Stopped-flow studies of carbon dioxide hydration and bicarbonate

Sourav Ghoshal and Montu K. Hazra. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016 120 (4), 562-575. Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF | PDF w/ Links. Cover Im...
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Stopped-Flow Studies of Carbon Dioxide Hydration and Bicarbonate Dehydration in H20 and DzO. Acid-Base and Metal Ion Catalysis Y. Pocker* and D. W. Bjorkquist Contributionfrom the Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 981 95. Received August 31, 1976

Abstract: The approach to equilibrium between carbon dioxide and bicarbonate has been followed by zero-order kinetics both from the direction of CO2 hydration and HCO3- dehydration. T h e rates are monitored at 25.0 OC using the stopped-flow indicator technique in H2O as well as D20. The hydration of C 0 2 is subject to catalysis by H 2 0 ( k o = 2.9 X IO-$ s - I ) and OH( k 0 ~ =JfkaOH= 6.0 X I O 3 M-' s-I). The value of 0.63 for the ratio koH-/koD- is consistent with a mechanism utilizing a direct nucleophilic attack of O H - on C02. In the reverse direction H C 0 3 - dehydration is catalyzed predominantly by H3O+ s-l). The value of 0.56 for the ( k ~ , o=ffkatoo+ + = 4.1 X IO4 M-I s - I ) and to a much lesser degree by H2O ( k o 2 X ratio k H , O + / k D , O + indicates that HCO3- may be protonated either in a preequilibrium step or in a rate-determining dehydration step. Both the hydration of CO2 and the dehydration of bicarbonate are subject to general catalysis. For C02, dibasic phosphate, a zinc imidazole complex, and a copper imidazole complex all enhanced the rate of hydration with respective rate coefficients of 3 X IO-!, 6.0, and 2.5 M-l s-l. For bicarbonate, monobasic phosphate catalyzed the rate of dehydration ( k ~ ~ p =0 1~ X- IO-1 M-' s-I j. Additionally in going from an ionic strength of 0.1 to 1.0 there was a negligible salt effect for the water-catalyzed hydration of CO2. However, the rate constant for the hydronium ion catalyzed dehydration of H C 0 3 - was reduced from 4.1 X IO4 M-l s-I to 2.3 X IO4 M-' s - I for the same change in ionic strength. Finally the rate of C 0 2 uptake by the complex Co(NH3)50H2)+ was followed spectrophotometrically both in H 2 0 and D2O to determine the solvent isotope effect for a reaction known to involve a nucleophilic attack of a Co(II1j-hydroxo complex on C02. A value of 1 .O for this isotope effect has interesting implications with respect to the mechanism of action of the metalloenzyme, carbonic anhydrase.

The ubiquity of C02 has prompted many researchers to investigate one of life's most fulidamental reactions, the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide.'-8 The results of these studies have clearly illustrated that both H20 and O H - are catalysts for the hydration. However, their exact role in the mechanism is still unknown. Following the kinetic scheme suggested by Eigen et al. the hydration in aqueous solution may proceed either directly to bicarbonate or to bicarbonate via carbonic acid, eq 1.j TemH+

+ HCO3-

k ii

e HiCOj kn








H1O Co(NH,),OH?+

perature jump studies have revealed that the rate constant k12 is approximately 5 X 1 O l o M-' s-I.j Using this value and a value of 1.72 X M for the true first dissociation constant of carbonic acid,9 a value of around lo7 s-I can be calculated for k2l. Because the magnitude of both these rate constants far exceeds the observed rate constant for the hydration and because the kinetics were monitored at a p H much higher than the pK, for H2C03, the overall reaction can be rewritten as C02


+ HzO 9H + + HCO3-



where kco2 = k31 + k32 and kH2C03 = kl3KHzCO3 + k23. Values for kcOz have been obtained by a variety of techniques. Generally the rate constant a t 25.0 "C falls in the range 2.6 X to 4.3 X lod2 s-I However, recent work has consistently placed the value at 3.7 f 0.2 X IO-* s-1.3,4,7,8 The rate constant for dehydration of H2CO3, k H 2 C 0 3 ,has a value of 1.8 f 0.7 X 10' s - ' . ~ - * * I O At high pH values the hydration is predominantly catalyzed by hydroxide: koH-


constant for the reverse reaction, ~ H C O ~has - , been calculatedI2 s-I. and measuredI3 to be 2 X I n addition to O H - other bases will also catalyze the reversible hydration of C02.8J4JsThe most potent of these OH(or H2O) donors is the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Althodgh the mechanism of action of this enzyme is still being debated, it appears that a metal-hydroxo complex is the basic species required for attack on CO2.I6.l7It is interesting to note that both a dipeptide Cu(I1) complex18 and hydroxopentaamminecobalt(II1) perchlorate19 have also been demonstrated to be effective catalysts for the uptake of C02. The latter of the two metal catalysts is especially interesting because it is thought to function analogously to one of tHe mechanisms proposed for carbonic anhydrase, eq 4.

