Storage and disposal of dangerous chemicals - Journal of Chemical

Storage and disposal of dangerous chemicals. Joseph F. Voeglein Jr. J. Chem. Educ. , 1966, 43 (2), p A151. DOI: 10.1021/ed043pA151. Publication Date: ...
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in the Chemical laboratory Edited by N O R M A N V. STEERE, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 55455

XXIII. Storage and Disposal of Dangerous Chemicals* Joseph F. Voeglein, Jr., Safety Director, US. Army Edgewood Arsenal, Chemical Research ond Development laboratories, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland 2 10 10 Some very dangerous chemicals are routinely handled in the laboratories a t the Edgevmod Arsenal, but tho storage methods generally are not unique. While special standards have been established for the materials peculiar to om Arsenal laboratories, for the storage of dangerous chemicals in general we have adopted existing codes established by various national organizations. Where applicable this article includes material taken from our own procedures, however, most of the recommendrttions will be those which the author considers necessary for safe and efficient storage. I t is necessary to establish some definitions for the terminology to be used in this article. We define dangerous elremicals as "chemicals which may under specific circumstances cause injury to persous or damage to property because of reactivity, instability, spontaneous d e composition, flammability, or volatility." Under this definition we will consider substances, mixtures, or compounds which are explosive, corrosive, flsmmable, or toxic. Explosives are defined as those snhstances, mixtures, or compounds which are capable of producing an explosion; and corrosives as those which are capable of destroying living tissue and have s destructive effect an other substanceri, particularly on combustible materials which may result in a fire or explo~ion. Flammable liquids a e defined a5 those liquids with a flash point of 38'C (100°F) or less, although those with higher flash points may be dangerous. Normal storage temperatures should not exceed 38°C (100°F). Whore the possibility exists of storage mom temperatures exceeding 38-C (lOOaF), equipment should he instdled t o limit the temperature within thestorage facility. Discussion of flammable solids will be Limited to those which are spontaneously *This paper was presented at the 12th National Conference of the Campus Safety Association, held a t Central Michigan University June 28-30, 1965, and reprinted with permission from the Conference Proceedings, which are available for 51.80 from the Higher Education Section, Nationd Safety Council, 425 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The contents of this article are not to be construed in any way ss being a statement of the position or recommendations of the United States Government.

flammable upon exposure 1.o air, waler, or heat, or when suhjeeted to irielinn, solids which give off flammable gayes whetr erposed to air or moisture, and powdored metals. Tosir chemicals artre defined a3 those gases, liquids, or solids which through their chemical properties can produce irljurious or lethal effects. There are many chemieak which fall into this category and it iq impossible a t t h k time to treat each one adequately. Therefore we will refer to them in the broadest possible sense, to provide adequate storage guidance. The majority of toxic chemicals are aafe in storage when pnekaged in their original shipping contrtincrs. They do become hazardous when suhjected to unusual environmental influences sueh as heat, fire, or explosion, which may result in breaking the closure seal or rupturing the container. Oxidizing materials are defined as those chemicds which will decompose readily under certain conditions to yield oxygen. They may cause a fire in contact with eombustible materials, may react violently with water, and when involved in n fire may react violently. Dangerous gases are defined as those gases which may cause lethal or injurious effects and damage to property by their toxic, corrosive, flammable, or explosive physical and chemical properties wheu released from their containers because of fire. mechanical d;tmrtee. - , or accident. Storage of dangerous chemicals should be limited to one day's supply, consistent with the safe and efficient meration of the laboratory. The storagk should aLsa comply with local laws and ordinances which may be applicable. Storage in student laboratories of extremely dangerous chemicals sueh as explosives, lethal poisons, and unstable compounds should be prohibited. An approved outside storehouse should be provided if use of these materials is absolutely neressary. Extremely sensitive explosive should not be stored or handled in any school or college laboratory. Open storaxe an laboratory benches should be limited to small quantities of standard reagents. Dangerous chemicals should not he kept on benches or open shelves, hut should be semegated and placed in suitable separate cabinets t o prevent commingling of incompatible chemicals and to protect them from aceidental damage.


