Stability and Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environment: A

Apr 17, 2013 - NPs have a wide range of applications in industries such as textiles, household .... Decreases were 30 % and 40 % in CM-10 and CM-1 med...
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Chapter 10

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Stability and Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environment: A Review Virender K. Sharma* Department of Chemistry, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida 32901, U.S.A. *E-mail: [email protected]

The stability of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) influences their fate, transport, and toxicity in the aquatic environment. This review discusses solutions parameters, which are largely responsible for the stability of AgNPs in biological and natural environments. The coating of chemical material onto AgNPs leads to their stabilization in which the surface charge plays a significant role. High molecular weight materials (e.g. polyvinyl pyrrolidone, PVP and natural organic matter, NOM) tend to stabilize the AgNPs. Citrate-coated AgNPs are usually stable for a few days while AgNPs in solutions of Ag+ and humic acid (or fulvic acid) are stable for several months. Solution pH, ionic strength, and ionic constituents control the aggregation of AgNPs. Numerous studies on the toxicity of AgNPs to microorganisms, plants, and human cells have been performed, but understanding the mechanisms of toxic effects are still in progress. Release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during dissolution and interactions of particles with surface cell components may be involved in the toxic effects of AgNPs. Progress on the applications of proteomic and toxiconomic techniques in understanding the mechanism of toxic effects of AgNPs is briefly discussed.

© 2013 American Chemical Society In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Introduction In recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the production of nanoparticles (NPs) and the estimated economy of NPs will be about a trillion dollar by 2015 (1, 2). NPs have a wide range of applications in industries such as textiles, household products, foods, aerospace, health care, energy, communication, and chemicals (3). The textile industry has recognized the importance of using NPs in enhancing the strain and water resistance and in increasing the ability of molecules to absorb dyes (4). Examples of NPs in the textile industry are silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which possess antimicrobial, and antibacterial activities (4, 5). The use of NPs in the environmental remediation field has also been demonstrated (6). The presence of NPs in the wastewater could thus be from human activities. There are also naturally occurring NPs (iron oxides and carbon black) (7). Among the NPs consumer products, AgNPs-containing materials represent the largest group (more than 50 %) (8). The widespread use of AgNPs may have unintended effects on ecosystems and human health (9–12). For example, AgNPs could be taken by zebrafish embryos with potential negative effects at a minimum level of 1.9 × 10-10 mol L-1 (13). Currently, environmental amounts of AgNPs are not known, but concentrations between 6.7 × 10-12 – 7.4 × 10-10 mol L-1 have been estimated in Swiss surface water (14, 15). Furthermore, no potential risks have been suggested based on the risk quotient between predicted environmental concentrations and predicted no-effect concentrations for aquatic systems (16). From the literature, it is not clear if AgNPs have any potential risk from the perspective of environmental health and safety (EHS). Hence, a number of programs have been initiated by agencies of different countries to assess whether the nano forms of materials including AgNPs possess any potential risks. The major focus is on the fate, transport, and health effects of NPs in the environment. Transport and toxic effects of AgNPs largely depend on their stability (i.e. aggregation state of NPs) in the environment they exist (17). This chapter first summarizes the stability of AgNPs in biological and natural waters media, followed by their toxic effects to organisms and human cells. The toxic mechanism is also briefly described.

