Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes

usually regarded as involving a free ra the following main reactions ... main categories: those which react with the peroxy radicals, ROO', to form mo...
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11 Hydroperoxide Decomposition by Some Sulfur Compounds

Downloaded by UNIV OF NEW SOUTH WALES on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: June 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0085.ch011

BRIAN A. MARSHALL Research Laboratories, Imperial Chemical Industries, Plastics Division, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England

The kinetics of the decomposition of Tetralin and tert-butyl hydroperoxides by dilauryl thiodipropionate were deter­ mined in the temperature range 30°-90°C. The reaction had an induction period which was eliminated by acetic acid but not by dilauryl sulfinyldipropionate. The rate equation d/[Hydroperoxide]/dt= k /[Hydroperoxide]/[Sulfur compound] 2

was obtained in the initial stages of the reaction, but at least 20 moles of hydroperoxide were eventually decomposed per mole of sulfur compound. It is proposed that a complex is formed during the induction period, which decomposes according to the above rate equation. It is postulated that the catalytic nature of the over-all reaction is caused by an acid-induced decomposition of the hydroperoxide by a spe­ cies formed from the sulfur compound.

T h e oxidation of polyolefins under the influence of heat or light is ·*· usually regarded as involving a free ra lical chain mechanism having the following main reactions (3) :





R' + 0



ROO* + R H ->




ROOH + Κ \



RO- + Ό Η


-> Inert products


Propagation (3) Chain branching





Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



Hydroperoxide Decomposition


The oxidation can be inhibited by using stabilizers which fall into two main categories: those which react with the peroxy radicals, R O O ' , to form more stable free radicals which are less capable of continuing the oxidation chain,

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ROO' + I H - » R O O H + Γ (stable)


and those which decompose the hydroperoxides without the formation of free radicals. Phenolic and amine type stabilizers are examples of the first class, and sulfur compounds and phosphites are examples of hydro­ peroxide decomposers. The object of this work was to gain some insight into the mechanism by which sulfur compounds function as stabilizers by studying the kinetics of the decomposition of hydroperoxides i n the presence of dilauryl thiodipropionate—one of the most widely used sulfur compounds i n the stabilization of polyolefins. Tetralin hydroperoxide and ferf-butyl hydroperoxide were selected for this work, both of which could be prepared readily i n a pure state. Experimental Materials. H Y D R O P E R O X I D E S . Tetralin hydroperoxide was prepared by passing air through technical Tetralin at 60°C. for 16 hours (6). The hydroperoxide was purified by recrystallization from 4 0 ° - 6 0 ° C . petroleum spirit to constant melting point, 5 3 ° - 5 4 ° C . tert-Butyl hydroperoxide ( Laporte Chemicals, L t d . ) was purified by extraction with cold 15% potassium hydroxide solution. The residue was saturated with ammonium chloride, and the hydroperoxide was dried, initially with anhydrous sodium sulfate and then overnight with anhy­ drous calcium sulfate. It was distilled at 20 mm. pressure, i n a nitrogen atmosphere, through an 18-inch silvered column packed with multiturn glass helices; b.p., 41 °C. Both hydroperoxides assayed iodometrically as better than 9 8 % pure. D I L A U R Y L T H I O D I P R O P I O N A T E ( D L T P ) . D L T P (American Cyanamid) m.p., 39°C. was used without further purification. A series of experiments in which recrystallized material was used gave identical results to experi­ ments i n which the commercial sample was used. A l l other materials were of AnalaR quality; toluene and chloroben­ zene were dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate before use. Determination of the Hydroperoxide. Glacial acetic acid (30 ml.) containing 0.0005% ferric chloride hexahydrate and 5 m l . saturated potassium iodide solution was added to an aliquot of the hydroperoxide solution which had been flushed with nitrogen. The mixture was stored in the dark for 10 minutes, diluted with water (50 m l . ) , and the liberated iodine was titrated with sodium thiosulfate solution using starch as indicator. Kinetic Procedure. In a typical experiment 0.82 gram Tetralin hydroperoxide (5 Χ 10" mole) and 0.3214 gram dilauryl thiodipropionate 3

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



(0.624 χ 10~ mole) were dissolved i n 100 m l . chlorobenzene; 10 m l . aliquots were transferred to glass tubes fitted with ground glass stoppers, and the tube and contents were thermostatted. Tubes were withdrawn at various times, and the hydroperoxide content was determined. N o difference i n the results was observed if the tubes and contents were flushed with nitrogen before thermostatting. The decomposition of the hydroperoxide solution containing no sulfur compound was taken into ac­ count in calculating the hydroperoxide content of the reaction solutions. This correction was usually negligible.

