Streptavidin in Antibody Pretargeting. Comparison of a Recombinant

Dec 15, 1997 - compared (with consideration of animal model, sacrifice time, etc.). .... in aqueous solution were estimated using the Beer's law equat...
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Bioconjugate Chem. 1998, 9, 100−107

Streptavidin in Antibody Pretargeting. Comparison of a Recombinant Streptavidin with Two Streptavidin Mutant Proteins and Two Commercially Available Streptavidin Proteins D. Scott Wilbur,*,† Patrick S. Stayton,‡ Richard To,‡ Kent R. Buhler,§ Lisa A. Klumb,‡ Donald K. Hamlin,† James E. Stray,§ and Robert L. Vessella§ Departments of Radiation Oncology, Urology, and Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195. Received August 11, 1997; Revised Manuscript Received October 10, 1997X

In this investigation, a comparison of wild type recombinant streptavidin (r-SAv) with two genetically engineered mutant r-SAv proteins was undertaken. The investigation also included a comparison of the r-SAv with two streptavidin (SAv) proteins from commercial sources. In vitro characterization of the SAv proteins was conducted by HPLC, SDS-PAGE, IEF, and electrospray mass spectral analyses. All SAv proteins studied appeared to be a single species by size exclusion chromatography (HPLC) and SDS-PAGE analyses, but multiple species were noted in the IEF and MS analyses. In vivo comparisons of the SAv proteins were accomplished with dual isotope-labeled SAv in athymic mice. In an initial experiment, tissue localization of r-[131I]SAv directly radiolabeled using chloramine-T was compared with r-SAv radiolabeled with the N-hydroxysuccinimidyl p-iodobenzoate conjugate ([125I]PIB), a radioiodination reagent that has been shown to result in iodine-labeled proteins which are stable to in vivo deiodination. The data obtained indicated that there is little difference in the distribution (except kidney localization) when r-SAv labeled by the two methods. Data obtained from comparison of r-[131I]SAv with a disulfide-stabilized r-SAv mutant (r-SAv-H127C), a C-terminal cysteine-containing r-SAv mutant (r-[125I]SAv-S139C), and two 125I-labeled SAv proteins obtained from commercial sources indicated that their distributions were quite similar, except the kidney concentrations were generally lower than that of r-[131I]SAv. On the basis of the similar distributions of the SAv proteins studied, it appears that the r-SAv mutants may be interchanged for the (wild type) r-SAv in pretargeting studies. Further, the similarity of distributions with two commercially available SAv proteins suggests that the results obtained in our studies and those of other groups may be directly compared (with consideration of animal model, sacrifice time, etc.).


A monoclonal antibody-based method of delivering radionuclides to cancer tissue for diagnosis and/or therapy termed tumor “pretargeting” is under investigation by a number of research groups (1-14). In tumor pretargeting, an antibody conjugate is injected into a patient and allowed to localize at the tumor, and then a radiolabeled molecule which binds avidly with the antibody conjugate is administered in a “two-step” or “three-step” procedure (3). Due to the very high affinity of biotin for the proteins streptavidin (SAv1) and avidin (i.e. 1013-1015 M-1) (15, 16), combinations of these molecules with monoclonal antibodies have formed the basis for a large number of * Address correspondence to D. Scott Wilbur, Ph.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington, 2121 N. 35th St., Seattle, WA 98103-9103. Phone: (206) 685-3085. Fax: (206) 685-9630. E-mail: [email protected]. † Department of Radiation Oncology. ‡ Department of Bioengineering. § Department of Urology. X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, December 15, 1997. 1 Abbreviations: PIB, p-iodobenzoate; ChT, chloramine-T; cpm, counts per minute; DTT, dithiothreitol; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; ESMS, electrospray mass spectrometry; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; % ID/g, percent injected dose per gram; PMSF, phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride; r-SAv(s), recombinant streptavidin(s); rt, room temperature; SAv(s), streptavidin(s); T/B, tissue-to-blood.

the investigations conducted in pretargeting research. In addition to the high affinity of biotin for SAv and avidin, the biotin/(strept)avidin system is particularly attractive for application to cancer therapy as SAv and avidin are tetrameric proteins which have the capacity to bind four molecules of biotin (16). This multi-biotin binding nature of SAv and avidin is of particular interest as it provides the potential for increasing the quantity of radioactivity localized on cancer cells. Thus, a major focus of our research effort is directed at developing a method for using the multi-biotin binding capacity of SAv to maximize the amount of radioactivity delivered to cancer cells in vivo. In the approach under investigation, the first step is to pretarget a biotinylated antibody [or antibody(strept)avidin conjugate] to a tumor, and then alternate administrations of SAv and a radiolabeled cross-linking biotin molecule are given to increase the amount of radioactivity localized at the tumors (14). A key component of our investigations of antibodybased tumor pretargeting is the biotin binding protein SAv. Although SAv is similar in structure to avidin (16), it has a longer half-life in blood than avidin (17). The longer blood half-life is primarily due to the fact that SAv is not glycosylated (17-19). Interaction of glycosylation sites on proteins with asialoglycoprotein receptors on liver cells results in rapid clearance from blood (20). Importantly, it has been demonstrated that the longer blood half-life of SAv results in higher concentrations in tumor xenografts implanted in athymic mice (14, 18).

