Staff-Industry Collaborative Report SALT MANUFACTURE

low margin chemical; competitive operation calls for maximum exploitation of the ... Salt is found both in the sea, where being soluble it tends to co...
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ALBERT 5. HESTER, Assistant Editor



ALT manufacture not new nor baead primsrily on any .’. chenucal reacbon, mvolves production of a large volume, low margin chemical; competitive operation calls for maximum exploitation of the preaenbhy knowledge of chemical engineering. An evaporating plant, such 88 that of Morton Salt Co. at Manistee, Mich., must efficientlyemploy moat of the unit operations to make a highly pure product with the lowest possible fuel and pmeasing coats. Since ancient times man hss used salt in preparing and preserving food. Salt is essential to life and prehistoric m&n probably obtained it through hia f w d just 88 animals do. No one knows when man first started to supplement his diet with sea salt, or with rock salt from the outcroppings formiug “salt licka” frequented by hia herds. It is likely that it followed soon after the adoption of the practice of cooking fwd, especially boiling, and thereby removing much of the salt. Earlieat historical records of many civilisationa show that salt was conaidered eaaential and a valuable commodity, and while today most countries are well supplied with salt. until comparatively recent times paucity of sources or poor transportation has given it a strategic importance affecting international relations. Today the quantity of salt used in the United State8 for m m n ing food is d compared to that used for other pur-. It is mtinmkd tbstonly-aboui Iqb-efdlsalt wduced is sold for table and household use, but eventually more salt fiuda ita way into food indirectly through the food pmeasing industries and through livestock feeding. Table I shows the diatribution of U.8. salt consumption in 1952 (17).



in collaboration with

HORACE W. DIAMOND Morton Salt Co., Chicago, 111.

Salt is found both in the sea, where being soluble it tends to collect, and in rock salt deposita formed when arm6 of the eaa are cut offand conditions are favorable for evaporation. The sea is not only the source of the main canPtituent of m k salt, sodium chloride, hut also is the source of the impurities, including the moat troublesome one, calcium sulfate. All of the different salts found in sea water arc found in rock salt, although solubility differences cause some fractionation during crystallization with readting stratification of the deposits. In this pmeae the most soluble d t s , such 88 bro+des and iodides, rarely crystallizeand me almaat never found in rwk Salt in any appreciable quantity. In addition to occurring extensively in oceans and as rock salt, salt is also found mixed with other constituents in certgin rocks or dissolved in natural brines permeating porous rock and occasionally Eowing out of the ground from salt springs. In the large salt domes of the Gulf region salt of sedimentary origin has been forced upwarda toward the surface from great deptba, perhaps 27,700 feet (3,14). Thia is posaible b e c a w salt is somewhat plastic under extreme preasurea. Most refined salt ia produced fr$m arti6cial brines made by introducing water into a cavity in a rock salt deposit to dissolve the salt, and by pumping the solution to the aurface. Brine, natural, artiIicial, or 6ea water, can be evaporated by heating or by solar methods. Evaporated salt (does not usually include solar salt) may be clasaiIied as either granulated or Bake salt. Granulated salt cousiata of cubical crystals; flake salt, pieces of hopper ~rystals. Much brine is ueed directly without being evaporated, especially by the chemical induetry.


Vol. 41, No. 4


Table 1.


Sold or Used b y Producers in United States, 1952

( B y classes and uses in thousands of short tons) Uses Evap. Rock Brine Total 5,251 907, 3,817 527, Chlorine, bleaches, chlorates, etc. 7,195O 7,195 Soda ash 110 43 G7 Dyes and organic chemicals 41 11 30 Snap (precipitant) a 721a 603 118 Other chemicals U 127a 104 23 Textile processing a 2285 140 88 Hides and leather 784 344 420 Meat packing 31 11 20 Fish curing Butter, cheese, and other dairy 6 .. 72 nrorliirts 66 212 .. 152 60 C&&g-and preserving 258 .. 244 14 Other food processing 0 219Q 143 76 Refrigeration Livestock, agr., and gen. farm 1,082 use b 777 305 Highways, railroad. dust and ice control 17 800 817 546 Table and othw household use 468 78 620a 282 338 Water treatment 3A 71 106 Aletallurgy 332 489 324 1,145 Undistributed Total 3,6424,j6711,33619,545 a Data included wit,h undistributed in order to avoid disclosure of individual company operations. b Livestock salt i8 about 90% of total. c Comprises miscellaneous uses and uses for which data may not be shown separately (see footnote “), including some exports and consumption in territories and possessions.