Stability There have been several reports on the stability of AgNPs in different media. Various analytical techniques have been applied to assess the extent of aggregation in order to determine the stability of AgNPs. These techniques include dynamic light scattering (DLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and flow field fractionation (FFFF). Zeta potential and BET surface area measurements allowed understanding the role of surface charge and area in stabilization of AgNPs. Besides the surface charge, steric stabilization of AgNPs could also occur (17). The coating of chemical materials onto AgNPs generally determines the stability of these particles in aqueous solutions. Most studies on the stability have been performed 166 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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using citrate-coated AgNPs (18–22). A comprehensive study of citrate-coated AgNPs in natural freshwater, stimulated estuarine waters, and synthetic seawater indicated a stability of a few days (18). Polymer (polyvinylpyrrolidone-PVP 360) and surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate-SDS and polyoxyethylenesorbitane monooleate-Tween 80) as coating agents have shown to stabilize the AgNPs (23, 24). More recently, a comprehensive study on the stability of citrate, PVP, and PEG (polyethylene glycol) coated AgNPs has been performed in ecotoxicological media. This to understand the dynamics of exposure with respect to a change in concentration of media and the possible alteration in properties of AgNPs during the study period of the toxicity tests (25). Citrate coated particles are considered charged stabilized NPs while PVP and PEG are sterically stabilized NPs (25). The media tested was standard OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) for Daphnia sp for acute and chronic studies. Results for the stability of AgNPs, monitored for 21 days are presented in Figures 1 and 2 (25). The studied time period is equivalent to the time period for the toxicity tests for OECD chronic daphnia. The standard OECD was donated as CM-1 and dilution of the media by 10 times was donated as CM-10. When chloride was replaced with nitrate and sulfate at the same ionic strength, terms of NM-1 and NM-10 or SM-1 and SM-10 were used (Figures 1 and 2). The concentrations of AgNPs were 2.4, 4.8, and 3.0 mg L-1 for citrate, PVP, and PEG coated particles, respectively. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of citrate-coated AgNPs showed a decrease with time for all media (Figure 1). Total loss of SPR peaks was observed between 0-3 days in all concentrated media (CM-1, NM-1, and SM-1) (Figure 1). The decrease in intensity of SPR peaks of citrate-coated AgNPs in CM-10 suspensions was approximately 40 % in 21 days. NM-10 and SM-10 also showed a continuous decrease and a shift to the longer wavelength was observed. Results of Figure 1 suggest that aggregation of citrate stabilized AgNPs would occur during the toxicity test period and data of the dose-response relationship need careful investigation. Significant decreases in peaks were found for PEG stabilized AgNPS in all media over 21 days (25). The diluted media showed less decrease compared to the concentrated media. Decreases were 30 % and 40 % in CM-10 and CM-1 media, respectively. Complete loss of SPR peaks in NM-1 media was observed. PVP stabilized AgNPs were stable in all media even at high ionic strength (Figure 2). In chloride media, no loss in absorbance due to AgNPs occurred while minor decreases in peak areas (8-13 %) were determined in all chloride free media (Figure 2). The results suggest that PVP-coated AgNPs should be the choice for conducting chronic exposure studies (25). Recently, the stability of carbonate-coated AgNPs in freshwater was studied to gain understanding of the effect of pH, ionic strength, and humic substances in freshwater systems (26). The results are shown in Figure 3. In the pH experiments, no change in absorbance was noticed at pH 7.0 and 12.0, however, some change occurred at pH 5 (Figure 3A). Significantly, a large decrease in the intensity of the absorbance at pH 4.0 was seen with a shift of the absorbance peak to longer wavelength. High negative Zeta potentials (ZP) were reported between pH 5.0 and 12.0. Comparatively, the ZP approached zero below pH 5.0 and had even a positive 167 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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value at pH 2.0. The agglomeration at pH 4.0 may thus be causing the instability of AgNPs. The presence of Ca2+ caused destabilization of the AgNPs (Figure 3B). Zeta potentials of the solutions suggested that the surface charge played a role in the destabilization of AgNPs in the presence of cations. Humic acids (HA) in solutions showed no significant influence on the stability of carbonatecoated AgNPs (Figure 3C). The stability of carbonate-coated AgNPs in natural water has also been examined (Figure 3D). The natural water had a pH of 7.8 and contained 0.84 mM Na+, 0.11 mM K+, 2.59 mM Ca2+, 0.62 mM Mg2+, 0.97 mM? Cl-, 0.36 mM NO3-, 0.25 mM SO42- (ionic strength = 8.05 mM), and 3.72 mg C/L dissolved organic carbon). The spectra of Figure 3D indicate that the agglomeration of AgNPs happened within a few days. This is consistent with previously reported studies in simulated estuarine waters, synthetic seawater, and pond water (18, 21, 27).