Flammable Liquids

The most wmmcm hnsnrdous rhnnirals used in inhoratrries are flammable liquids. \Inch lms beet, written mneerning their use and sborage, and regulatory requirements of eodes are generally directed toward induxtrinl oper;ttions involving bulk quantities. The applir:ation of regulatory codes in general is not feasible; a realistic approach k demanded if any discipline whatever is to he maintained hy regulatory requirements. One of the hest regulabxy works written, which the author considers most realistic wit,h respect to laboratory handling and storage, is the Dangerous Chemieds Code compiled by tho Bureau of Fire Prevention, Ciby of LORAngeles Fire Department and published by Parker and Company, Los Angeles, Calif. Glrrss containers of flammable liquids with flesh points at, 3 8 T or below should not exceed 16oz capscit,y. Metal contitillers shnnld not exceed I-gal capacity in the l;tb,,rat,c,ry nor 5 gal in the stock room. Techniritl grade flammable solvents rl~oulclbe stwed in approved safety cans. There is now available on the market a stainless steel safety can which it is claimed does not contaminate chemically pure flammables. I t is also available with a Teflon lining. Flammable liquids should be limited to the very minimum required and kept in a enhinet. aonsbmeted in ar.eordance with American Insuranre kisoaiation Pamphlet No. 30.' The st,ornge cahinet may be the bench type with t,he bottom, top, door, and sides construrted of at least No. 18 gauge sheet iron m d double walled with a l ' l r i n . air space. Joints slmuld he riveted, welded, o r made tight by some equally eflertiw means. The door should be provided wit,h a 3-point IsLch and kept closedwhen not inuse. The door sill should be raised a t lea+ 2 inches above the bottom of the cabinet. When deemed necessary by the authority having jurisdiction, cabinets should be vented. Tho cabinets should be located away from all sources of heat or ignition including steam pipes, electrical wiring, and qqliances. They should not be used as a have for a fume hood. We have had these constructed by a laboratory furniture manufacturer to match other furniture in a new lnhorntary building recently constructed. Our mbinets have ventilation ports fitted with flame arresting screens. The screened vents are intended to perform the same function as the flame arrestor screen in n safety can. The author ha- seen the results of one lnbnriltory fire in which flammable liquid chemicals were involved because the external heat was transmitted t,hrr,ugh the

Volume 43, Number 2, February 1966




single thickness steel door of a conventional bench cabinet in which they were stored. I t wm an intense fire caused by the rupturing of a heated vessel containing a flammable chemical. Several gless containers in the cabinet were rupt,ured and their contents added to the fire before it was extingukhed. The storage cabinet described should prevent this type of occurrence, and should be labeled "Flammable-Keep Fire Away." Refrigerated storage of flammable liquids can be safe if either ran explosion-proof refrigerator or a conventional refrigerator modified for the purpose is used. To modify a refrigerator for this purpose it is necessary to remove all electrical equipment fmm the storage compartment. The switch controls, thermostat, ete., should he placed on the outside of the refrigerator. The light and light switch should be removed and all openings that remain inside the storage compartment should be effectively sealed t o prevent vapor leakage. The refrigerator should he thoroughly inspected and if found t o be satisfactory a label indicating approval for flamm%ble liquids storage should be affixed to the door. Flammable liquids should not be stored in refrigerators or freezers beyond the time required to complete a current project. These msterials should always be properly labeled. In xdditim~ to the identification of the chemical, the label should also contain the date it wns placed in the refrigerator and the name of the responsible person. Someone in authority should maint,xin a complete and current inventory of d l items in a refrigerator or freezer. The storage of food or drink in these refrigeratom should be prohibited. No vrhtile flamrnshlc liquid should be kept upon the bench or opened in a Iaborstnry room where there i~ an open flame or heated surfaces such as im operating eleebrical heating element.-especially if in a ventilated fume hood. The conhiners should only be opened and the contents transferred in a vent,ilated fume hood free from all sources of ignition. There are two very dangerous flammable liquid chemicals which deflenre special mention, the ethers and carbon disulfide. They have the common properties of extremely flammable and explosive vapors, and in the case of the ethers a tendenry to form peroxides in storage. Extreme caution should be observed in storage and use: stocks shuuld be limited to avuid long term storage; and supplies should be purchased in the smallest containers practical. The vapora of ethers and carbon disuKde a~ readily ignited by hot surfaces (bhe vapors of carbon disulfide may be ignited by exposed steam p i p a ) so the chemicals should be securely sealed in storage and positively protected against all heat sources, including sunlight. Flammable Solid

Flammable solids burn upon exposure to air, wster, moisture, or heat; are ignited spontaneously when subjected to friction; or give off flsmmahle gases upon