S1043-1802(97)00152-3 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/12/1998

Comparison of Streptavidin Variants

Deglycosylation of avidin produces a tetrameric biotin binding protein which is similar to SAv in its in vivo clearance (19); however, we chose to use a recombinant SAv (r-SAv) in our studies. The r-SAv employed is obtained from bacterial (Escherichia coli) expression and is primarily a single protein with a discrete molecular size (21). SAv obtained through recombinant molecular biology methods was chosen over SAv obtained from commercial sources for use in our studies as production by this method permits specific alterations in the SAv molecule by site-directed mutagenesis (21). In fact, sitedirected mutagenesis of r-SAv has allowed for the production of unique r-SAv mutants which may have broad application in biotin/(strept)avidin technology (22-24), as well as in tumor pretargeting. For example, one of the r-SAv mutants produced, r-SAv-H127C,2 has two intersubunit disulfide bonds that were designed to provide stabilization of the tetramer from dissociation in vivo. Another r-SAv mutant of interest in our pretargeting studies, r-SAv-S139C,2 was obtained by substitution of a cysteine residue for the serine residue at the C-terminal end of the polypeptide subunit. The r-SAvS139C mutant was designed to allow site-specific conjugations at a location in the molecule that is not adjacent to the biotin binding pockets. Many other investigators have reported the use of SAv in tumor pretargeting (4, 7, 8, 11-13, 25-28). In reviewing the literature, we were surprised to note the large variation in the biodistribution data of radiolabeled SAv which had been previously reported, with the most striking differences being in kidney localization. Indeed, reported kidney concentrations have ranged from 1% injected dose per gram (% ID/g) to over 100% ID/g. The reported wide variation in the in vivo characteristics, particularly kidney localization of SAv used in tumor pretargeting studies, prompted us to compare the in vitro and in vivo characteristics of two SAv mutants, r-SAvH127C and r-SAv-S139C, with those of the r-SAv presently used in our pretargeting studies. Since previously reported studies were conducted with SAv obtained from several different commercial sources, we chose to include two commercially available SAv proteins3 in the comparison studies. In vitro comparison of the SAv proteins was obtained by conducting HPLC, SDS-PAGE, IEF, and mass spectrometric analyses. In vivo comparison of radiolabeled SAv was obtained in dual isotope experiments. Direct comparison of sets of biodistribution data was obtained by co-injection of r-[131I]SAv with each of the other radiolabeled ([125I]) SAv proteins in athymic mice.4 The results of our comparison of SAv proteins are described herein. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES

General. All chemicals from commercial sources were analytical grade or better and were used without further 2 The notations for site-directed streptavidin mutants studied, r-SAv-H127C and r-SAv-S139C, include the amino acid number (127 or 139; based on native streptavidin numbering) and the identity of the amino acid substitution [i.e. cysteine (C) for histidine (H) or serine (S)]. 3 To limit the extent of the investigation, two commercial sources were chosen to be representative of commercially available streptavidin. Commercial source 1 (CS1) was Boehringer Mannheim (Indianapolis, IN), and commercial source 2 (CS2) was CALBIOCHEM (La Jolla, CA). 4 Athymic mice were used to allow correlation of data from this investigation with data obtained in previous and planned studies employing athymic mice bearing human tumor xenografts.