Figure 1. SPR stability of citrate coated AgNPs over 21 days in diluted media and within 3 days in concentrated media (− ■ stock solutions, – 0 day, ····· 3 days, –– 7 days, ■■■■■ 14 days, (gray line) 21 days). SPR stability of citrate coated AgNPs over 21 days in diluted media and within 3 days in concentrated media (− ■ stock solutions, – 0 day, ····· 3 days, –– 7 days, ■■■■■ 14 days, (gray line) 21 days). (Adapted from (25) with the permission of the American Chemical Society). 168 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 2. SPR stability of PVP coated AgNPs up to 21 days in media (− 0 day, ···· 7 days, – – 13 days, (gray line) 21 days). (Adapted from (25) with the permission of the American Chemical Society).

A recent study in our laboratory suggested that the AgNPs, formed from reductions of Ag+ ions by HA under various environmental conditions, were highly stable (Figure 4) (28). AgNPs formed using Lake Delancy (LD), Florida freshwater sediments, showed only a 7 % decrease in the SPR peak intensity over two months (Figure 4). However, the peak was blue shifted from 423 to 410 nm during this time period. Similar stability was observed in AgNPs, obtained from the reaction of Ag+ with HA from the Sebastian River, Florida (28). Comparatively, a 25 % decrease in the SPR peak intensity was determined in AgNPs formed from the interaction of Ag+ with Suwannee River HA (28). A more recent study on the stability was performed on AgNPs in a solution mixture of Ag+ and Fulvic acid (FA) at pH 8.0 (Figure 5). This study was conducted over several months and AgNPs were obtained by reactions at room temperature (AgNPs-RT) and at 90 °C (AgNPs-90) (29). AgNPs-RT had no significant changes in 48 days 169 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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after their formation and a decrease in absorbance of the SPR peak was only ~15%. Furthermore, no broadening of the SPR peak was seen during this period of time (Figure 5A). However, AgNP-90 had continuous broadening of the SPR peak as a function of time (Figure 5B). Thedifference in stability of AgNPs-RT and AgNPs-90 may be related to the surface passivation of the particles and their modes of binding FA. A significant similar percentage decrease in AgNPs-RT and AgNPs-90 was seen after 210 days and 180 days, respectively (Figure 5). The stability of AgNPs, shown in Figures 4 and 5, clearly demonstrates the potential for the direct formation of AgNPs under environmental conditions such as thermal vents or hot springs, silver mine tailings, and photographic wastewater (30). Once these naturally formed AgNPs exist in the environment, they can be transported for long distances from their locations of origin.

Figure 3. UV–vis absorbance of 100 μM AgNP in 10 mM MOPS buffer as function of pH (A), of Ca(NO3)2 concentration (B), and of humic acids (C), and over time in Chriesbach water (D). (Adapted from (26) with the permission of the American Chemical Society).

170 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 4. Stability studies of UV-vis absorption spectra of AgNPs following reduction of silver nitrate solution with humic acid. Absorption spectra of the AgNPs were acquired 5 min, 34 min, and 70 days after formation of the AgNPs. (Adapted from (28) with the permission of the American Chemical Society).

