Stereochemistry of transition metal cyclooctatetraenyl complexes

1, 79568-54-0; 2, 79568-55-1; 3, 79645-21-9; 4,. 79645-22-0; 5, 79645-23-1; 6, 79568-57-3; 7a, 79645-25-3; 7b, 79645-. 26-4; [Ir(P(CH3)3)4][PFe], 7559...
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Organometallics 1982,1, 204-201


sistance of W. Gray and L. Jones are gratefully acknowledged. Registry No. 1, 79568-54-0; 2, 79568-55-1; 3, 79645-21-9; 4, 79645-22-0; 5, 79645-23-1; 6, 79568-57-3; 7a, 79645-25-3; 7b, 79645-

26-4; [Ir(P(CHJ3),][PFa],75593-00-9; Ir(CH,)(P(CH&,, 75613-61-5; [Ir(CO)(P(CH,),),][Cl], 67215-74-1; IrC1(P(CH3),),(C8Hl4),5939012246-51-4; [IrHCl(CO)(P(CH,),),][BF,], 28-2; [IrC1(CBH14)212, 79568-59-5; IrH(CO)(P(CH,),),, 79568-60-8; [IrH,(CO)(P(CH,),),J[BF,], 79568-62-0.

Stereochemistry of Transition Metal Cyclooctatetraenyl Complexes. Molecular Structure of (q-CyclooctatetraenyI)(q-allyl)-teri-butoxyzirconium D. J. Brauer and Carl Kruger" Max-Pknck-Institut fur Kohlenfwschung, P4330 Mulheim-Ruhr, West Germany Received July 14, 1987

Crystals of (7-cyclooctatetraenyl) (7-allyl)-tert-butoxyzirconium belong to the monoclinic space group E 1 / n with a = 15.696 (6) A, b = 16.117 (3) A, c = 12.531 (6) A, /3 = 111.05 (l)', 2 = 8, and ddcd = 1.39 g/cm3. The structure was derived from 4418 counter-measured X-ray data and refined to a conventional R value of 0.039. Two crystallographicallyindependent molecules were found, the second molecule displaying two distinct conformations of the tert-butoxy groups. Strong Zr-0 bonding is indicated by the short Zr-0 bond lengths, average 1.91 (1) A, and the large Zr-0-c bond angles, average 169 (1)O. The Zpallyl linkages are slightly asymmetric with a mean Zr-C(ally1) separation of 2.481 A. The metal atoms are bonded to the COT ligands in an vS fashion, although highly significant deviations are found in the Zr-C(COT) bond lengths. These deviations are related to the patterns of nonplanarity revealed for the COT carbon atoms. In the fist molecule the ring assumes a shallow tub c o n f i a t i o n while that of the second is slightly folded along a diagonal. The departures from C&, symmetry in the Zr-COT bonding apparently relate to the orientation of the COT moiety with respect to the allyl and tert-butoxy groups, the longest Zr-C bond lengths being approximately trans to those ligands. The C-H bonds show an average tilt of 9.2 (9)' out of the COT carbon atom planes toward the metal atoms.

Introduction Structural investigations of ( C O T ) 2 Z ~ T H F(COT 1 = 1,3,5,7-cycloodatetraene and THF = tetrahydrofuran) and (COT)ZrC12*THF2 showed that both compounds contained a nearly planar COT ligand bonded qs to the Zr atoms. In addition, the study of the dichloride revealed that the four Z1-c bonds approximately trans to the Z&1 linkages were elongated compared to the other four even though the Z r c l interactions appeared not to be particularly strong? This evidence hints at a degree of compliance in the ZrC(C0T) bonds. T o gain more information on this phenomenon, we have examined t h e structure of (I)3 and now wish to report the (COT)(CBHS)(t-C4H90)Zr results.

Experimental Section For the X-ray study, crystals of I, which were kindly supplied by Dr. R. Kallweit of this institute, were mounted in glass cap-

illaries under argon. The space group was determined from Weissenberg photographs. Lattice constants were determined by a least-squares procedure from Bragg angles measured with a PDP-8/s automated Siemens diffractometer employing Zrfiitered Mo K a radiation (X(Mo Kn) = 0,71069 A) and are given in the summary. Intensity data (hkl, hkl, 2 I 0 I 25') were measured and reduced as described previously? No absorption correction was applied because of the irregular crystal shape; however, corrections would have been small (I.C = 7.2 cm-'). Of (1) D. J. Brauer and C. KrCiger, J. Orgammet. Chem., 42,129 (1972).

( 2 ) D.J. Brauer and C. Krirger, Chem., 14,3063(1975). (3)R.Kallweit, Dissertation, UniversitAt Bochum, 1974.


the 5158 data collected, 4418 were unique and had I 1 2 4 . Only the corresponding lFol's were assigned nonzero weights (w)and were used in subsequent calculations. The structue was solved by the heavy-atom method and refimed by least-squares techniques. Computing details have been cited previously.2 After anisotropic refinement, a difference Fourier calculation indicated the presence of a second orientation (occupancy 0.7) of the tert-butoxy group in molecule 2 which was related to the first by a rotation of -60' about the 0 4 3 1 2 ) bond. The additional three carbon atoms were included isotropically in the refinement along with a constrained occupancy factor. Positional parameters for the hydrogen atoms of the COT and allyl ligands in both molecules as well as those of the tert-butoxy group of molecule 1were obtained from a subsequent difference density map, and these atoms were refined isotropically. Methyl hydrogen atoms were not located for molecule 2. After several additional large-block least-squares cycles, convergence was reached with R = CA/CIFol= 0.039, A = llFol - IF& and R, = [CwA2/CwlFolz]1/2 = 0.048. Positional parameters are given in Table I, the numbering scheme for both molecules being indicated in Figure 1. The mean C-H distance is 0.97 (11) A. Thermal ellipsoids of each Zr-C(1)-C(8) fragment are well fit by a TLS rigid-body-motionmodel: On the average, librational corrections increase the C-C and Zr-C bond lengths by 0.018 and 0.025 A, respectively. Unless specified to the contrary, uncorrected values are given in the text.

Description of the Crystal Structure Crystals of I are composed of discrete molecules, two of which make up the asymmetric unit. Both independent (4)V. Schomaker and K. N. Trueblood, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B, B24,63 (1968). 1982 American Chemical Society

Transition Metal Cyclooctatetraenyl Complexes cs

Figure 1. A perspective drawing of I with hydrogen atoms omitted.

molecules contain an octahapto COT ligand, a *-allyl group, and a tert-butoxy moiety which are coordinated to the zirconium atoms.

Organometallics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1982 205 Comparison of structural parameters in these two molecules might reveal which, if any, are compliant toward packing forces. The angles formed by the vectors Zr+O and Z v G , where G is the center of mass of the allyl carbon atoms, and the COT carbon atom plane normal to it are compared in Figure 2a. Good agreement is found for these gross structural features. The relative rotation of the COT ligand with respect to the allyl and tert-butoxy species, which is defined as the angle formed by the projection of the vector C(lO)+O on the COT plane with C(1)