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contact with water or moisture. The majority of chemicals in this category should not be stored or handled in a school or college laboratory. They are very reactive; some produce poisonous fumes and vapors in addition to being a. fire hazard. Where it is necessary to have the more common materials in the laharetory, adequate precautions should be taken to protect against the specific hazard. White phmphoms, because it ignites upon contact with air, must be stored under water; it is dangerous to store in the laboratory and therefore should be kept in segregated storage with frequent inspection to insure that it i5 immersed in water. Red phosphorus ignites when subjected to frict,ion and therefore should be kept in a tightly sealed container and physically separat.ed from other dangerous chemicals. Phosphorus should he brought into the laboratory as needed and removed upon completion of the experiment. Cellulose nitrate is subject to ignition from heat, and in the form of sheets or film spontaneously decomposes resulting in a violent burning with the generrttion of nitrogen dioxide. Water-Reactive Chemicals Sodium and Potsssium are examples of solids which react violently with water or moisture. They should he stored in minimum quantities, preferably limited to one day's supply. Every precaution must he taken t o insure that they are immersed in their protective medium a t all times in storage. Containers should he inspected frequently to avoid deterioration. Powdered metals such as aluminum and magnesium may yield hydrogen when subjected to moisture and therefore should be kept in moisture-proof containers and stored in a dry, cnol l o w tion. Some solids such as carbides give off flammable gases upon exposure to air or moisture. Water reactive chemicals should be stored in moisture-proof containers. An outer container which is sealed against moisture may he necessary when the original container is not considered adequate. The storage area selected should he dry with an even temperature to moid condensation. Locations which may he subject to wetting from leaking steam or water pipes or in which automatic sprinklers are installed are not satisfactory. Storage in basements is not generally acceptsble. Storage in waterproof room9 or cabinets is acceptable. Small quantities, 450 g (1 lh) or less, may be safely stored in a laboratory room in waterproof packages provided they are kept away from sources of water and heat. Conorives Corrosives are generally non-combustihle liquids which destroy Living tissue; they may create enough heat to cnum a fire if exposed to sir or moisture or when in contact with combustible materials. Some also may react violently with water. Some ex~mples are nitric and sulfuric

acid, phosphorus mychloride, hydrochloric mid, and sodium hydroxide. Quantities of these materials stored in the laboratory should be minimal aud should be separated from flammable solids nnd liauids. oxidisine materials. solid caustics.

cabinet with a non-metallic, "on-cornhustihle, and acid-resistant ioteriar. Lead trays deep enough to hold the rontents of the bottles are recommended for storage of corrosive Liquids. Q,mutities should be limited t o that. requit.~d 10 support immediate needs. Perehlorie acid storage should be limited to a 45C-g (1-lb) bottle kept in a spwid perchiorie acid hood on a g l s s tray deep enough to hold the contents of the bollle. The outside of the bottle and tm? should be rinsed with water every day. Oxidizing Materials There are primarily twu categm.ies of oxidizers-inorganic and organic. The inorganic oxidizing materials in the pure state present only a fire hahard; hut because of their ability to furnish oxygen, the hazard is greatly increhsed and violent explosion may occur when t,hey are mixed or cantaminrtted with even smaU quantities of carhonaceoi~s and eomhustible materials such a? wood paper, metal powders, sulfur, etc. Impregnation of combustible materials with dust or solutions of oxidizing materials in equally as dangerous as an intimate mixture of finely divided oxidizers and fuels. Therefore these materials should he stored in "on-combustible cabinets away from combustibles, organic malwials, flammable materials, metal powdem, and acids. They may he stored in lsboratoriep in quantities of 2 Kg (about 5 lb) or less provided they are kept in their original containers and protected from rontamination. Again the aggregate quantity should be limited to that which is required to safely and efficiently conduct the required experiment. The organic oxidizing materials are often violent explosives, particularly the peroxides. Their storage and use in laboratories devoted to the instruction of student8 is not recommended. No general storage instructions would he adequate. If it is necessary to use these materials in research experiments, consideration should be given to conducting them io a separate hazardous operatio~3 laboratory which has been designed specifically to protect personnel and property. Specifio storage iastruetiam should be obtained from the manufacturer and strictly observed. Such storage should be secured against access by unauthorized persons. Explosives The use and storage of explosives in a eallege lshorrttory building is not recommended, primarily because an explosion could not be tolerated in a building populated by relatively large numbers of people. If explosives are required to be used in research experiments a separate facility, constructed in accordance with current practice requirements for ex(Continued on page A16.4) Volume 43, Number 2, February 1966


