STANDING CONTEST FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Continuing the custom adopted during the past scholastic year, the. Chemistry Stndent ofiers each ...
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No. 12



STANDING CONTEST FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Continuing the custom adopted during the past scholastic year, the Chemistry Stndent ofiers each month an award of ten dollars to the undergraduate student who contributes the best article during that period. All other contributions deemed worthy of publication will be awarded prizes of five dollars each. Each monthly contest period will begin on the sixteenth of the calendar month and close the fifteenth of the following calendar month. Papers on any of the following subjects may be entered in the contest: 1. A miniature chemical plant 2. A chemical play or entertainment 3. A chemical hobby or project 4. An unusual and successful chemistry club activity 5. How we make the programs of our chemistry club interesting. Occasionally special awards may be made for exceptionally good papers which do not fall strictly within the scope of any of the subjects listed above. Directions for Contest 1. Type or write legibly on one side of the paper only. 2. If your paper lends itself to illustration, illustrate it with drawings or photographs or both. (As concerns illustrations observe the "Notice to Authors of Papers" which appears a t the foot of the table of contents in the front of %IS JOURNAL.) 3. Mark each sheet of your manuscript and each illustration with your name. 4. On a separate sheet of paper give your name, your class, the name and address of the institution a t which you are a student, the name of the chemistry club or fraternity a t your institution, and the name of the faculty adviser or most active faculty member of your chemistry club. 5. Address contributions to: The Associate Editor, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, The Johns Hopkins University, Homewood, Baltimore, Md. Contributions will be judged on the basis of: 1. Interest 2. Originality 3. Literary excellence 4. Excellence of illtistrations (if any) 6. Neatness and legibility. Two of the contributions which won awards in the contest closing October 15th a m published in this issue. A third, submitted by Anne Bateman, will appear in a later issue.