Stereochemistry of. alpha.-halogenation of sulfoxides. 1. A proton

May 31, 1977 - recorded on a Varían XL-100 pulsed Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. NMR spectra were recorded in the CW mode...
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J.Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 25, I977 4029

Bromination of trans -2-Thiahydrindan 2-Oxide 13C spectra which proved considerably more valuable in the structural analysis of 1-thiadecalins.

supported under National Science Foundation Grant GP35669X.

Experimental Section

References and Notes

Synthesis and analytical data of the compounds investigated are described in detail e l s e ~ h e r e . ~ NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian XL-100 pulsed Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. lH NMR spectra were recorded in the C u ' mode, in 5-mm 0.d. tubes. 13C spectra were measured at 25.16 MHz, in the pulsed mode, in 10-mm 0.d. tubes. ~ with 2-5% Me&i admixed as inSolvent in both cases w , CDC13, ternal reference; the deuterium of the solvent provided the internal lock signal. Integration of corresponding signals in the low-temperature spectra was effected by counting squares of the signal areas, and by multiplication of signal height with half-width, after expanding electronically as much as resolution and noise level permitted. The following signals (numbers refer to position of carbon atoms) were integrated and gave the following (parenthesized) percentages (only one conformer of each pair is reported): 11A 2 (60), 4 (58), 5 (58),6 (59),9 (58), 10 (58); 14A 4 (32),6(34),9 (33); 17A 5 (14),9 (171, CH3 (19). Error limits are estimated to be of the same size as reported in ref 13, that is, f 2 % (in favorable cases of K 1) to f10% (in unfavorable cases of K = 20). The resulting errors for the A G O values in Table I1 are f0.06 kcalimol or better.

Acknowledgment. The authors are very grateful to Professor E. L. Eliel, University of North Carolina, both for valuable advice and for financial support. F.W.V. thanks Professor K. Kratzl, University of Vienna, for his interest, and the University of Vienna for a leave of absence. This work was

See, for instance, J. B.Lambert and S. I. Featherman, Chem. Rev., 75,611 (1975), and the literature reported therein. P. K. Claus, W. Rieder, F. W. Viefhapper,and R. L. Willer, TetrahedronLett., 119 (1976); P. K. Claus. W. Rieder, and F. W. Vierhapper, ibid., 1335 (1976); P. K. Claus, F. W. Vierhapper, and R. L. Willer, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1002 (1976). P. K. Claus, F. W. Vierhapper, and R. L. Willer, J. Org. Chem., preceding paper in this issue. (a) D. K. Dalling and D. M. Grant, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,89,6612 (1967); (b) ibid., 94, 5318 (1972); (c) D. K. Daliing, D. M. Grant, and E. G. Paul, ibid., 85, 3718 (1973). (a) R. L. Willer and E. L. Eliel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 1925 (1977); (b) E. L. Eliel and D. Kandasamy, J. Org. Chem., 41, 3899 (1976). (c) No literature data of transdecalin and of ethylcyclohexane in CDCl3 were available, so the j3C spectra of these compounds were recorded under conditions given in Table i. fransDecalin:C-9, 10, 43.82;C-1,4,5,8,34.48;C-2,3,6.7, 26.99. Ethylcyclohexane: C-I, 39.80; C-2,6, 33.29; CH2,30.3,; C-4, 27.03; C-33, 26.68; CH3. 11.48. G. Barbarella, P. Dembech, A. Garbesi, and A. Fava, Org. Magn. Reson., 8, 469 (1976). F. W. Vierhapper and R. L. Willer, Org. Magn. Reson., 9, 13 (1977). E. L. Eliel and F. W. Vierhapper, J. Org. Chem., 41, 199 (1976). F. W. Vierhapper and E. L. Eliel, J. Org. Chem. 42, 51 (1977). H. Booth and M. L. Jozefowicz. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 895 (1976). N. L. Allinger and M. J. Hickey, J. Am. Chem. SGC., 97, 516!,(1975). (a) E. L. Eliel, N. L. Allinger, S. J. Angyal, and G. A. Morrison, Conformational Analysis", interscience, New York, N.Y., 1965. (b) H. Booth and J. R. Everett, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 278 (1976). H. Booth, D. V. Griffiths, and M. L. Jozefowicz, J. Chem. Soc.,Perkin Trans. 2, 751 (1976). R . T. LaLonde and T. N. Donvito, Can. J. Chem., 52, 3778 (1974).