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plosiveq handling, should be xsed. This would of necessity have to be locrtted a. considerable distance from inhabited buildings, in compliance with the local laws and ordinances. Standard practice within the Army is t o perform operations with explosives in special facilities segregated from other non-hazardous fadities and areas in accordance with established Quantity-Distance tables. We do nut permit operations or storage of explosives within the conventiond chemical research laboratory buildings. Overnight storage is not permitted in explosives operating buildings, and quantities on hand are limited to a four-hour operational sapply. All explosives are stored in magazines located remote from administrative areas in accordance with prescribed d i d m e e tables. Dangerous Gases Dangerous gases should not be stored in the laboratory. Cylinders small enungh to fit in aV,'fumehood should be used exclusively. They should be brought into the laboratory when required and removed to the st,orehause when the experiment is completed. Cylinders may be stored in open or closed storage; but they should be protected from dampness and must be prw tected against excessive rise in temperature from the direct rays of the son or from other sources of heat. They should not be stored near highly flammable substances or in places where they may be struck by moving objects. Flammable and non-flammable gases should he kept in separate storage, Oxygen storage should be separated by storage in a separate building or room, or by distance if stored in tho open. We use a distance of 30 feet between oxygen and flammable gas cylinders. Inert gases can be stored with oxygen-containing gases. Noxious gases may be stored with non-flammable gases providing the storage ares, is equipped to prevent release to the atmosphere. Oxidizing gaqes may be stored with inert gases. Empty cylinders should be segregated to avoid confusion, and the prescribed empty label should be applied. : . Cylinders may be stored upright or on their sides, except for acetylene cylinders which may a l g be stored upright. Cylindcrs should be secured by means of clamps, chains, or straps. Cylinders (full or empty) other than those in storage should always be secured in an upright position to a substantial frame or post. Safety regulations for the gases being used should be posted conspicuously in the vicinity of use and should be strictly enforced. Gas masks and antidotes sho111dbe a t hand when warranted. Toxic Chemicals Toxic chemicals should not be stored in a school or college laboratory. Their use should be restricted to demonstrations by t h e instructor, using micro quantities if it is deemed necessary. As with explosives the use or storage of extremely toxic



J o u r n d o f Chemical Educotion

material* in a school or college is not recommended. There is no need to expose students to lethal hazards in a course of instruction. If these are to he used in research experiments, they should be stored and used in buildings which are equipped with the necessary facilities and equipment to prevent the accidental release of toxic gases, fumes, or vapors Such buildings should be separated from densely populated areas of the campus with absolute security provided agaimt entrance by unanthorized personnel. Labeling An extremely important aspect in the safe handling and storage of dangerour chemicals is adequate labeling. When received from the manufacturer, chemical containers have the proper labels & x e d to them. The system of labels established by the Manufacturing Chemists Assoeiation is generally accepted as the standard. However, the containers that are filled in the laboratory are not always adequately labeled. A definite system should be established and carried out to insure that chemicals are labeled when transferred from the original container. Where the manufacturer's label does not provide complete information, a supplementary label should be &xed especially for t.he information of students. One serioua omission is the failure to adequately label experimental samples. To digress here, samples have a. tendency to accumulate in research laboratories and sometimes are kept much longer than necessary because of inadequate labeling. This is true particularly where there is a turnover in experimenters and the new person is unable to determine from the label the value of the sample, and therefore is reluctant to dispose of it. This can result in serious Consequences if the samples become hazardous after a given period of time. The author suggests that a system 3f color signals, in addition to the demiption label, be affixed to d l containers 3f chemicals which become hazardous in m y period of time. These should be coded to indicate a specific date far the h p a s a l of the chemical before the danger goint is reached. Another important safety consideration k the failure to remove a label from s container before it is reused. The reuse ~f a bottle for something other than the xiginal contents should not be permitted unless supervised by someone in authority who will insure that the bottle is clean and the old label is removed. We know of m e ease where sulfuric acid was placed m a reagent battle marked acetone. Fortunately an alert and knowledgeable chemist was the first to pick it up for use in a reaction. H e knew the feel of the weight of that quantity of ctcetane. He lmmedirttely sensed that the bottle was too heavy and fortunately sampled the Zontents, otherwise the result would have Jeen an extremely violent explosion. Integrity of labeling must be maintained explicitly and questionable or unlabeled containers should be removed from the premises for safe disposal. Stockroom Storage Storage in stockrooms should be limited