I n the United States in 1951 there were 48 salt evaporating plants (including solar evaporation installations) scattered through 13 states and Puerto Rico. There were 18 rock salt mines in eight states and 17 brine production operations distributed among seven states ( 6 ) . U. S. production in 1952 was 19,202,037 short tons; world production was estimated to be 54,000,000 tons ( 1 6 , 1 7 ) . The literature of salt manufacturing technology is extensive, although the most detailed work on the subject is somewhat out of date (11). Much valuable material is included in some of the general books on the chemical industry (1, 9, 13) and two articles describe particular plants and processes ( 7 , 8). At least one nontechnical work on salt has been published ( 4 ) ; this book contains many references concerning the history of the salt industry. Probably the most extensive trentment of solar salt is given by ‘I’ressler (15).


includes 50-pound blocks for cattle feeding, made from salt from any source, and pellets for water softening and salt tablets 10 to 400 grains in size made from evaporated salt. Grainer, or flake, salt is screened to obtain specialty salts such as those used for cracker topping and prepared flour. A host of additives increases the number of different products. Of special interest is a rock salt treated with small amounts of phosphate and carbonate so that it produces a pure brine when dissolved. Addition of potassium iodide t o table salt to correct deficiencies of iodine in human diets has been practiced for a long time and recently this program has been expanded to include, in addition to iodine, trace elements, such as copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, and zinc, required by farm animals. A salt containing 22% calcium sulfate is used for “firming” tomatoes; sodium phosphate added to salt prevents the formation of struvite (ammonium magnesium phosphate) crystals in fish products; and paraffin incorporated into salt tablets allows them to dissolve slowly when swallowed to keep the body salt content a t a satisfactory level during exposure to excessive heat. Corrosion inhibitors are added to salt used for freeze proofing coal and antioxidants are added to salt for potato. chips. There is even a salt toothpaste. These supply only a partial list of the vast array of salt products which the company markets. The Manistee, Mich., plant of the rMorton Salt Co. was built in 1923. Its production capacity of over 1000 tons per day makes it the largest evaporated salt plant in the United States. The location of Lake Michigan enables it to transport salt by ship to any part of the Great Lakes region. It is also conveniently located for rail and truck shipments to heavily populated centers. The first well in the Manistee area was drilled in 1879 with the

Morton Manufactures Salt in Each Major U. S. Producing Area

The Morton Salt Co., an outgrowth of a salt sales agency founded in 1848, manufactures salt in nine different plants in the United States. In addition, a subsidiary a t Inagua in the Bahamas produces solar salt for the coastal markets. T o reduce transportation costs to a minimum, the company has located plants in each major salt producing area. hlorton produces salt by mining, solar evaporation, and steam evaporation. The methods used a t the various plants are determined by natural resources of the area, and by geological and climatic conditions. I n most areas both rock and evaporated salt are produced-evaporated salt being a refined product that commands a premium price. Rock salt is produced where there are suitable deposits and markets for a low-cost salt that may contain considerable insolubles. Solar salt is normally produced in areas having no rock salt, such as the West Coast and at Great Salt Lake. The different salt products manufactured by Morton are numerous. Rock salt is sold as “run of the mine,” or like solar salt, as one of several screened grades varying in size down to table salt fineness or smaller. Granulated salt is sold as air dried salt direct from the vacuum pan, or as dried and screened salt for table and flour salt grades, and some is ground as fine as 85% -325 mesh. There is a series of compressed salt products which April 1955

Raw material i s removed from underground salt deposits by brine wells











1 1 1 t








Flow sheet for production of salt at Morton Salt Co., Manistee, Mi&



hope of finding petroleum or natural gas ( 3 ) . Although disappointed in not finding either of these materials, the drillers discovered that the salt beds underlying much of Michigan extended t o Manistee, and the availability of fuel in the form of scrap wood from the declining local lumber industry made the establishment of a salt industry highly practical. After the first well a number of salt companies erected plants burning scrap wood to heat their evaporating pans. Today only two plants remain in the area, and coal is used for fuel. Since the end of World War I1 several million dollars have been spent on the modernization of Morton’s Manistee plant. Improvements include a new boiler capable of operating at a pressure of 700 pounds per square inch, modernization of the grainer plant, conversion of one of the evaporators from triple t o quadruple effect, and installation of completely automatic machinery for packaging table salt for household use. I n addition to its sodium chloride facilities, the plant also includes a factory for making reagent grade sodium, potassium, and ammonium bromide from a chemical brine occurring a t a level below the main salt bed. Magnesium from this brine, augmented by additional magnesium from dolomite, is used in production of the magnesium carbonate, an additive used in table salt. Construction and Operation of Brine Wells Are Highly Specialized

