Streamline the workday of your lab - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Sep 30, 2012 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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the workdAy

of your lAb

For your non-Agilent HPLCs:


LC supplies from Agilent CrossLab. ServiceS | SupplieS To find your Agilent CrossLab supplies, use our interactive tool at Or SCAn THiS COde WiTH yOur SmArTPHOne TO ACCeSS Our CrOSSLAb SeLeCTiOn TOOL

Agilent CrossLab services are available to help you optimize analytical instrument effectiveness across your laboratory organization.

Agilent CrossLab works with

Synchronize your lab’s workflow, supply ordering, and productivity with Agilent CrossLab LC supplies. With a call to Agilent, order high-quality supplies for all the non-Agilent HPLCs in your lab from a name you trust. Our technical experts can help you select the right products, while our worldwide logistics network ensures your supplies arrive when you need them. Plus, Agilent CrossLab LC supplies are covered by our risk-free, 90-day, money-back guarantee.

Agilent CrossLab also has a growing portfolio of supplies for your non-Agilent Gcs.

© Agilent Technologies, inc. 2012

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5/22/12 11:02 AM