to those common chemicah normally used in laboratories that are not in the dangerous category. It has been generally accepted that ehemicals that are not hazardous in t h e m s e l v e ~ i . e . ,those which do not spontmeously decompose or are u n s t a b l e i f kept intact in their original container and reasonably well protected from heat, mechanical damage, and other disturbing influences, can be kept in a stockroom constructed in accordance with the applicable fire code. A stockroom should preferably be located on the ground floor with a t least one exterior wall, and an exterior door for easy access hy firefighters. Interior doors should be Underwriters Laboratory approved fire doors with raised and ramped sills. Mechanical exhaust ventilation should be provided at the ceiling and floor levels to remove heavy vapors. Dispensing from containers is not recommended. Only small containers suitable for use in the laboratory should be stocked in the stockroom. Some dangerous chemicah such as the common acids, alkali, etc., may be stored safely in a stockroom if normal precautions are taken. I n some jurisdictions it may also be permisvible t o store flammable liquids in small quantities if kept in an approved storage cabinet. Because of the diversity of local building and fire codes we hesitate t o recommend any specific criteria heyond that mentioned, and suggest that the local aaothorities be consulted before a stockroom is construrted and stocked.

500 of the National Electrical Code; water should be provided for neutraliaing spills, and absorbent material such as expanded vermiculite should be on hand in sufficient quantity to take care of spillage. Automatic extinguishing syatems compatible with the stored material should he installed or an explosion suppression system may be desirable. The storage facility should be made secure against access by unauthorized persou. The dipensing should be under the control of competent trained persons who know ohemistry and know the hazards of the chemical.. Dangerous chemicals should be issued only t,o authoriaed persons, preferably only to the instruct,ors.


Concerning the storage of dangerous chemicals, we suggest these baqir considerations: I. Thoroughly investigate all dangerous or suspeated chemicals by conducting s, literature search, and if necessary request the manufacturer to furnish information on which to base a studied d e cision to use and store the material. The use of dangerous chemicds in the education of st,udents should he carefully eonsidered and substitution of nan-haaardous

Outride Storage Buildings The author recommends that all extremely dangerous chemicals should be stored in outside storage buildings, and that reference be made to the construction and operating requirements which are contained in local codes, laws, and ordinances that are applicable to your respective areas or subdivisions. The Dangerous Chemical Code of the Los Angeles Fire Department which has been mentioned is an excellent reference. The National Fire Codes published by the National Fire Protection Association and the National Building Code published by the National Board of Fire Undermiters me also authoritative guides for the construction and operation of chemical storage buildings. Subject to the legal requirements mentioned, we suggest the following for consideration: a. fire resistant single story building with rooms separated by substantial reinforced concrete walls, which complies with the local requirements for the segregat,ion of the different categories of dangerous chemical^ mentioned. I t should be equipped with mechanical exhaust ventilation and an adsorotion filter vapors), shelving resistant to attack by the stored material, and a laboratory fume hood for dispensing from large containers. All electrical wirine. and equipment should comply with Article Volume 43, Number 2, February 1966


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strations by the initructur under the must adequately controlled conditions. 11. Based upon the properties of the chemicds, make a. carefully studied d e cision: either they may be safely stored in the laboratory, or they must he stored in an outside storage building. 111. For flammable liquids, select storage containers that are fire rwistant, insulnted, and ventilated, away from all sources uf heat ur ignitiou inchding other dangerous chemicals whieh are subject to spontaneous heating or whieh evolve heat from reaction with air, water, or moisture such a? some flammable solids. Flammable liquids should not be stored near oxidizing maberids ur rorrusive materials. IV. Flammable solids should be stored i u a cool dry container away from sources of heat, moisture, and water and should not he stored close to flammable liquids, oxidizing materials, or acids. If neressary t,o store where sources of water such sprinkler systems or water and steam pipes artre present, flammable .;did. shuuld be in waterproof containers. V. Corrosive materials should be stored in a cool, ventilated container that iu corrusion-resisbant-either non-metallic or if metallic it should be coated ~ i t ha proved corrosion-resistant material. These should not be st,ored close to flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizing materials, or t,oxic mattterials. VI. For toxic rhemirds, the foregoing requirements should be observed nlth respect to whatever other properties they

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Journal o f Chemical Education

possess aud additionally they should be stored in mntainers with a eontrolled atmosphere which is well ventilated and equipped to prevent the acoidentd r e lea3e of the toxicvapors. Disposal of Dangerous Chemicals