Brine for evaporating plants is obtained usually by hydraulic mining, through wells reaching down into the rock salt. A well is usually constructed to contain two concentric strings of pipes in order that water to dissolve the salt can be introduced through the annular space and brine can be removed through the central tube opening a t some different level. After adjacent wells have been operated for 1 or 2 years, the developed cavities become connected. When this occurs the usual practice is to introduce water through one well and remove brine through another. The problem of producing a saturated brine is usually encountered only in the development of a new brine field. Once the cavity, which develops around the bottom of a well in the salt bed, has reached the size normally attained after operation of a year or two, then saturated brine a t a rate of 200 gallons per minute can be obtained in a salt bed 10 to 20 feet thick. I n developing the cavity of a new brine well, the method of operating the well can determine, to a certain degree, the shape of the cavity, and thus have an important effect on both output and maintenance. For a high capacity well the cavity should expose a large area of salt surface to the dissolving action of the water, but should have such a shape that the roof does not collapse. Large blocks of material falling to the bottom of the cavity may break the pipe and smaller debris may block the tube opening, or become cemented to the tube by crystallization, and eventually settle and break the tube. All methods for preventing the caving of the roof involve one of the following: 1. Salt can be withdrawn from the cavity at a point removed from the tubing, so that any roof caving will not involve the tubing. This is usually accomplished by the use of two connected wells, one for introduction of water and the other for removal of brine. The undercutting of the salt bed so that the two wells become connected together by a channel a t the bottom of the bed establishes the initial connection with the smallest possible cavity around the introducing well. This undercut can be made by the use of oil or air in the cavity to protect salt in the upper part of the bed from the dissolving action of the water. 2. Development of a cavity with a small diameter will give a roof of minimum area and consequently reduce caving tendencies. The diameter can be controlled by the method used in introducing the water into the cavity. If water is introduced at the roof and brine is drawn off a t the floor, a cavity with a ‘‘morning glory” April 1955

Impurities in raw brine from wells are allowed to settle out in these tanks

shape is obtained, producing a maximum area of exposed roof and resulting in the greatest amount of caving difficulty. The shape of the cavity can be made cylindrical with a roof of minimum area by introducing the water into the bottom of the cavity and withdrawing brine near the roof. However, because water is lighter than brine and tends to rise to the roof of the cavity, the flow must be restricted to a small fraction of that used with the other method of injection to maintain a saturated brine flow. 3. Extra strong steel tubing which will not be broken by any roof caving is sometimes used. This practice is applicable if the characteristics of the roof are such that it tends to slough off in small pieces. 4. Use of plastic tubing for brine wells is a rather new practice. If large areas of roof tend to cave at the same time no pipe will be strong enough t o survive and plastic pipe can be broken easily during the drilling necessary to clean the hole. The Brine Must Be Purified before Use

The brine from which salt is produced varies widely in chemical composition. I n some cases, the salt may be produced directly from the brine without purification, but in most cases some treatment of the brine is required. Impuritiea found in brine include .calcium, magnesium, sulfates, traces of hydrogen sulfide, bicarbonates, and ferrous iron. The source of these impurities is found in either the salt deposits or the dissolving water, that which is pumped into the cavity or subterranean water that flows naturally into the salt cavity as brine is removed.




Brine tanks where air is blown through brine to remove certain impurities

The treatment given brine for the removal of the calcium, magnesium, and sulfate impurities depends upon the purity required in the final product; hydrogen sulfide and iron must be removed in all cmes because of the possible effect upon the quality of the product. Calcium, magnesium, and sulfates may be removed either by batch or continuous treatment in equipment of the accelerator type which eliminates calcium carbonate supersaturation. Calcium carbonate causes scaling on the evaporating heating surfacee. Where the composition of the brine varies widely control of the brine treatment can best be obtained by batch treatment. Morton's Manistee Plant Obtains Brine from Ten Wells

Brine from the Manistee plant is obtained from 10 wells sunk into a bed of salt 20 feet thick about 2000 feet beneath the surface. Surface driven deep well pumps are used to bring it to the surface. Submerged pumps, and airlift and water pressure injection

Table II.

Impurities in Saturated Brine from Manistee Wells Impurities, Grams/Liter Untreated Treated NanSO4 Cas04 MgClr CaClr HnS MgSOr NanCOs


5150 0.75

0.30 0.15



5.40 6 p.p.m.


... ...

