Credit for this tremendous increase in efficiency goes to the speed and ... Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card. NEW EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. New S...
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To reduce cost of blending New Silicone for 2 0 0 dry powder formulas One-Shot Foam Process Silicone-glycol copolymer, Dow from 5 2 r a w materials Corning 199, facilitates production, yields fine cell structure, and helps

Silica Sol Concentrate of silica sol contain­ ing 49 to 5 0 % by weight of silica is commercially available. In this concentration, Nalcoag 1050 per­ mits savings through reduction of storage, handling, and freight costs. Dept. IEC, Nalco Chemical Co., 6216 West 66th Place, Chicago 88, III. 32 Hydrogénation Catalyst Palladium-carbon catalyst is offered for use in processes requiring a high activity liquid phase hydrogénation catalyst. Catalyst is offered in standard grade 936 and in a special low soda grade 937. Samples are available for laboratory evaluation. Dept. IEC, Davison Chemical Division, W. R. Grace & Co., Baltimore 8, Md. 33


PNEUMATIC SYSTEM P u s h b u t t o n b l e n d i n g of over 200 different dry p o w d e r for­ m u l a s , from 52 r a w m a t e r i a l s a t D e a r b o r n Chemical Com­ p a n y is credited with a 1300% increase in m a n p o w e r effici­ ency. 98,000,000 lbs. a y e a r of diverse formulas for w a t e r con­ ditioning a n d corrosion control can now be t u r n e d out by six­ teen operating and maintenence personnel a t t h e D e a r b o r n plant. This r a t e of 6,125,000 lbs. p e r m a n per y e a r is con­ t r a s t e d with the r a t e of 438,500 lbs. per man p e r y e a r a t t h e i r old p l a n t . Credit for this t r e m e n d o u s increase in efficiency goes to t h e speed a n d a u t o m a t i o n of the Sprout-Waldron pneumatic h a n d l i n g system. This air t r a n s ­ fer system h a n d l e s t h e dry chemicals a t r a t e s to 80,000 lbs. per hour over a 25 ft. hori­ zontal r u n a n d a 69 ft. lift. S p r o u t - W a l d r o n positive a n d negative pressure systems a r e h e l p i n g industry cut costs a n d speed h a n d l i n g . F u r t h e r spe­ cific information can be found in Bulletins 18-F a n d 208-A. Copies available on request. CW/106

SPROUT-WALDRON Muncy, Pennsylvania Size Reduction · Size Classification · Mixing Bulk Materials Handling · Pelleting Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card 88 A

Nonionic Surfactants

Firm cell structure and fine uniform cell distribution are features of Dow Corn­ ing 1 99, additive for one-shot polyure­ thane formulations

produce low density foam for oneshot polyurethane process. Dow Corning 199 is now commercially available, and samples will be sent to any polyurethane foam producer on request. Dept. I EC, The Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. 30 Polyesters Resist Glacial Acetic Acid Hetron 72 polyester resin, one of a line of chlorinated polyesters, of­ fers advantages in both temperature and chemical resistance for tanks, piping, scrubbers, columns, duct­ work, and similar equipment. H e ­ tron 72 is particularly resistant to glacial acetic acid, in contrast to more conventional polyesters. Dept. IEC, Hooker Chemical Corp., Box 844, Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ. 31


New nonionic surface-active agents, alkyl phenol-based ethylene oxide condensates, are now in commercial production. New products, marketed as an addition to the Sterox line, offer several combinations of properties not previously Monsanto available. Dept. IEC, Chemical Co., 800 North Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis 66, Mo. 34 n-Butyronitrile Commercial process developed for producing n-butyronitrile, a specialty solvent and intermediate, makes development quantities available in drum lots a t a price of $1 per pound. Sample quantities and further information are also available. Dept. IEC, Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tenn. 35 Corrosion Control Two new coating systems for simplified corrosion control have been introduced. Field tests with largeLore information is as near as your mailbox!

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