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Results Tetralin Hydroperoxide. S T O I C H I O M E T R Y O F T H E R E A C T I O N . Initial kinetic experiments at 3 0 ° , 4 0 ° , and 50 °C. in toluene solution showed that at least 25 moles of Tetralin hydroperoxide could be decomposed by 1 mole of dilauryl thiodiproprionate. F o r experimental reasons the bulk of the kinetic data was obtained i n the temperature region 7 0 ° - 9 0 ° C . using chlorobenzene as solvent. Solutions containing 2.5 X 10~ mole/liter of Tetralin hydroperoxide and 1.0 Χ 10" mole/liter of various stabilizers were allow to react i n chlorobenzene solution at 70 °C. The percentage hydroperoxide remain­ ing after 24 and 100 hours is shown i n Table I. It is clear from these results that the reaction between Tetralin hydroperoxide and many sulfur compounds is not a simple one, inasmuch as at least 20 moles of hydroperoxide were decomposed by 1 mole of the 2


Table I. Percentage of Hydroperoxide Decomposed in Chlorobenzene Solutions Containing Tetralin Hydroperoxide (2.5 Χ 10" mole/liter) and Various Stabilizers (0.1 X 10' mole/liter) at 70°C. 2


Hydroperoxide Decomposed, % Stabilizer None Dilauryl thiodipropionate Distearyl thiodipropionate Dilauryl sulfinyldipropionate Di-ferf-dodecyl sulfide Di-ferf-dodecyl disulfide n-Octadecyl mercaptan Di-n-octadecyl sulfone Tetramethyl thiuram disulfide Zinc dinonyl dithiocarbamate 4,4'-thiobis ( 3-methyl-6-ferf-butylphenol) 1,1,3-tris ( 2'-methyl-5'-terf-butyl-4'hydroxyphenyl ) butane

After 24 Hours

After 100 Hours

12.2 96.5 99.5 98.7 98.2 98.7 97.2 12.2 94.7 98.7 5.5




Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

14.0 4.2




Hydroperoxide Decomposition

-1-3 •

\ V

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Q χ




• •



100 TIME (minutes)



Figure J . First-order plot for the decomposition of Tetralin hydroper­ oxide (4.8 X 10r*M) by dilauryl thiodipropionate (2.47 Χ 10~*Μ) at 80°C. sulfur compound. Neither of the two phenolic antioxidants decomposed the hydroperoxide; in fact they retarded the free radical, thermally in­ duced decomposition. The failure of the sulfur-bridged bisphenol to de­ compose the hydroperoxide is surprising in that it might be expected to react as both a chain stopper and a hydroperoxide decomposer. It is also noteworthy that whereas dilauryl sulfinyldipropionate decomposed the hydroperoxide readily, di-n-octadecyl sulfone was ineffective. PRODUCTS OF T H E R E A C T I O N . A solution containing 5 Χ 10" mole/liter hydroperoxide and 2 X 10 - mole/liter dilauryl thiodipropionate was allowed to react at 70 °C. until no hydroperoxide remained. A brown resinous precipitate was formed which was filtered, washed, and dried in vacuo. The infrared spectrum of the solid revealed the presence of — Ο — S 0 — groups and the presence of an ortho-substituted aromatic compound, but no further details of its constitution could be obtained. This precipitate was not formed in the kinetic experiments which had a 2


Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



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-4 5 I -20


I -0-8


Figure 2. Order of reaction with respect to Tetralin hydroperoxide at 80°C. maximum duration of 6 hours. The filtrate was analyzed by vapor phase chromatography on a column packed with 20% w / w silicone gum rubber, SE 30, on 60-80 mesh C22 firebrick, at 180°C. using nitrogen as carrier gas. Comparison with the retention times of the pure compounds showed that α-tetralol was the major product and that no trace of α-tetralone was present. Several small unidentified peaks at long retention times were observed. KINETIC ORDER OF T H E REACTION.