Figure 5. UV-Vis measurements of ageing of AgNPs prepared at RT (A) and 90 °C (B) following reduction of Ag+ ion by SRFA. (Conditions: [Ag+] = 1 × 10-3 mol L-1, 100 mg L-1 SRFA; pH 8.0. (Days in (A) present time after initial mixing of Ag+-SRFA while days in (B) represents time after forming of AgNPs at 90 °C in 2 hours). (Adapted from (29) with the permission of the American Chemical Society). 171 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Toxicity A number of studies using different organisms have been carried out to determine the toxicity of AgNPs (17). Organisms studied include human cells, terrestrial and aquatic algae, fungi, and plants as well as vertebrates and invertebrates microorganisms (17, 26, 31–36). The mechanism of toxicity involves the oxidative damage to the cells in which reactive oxygen species (ROS) are largely responsible for the toxic effects (12). The electrostatic interactions and interaction with the thiol groups localized in the cell wall proteins may also be responsible for toxicity of AgNPs. Numerous gene-expression techniques and biomarkers have been applied to better understand the mechanism of toxicity. Below are a few examples to demonstrate advances made in the last few years. The toxic effects of AgNPs on reference and isolated strains of bacteria as well as on the variety of human and biological organisms have been investigated (17, 23, 37, 38). The in vitro experiments with AgNPs demonstrated a decrease in the antibacterial activity with an increase in the particle diameter (23). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of different AgNPs against the tested bacteria and yeasts are presented in Table 1 (23). Generally, most of the modified AgNPs showed lower MICs than the unmodified AgNPs. The ranges of MICs for bacterial strains were 1.69 – 3.38 mg L-1 and 3.38 – 6.75 mg L-1 for modified and unmodified AgNPs, respectively. Similar results of MICs were observed for yeasts in which ranges were 0.052 – 0.84 mg L-1 and 0.42 – 1.69 mg L-1 for modified and unmodified AgNPs, respectively. A comparison between Ag+ ion and AgNPs with respect to antibacterial activity and toxicity was made (23). In this study, AgNPs were prepared by a modified Tollens process in which reduction of [Ag(NH3)2]+ was done by D-maltose (34). Ag+ ions inhibited the bacterial and the yeast growth at 1 mg L-1, which was comparable with the inhibition concentration of AgNPs (1 – 3 mg L-1). In the cases of human fibroblasts, Monorapaphidium sp., Drosophila melanogaster, and Paramecium caudatum, the LC100 were at least 20 times lower for Ag+ than those for AgNPs. The range for Ag+ was 0.4 – 3 mg L-1 while 30 – 60 mg L-1 was the range for AgNPs.

172 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.


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Table 1. Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) of the Non-Stabilized and Stabilized Silver NPs against the Tested Bacteria and Yeasts. (Adapted from (23) with the permission of IOP Sciences). Tested strain