+ HC03-

~ H C O ~ -


Sirs has determined k o ~ to - be 8.5 X IO3 M-' s-'.I1 The rate



Co( NH,)OH,j+

+ CO? A k-






The purpose of the present work is to investigate the reactions described by eq 2-4 both in H2O and D2O. Values for the rate constants described in these equations were needed in order to evaluate the contribution by the chemical catalysts to the observed rate in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.20 In addition it was hoped the resulting solvent isotope effects for the reactions described in eq 2-4 would aid in elucidating the mechanism of hydration and dehydration.

Experimental Section Materials. Saturated solutions of COz (Airco, Research grade 99.99% pure) were prepared by bubbling the gas through deionized, distilled water i n a vessel fitted with a stopcock and thermostated at 25.0 "C. Portions of this saturated solution were withdrawn by allowing it to flow by gravity from the vessel into a gas-tight Hamilton syringe. To determine the concentration of CO2. a known volume of the saturated solution was added to an excess of standardized Ba(OH)2 containing BaC12. The resulting solution was back-titrated against standardized HCI with phenolphthalein as the indicator. AIthough this method suffers from having an indecisive end point, it was found that the concentration obtained from the average of many de-

Pocker, Bjorkquist / Carbon Dioxide Hydration and Bicarbonate Dehydration

6538 Table 1. Selected Physical Properties of the Acid-Base Indicators terminations was in excellent agreement with the literature value. The Used in the Hydration of CO2 and Dehydration of HCO3concentration of COz saturated in H 2 0 a t 25.0 “ C was found to be M, while in D2O it was 3.81 X M . Solutions of 3.38 X indicator A , O nm ,Atb PKHInC KHln N a H C 0 3 ( M C B reagent grade) were prepared by carefully weighing the salt and dissolving it in deionized, distilled water just prior to BCPd 588 7.16 X IO4 6.20 6.22 X IO-’ use. PN Pe 400 1.79 X IO4 7.03 9.31 X I O - * Carbonatopentaamminecobalt(II1) nitrate monohydrate was MCPJ 578 3.02 X I O 4 8.40 3.94 X prepared according to the method of Lamb and Mysels,21and the Phenol 287 2.61 X IO3 9.96 1.10 X aquopentaamminecobalt(II1) perchlorate was prepared from it by AYRg 494 2.9 X lo4 10.86 1.36 X IO-” acidification in 1 M perchloric acid followed by repeated recrystalliThe maximum wavelength of the basic form of the indicazations from 0. I M perchloric acid. The purity of both complexes was tor. The difference in molar extinction coefficient of the acidic and checked by spectral measurement on a Cary 14 spectrophotometer: 509 nm, c 96 cm-I M-I; C O ( N H ~ ) ~ O H ~ ~basic + , form of the indicator determined a t the maximum wavelength Co(NH3)5C03+, A,, of the basic form. Determined a t 25.0 O C and I = 0.10. BCP = A,, 491 nm, t 47.7 M-I cm-l. In addition, the titration of bromocresol purple. e P N P = p-nitrophenol. f M C P = metacresol [Co(NH3)50H2](C104)3 (pK, = 6.22) with N a O H showed this purple. R AY R = alizarin yellow R. complex to be pure to within 1%. Apparatus. The hydration of carbon dioxide and the dehydration of bicarbonate were followed spectrophotometrically by the use of an indicator technique on a Durrum-Gibson stopped-flow spectrophowith small amounts of N a O H to compensate for the loss of free imtometer thermostated at 25.0 OC. The instrument was furnished with idazole upon its coordination to the metal. two equal diameter glass drive syringe barrels to ensure that mixing Only nitrogen buffers were used in studying the carboxylation of was 1 : I by volume. For most kinetic determinations of the hydration Co(NH&H203+ and the decarboxylation of Co(NH&C03+ so that of carbon dioxide the Kel-F flow system was equipped with a mixing a constant concentration of S042- could be maintained at all pH chamber containing a 20-mm cuvette. However, all of the kinetic runs values. This was accomplished by holding the amount of protonated with bicarbonate and the cobalt complexes, and a few with carbon base constant for each buffer. Then the ionic strength was brought dioxide, were carried out with a new flow system designed for either to 0.50 by the addition of Na2S04. Weighed amounts of (Cofluorescence or absorbance measurements. The cuvette on this new (NH3)5H20](C104)3 were added directly to the buffer when it was flow system had not been manufactured to the specified length of 20 )H~O used as a catalyst. Solutions of [ C O ( N H ~ ) + ~ O ~ ] ( N O ~were mm. Instead, after performing many experiments utilizing Beer’s law, prepared in 1 X N N a O H . This procedure was necessary because the path length was found to be 16 mm. Furthermore, absorbance the complex decarboxylates noticeably a t all pH values below 924and measurements had to be kept below 0.3 on this dual purpose cell in is unstable at all pH values above 12. However, in no instance was the order to avoid nonlinearity caused by excessive light piping. solution