The decomposition of the hydro­

peroxide had an initial slow reaction or induction period followed by a faster main reaction. The induction period was unaffected by the addition of dilauryl sulfinyl dipropionate or by carrying out the reaction i n an atmosphere of nitrogen but was eliminated by the addition of acetic acid. The length of the induction period decreased as the initial concentration of both hydroperoxide or sulfur compound increased. A first-order plot of logio [Hydroperoxide] vs. time (Figure 1) was linear, at least until the amount of hydroperoxide decomposed approached a value equal to the initial concentration of sulfur compound. After this point the rate of decomposition increased. Confirmation that the reaction was first order with respect to hydroperoxide was obtained by measuring the initial slopes of the rates of decomposition of varying amounts of

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




Hydroperoxide Decomposition

hydroperoxide by a fixed amount of dilauryl thiodipropionate ( Figure 2 ). The order of the reaction with respect to the sulfur compound, determined by the initial slopes method, was also unity ( Figure 3 ). That the reaction was first order with respect to both reactants was confirmed at 70°, 80°, and 90°C. in chlorobenzene solution and at 30°, 40°, and 50 °C. in toluene solution.

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8 ο








Figure 3.



Order of reaction with respect to dilauryl thiodi­ propionate at 80°C.




The addition of dilauryl sulfinyl dipropionate to a solution containing Tetralin hydroperoxide and dialuryl thiodipropionate had little effect on the length of the induction period, but the rate of the subsequent reaction was increased. Comparison of the rate of decomposition of the hydro­ peroxide (5.0 Χ 10" môle/liter; by dilauryl thiodipropionate (1.60 X 10" mole/liter) or dilauryl sulfinyl dipropionate (1.60 Χ 10" mole/liter) 2



Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



Θ < •

A ^ ^ ^

\ c

\ Θ

\ ddogjolHydroperoxideD/dt - 20x'W"mia"' for solution A

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™ Ό \












TIME (minutes)

Figure 4. Decomposition of Tetralin hydroperoxide (5.0 X 10~*M) by (A) dilauryl thiodipropionate (1.6 Χ 10~'Μ) and by (B) dilauryl sulfinyldipropionate (1.6 X 10~*M) showed that the rate of decomposition d [ l o g i hydroperoxide] /dt, was 8.6 times faster with the sulfoxide (Figure 4). E F F E C T O F A C E T I C Aero. Addition of acetic acid (35 Χ 10~ mole/ liter) to a solution containing Tetralin hydroperoxide (2.0 Χ 10" mole/ liter) and dilauryl thiodipropionate (2.5 χ 10" mole/liter) not only eliminated the 60-minute induction period but substantially increased the rate of reaction ( Figure 5 ). The over-all rate equation in the presence of acetic acid at 7 0 ° C , determined by the initial slopes method was 0




d [hydroperoxide] /dt = k [HOAc] » [hydroperoxide] 1









The rate of decomposition of

a solution containing the hydroperoxide (5.0 Χ 10" mole/liter) dilauryl thiodipropionate (2.5 Χ 10" mole/liter) and l,l,3-tris(2'-methyl-5'-ieributyl-4'-hydroxyphenyl)butane (2.5 Χ 1 0 mole/liter) at 80°C. was identical with that containing no phenolic compound. In addition no formation of polymer was observed when solutions of Tetralin hydro­ peroxide and dilauryl thiodipropionate were allowed to react at 70 °C. in sealed tubes in the presence of inhibitor-free acrylonitrile in nitrogen 2



Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






atmosphere. Free radicals initiate the polymerization of acrylonitrile under these conditions to give an insoluble polymer. From these experi­ ments it was concluded that the reaction was non-radical i n nature. A C T I V A T I O N E N E R G Y . A n Arrhenius plot of the second-order rate constants calculated according to the equation d [hydroperoxide] /dt = k [hydroperoxide] [ D L T P ]

( II )


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for the reaction at 70°, 8 0 ° , and 90°C. (Table II) gave a value for the activation energy of the reaction of 12.0 ± 1.0 kcal./mole. DECOMPOSITION B Y DISTEARYL THIODIPROPIONATE.

The rate of de­

composition at 80 °C. of Tetralin hydroperoxide by distearyl thiodipro­ pionate was very similar to the rate with dilauryl thiodipropionate although the induction period was longer (Figure 6 ) .