Minimum inhibitory concentrations (mg/L Ag) Ag+

Non-stabilized AgNPs

Stabilized AgNPs SDS

Tween 80

PVP 360

Staphylococcus aureus CCM 3953






Pseudomonas aeruginosa






Staphylococcus aureus MRSA






Enterococcus faecium VRE






Candida albicans I






Candida parapsilosis






Candida tropicalis






In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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An investigation on the charge-dependent toxicity of AgNPs was performed using highly negative to highly positive charged AgNPs (8). The particles studied were uncoated (H2-AgNPs, hydrodynamic diameter, HDD =18 nm, and zeta (ζ) potential= -22 mV), citrate-coated (Cit-AgNPs, HDD = 10 nm, and ζ = -38 mV), PVP-coated (PVP-AgNPs, HDD = 12 nm, and ζ = -10 mV), and branched polyethyleimine coated (BPEI-AgNPs, HDD = 18 nm, and ζ = -22 mV). The tested microbe was a bacillus species and the oxygen consumption as well as the percent live bacteria were monitored (Figure 6). H2-AgNPs with the largest HDD showed the lowest toxicity compared to other AgNPs. BPEI-AgNPs with HDD of 10 nm had the highest toxicity. Cit-AgNPs and BPEI-AgNPs possessing a similar HDD showed two very different toxicity profiles (Figure 6). The results of Figure 6 clearly demonstrate that the particle size was not the only parameter, but the surface charge was also influencing the toxicity of AgNPs. A correlation between the toxicity and the surface charges was observed (Figures 6A and 6B). The increasing order of toxicity was Cit-AgNPs < H2-AgNPs < PVP-AgNPs < BPEI-AgNPs, which follows the order of surface charge from more negatively charged Cit-AgNPs to more positively charged BPEI-AgNPs (Figure 6A and 6B). The Cit-AgNPs had a negative ζ of -38 mV, which was similar to the -37 mV ζ potential for the bacillus species; thus reducing the toxicity. The positively charged BPEI-AgNPs was thus expected to show the highest toxicity (Figure 6). It should be pointed out that relationships shown in Figure 6 are strictly for the bacillus species and several additional physical and chemical interactions may also be involved in the toxicity of AgNPs against other species. For example, levels of molecular oxygen and the nature of binding ligands to Ag+ have shown to affect the antibacterial activity of AgNPs (39). In the last few years, studies using proteomic and genomic approaches are forthcoming to understand the ecotoxicological impact of AgNPs (40–44). A proteomic study on the interaction of Escherichia coli with bare AgNPs (bAgNPs) and carbonate-coated AgNPs (cAgNPs) identified a number of proteins that could bind to nanoparticles (40). Identified proteins were mostly enzymes (65 %) and membrane porins, chaperones, or periplasmic peptide-binding proteins which were nonenzyme proteins. Significantly, tryptophanase (TNase), which is present in low abundance in E. coli had a high affinity to AgNPs, which was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-light (MALDI-TOF). This interaction of protein-AgNPs influenced greatly the enzymatic activity of TNase (Figure 7). Both kinds of AgNPs showed inhibitory effects on the enzyme activity and decreases in activities were 90 % and 50 % for bAgNPs and cAgNPs, respectively. Binding of proteins to AgNPs may be a potential mechanism for the biocidal effect of AgNPs (44). The evaluation of in vitro toxicity of AgNPs, polystyrene nanoparticles, and AgCO3 against the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 has been performed (41). The results of cell viability after 24 h exposure of tested materials are presented in Figure 8. All tested materials at a dose up to 0.5 mg L-1 had no significant toxicity (Figure 8). A significant cytotoxicity was seen with AgNPs at higher doses (> 1.0 mg L-1) while exposure to other materials did not have any toxic effects. This study also showed that exposure of AgNPs at a dose of 1 mg L-1 induced abnormal 174 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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cellular morphology. Other changes included cellular shrinkage and acquisition of an irregular shape (41).

Figure 6. AgNPs toxicity shows correlation with surface charge. (a) Oxygen consumption after 5 days. (b) Percent live bacteria after 5 days. (Adapted from (8) with the permission of the American Chemical Society). 175 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 7. Enzymatic activity of TNase in the absence of AgNPs and after incubation with cAgNPs and bAgNPs. (Adapted from (40) with the permission of the American Chemical Society).

Figure 8. Effects of three test material exposures on cell viability of HepG2 cells. Cells were exposed to different concentrations of Ag-nanoparticles, PS-nanoparticles and Ag2CO3 for 24 h. Cell viabilities were determined by the neutral red uptake assay. The data are expressed as mean ±SD of eight wells of a cell culture plate. The concentrations of Ag2CO3 are expressed as the amounts of ionic silver (Ag+). (Adapted from (41) with the permission of the American Chemical Society). 176 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Conclusions Solution parameters that need to be considered in understanding the stability of AgNPs and addressing their toxicity are reviewed. The surface charge appears to play a crucial role in the stabilization of AgNPs against aggregation and thus in influencing the toxic effects of AgNPs. Citrate-coated engineered AgNPs are likely to aggregate in a few days. Comparatively, high molecular weight compounds including polymers and natural organic matter coating stabilize the AgNPs to a large extend. The humic and fulvic acids coated AgNPs are stable for several months and are likely to be transported over a great distance from their points of origin. Besides coatings, solution parameters such as pH, ionic strength, and concentrations of organic matter also determine the stability of AgNPs. Studies on the influence of solar light on the stability of engineered AgNPs as well as naturally formed AgNPs are forthcoming and future studies include characterizing AgNP transformations under the conditions of solar light. Toxic studies of AgNPs against organisms suggest important roles of surface charges (i.e. zeta potentials), interactions of the components of organisms, and the surfaces of the particles. Proteomic and genomic studies would enhance understanding the mechanism of the toxicity of AgNPs. A very few studies on the toxic effect of engineered AgNPs in the presence of natural organic matter have been performed and future work may include learning any adverse effects of natural organic matter-coated AgNPs on organisms.

Acknowledgments Author wishes to thank Dr. Ria Yngard for her useful comments on the original version of the manuscript.

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In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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179 In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.