used after the complex had been in contact with the base for The carboxylation of Co(NH3)50H13+ and the decarboxylation periods longer than 10 min. of Co(N H3)5C03+ were also followed spectrophotometrically by Kinetic Procedure and Calculations. All rates on the stopped-flow monitoring the change in absorbance a t 508 nm on the stopped-flow spectrophotometer were initiated by rapid I : l mixing of the substrate instrument. with a buffer containing the desired catalyst and monitored over a very All pH measurements were recorded on a Beckman Model 101900 short time interval (ca. 10%) so as to record only the initial linear research pH meter fitted with a Corning glass electrode (no. 476022) portion of the reaction. The output on the oscilloscope was adjusted and a Beckman reference electrode (no. 39071). The pD was obtained to read 2% transmittance full scale. The data were analyzed by first by adding 0.41 to the observed pH meter reading.22 If the concenconverting the percent transmittance readings to absorbance and then tration of hydronium ion was needed, it was calculated from pH meter by plotting absorbance vs. time in the customary zero-order fashion. readings which were corrected for activity effects using eq 5 and 6 Usually nine kinetic runs were recorded per buffer. For hydration, the where / and Z stand for the ionic strength of the solution and the first-order in substrate was confirmed in the range [COz] = charge of H3O+, respectively. 0.0034-0.017 M; for dehydration it was confirmed in the range [HCOj-] = 0.005-0.05 M . pH = -1% ([H30+lf+) Since there is no convenient technique available to directly monitor the disappearance of COz or the appearance of HCO3-, an indicator technique has been developed which essentially follows changes in the proton c o n ~ e n t r a t i o nAn . ~ ~expression ~ ~ ~ ~ for the velocity of disapBuffer Components and Solutions. All buffers for the carbon dioxide pearance of COz can then be written in terms of measureable quanhydration and bicarbonate dehydration studies were prepared in either tit ies: deionized, distilled H 2 0 or in DzO (Stohler, 99.8% D) and brought to constant ionic strength by the addition of NaZS04 (Baker). The buffer components sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, sodium sulfate, and sulfuric acid were reagent The first quantity, d(OD)/dt, is simply a term which measures the grade or the equivalent and used without further purification. 3-Picchange in optical density as a function of time. It can be evaluated as oline (Aldrich) was shown to be 96% pure by titration against HCI the slope of a zero-order rate plot. The second term, d[H+]/d(OD), and was used as obtained. Imidazole (Eastman Kodak) was recryswhich has been called the “buffer factor” and given the symbol Qo, tallized three times from benzene-Norite. while 1 .2-dimethylimidais simply an expression which relates changes in the optical density zole (Aldrich) was distilled under reduced pressure. N,N-Dimethylof the indicator to the number of protons released in the hydration glycine was prepared from N,N-dimethylglycine hydrochloride reaction. (Nutritional Biochemicals Corp.) by a previously published proceThe buffer factor can be determined by one of two methods. First, were used as obtained except phenol, which was d ~ r eAll . ~indicators ~ for small quantities of acid released, the buffer factor equals sublimed, and p-nitrophenol, which was recrystallized from water A(H+]/A(OD) and it can be experimentally obtained by adding alimade slightly acidic with HCI. Needless to say, in the dehydration quots of standardized HCI to the buffer system and observing the study the reactant, N a H C 0 3 , is not neutral and its contribution to corresponding change in optical density on a spectrophotometer. the ionic strength must be included. Small amounts of the appropriate Second, the buffer factor can be calculated from indicator were also included in all buffers. CB~B I ( In studying the general-base-catalyzed hydration of carbon dioxide (8) Qo = a l n ( 1 aln)bCinAe or the general-acid-catalyzed dehydration of bicarbonate in phosphate buffers, the ionic strength was maintained at 1.00. The high ionic where Cg is the total buffer concentration, (YB is the mole fraction of strength was desirable in this instance because it allowed greater the basic component of the buffer, uln is the mole fraction of the basic concentrations of the relatively poor catalytic phosphate species to component of the indicator, b is the optical path length, Cln is the total be used. When metal ions were used as the general catalyst they were indicator concentration, and At is the difference in molar extinction introduced as their sulfate salt into imidazole buffers of 0.1 ionic coefficient between the acidic and basic components of the indicator strength. It was always necessary to readjust the pH of these buffers at the selected wavelength. Of course, to use this expression an ac-