R O H + R *SO 2


which agrees with the formation of α-tetralol and ferf-butyl alcohol, the existence of an induction period and the unexpected stoichiometry of the over-all reaction show that this explanation is insufficient. A n induction period suggests the formation of a complex, which then decomposes, or the formation of an active species responsible for the decomposition of the hydroperoxide, while the fact that at least 20 moles hydroperoxide are decomposed by 1 mole of dilauryl thiodipropionate also indicates the formation of an active species or the existence of several consecutive reactions. A mechanism in which D L T P itself is regenerated and is the sole decomposing agent seems improbable, and the formation of products containing — O — S O — groupings is evidence that D L T P is converted into a variety of products during the reaction. The theory that sulfur-containing stabilizers are only the precursors of the effective peroxide decomposers has been suggested by Hawkins and Sautter (4). It is unlikely that dilauryl sulfinyl dipropionate is the active species in this work, or else the induction period should be eliminated by adding the sulfoxide. Rather it seems that i n the initial stages of the main reaction the following over-all reactions occur L

R O O H + R^S -> R O H + R^SO R O O H + R^SO -> R O H + R S 0 2





The rate constant k is 8.6 times greater than k (Figure 4), so that in the initial stages of the main reaction the rate equation corresponds to Equation II where k = k . 8




Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




Hydroperoxide Decomposition

Considering the induction period and the initial stages of the main reaction only, it seems possible that during the induction period a com­ plex is formed which involves the hydroperoxide and sulfur compound. R O O H + R,, ^ Complex -> R O H + R S O 1




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When the rate of formation of the complex equals its rate of decomposi­ tion, then the rate equation w i l l correspond to Equation II. The mecha­ nism of the complex formation may involve the type proposed by Scott ( 7 ) for the decomposition of hydroperoxides by β-ketosulfides,

I" CH,














Presumably the sulfoxide can form a similar complex, and Bateman et al. ( I ) have proposed strong complex formation between sulfoxides and squalene hydroperoxide. Bateman and Hargrave ( 2 ) , who studied the decomposition of ferfbutyl hydroperoxide by a dialkyl sulfide at 5 0 ° C , found that in benzene solution the reaction was second order with respect to hydroperoxide and first order with respect to sulfide. They proposed Reaction 11 to account, for this. R—Ο—Ο


I + SR*





O—O — R The apparent disagreement between these results and the present work is explicable if complex formation of the type proposed by Scott is correct. W i t h D L T P , which contains a β-keto grouping, a complex corre­ sponding to A is possible, leading to a reaction order of unity with respect to both reactants, while for the dialkyl sulfides such complex formation is not possible, and the alternative complex proposed by Bateman and Hargrave occurs. The fact that acetic acid not only increases the rate of

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.



reaction but also eliminates the induction period can be explained by the reaction scheme proposed by Bateman and Hargrave (2),



i ^ O C H ,

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where the formation of a complex is no longer necessary. The fact that the rate equation for the decomposition in the presence of acetic acid contains the term [ H O A c ] may be caused by the existence of acetic acid as the dimer i n most organic solvents, o r >

2HOAc^± ( H O A c )



so that the concentration of H O A c available for Reaction 12 will be pro­ portional to the square root of the added acetic acid. In acid solution if both Reactions 9 and 12 occur simultaneously, the kinetic equation may not be simple and fractional orders for both hydroperoxide and sulfur compound w i l l occur (Equation I ) . The mechanism proposed so far takes account of the induction period and initial stages of the reaction only, and it is difficult to see how it can account for the large amount of hydroperoxide decomposed by the sulfur compound. However, Tetralin hydroperoxide is decomposed catalytically by acids (5). Although in the absence of dilauryl thiodipropionate the decomposition of Tetralin hydroperoxide in the presence of acetic acid at 70 °C. was very slow, if the acid species is a much stronger acid than acetic—e.g., a sulfonic acid as seems likely from the nature of the products of the reaction, the rate of acid-induced decomposition may be com­ parable with the rate of decomposition by the sulfur compound. Some evidence that acid-induced decomposition does occur at some stage i n the over-all reaction is found in the presence of an ortho substituted aromatic compound i n the solid product of the reaction. The acid catalyzed decomposition of Tetralin hydroperoxide follows the path of Reaction 14 (5) to give y-(o-hydroxyphenyl)butyraldehyde. This forms a brown resin which is mainly the aldol of this aldehyde (cf., the resin obtained i n this work). Thus, a possible reaction mechanism which would account for the induction period, the initial kinetic features of the reaction, and the large amount of hydroperoxide eventually decomposed is that during the induc­ tion period a complex is formed which decomposes to form the sulfoxide (Reaction 9). The sulfoxide can be converted to the sulfone by a similar mechanism, and the initial stage of the reaction w i l l follow the rate ex-

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.




