SSIE Research Information Packages - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 24, 2012 - SSIE Research Information Packages. Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46 (12), pp 1050A–1050A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60348a783. Publication Date: October ...
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would not have this general requirement. Records, demonstrations, and exhibits are described briefly to show what is required in maintaining a laboratory. The remainder of the book has to do with the training of technicians, how to keep experimental records, and the use of technical literature. These are brief but present enough on the subject to give the basic material required. The book will be most valuable for the person who has no experience and finds himself in the position of having to plan for a laboratory building. I was disappointed that the author did not include more information on technical administration and believe the experienced laboratory person will find this book of little use.

New Books Advances in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Vol 1. J. A. S. Smith, Ed. xv + 434 pages. Sadtler Research Laboratories Inc., Book Division, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 1974. $39.50

The first volume of this new review series devoted to all aspects of chemical, physical, and theoretical nuclear quadrupole spectroscopy presents the papers given at the International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, September 28-29, 1972, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London, England. Major topics covered include halogen resonances, structure and molecular motion, instruments and new techniques, conformational effects, lattice effects, metal resonances, deuteron quadrupole coupling constants, and 14 N quadrupole resonance. Attention is paid to the increasing importance of NQR in inorganic chemistry without detracting from the applications in organic and biochemistry.

Quantitative Thin Layer Chromatography. Joseph C. Touchstone, Ed. xiv + 330 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1973. $14.95

This multi-authored volume is based on material presented at a symposium on quantitative thin layer chromatography held in Philadelphia in December 1970 and a similar sym-

posium sponsored by the American Oil Chemist's Society in November 1971. To make the book more complete, new authors and subjects were added. The text is reproduced from typed copy.

Systematic Materials Analysis, Vol 1. J. H. Richardson and R. V. Peterson, Eds. xix + 363 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1974. $28

This multivolume work is intended to provide a central source of information on the latest techniques available to materials analysts and to give the reader both theoretical and practical knowledge of a broad range of instrumental methods for a complete analysis. The initial chapter focuses on the selection of analytical methods based on specimen limitations and the information desired. Detailed flow charts list and arrange the entire spectrum of analytical instrumentation to permit the selection of the best method(s). Subsequent chapters focus on specific instruments with emphasis on the practical application of each method, including sample requirements, selectivity, sensitivity, and data output. This first volume covers alpha-particle spectrometry, Auger electron spectrometry, electron diffraction—high energy (HEED) and low energy (LEED), electron microprobe, electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry, fluorometry, infrared spectrometry, and liquid chromatography.

Batteries, Vol 1: Manganese Dioxide. Karl V. Kordesch, Ed. xi + 566 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $47.50

The progress in technology of batteries in the past 10 years has prompted the editor of this series to collect and publish the available information. According to the editor, "This specialized literature is often difficult to obtain, even for technical men. A critical selection is necessary to avoid getting lost in the details." The first volume, "Manganese Dioxide," is dedicated to the most important primary battery system. The text is reproduced from typed copy.

SSIE Research Information Packages To order the following, write to SSIE, Inc., Room 300, 1730 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. (Include code number and title. Add 10% postage and handling for orders outside the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.)


FC01S Chemical Information Storage and Retrieval: Chemical compounds classification, chemical structure indexing, computerized chemical information processing systems, chemical data compilation, etc. $35 JK08S Research and Development of Advanced Data Acquisition Systems. $35 KC04S Interface and Technology Studies of Systems for Data Transmission. $35 KC12S Digital Encoding Systems and Digital Computer Simulation for Automatic Pattern Recognition Systems. $35 KC23S Software for Anaiog-to-Digital or Digital-to-Analog Conversion Studies: AD or DA converter applications. $35 KC37S Interfacing between Computer and Peripheral Equipment. $25 BA13S Bioindicators of Water Quality in Freshwater Lakes and Reservoirs. $35 FA05S Oil Pollution Cleanup: Analysis, separation, and removal of oil from sources such as spills, industrial wastes, etc. $45 FA12S Determination of Organic Substances in Natural Water: Detection and analysis of pesticides, oil, hydrocarbons, etc. $45 FA13S Mercury as a Water Pollutant: Analytical techniques for the detection of Hg levels in fish and water, physiological effects on fish, and potential as a human health hazard. $45 FA14S Lead as a Pollutant: Analysis and removal of lead from air, water, or wastes, plus the sources of the pollutant and related biological studies. $45 FA15S Chemical Oxygen Demand. $35 FA23S Nitrilotriacetic Acid: Analysis, effects, and fate in waters. $35 FA62S Oxides of Nitrogen in Air Pollution: Detection, control, and photochemical reactions involving nitrogen oxides in air pollution. $45 FA65S Sulfur Dioxide in Air: Analysis and removal of sulfur oxides from air by various chemical and physical processes. $45 FL01S Chemiluminescence. $35 FL07S Pulse Radiolysis. $25 FN06S Ion-Exchange Systems: Theory and applications. $45 LA34S Particulate Air Pollutants: Instrumentation and techniques for the detection, sampling, analysis, and control of solid effluents in the atmosphere owing to automobile and power plant emissions, incineration, and various industrial processes (including dust in mine atmospheres). $55 LA35S Atmospheric Sampling and Analytic Devices for Monitoring and Detection of Pollutants. $35