Journal of the American Chemical Society

1 99:20

September 28, 1977

6539 Table 11. Rate Constants, k b , for the Hydration of CO2"

PH or PD


5.90 6.18



k b,



[OL-l,b s-1

0.025 0.026

-1.60 -1.59

0.000 0.000

0.025 0.026

6.07 6.37 6.68 6.84 7.02 7.34 7.47

0.026 0.025 0.028 0.033 0.032 0.033 0.038

-1.59 -1.60 - 1.55 - 1.48 - 1.49 - 1.48 -1.42

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.00 I 0.002 0.002

0.026 0.025 0.028 0.032 0.03 1 0.03 1 0.036


7.77 8.19 8.66

0.034 0.04 1 0.064

- 1.47 - 1.39 -1.19

0.005 0.0 12 0.035

0.029 0.029 0.029


9.30 9.63 9.90 10.23

0.19 0.38 0.64 I .34

-0.72 -0.42 -0.19 0.13

6.60 6.9 1 7.55

0.012 0.01 5 0.021

- 1.92 -1.82 - 1.68

0.000 0.000 0.001

0.012 0.015 0.020

I ,2-Dimethylimidazole

8.29 9.18

0.018 0.042

-1.74 - ,138

0.003 0.025

0.015 0.017



0.7 1


Buffer 3-Picoline


Solvent H2




a The concentration of C 0 2 after l : l mixing was 0.017 M in H20 and 0.019 M in D20, at an ionic strength of 0.10 and t = 25.0 OC. A value of 6.0 X IO3 M-I s-l was obtained for koH- (Figure I , insert). A value of 9.6 X lo3 for k o D - was calculated from the data at pD 9.18 and 10.62. k o = k b - k o ~ - [ O L - l .

curate value for K H ~and " At is needed. The acid dissociation constant at I = 0.10 and 25.0 "C for each indicator was obtained by a standard, spectrophotometric procedure and these results along with other physical properties are listed in Table I . As pointed out by Khalifah,8 the primary consideration in selecting an indicator for use with a buffer should go tochoosing one whose P K H ~is" near the pK, of the buffer. For this reason bromocresol purple was used with picoline; p-nitrophenol with phosphate and imidazole; metacresol purple with 1,2dimcthylimidazole; and phenol with N.N-dimethylglycine. Since the two different methods of determining QOusually agreed to within f 5 % , only calculated buffer factors were used in determining initial velocities. These velocities when divided by the initial concentration of C 0 2 yield k o b s d :

This expression is valid only in the pH range where one proton is released per molecule of C 0 2 hydrated. Certainly above pH 8.5 this is not the case, because an additional proton is released upon the dissociation of HCO3- into C03*-, and the appropriate adjustment to eq 9 must be made. In studying the dehydration of bicarbonate the same considerations hold as for C 0 2 hydration. However, kinetic investigations of the two cobalt complexes were handled in a slightly different fashion. The decarboxylation of Co(NH3)jC03+ was monitored directly by following its disappearance at 508 nm. As with C 0 2 and HCO3- only the initial velocity was followed. The extinction coefficient for the reactant and the product was determined in order to convert the optical density velocity into the molar velocity, Vobsd, where b is the optical path length.

The initial velocity could then be converted into rate constants by dividing V&d by the initial concentration of the complex. An identical procedure was followed while studying the uptake of COz by CO(NH3)jOH23+.

