Standard Samples Issued by the National Bureau of Standards

Nov 4, 2010 - THE National Bureau of Standards is prepared to furnish the standard samples listed below. Attention is called particularly to the new s...
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through the use of pulverized solid combustibles is not new. Rudolf Diesel invented a motor for the purpose. The difficulties, inherent with an industrial solution of the question, and especially the problem of the ash produced during the combustion could not, however, be overcome. Study continues for the development of combustibles of all sorts for producing gas for automobiles. There is a tendency to prefer coal of fair calorific capacity to charcoal and wood, with which the first experiments were initiated, as the latter is not sufficiently abundant t o meet the requirements of the new industry. The motor lorry traffic has extended to unlimited figures in Italian East Africa, where railways are scarce. This leaves without direct connection many new and old industrial centers, that are being developed through the necessity of Italian industry to construct branch works in different sections. The sum of 1,602,902 lire was granted to 60 firms as a contribution towards the transformation of their vehicles for the use of gas produced from charcoal, or coal, on three busses using imported motor fuels. Italy has 500 busses, and about the same number of trucks driven by pro­ ducer gas. These vehicles were especially constructed or transformed. At the end of January, in the headuarters of the Fascist Confederation of 'ommercial Workers, the Council of Administration of the National Fascist Corporation met to plan their works. Representatives of the Ministries of Cor­ porations and National Education, and of the branches in which the corporation develops its activity were present. The council considered the advisability of having the professional education in the commercial section developed by a single corporation, the ENFALC. Regulations were approved fixing rules for the opera­ tion of the ENFALC, and of the profes­ sional courses instituted by it. The balance for 1939 was examined and found adequate for an ample development of the courses for the workers of commerce, the arrangement of conferences, the creation of courses of study, and numerous other activities to increase the scope of the corporation.



May 8. 1939

Officers o f N e w Y o r k S e c t i o n EW officers of the New York Section

N of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SocnsTr, who will take office July 1, are: Chair­

man, L. P. Hammett; Chairman-Elect, Robert Calvert; Treasurer, W. W. Winship; Secretary, Cornelia T. Snell; Direc­ tors, Robert Calvert, L. P. Hammett, R. H. Muller, F. W. Power, Cornelia T. Snell, R. R. Williams, and W. W. Winship; Councilors (to take office January 1, 1940), A. Burtsell, L. Craig, R. H. Crist, C. R. De Long, E. J. Durham, C. N. Frey, C. F. Gurnham, Dorothea Haas. A. W. Hixson, D. H. Killeffer, S. D. Kirkpatrick, P. Kratz, J. B. Niederl, E. W. Rice, C. H. Slater, F. D. Snell, W. M. Sperry, A. H. Tenney, Irma Tuck, L. W. Waters, and G. Wilkens. William H. Nichols Jury of Award, 1940, A. W. Hixson, Chairman, L. P. Hammett, Wm. C. MacTavish, D . P. Morgan, and W. W. Winahip.

^ v

VOL. 17, NO. 12

Standard Samples Issued b y t h e National Bureau of Standards HE National Bureau of Standards is T prepared to furnish the standard samples listed below. Attention is called

particularly to the new standard samples of titanium-hearing (0.39) 18 chromium, 9 nickel steel, columbium-bearing (0.44) 18 chromium, 11 nickel steel, high-silicon (4.97) steel, high-nickel (36.4) steel, highsulfur (0.26) steel, lead-bearing (0.21) steel (available June 15); ounce metal, high-grade spelter, special high-grade spelter, brass-special spelter, Florida land pebble phosphate rock, and soda-lime glass (BaO, B2O1). Summaries of analyses of the standard samples are given in the Supplement t o Circular 398. This can be obtained free of charge upon application to the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D . C. Orders should give both the number and name of the sample wanted. Example: No. 9c, steel, Bessemer 0.2 C.

No samples of smaller size than those listed are distributed. T e r m s a n d Shipping (a) DOMESTIC. Samples must be paid for in advance with order. No discounts are allowed on any orders. (b) FOREIGN. Shipments intended for Mexico and Canada will be sent under government frank. For all other foreign shipments, 50 cents postage must be added for every 300 grams of sample or fraction thereof and, in addition, 25 cents for insurance or registration. (c) ΜΟΝΈΥ ORDERS, ETC. Money or­

ders, etc., should be payable to the National Bureau of Standards. Payment for for­ eign orders should be by an international money order or by a check payable through the New York Clearing House or a bank in the United States.

Standard Samples







8e 9c lOd 22b 15c lid 12d 13c 14c

Bessemer, 0.1 C Bessemer, 0.2 C Bessemer, 0.4 C Bessemer, 0.6 C B. O. H.. 0.1 C B. O. H.. 0.2 C B. O. H.. 0.4 C B. O. H., 0.6 C B. O. H.. 0.8 C

16c 19c 20d 21c 34a 35a 51a

B. O. H. f 1.0 C A. O. H., 0.2 C A. O. H., 0,4 C A. O. H., 0.6 C A. O. H.. 0.8 C A. O. H.. 1.0 C Electric furnace. 1.2 C Medium manganese High silicon


125 105 129

130 30o 32b 33b 126 50a

High sulfur (approx. 0.65) High sulfur Lead-bearing Chrome-vanadium Chrome-nickel Nickel High nickel Chrome-tunge ten-vanadium

72a 106

Chrome-molybdenum Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy "G")


Ni-Mo-Cr (SAE 4615)

73 101a

Stainless 18 Cr. 8 Ni

121 123

18 Cr, 9 Ni (Ti-bearing) 18 Cr, 11 Ni (Cb-bearing)

C. C. C. C. C. C, C, C. C,

Mn, P. 8, Si (Cu. Ni. Cr, V) Mn. P. S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, V. Sn) Mn. P. S, Si (Cu. Ni, Cr, V , N) Mn. P. S. Si (Cu. Ni. Cr. V. Sn) Mn. P. 8, Si (Cu. Ni. Cr, V. As) Μη. Ρ, S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, V. As) Mn. P. S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, V. As) Μη, Ρ, S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, AJ. Sn) Mn. P. S, Si (Cu. Ni, Cr, V . Al, AlsOa) C. Mn. P. S, Si (Cu. Ni. Cr. V) C. Mn. P. 8. Si (Cu, Ni. Cr, V) C. Μη, Ρ, S, Si (Cu, Ni. Cr, V ) C. Μη. Ρ, S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, V) C. Mn. P. S, Si (Cu, Cr. Mo) C, Mn. P. 8, Si Cu, Cr. Al) C, Mn. P. 8, Si (Cu. Ni. Cr, V. Sn) C. Mn, P. 8, Si (Cu. Ni, Cr, V) C. Mn. P. S, Si (Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Mo. Al, Ti, Sn) C, C. C. C. C, C. C.

Mn, P. S, Si (Çu. Ni. Cr) Mn, P. S, Si. Pb (Cu, Ni, Cr) Mn. P. 8. Si, Cr, V (Cu, N i ) Mn, P. S, Si, Cr, Ni (Cu) Mn. P. S. 8i, Ni (Cu. Cr, V) Mn. Si. Cu. Ni, Co Mn. P. 8. Si. W. Cr. V