Dothamplifiers are locked to a 350 Hz reference with with 10 jiV7 sensitivity, 60 dD dynamic reserve, and a. 300 ms, 12 dD time constant. The interfer...
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Seeing is Believing ANALOG LOCK-IN


Both amplifiers are locked to a 350 Hz reference with with 10 μν sensitivity, 00 d5> dynamic reserve, and a 300 ms, 12 d& time constant. The interfering signal is 10 mV at &00 Hz. Both outputs are recorded by the SK350's 16 bit NO inputs.

Don't be limited by your analog lock-in amplifier. Look a t the difference when measuring a signal embedded in noise under identical instrument settings. The analog lock-in is noisy and has a sizeable error, while the SRÔ50 DSP Lock-in Amplifier is quiet and accurate] The SF50 uses digital signal processing t o replace the traditional analog demodulator, low pass filters, and DC amplifiers. The result is no gain error, output drift or stability tradeoff for using high dynamic reserve. The 5K&50 also has features t h a t no other lock-in can match; polar graphs of Ρ and Theta, direct printing or plot­ ting from the Instrument, detection of any harmonic up t o 102 kHz, a sweeping synthesized reference source, and much more. We're so sure t h a t the SRÔ50 DSP Lock-In Amplifier will make your measurements better, we want you to see for yourself. Just call our application engineers a t (40Ô) 7 4 4 - 9 0 4 0 , tell them how you're using your analog lock-in, and we'll send you an SRÔ50 for two weeks so you can see the difference. Ferformance,

Presentation, Ease of use. Seeing is Believing.

100 dB dynamic reserve without prefilters

0.001° phase resolution

0.001 Hz - 1 0 2 kHz operation


The introductory price of $4750 has been extended until June 15th,


STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS 1290 D. Reamwood Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 9 4 0 8 9 TEL (400)744-9040 · FAX (400)744-9049 CIRCLE 82 ON READER SERVICE CARD