored with CEPA). J. Sabol The Emerging Biofuels Industry (Cosponsored with CEPA & COMSCI). W. Hago, [email protected] Exponential Technologies: Disruptive Influences & Rapid Advancements in Chemistry (Cosponsored with CEPA & COMSCI). L. Butters, [email protected] Making a Science Fellowship Part of Your Career Path Panel Discussion (Cosponsored with CEPA & PROF). J. Sabol Nanotechnology at a Crossroads: Transitioning from the Research Phase to the Business Phase (Cosponsored with CEPA). C. Bandes, [email protected] True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs (Cosponsored with CEPA, COMSCI & PROF). S. Seelig, SSSeelig@ aol.com

COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT Program chair unavailable at press time. Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

COMMITTEE ON MINORITY AFFAIRS Program Chair: J. Sarquis, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Miami U, 1514 Lupine Rd., Healdsburg, CA 95448, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17.

COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE Program Chair: D. Nelson, U of Oklahoma, Dept. of Chemistry, 620 Parrington Oval, Norman, OK 73019, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17. Toward Sustainable Biofuels. H. Taft, htaft@ att.net

INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Program Chairs: M. Hurrey, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, 130 Waverly St., Cambridge, MA 02139, [email protected]; D. Nelson, U of Oklahoma, Dept. of Chemistry, 620 Parrington Oval, Norman, OK 73019, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17.

Abstracts due Oct. 17. Chemistry Education: The Case for Business Skills (Cosponsored with CEPA & SCHB). C. Bannochie, cj.bannochie@srnl. doe.gov; J. Sabol, jsabol@chem-consult. com; L. Balbes, [email protected]

RUBBER DIVISION Will not meet in San Diego.

SMALL CHEMICAL BUSINESSES Program Chair: J. E. Sabol, P.O. Box 085198, Racine, WI 53408-5198, (262) 498-8005, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17.


WOMEN CHEMISTS COMMITTEE Program Chairs: J. M. Iriarte-Gross, Dept. of Chemistry, Middle Tennessee State U, MTSU Box X161, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, (615) 904-8253, [email protected]; A. Charlebois, Fairleigh Dickinson U, Dept. of Chemistry, M-Sb1-01, 285 Madison Ave., Madison, NJ 07940, [email protected] Abstracts due Oct. 17.

YOUNGER CHEMISTS COMMITTEE Program chair unavailable at press time. Abstract due date unavailable at press time.

AUGUST 2 2 , 20 1 1