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purification. Chloramine-T (ChT) was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). SAv proteins were obtained from Boehringer Mannheim (CS1,3 lot 133816721, Indianapolis, IN) and from CALBIOCHEM (CS2,3 lot B12651, La Jolla, CA). Reconstitution of the commercial SAv proteins in water was carried out as recommended by the package inserts. The radioisotopes, Na125I and Na131I, were purchased from NEN/Dupont (Billerica, MA) as high-concentration/ high-specific activity radioiodide in 0.1 N NaOH. Measurement of 125I and 131I was accomplished on a Capintec CRC-15R or a Capintec CRC-6A Radioisotope Calibrator. Dual isotope counting of tissue samples was accomplished in a LKB 1282 γ counter with the following window settings: channels 35-102 (20-90 keV) and channels 165-185 (300-450 keV) when 125I and 131I were counted together. When dual isotope counting was conducted, all cpm measurements of 125I were corrected for spillover (13.5%) from the 131I emissions. Recombinant Protein Gene Design, Expression, and Purification. The design of the recombinant core SAv gene and the construction of the r-SAv-H127C mutant have been described previously (29). The r-SAvS139C mutant was created by cassette mutagenesis. The cassette for the r-SAv-S139C gene was constructed from oligonucleotides spanning the 5′ MluI restriction enzyme site and the 3′ HindIII site. The sequence for the last serine residue, S139, was changed from TCC to TGC, thus encoding a cysteine residue. The S139C cassette was annealed and ligated into a pUC18 construct containing the truncated r-SAv at the MluI/HindIII sites. Colonies containing the MluI/HindIII insert were selected and sequenced to confirm the production of the S139C coding sequence. The mutant r-SAv-S139C sequence was excised from the pUC18 vector by NdeI and HindIII digestion and ligated into the pET21a T7 expression vector (Novagen, Inc., Madison, WI). The r-SAv proteins were expressed and purified as previously described (29). Briefly, r-SAv was initially isolated as insoluble inclusion bodies and dissolved in 6 M guanidine‚HCl. The guanidine‚HCl also contained 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) when the cysteine mutants were dissolved. r-SAv was subsequently refolded in 0.05 M Tris‚HCl (pH 7.6), 0.1 M NaCl, 0.005 M EDTA, and 0.1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). r-SAvS139C was refolded in the presence of 1 mM DTT to prevent disulfide bond formation. Refolded streptavidin (100 mg or less) was exchanged into binding buffer (pH 11, 50 mM Na2CO3 and 500 mM NaCl) and concentrated to a volume of about 30 mL using an ultrafiltration cell (Amicon, Beverly, MA). The concentrated protein solution was applied to a 20-25 mL iminobiotin-agarose column (Pierce, Rockford, IL) that had been pre-equilibrated with at least 125 mL of binding buffer. After washing with an additional 100-150 mL of binding buffer, the protein was eluted with a low-pH aqueous solution (pH 3, 100 mM HOAc). The flow-through was collected in 10 mL fractions, and the streptavidin content was checked by UV. Those fractions containing protein (50-60 mL) were pooled, immediately exchanged into a phosphate buffer (pH 7, 50 mM sodium phosphate and 100 mM NaCl), and concentrated via ultrafiltration. Recovery yields of 70-90% of the initial amount of refolded protein were obtained. Protein Characterization. Protein concentrations in aqueous solution were estimated using the Beer’s law equation, wherein the measured absorbance in water at

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280 nm was divided by 2.56 L/g.5 Characterization of all SAv proteins included IEF, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, and protein electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS) analyses. IEF and SDS-PAGE analyses were conducted using a PhastSystem electrophoresis apparatus (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden). Conditions used to conduct the IEF are described in the legend of Figure 1. Reducing denatured and nondenatured SDS-PAGE analyses were conducted on 12.5% homogeneous gels (see Supporting Information). SDS-PAGE analyses were also carried out using precast Miniprotean 10 to 20% gradient gels (BioRad Inc., Hercules, CA) with a discontinuous buffer system. Native PAGE was performed by omitting SDS during the heat denaturation, and in the sample application buffer and the gel running buffer. Mass spectral analyses were obtained for all SAv proteins, except the r-SAv-S139C. ESMS of protein samples was performed on an API-III electrospray mass spectrometer (PE Sciex, Thornhill, ON) or a VG Quattro II tandem quadruple mass spectrometer (VG BioTech, Cheshire, U.K.). Protein concentrations were 20-60 µM (subunit) after extensive dialysis against distilled water (dialysis membrane MWCO of 10 000), with 0.1% formic acid added just prior to the ESMS. Mass spectra for r-SAv, SAvCS1, and SAv-CS2 are provided in the Supporting Information. Mass spectral data have been previously published for r-SAv-H127C (29). HPLC separations of nonlabeled SAv proteins were conducted on a system consisting of a Hewlett-Packard 1050 Multiple Wavelength Detector (280 nm), an isocratic pump, and a TSK-GEL G3000SW size exclusion column (7.5 mm × 600 mm, 10 µm; TosoHaas, Montgomeryville, PA). The mobile phase was an aqueous solution containing 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 6.8), 300 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, and 1 mM NaN3. A flow rate of 0.75 mL/ min was used. The retention times for SAv proteins were approximately 30 min. HPLC separations of radioiodinated SAv proteins were conducted on a system consisting of two model 306 Gilson pumps with 10SC titanium pump heads, a Gilson model 118 UV-Visible detector (280 nm), a Beckman model 170 radioisotope detector, a Gilson System Interface Module, and an IBM 486 computer with Gilson Unipoint HPLC Controller software. The proteins were separated by size exclusion chromatography on a 300 SW Protein Pak column (8 mm × 300 mm glass column; 10 µm silica particle size), eluting with a solvent mixture of 25 mM Tris‚HCl, 75 mM NaCl, and 1 mM EDTA at pH 7.2 with a flow rate of 0.70 mL/min. The retention time for the radiolabeled SAv proteins was approximately 15 min using this system. Chromatograms of the SAv variants are provided in the Supporting Information. Preparation of r-SAv-S139C-NEM. To 100 µL of r-SAv-S139C (13 mg/mL) was added 6 µL of a 1 M aqueous DTT solution. After 1 h at rt, the mixture was passed over a Sephadex G-25 (PD-10) column and eluted with 20 mM sodium phosphate at pH 6.8. To a 2 mL aliquot of DTT-treated r-SAv-S139C (0.25 mg/mL) solution was added 100 µL (50 equiv, 0.64 mg/mL) of a solution containing N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) in 20 mM sodium phosphate at pH 6.8. The reaction was allowed to proceed at rt for 30 min before the mixture was divided 5 The 2.56 L/g value was obtained by dividing the molar absorptivity of SAv (i.e. 136 000 mol L-1 cm-1) by the quantity per mole of SAv (i.e. 53 084 g/mol). The molar absorptivity was obtained by multiplying the SAv molar absorptivity (280) of 34 000 mol L-1 cm-1 for one subunit (16) by 4 (subunits). The path length of the cell used in the measurements was 1 cm.