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Hydroperoxide Decomposition



pression, Equation II. Concurrently either the sulfoxide or sulfone is converted to an acid species which can then both catalyze the decompo­ sition according to Reaction 12 and induce the decomposition of the hydroperoxide according to Reaction 14. The induced decomposition would lead both to a deviation from the kinetic expression, Equation II, and to the decomposition of a large amount of hydroperoxide per mole of dilauryl thiodipropionate. Instead of either an acid-induced decomposition or acid-catalyzed sulfur compound—hydroperoxide decomposition reaction occurring— formation of alternative active species which catalytically decompose the hydroperoxide is possible, such as SO >, as suggested by Hawkins and Sautter ( 4 ) . However, under conditions of this work where vigorous drying of solvents was not used, SO » could be converted into the acid which would then induce the acid-catalyzed decomposition of the peroxide. L


Table IV. Oven Life of Polypropylene Containing 0.25% 1,1,3 -Tris ( 2 '-methyl- 5 '-f eri-butyl-4 -hydroxyphenyl) butane and 0.25% Sulfur Compound at 140°C. /

Sulfur Compound Dilauryl thiodipropionate Distearyl thiodipropionate

Time to Embrittlement of O.02-inch Thick Polypropylene Sample, hours 800 1000

The similar rate of decomposition of Tetralin hydroperoxide by distearyl and dilauryl thiodipropionate at 80°C. is of interest when com­ pared with the formers better antioxidant properties in polypropylene at 140 °C. Tests showed that the stearyl compound was superior to the lauryl compound as a synergist, in the presence of a phenolic antioxidant, in delaying the embrittlement of polypropylene sheet in an air oven at 140°C. (Table I V ) .

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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The sulfur compounds are regarded as peroxide-decomposing sta­ bilizers ( 3 ) , and it might have been expected, on the basis of the kinetic work, that the efficiency of the lauryl and stearyl compounds would be similar i n polypropylene. However, at 140°C. i n the polymer the vola­ tility of the antioxidant probably becomes important, so that the less volatile stearyl compound is the better stabilizer. In addition, the nature of the hydroperoxide in polypropylene may also affect the reaction mecha­ nism. Although the rates of decomposition of Tetralin hydroperoxide b y dilauryl and distearyl thiodipropionates may not relate directly to their efficiency as stabilizers for the polymer at 80°, the result does show a possible source of error i n extrapolating the stability of polymers from high temperatures—e.g., 140° the 6 0 ° - 8 0 ° C . range, where the rela­ tive effectiveness of two stabilizers may be altered significantly. Acknowledgments The author thanks D . R. Mosely for assistance with the experimental work, V . J. Zichy for the infrared spectra determinations, A . R. Jeffs for the vapor phase chromatographic analysis, D . G . Corbin for the purifica­ tion of ferf-butyl hydroperoxide, and R. J. Hurlock for the preparation of dilauryl sulfinyl dipropionate. Literature Cited (1) Bateman, L., Cain, M. E., Colclough, T., Cuneen, J. I., J. Chem. Soc. 1962, 3570. (2) Bateman, L., Hargrave, K. R., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A 224, 389, 399 (1954). (3) Hawkins, W. L., Oxidation Combust. Rev. 1, 169 (1965). (4) Hawkins, W. L., Sautter, H., Chem. Ind. 1962, 1825. (5) Kharasch, M. S., Burt, J. G., J. Org. Chem. 16, 150 (1951). (6) Robertson, A , Waters, W. Α., J. Chem. Soc. 1948, 1584. (7) Scott, G., "Atmospheric Oxidation and Antioxidants," p. 191, Elsevier, New York, 1965. RECEIVED March 27, 1967.

Platzer; Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer Processes Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.