Stereochemistry of a Halogenation of Sulfoxides. 1. A Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Bromination of trans-2-Thiahydrindan 2-Oxide Anna Garbesi* Laboratorio C N R , Ozzano Emilia, Bologna, Italy

Antonino Fava* Istituto di Chimica Organica, Uniuersitci di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Received M a y 31,1977 The stereochemistry of bromination of the title compound with bromine in the presence of pyridine to give the a-bromo sulfoxide has been studied by 1H NMR and stereospecific deuterium labeling methods. The reaction appears to be completely regio- and stereospecific and involves inversion of configuration a t both sulfur and a carbon. This result is discussed on the basis of various possible halogenation mechanisms. However, no clear-cut mechanistic choice appears to be possible.

The stereochemistry of LY halogenation of sulfoxides by halogens or halogen sources (X2) in the presence of base (B:)l has been extensively investigated in recent years. RS(0)CHRlRs


The reaction is normally found to be stereospecific, and occasionally highly so, a t both sulfur and LY carbon.7 The results, however, are puzzling, as the actual steric course appears to depend rather unpredictably both on sulfoxide structure (open chain7 or cyclic,&l1 type and nature of the substituent a t Ca7J2) and reaction conditions (halogenating agent, presence or absence of an electrophile such as AgN03).7 Thus, if it is reasonable to suppose that a single fundamental mechanism is operating in every case, it has been nevertheless im-

possible to fit all the results in a coherent framework. Apparently, the factors which ultimately control the stereochemistry are incompletely understood. It has been suggested that the conformational flexibility of the substrate and/or reactive intermediates formed along the reaction path may play a key role in determining the steric course,11J2yet no comprehensive study has been reported on the halogenation of conformationally rigid s~1foxides.l~ In this paper we report on the stereochemistry of bromination of truns-2-thiahydrindan 2-oxide (la), a system which, by virtue of the trans ring fusion, cannot undergo appreciable skeletal deformation a t the reaction centers.14 This system is particularly advantageous, since the four LY protons are all stereochemically different, either because of their relation to the S-0 bond or the ring fusion, and can be readily identified in

4030 J.Org. Chem., Vol. 42, No. 25,1977

Garbesi and Fava

Figure 1. Proton NMR spectrum of trans-2-thiahydrindan 2-oxide (la) in CDC13 in the presence of Eu(dprn)~4:3 molar ratio.

Figure 2. Proton NMR spectrum of trans-2-thia-1-bromohydrindan 2-oxide ( 2 4 in CDC13

the NMR. This is true also for the bromosulfoxide Droduct and, consequently, the steric course of halogenation can be conveniently followed by NMR methods.



a I R 1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = H b, R , = R, = R, = H; R, = D c , R , = R, = R, = H; R, = D



R , = R, = R, = H b, R , = R, = H; R, = D c , R, = R4 = H; R , = D a,

Results The 100-MHz NMR spectrum of la has been previously discussed.16 At 60 MHz the two quasi-equatorial protons H1 and Hz still appear as separate resonances, 6 3.65 and 2.83, respectively. (In CDC13 the shifts are concentration dependent; these values refer to a 0.44 M solution.) All other protons appear as two very broad signals centered at 6 1.95 and 1.2, respectively. The addition of shift reagent [Eu(dpm)a]gradually resolves the heterocyclic part of the spectrum, all the protons eventually becoming neatly separated. This is shown in Figure 1,which corresponds to a 4 3 sulfoxidehhift reagent molar ratio. Bromination of la in acetonitrile in the presence of pyridine (48 h, room temperature) gave, together with unreacted sulfoxide and some sulfone (