0.05 0.4

methods are employed at some other installations. The maximum flow of brine obtained from any well a t Manistee is 200 gallons per minute, about average for the industry, where the flow range is from 10 to the over 800 gallons per minute, obtained from the extremely large cavities which can be developed in the salt domes in the South, where salt deposits are several thousand feet thick. Analyses of the saturated brines from Morton's Manistee wells are shown in Table 11. Some salt brines used at other plants do not contain hydrogen sulfide, but, a t Manistee, the first step in purification starts when brine from the wells flows through a shallow wooden tank, 20 feet wide, 150 feet long, and 4 feet deep, which is aerated to remove most of the hydrogen sulfide (Figure 1). Baffles are placed so that the brine flows in a zigzag course along the full length of the tank and returns along the other side to discharge a t the same end. At intervals a few feet apart, air supplied by two blowers of 5500 cubic feet per minute and 55 horsepower, is introduced below the surface of the liquid through inverted funnels having notched edges to break up the air into small bubbles. A small stream of chlorine is introduced into the brine stream as it passes through the line carrying it from the aeration tank to the settling tanks. The chlorine oxidizes the last traces of hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulfide content a t this stage is 0.007 gram per liter) to free sulfur which will settle in the settling tanks. Chlorine also oxidizes the ferrous ions so that iron is precipitated as ferric hydroxide. A test with lead acetate paper determines whether any hydrogen sulfide remains. The settling tanks are 90,000-gallon cypress tanks 25 feet in diameter and 30 feet high and are placed indoors. Manistee has 20 of these tanks


Vol. 47, No. 4


PLANT PROCESSES-Salt with a total settling capaci t y of 1000 gallons per minute. After settling, the brine is ready for evnporat i o n . Some calcium sulfate a n d lesser a m o u n t s of magnesium c h l o r i d e remain in the brine. M o s t calcium sulfate is removed later in the process, but to produce a salt essentially free from calcium a n d magnesium the brine must) be t r e a t e d with soda ash and caustic soda. These chemicals are made into a slurry by m i x i n g 3900 pounds of soda ash and 600 pounds of caustic soda with brine. Mixing of the slurry andbrinein the settling tank is accomplished by a 30-minUte period of Figure 2. Schematic drawing of a a e r a t i o n vacuum pan through a cross-pipe s -p a r e-e r a n d settling is normally completed in 24 hours. Titration with O . l A * hydrochloric acid shows whether the proper amount of soda ash has been added. A 100-ml. sample of a satisfactory brine requires 2.5 ml. of acid to reach an end point with phenolphthalein and 5.0 ml. with methyl orange. The purified brine is then drawn off through an 18-inch standpipe and the settled material containing the iron, sulfur, magnesium, and part of the calcium impurities is flushed out with mater and discarded to prepare the

Table 111.


tank for a new batch. I n plants where the brine has a low hydrogen sulfide content, the aeration tank step and chlorine treatment are omitted; hence, aeration is not required. Multiple Effect Evaporators Are Used for Vacuum Pan Salt

At Manistee about 90% of the salt output is made by the vacuum pan process, the remainder by the grainer method. In the vacuum pan process, the salt is crystallized in multiple effect vacuum evaporators from a boiling brine, a process which normally yields fine cubical crystals of -20 to +lo0 mesh, ideal for table salt and many food processing operations. At Morton'# Manistee plant vacuum pan evaporation facilities consist of fieven large pans arranged to make one triple effect and one quadruple effect evaporator. Construction of one of these pans is shown in Figure 2. Steam introduced into the calandria heats the brine which rises through the tubes and circulates down through the circular downtake by natural convection aided by mechanical agitation. The body and tube sheets are cast iron and the tubes are copper. Diameter of the pan a t the calandria is 18 feet and the downtake tube is 8 feet 10 inches in width. There are 2240 tubes, each having an outside diameter of 2.5 inches and a length of 4.5 feet. Total heating surface is 6600 square feet. The agitator is 8 feet in diameter, has four blades with a pitch of 12 feet 6 inches, and rotates at 36 r.p.m. Vapor from each effect passes to the calandria of the next effect except vapor from the last pan which goes to a barometric plate condenser. Noncondensable gases are vented t o the condenser from each effect. Brine is fed continuously to the pans in parallel with the introduction being into the bottom section of each pan. Table I11 lists some of the operating conditions for the triple effect evaporator and Figure 3 is a material balance for the evaporators. Temperature affects the viscosity and the heat transfer coefficient, as shown in Figure 4.

Some Operating Conditions for Triple Effect Evaporator Steam to first effect: 54,000lb./hr., 220' F. Totai production: 21 tons/hr. Temperature,

Effect 1


a a

Brine 200

Meana 20

159 114

23.7 28.6

' F.

Boiling point rise

Salt Made

Brine Level, I n . above Calandria

17.3 16.4 15

38.9 32.5 28.6

22 18 13

yo of

Mean temperature is difference between steam a n d boiling liquid.

Centrifuges dewater the flake salt

April 1955





BRtNE 130.7GAL./MIN.






BRINE 30.7

3RINE 68.7 3AL. / MIN.

t t