Our disposal methods are unique; over a number of years experience developed or forced them upon us. Early methods nf 20 to 26 years ago were to have an open pit int,o which everything was dkearded. .Many surviving stories are humorous, although in the telling the hazards are usually forgotten. The present methods consist of orderly ,:ontrolled disposition of d l hazardous materials by highly trained individuals under st,rict supervision. Our regulations prohibit the disposal of dangerous snbstances in any sewer system. Actually it is nut permissible to dispose of any material that give.? off objectionable odors in the sewer systems. Liquid and solid wastes are collected twice per week by a military d i ~ p o s d unit trained in the disposal of hazardous chemicals and explosives. Each laboratory is required to evllect unused dangerous chemicals, toxic residues and contamina.ted waste, oontainers from which stoppers cannot be removed, containers of chemicals which are no longer needed, and containers from which labels have been lost or ohlilerated. These dangerous chemicals and waste are packaged in containers similar to those required f w shipment, with the inner cantainer snrro~mdedby expanded vermiculite in an outer metal container which is effectively sealed and lsbeled as to oon-



tent, special disposal instructions (if necessary), room number, and orgranizatian title. F i n d disposal of dangerous chemicals is carried out s t a disposal area extremely remote from inhabited areas of the installation by mntrolled burning in a pit with large quantities of fuel---either scrap lumber or flammable liquid. With this background knowledge, we certainly suggest that the safest means of disposal is by a. similar method. The baaads of disposal in the sewage system are many; t,he commingling of materials such ss acids and caustic? with phosphorus, arsenic, and cyanide compounds, for example, are well known. At any given time no one knows what a neighboring laboratory may be dumping into a sewer, if it is permitted, and consequently there can be disastrous results. A thoroughly educated chemist, by observing caution and using goad chemical mmmon sense, can neutralize s number of chemicals, dilute them highly with water, and safely dispose of them in the laboratory sewer system. Milliliter qoantities of common flammable liquids which are miscible with water can also be disposed of in this manner, but the more complex dangerous chemicals do not lend themselves to safe disposal by this method. We have no answer for a so-called "quick-anddirty" method of disposal, and a n only suggest some mean? of ap-

proach to the problem. If a dangerous chemical is to be used in a. laboratory it will be profitable to perform experimental investigations using micro quantities t o determine a means of neutralizing and rendering it harmless before full scale operations are begun. With this knowledge, the neutralizing agent e m be prepared in advance and can be readily available for immediate use in an emergency. There are s. number of methods published in the literature by which some dangerous chemicals csn be rendered safe for disposal. We know of a number of suggested s y s t e m and facilities that have been d e scribed far disposal of dangerous chemic a k a l l of them are expensive end none of them provides a universal means of disposal for all. The deep well requires geological investigations and the approval of the authorities having jurisdiction, plus a large monetary expenditure. The furnace type uses extreme temperatures created by introduction of an excessive amount of oxygen and therefore requires an adequate stack to carry off the products of combustion, This is also expensive, is subject to air pollution controls, and still generates offgases and other products of combustion which may not be acceptable in a populated area on or around a college campus. There is also the reactor method, in which these chemicals can be rendered safe by reaction wit,h neutralizing reactants. Usually this entail8 elaborate scrubber facilities, holding tanks, and final treatment facilities, all of which are ex-

pensive, require extensive investigation and study, and have limited application to only those mst,erial~for which the system wit.; desiqned. I n conclusion, we suggest that for the safe disposal of danger~udchemicals, each one should be considered individually before emergemy disposal is imminent, and you shor~ldhe fortified with the prior knowledge and the proper neutralizing materials at hand. If this is not possible, then the only alternative is to have a. remote diqmpal area, collect the materials in adequately designed containers, and have trained personnel to dispose of them safely without cresting a. nuisance or hazardous air pollotion problem. Bibliography

Dangerous Chemicals Code, Los Angeles Fire Department, Parker and Company, Los Angeles, California, 1951. Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory, Marntfarturing Chemists' Associsr tian, Ine., D. Van Nostrand Co., Ine., New York, N.Y. 1854. National Fire Codes, Yoh~mesI and 11, Nst,ional Fire Pruteatian Assoeintion, Boston, Mass. National Building Code, NaLiona.1 Board of Fire Underwriters, New York, N.Y. PIETERS,H. A. J., A X D CREYGHTON, J . W., Safety in the Chemical Laboralury, Academic: Pr~ss,Inc., New York, N.Y. 1957. Waning Lahels, 3 l x m d L-1, Msnufacturing Chemists' Associatiun, Inc. Washington, D.C.

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