9:10 (321). Formaldehyde Exposure and Preventive Maintenance— ... T Pollutants in the PPT-PPB Level in Environmental Air, Using Thermal. E. Desorpti...
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PITTCON Analysis of Air (Indoor and Outdoor)

Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Analysis

Tuesday Morning, Room 11, Rlvergate A. Pebler, Presiding Westinghouse R&D Center

Tuesday Morning, Room 7/9, NOCC M. Levitt, Presiding Biodecision Laboratories 8:30 (329) Particle Concentration Fluorescence Immunoassay for Tissue Plasminogen Activator—JR. SPORTSMAN, Eli Lilly and Company, R.F. Petronzio

8:30 (319) Continuous Monitoring of Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds In Indoor A i r — S I . KANE. Photovac International. Inc., M.

Collins 8:50 (320) VOCs Exposure from Indoor Use of Products-J.D. PLEIL, U.S. EPA, W.A. McClenny, K.D. Oliver

8:50 (330) Structural Elucidation Analysis via Mass Spectrometry—R. Mitrovich, Jr., J. Buchner


in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical WILLOUGHBY. Extrel Corporation, S.

9:10 (321) Formaldehyde Exposure and Preventive Maintenance— P.M. SHAMBRESKIS, Streamline Air Systems

9:10 (331) Applications of Headspace Sampling in Pharmaceutical Analysis—T.P. WAMPLER. Chemical Data Systems. J.W. Washall

9:30 (322) Comparison of Several Methods for Collection and Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air—Β Β KEBBEKUS, NJ Institute of Technology, L.Y. Zuo. Y.-J. Shen

9:30 (332) Chromatographic Separation and Characterization of Technetium-DPD Radiopharmaceutical Analogs—P.J SCHOFIELD, University of Cincinnati, E.A. Deutsch, W.R. Heineman





Quantitative Analysis of Trace Gases In Air—PL HANST,

9:50 (333) Methods Management Approach to Automation Biotechnology—J.N. LITTLE, Zymark Corporation, B.G. Lightbody

Infrared Analysis, Inc., R.A. Crocombe, D.A.C. Compton







10:25 (324) A Thermal Desorption-Caplllary Column Gas Chromatographic System for the Analysis of Volatile Organics In Air— J.R. HANCOCK, Defense Res. Establish. Suffield 10:45 (325) Fully AutomatedSyetemforMonitorlng VolatlleOrganlc Pollutants in the PPT-PPB Level In Environmental Air, Using Thermal Desorptlon and Cold Trapping Capillary Gas Chromatography—H. CORNET, Chrompack International B.V

10:25 (334) Automated Competitive ELISAs for Determining Low Femtomole Levels of Therapeutic Drugs—L.D. TABER, Eli Lilly and Company, J.R. Sportsman

11:05 (326) The Determination of Volatile Organic Chemicals in Landfill Gas with a Fully Integrated and Automatic Gas Chromato­ graphic System—N. KIRSHEN, Varian Instrument Group, B. Thompson. E. Almasi

11 25 (337) Determination of Coating Thickness on Pharmaceutical Tablets by Near Infrared Spectrophotometry—P.J. BRIMMER, Pacific Scientific

10:45 (335) Enzyme-Linked Competitive Binding Assays for Riboflavin— G.-S. CHA, University of Michigan, G.S. Ashcom, ME. Meyerhoff 11:05 (336) Reversed Phase Chromatography of Basic Drugs by HPLC on a Stabilized Support—H.H FREISER, SynChrom. Inc., MP. Nowlan, D.L. Gooding

11:45 (338) The Application of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (SFC/MS) to Compounds of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Interests—F PACHOLEC, Suprex Corporation, DR. Gere, J. Buchner, R. Willoughby

11:25 (327) Tedlar Bag Sampling System for Sampling Stationary Source Emissions—J.C. PAU, USEPA, J E . Knoll, M.R. Midgett 11:45 (328) Measurement of Hexavalent Chromium in the Atmosphere—P.M. GROHSE, Research Triangle Institute, B.M. Wilson, R. Grant, R.J. Joyce, M.J. Doyle

Saturation to Dry Down in Fifteen Seconds Continuous Monitoring or Spot Check Fully Temperature Controlled Sensors Available Vacuum to 275 Atmospheres Exclusive "PUSH-PURGE" Diagnostic Feature Standard on all Models

FAST, ACCURATE TRACE MOISTURE ANALYSIS State-of-the-Art Silicon Chip Technology

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STEPHENS EQUIPMENT INC. P.O. Box 1126 Champlain, New York 12919-1126 Tel.: (514) 332-1230 «Fax: (514) 331-2084

Tlx.: 05 824 629

S E E US A T T H E P I T T S B U R G H C O N F E R E N C E , N E W O R L E A N S . B O O T H # 2 7 6 2 . CIRCLE 154 A




A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , V O L . 6 0 , N O . 3, F E B R U A R Y