Pocker, Bjorkquist

Results Hydration of Carbon Dioxide. The hydration of C02 can potentially be accelerated by a variety of catalysts. The term k o b s d , eq 9, can best be described as the summation of the catalysis afforded to the hydration by the buffering species and any additional catalyst such as a metal complex: kobsd

= k b -k

k r n e t a l complex[metal complex]

( 1 1)

The buffer rate, k b , is a summation of the buffer and water species catalysis: kb

= ko -k koH- [OH-] -k k ~ , o + [ H 3 O + ] -k kHB[HB] -k kB[B]


It was found, however, that so long as the buffer concentration was maintained below 0.05 M, its contribution to the rate was negligible. Consequently the expression for the buffer rate can be further simplified to kb

= ko -k k o ~ - [ o H - ] -k k ~ , o + [ H 3 0 ' ]


The buffer rates obtained at various pH and pD values are listed in Table 11. When these results are plotted as log k b vs. pH, Figure 1 , it becomes clear that there are two distinct catalytic regions. First, between pH values 6 and 7.5 water is functioning as the only catalyst and then a t pH values above 7.5, hydroxide becomes the dominant catalyst. The term k o ~ was evaluated by plotting the buffer rate, k b , against the corresponding hydroxide ion concentration at five different pH values, Figure 1 insert. The hydroxide ion concentration was calculated from p H measurements [OH-] = K H , o / ( ~ H , o + ) V * ) (14) where K H ~ was O taken as 1.0 X at 25.0 O C . The term k o ~ was - evaluated from the data collected in the dimethylglycine buffer of pD 10.62 and the 1,2-dimethylimidazole

/ Carbon Dioxide Hydration and Bicarbonate Dehydration








- 1.0-








Figqre 1. Plot of log k b against pH and k b against [OH-] for the hydration of C02 a\ 25.0 OC and ionic strength 0.10. Data obtained in: V, 3-picoline; 0, phosphate; 0 ,1,2-dimethylimidazole; and A , N,N-dimethylglycine buffers.




3 x IO3






Figure 3. The divalent metal ion catalyzed hydration of carbon dioxide O C and ionic strength 0.10. The metal ions employed are 0 ,Zn2+(pH 6.63); 0,Cu2+ (pH 6.63); Co2+ (pH 6.66); and 0.Ni2+ (pH 6.84). in imidazole buffers at 25.0


Q 20 kH30*=4.(x 104M1se


6 8 IO I02M Figure 2. Plot of k b against [HP0d2-] for the hydration of C 0 2 at 25.0 OC and ionic strength 1 .O. 4 [HPO:-]x

buffer of pD 9.18. The concentration of deuteroxide was calculated from eq 14 using a value of 1.51 X 10-l5 for the autoprotolysis constant of D20 a t 25.0 0C.26 To determine whether there was general catalysis the hydration rate was followed in phosphate buffers a t an ionic strength of 1 .O. Figure 2 illustrates that the phosphate buffer is indeed a catalyst, albeit a weak one. The individual rate coefficients for H20, H2P04-, and HP042- were separated by the method of Bell and D a r ~ e n t and , ~ ~the results from three buffer ratios indicate that kH20 = 2.6 X s-l, k ~ p 2 =- 3 X IO-' s-l M-I, and k ~ ~ p z0 0~at- I = 1.0 and t = 25.0 "C. Two divalent metal ions, zinc and copper, were alsp found to be catalysts for the hydration of C02, Figure 3 . Since the metal ions were introdqced into imidazole buffers a t pH 6.6, the exact coordination of the metal ions and the eqact identity of the catalytic species are unknown. Assuming that the active catalyst is M(imidazole),.(OH)+, then the lower limits for the catalytic coefficient of the zinc and copper complexes are 6.1) and 2.5 M-' s-', respectively. Two other qivalent metal ions, cobalt and nickel, were not nearly as effective in catalyzing the hydration of C02. Dehydratiqn of Bicarbonate. As ip the case of C02 hydration the effect of the buffer on the buffer rate was negligible providing that the tolal concentration was kept below 0.03 M. A plot of log k b (Table 111) vs. pH, Figure 4,indicates that H30+ is the dominant catalyst over the entire p H range investigated. To determine an accurate value for the catalysis by HJO+,the buffer rate was plotted against the corresponding hydronium ion concentration, Figure 4 (insert). Also plotted in this figure ar2 the data collected in D20. It is clear that the dehydration is catalyzed more by D3O+ than H3O+. The exact value for

