Stealing marks

Kadelphian Review as authority for the statement thatWashington& Lee has abandoned the “honor ... Washington and Lee University. Lexington, Kentucky...
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Correspondence STEALING MARKS I note on page 1536 of the September number of the JOURNAL OF CHEMIEDUCATION a clipping from the Ifigh-School Teacher quoting the Kadelphian Review as authority for the statement that Washington & Lee has abandoned the "honor system." I want to assure yon that the statement is absolutely false and that there has never been a thought of abandoning it. conside;ing that our students come from prep schools throughout the country, it is not remarkable that there are occasional cases to be dealt with by the Student Executive Committee, but most of the freshmen take to it like ducks to water. I think its working is about 99.44% pure! The mere intimation that it has been abandoned here is so serious that I hope you can see your way clear to correct the statement in an early issue of the JOURNAL. Yours very cordially, JAS. LEWISHOWE CAL