Stable perfluoroalkyl carbanion salts - Journal of the American

Bruce E. Smart, William J. Middleton, and William B. Farnham. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1986, 108 (16), pp 4905–4908. DOI: 10.1021/ja00276a033. Publicatio...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1986, 108, 4905-4907


Stable Perfluoroalkyl Carbanion Salts Bruce E. Smart,* William J. Middleton, and William B. Farnham* Contribution No. 3878 from the Central Research and Development Department, E. I . du Pont de Nemours & Company, Experimental Station, Wilmington, Delaware 19898. Received September 18, I985

Abstract: The synthesisand properties of tris(dimethy1amino)sulfonium (TAS) salts of perfluoro tertiary carbanions are described. Many of these unique salts are isolable and stable up to their melting points, and they dissolve in organic solvents to provide high concentrations of perfluoro carbanions. Several reactions of TAS+CF3CF2CF2C-(CF3),,which exemplify the synthetic utility of these new salts, are reported.

Perfluoroalkyl carbanions are important reactive intermediates in fluorocarbon chemistry.' They commonly are generated from fluoro olefins and fluoride ion or by deprotonation of monohydroperfluoroalkanes. Although many are sufficiently long-lived to be trapped by electrophiles, few have been detected spectros ~ o p i c a l l y , ~and - ~ except for some special zwitterion^,^ no perfluoroalkyl carbanion salts have been isolated. We report the synthesis and characterization of the first insolable perfluoroalkyl carbanion salts.' Tris(dimethy1amino)sulfonium (TAS) trimethyldifluorosiliconate (1)* reacts with fluorinated olefins to give TAS perfluoro tertiary carbanions (eq The carbanion salts are obtained by simply removing the solvent and the (CH3)3SiFbyproduct. Representative examples of isolable salts are listed in Table I.

Scheme I RfCH3(60%1 R,CI (77%)






/ R f H (95%)

/ R,Br (99%)

R," t TAS (CH3 )aSiF