Journal of the American Chemical Society







PH Figure 4. Plot of log k b against pH and k b against [L3Of] for the dehydration of bicarbonate at 25.0 OC and ionic strength 0.10. Data obtained in: V, 3-picoline; 0, imidazole; and 0 ,1,2-dimethylimidazole. Open symbols correspond to data in H20 while filled symbols correspond to that in DaO.

the isotope effect, k ~ ~ ~ + / kis~0.56. ~ o Theoretically + , the intercept of the plot in Figure 4 (insert) should represent the value for the catalysis by HzO and D20.Unfortunately, the intercept cannot be obtained with much accuracy, but it appeafs to be 2 >r IOm4 s-I in H20 and 1 X s-I in D2O. Rates obtained in phosphate buffers of high ionic streigth, I = 1 .O, revealed that the dehydration y a s catalyzed slightly by dihydrogen phosphate. The catalytic coefficient a t 25.0 PC was 1 X 10-1 M-I s-'. Additionally the catalysis by H3O+ dropped to 2.3 X lo4 s-1 M" at I = 1.0. Carbpxylation of Co(NH3)50Hz3+and Decarboxylation of C O ( ~ H J ) ~ C OItJ ~has . been reported that the pY, of [Co(NH3)50H2I3+ is 6.22 when (2104- is the only anion in

/ 99:20 / September 28 1977

6541 Table Ill. Rate Constants, k b , for the Dehydration of HCO3-






I ,2-Dimethylimidazole 3-Picoline




x io3, -Log

pH or pD


5.58 5.87 6.16 6.46 6.57 6.70 6.88 6.99 7.18 1.47 7.70

3.33 X 1.73 X 8.87 X 4.45 X low7 3.45 X lo-' 2.56 X 1.69 X 1.31 X 8.47 X 4.34 X IO-* 2.56 x

124 73 36 19 13.6 10.6 6.7 5.7 3.5 1.7 1.08

0.91 1.14 1.44 1.72 1.87 1.97 2.17 2.24 2.46 2.77 2.97

7.91 6.44 6.71 7.21 7.41 7.71 8.00

1.58 X 4.70 X 2.51 X IO-' 7.94 X IOW8 4.98 X 2.53 X 1.29 X IO-'

0.65 32.4 18.7 6.23 4.95 2.93 1.25

3.19 1.49 1.73 2.21 2.31 2.53 2.90





-~ [ C O ( N H ~ ) ~ O H ~ ~ + ] dt

= kl [Co(NH3)50H2'][CO*]

- k-i [Co(NH3)5C03H2+]







x 10' ( M )

Table IV. Effect of S04z- on the pK, of [Co(NH3)50H~](ClO4)3

[Co(NH3)sOH2103+ X IO3. M

[Na2S041 X IOz. M



20.0 10.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

0.00 1.67 2.67 3.00 8.33 16.33

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50

6.20 6.68 6.84 6.88 7.06 7.25

a Determined by measuring the pH after the complex was half titrated by the addition of standardized N a O H .

Table V. Summary of Some Physical Constants for the Cobalt

Complexes Species [ C O WI-4 @Lz1 3+ [CO(NL3)5OL] 2+ [Co(NL3)5C03LI2+ [Co(NLdsCO31+ X 508 nm.

€0 44.OC 67.7b 67.7c 67.8b 67.5c 96.0b 94.5c

PK, 7.166 7.63c 6.92b 7.43c

In H 2 0 . In D2O.

can be calculated from the data in Table V. A convenient method to analyze these data for kl results from taking the reciprocal of kobsd:

(1 5)

Since only initial velocities were used this expression reduces to

- d [CO(NH3)50Hz3+] dt = k 1 [Co(NH3)s0H2+lo [C0210


Figure 5. Plot of I/kobsd against aL30+ for the uptake of C02 by Co(NL3)50Lz3+ at 25.0 " C ,ionic strength 0.50 and [Sod2-] = 0.167 M. Filled symbols refer to the data in DzO and open symbols to the data in H20.

The concentration of HCOj- after I : l mixing was 0.02 M in both HzO and DzO, at an ionic strength of 0.10 and r = 25.0 "C.

solution.** W e have confirmed this value by half titrating the complex and measuring the pH of the resulting solution, Table IV. In this same table it is important to note that the pK, of the acid increases upon addition of Na2S04. Since the ionic strength was maintained a t 0.1 M, this trend is not an ionic strength effect, but instead seems to suggest that Sod2- can form a tight ion pair with the complex. Undoubtedly it complexes with both the acid and the conjugate base, but since the acid has charge of +3, the SO4*- stabilizes it more than the conjugate base whose charge is only +2. Furthermore, as this table illustrates, it is essential to maintain constant both the ionic strength and the concentration of sO4*- so that the pK, of the complex remains constant. In order to accurately determine the pKa of both complexes a t an ionic strength of 0.50 and a SO4*- concentration of 0.167 M, a spectrophotometric titration was performed in H*O as well as in D20. A summary of the acidity constants for each complex along with the corresponding molar extinction coefficients is found in Table V. Using the kinetic scheme shown in eq 4, the following rate expression for the uptake of COz by Co(NH3)50Hz3+ can be written:




A plot of 1 /kobsd vs. [H+], Figure 5, will be a straight h e of

slope l/klKa and intercept l / k l . Thevalueof kl in HzO is 3.1 X I O 2 M-' s-' while in D20 it is 3.0 X IO2 M-I s-l. A similar derivation for the decarboxylation of Co(NH3)sC03+ gives the following expression for kobsd where kobsd = k-i [H+l/([H+l + K d .

A plot of 1/kobsd against 1/ [H+] gives a straight h e of slope KJk-1 and an intercept of l/k-l, Figure 6. The valueof k-1 in H2O is 9.1 X IO-' S - I while in D 2 0 it is 8.2 X IO-' s-l.

Discussion From the triangular scheme shown in eq 1, it is clear that the chemical hydration of C02 in H20 can occur via one of Pocker, Bjorkquist


Carbon Dioxide Hydration and Bicarbonate Dehydration

6542 will be the case for all of the proposed mechanisms. Consider, for example, the likely solvation of the transition state needed in the nucleophilic mechanism, eq 25. In going from a neutral








io'6/a,,o+ ( ~ 9


Figure 6. Plot of l / k o b s d against l / a ~ ~ for o +the decarboxylation of Co(NL3)5C03+ at 25.0 " C , ionic strength 0.50 and [Sod2-] = 0.167 M. Filled symbols refer to the data in DzO and open symbols to the data in

HzO. three different routes. First there is a direct route which involves nucleophilic attack by water on COz to form a structural isomer of carbonic acid. This isomer in turn readily loses a proton to form bicarbonate, eq 22. Second, there is a direct

route whereby water acts as a general base to facilitate the immediate formation of bicarbonate, eq 23, a cyclic array to

H/o\H form carbonic acid, which in turn readily ionizes to bicarbonate, eq 24. Offhand it might be expected that the solvent


+ H,O+ (24)

deuterium isotope effect could distinguish between the former and the latter two mechanisms. In the latter two mechanisms one would expect the ratio, k H 2 0 / k D z 0 , to be greater than unity since a proton is being transferred in the rate-determining step, while i n the former mechanism, one would expect the value to lie somewhere around unity which is the value expected for a reaction not involving proton transfer. Furthermore, the hydration mechanism in eq 23 with its one-proton transfer in the transition state would be expected to exhibit a solvent isotope effect, k H 2 0 / k D 2 0 , of around 2,29awhereas the cyclic mechanism with its two-proton transfer in the transition state, eq 24, would be expected to exhibit a significantly larger solvent isotope effect of ca. 3-4.29b However, it must be remembered that secondary isotope effects may make a substantial contribution to the overall value.29c Undoubtedly this

Journal of the American Chemical Society



'H ground state to a transition state which possesses separation of charge, the demand for solvation will be enhanced. Clearly the solvent reorganization accompanying the activation process will lead to a kinetic isotope effect larger than unity owing to these increased solute-water interactions. The actual value obtained for k H 2 0 / k D 2 0 is 1.8 f 0.2, a value which is not inconsistent with any of the proposed mechanisms, although, a priori, the cyclic mechanism (eq 24) appears to be less probable. By the principle of microscopic reversibility the mechanism for the dehydration of bicarbonate must also be the reverse of one of the three hydration mechanisms shown above. All the mechanisms predict that the rate will be proportional to the proton concentration, but they predict different ratios for k H , 0 + / k D 3 0 + . A priori, the mechanism outlined in eq 23 would appear to require a ratio greater than unity since a proton is being transferred in the rate-determining step. On the other hand, the mechanism outlined in eq 22 requires that the ratio be less than unity since a proton is being transferred in a preequilibrium step. It is difficult to predict the isotope effect for the mechanism in eq 24 because there is both a preequilibrium proton transfer and a proton transfer in the rate-determining step. However, it is not uncommon for primary isotope effects involving two proton transfers, as in the transition state of eq 24, to be as large as 3 or 4.29bTherefore the ratio k H , 0 + / k D 3 0 + for the mechanism in eq 24 might be expected to be somewhat larger than unity. The observed isotope effect cannot be used to distinguish between the two mechanisms represented by eq 22 and 23, respectively. The k H 3 0 + / k D 3 0 t value of 0.56 is similar to those ordinarily observed for reactions known to proceed via a specific acid catalyzed According to eq 22 such a mechanism would make the zwitterion H20+-C02- a likely intermediate in the interconversionofCO2 and HCO3-. However, an isotope effect of this magnitude does not exclude mechanisms involving general acid catalysis. Thus, a solvent isotope effect, k H 3 0 + / k D 3 0 t , of 0.7 has been observed in the hydronium ion catalyzed hydrolysis of ethyl orthocarb ~ n a t e ~and l ~a. value ~ of 0.65 has been recently found for the hydronium ion catalyzed hydration of acetaldehyde a t 25.0 0C,31creactions that are also catalyzed by general acids. Clearly then an isotope effect, k H , 0 + / k D 3 0 t , of 0.56 is also consistent with the dehydration mechanism involving general acid catalysis, eq 23. Furthermore, since no salt effect was observed for ko in going from an ionic strength of 0.1 to 1 .O in the hydration of COz, this implies that the transition state for hydration must be developed early. As a check on the validity of the rate constants obtained for the chemical hydration of COz and dehydration of bicarbonate, they can be used to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction shown in eq 2. The equilibrium constant, K,,, in 0.1 M NaCl has been measured by Harned et al. and reported to be 7.6 X IO-' M.32 As can be seen from

= 7.1 x 10-7 M


the value calculated from the experimental rate data is in ex-

/ September 28, I977

6543 cellent agreement with Harned's value. The equilibrium constant in D2O can also be calculated from the experimentally observed rate data:

nitrate monohydrate complex, and to Bill Finfrock, who performed the C 0 2 hydration and H C 0 3 - dehydration rates a t an ionic strength of 1 .O.

References and Notes = 2.2


10-7 M


A comparison between pKeqHz0 and pKeqD20 shows that pKeqDz0 is larger by 0.51. This observation is in accord with the empirical finding that acids whose pK is around neutrality are stronger in H2O than in D2O by a factor of about 0.55 pK ~nits.3~ At high pH the hydration of CO2 is strongly catalyzed by hydroxide:


+ OH- + H C 0 3 -


Presumably the reaction involves the direct nucleophilic attack of OH- as evidenced by a value of 0.63 for the ratio koH-/koD-. The rates of reaction in which OD- acts as a nucleophile or a base in D2O are usually 20-40% higher than the corresponding reactions with O H - in H20.30a,34-36 The rate constants obtained for the carboxylation of C O ( N H ~ ) ~ O and H ~ decarboxylation ~+ of C O ( N H ~ ) ~ C are O~+ in good agreement with those reported earlier by Harris using a first-order kinetic analysis. Furthermore, the solvent isotope effects on kl and k-1 (refer to eq 4) are 1 .O and 1 . l , respectively; and these values are precisely in the range expected for a reaction not involving proton transfer in the rate-determining step. Additionally these isotope effects have important implications with regard to the mechanism of action of the metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase. If the zinc-hydroxo complex is acting as a nucleophile in the hydration of CO2, then the solvent isotope effect on the turnover number, kcat,must be around unity. If, on the other hand, the zinc-hydroxo complex or any other amino acid is acting as a general base, then the isotope effect should be substantially greater than unity. Current research on the bovine carbonic anhydrase catalyzed hydration of COz has revealed a large solvent isotope effect (around 3) on kcat, even at high buffer concentrations, suggesting that a proton transfer occurs in the rate-determining step because the enzyme either acts as a general base or incorporates a proton relay system.20

Acknowledgments. The authors thank the National Institutes of Health (Grant AM09221) and the National Science Foundation (Grant BMS742 1859) for their generous support of this work. The authors are indebted to Messrs. Barry Davison, who prepared the carbonatopentaamminecobalt( I I I )

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/ Carbon Dioxide Hydration and Bicarbonate Dehydration