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into two equal volume fractions and the fractions were placed in separate Centricon-10 microconcentrators (Amicon) that were prewashed with 1 mL of 20 mM sodium phosphate at pH 6.8. The solutions were centrifuged at 3200 rpm for 15 min to concentrate the solutions to a 100 µL volume. Each Centricon retentate was rinsed four times with 500 µL of the phosphate buffer, reducing the volume to 100 µL by centrifugation during each rinse. General Procedure for Radioiodination of r-SAv Using ChT. A 500-650 µg quantity of SAv in 40-100 µL of a 50 mM Tris/50 mM NaCl solution (pH 8.0) was added to a mixture of 25 µL of 0.5 M sodium phosphate (pH 7.4) and 1 µL (0.5-0.7 mCi) of Na125/131I in 0.1 N NaOH. To that solution was added 10-20 µL of a 1 mg/ mL solution of ChT in H2O (final concentration of 0.15 µg/mL). After 5 min at rt, 1-2 µL of a 10 mg/mL solution of sodium metabisulfite in H2O was added to quench the reaction. The radioiodinated SAv was eluted on a NAP10 column (Sephadex G-25; Pharmacia Biotech) with 0.9% saline to give a 48-93% radiochemical yield of the radiolabeled SAv. The radiochemical purity of the isolated SAv proteins was >98% (by HPLC) in all reactions conducted. Radioiodination of r-SAv Using [125I]PIB-NHS. Synthesis of N-hydroxysuccinimidyl 4-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate (PSnB-NHS) was accomplished as previously reported (30). The radioiodination was conducted as follows. A 1.0 mCi quantity of Na125I in 3 µL of 0.1 N NaOH was added to a mixture of 50 µg of PSnB-NHS in 50 µL of a 1% HOAc solution in MeOH. To that solution was added 10 µL of a 1 mg/mL solution of NCS in MeOH. After 5 min at rt, 1 µL of a 10 mg/mL solution of sodium metabisulfite was added to quench the reaction. The solvent was removed under a stream of argon (through a charcoal filter), and the crude residue containing [125I]PIB-NHS was used directly in the radiolabeling reaction. To the vial containing [125I]PIB-NHS (1.04 mCi) was added a mixture containing 35 µL of a 15 mg/mL solution of r-SAv in PBS and 100 µL of a 0.5 M sodium borate buffer at pH 9.3. After a 5 min reaction time, the mixture was placed on a NAP-10 column and eluted with 0.9% saline. A total of 496 µCi (48%) of PIB-labeled SAv was obtained, with a specific activity of 1.23 µCi/µg, which had a radiochemical purity of >98% by HPLC analysis. Biodistribution Studies. All animal use and procedures were approved by the University of Washington’s Animal Care Committee. Animal care and use was conducted in accordance with the NIH guidelines.6 Male athymic mice (BALB/c nu/nu), 4-5 weeks of age, were obtained from Simonsen Laboratories (Gilroy, CA). All mice were housed for 1 week in the animal facility prior to beginning the study. In the biodistribution studies, mixtures of r-[131I]SAv and 125I-labeled r-SAv mutants, or 125I-labeled SAv from commercial sources,3 were administered to mice in a total volume of approximately 100 µL via the lateral tail vein. The actual amount of injectate administered to each animal was determined by weighing the administering syringe pre- and postinjection. Groups of five mice were sacrificed at 4, 24, and 48 h postinjection to obtain tissue distributions. The tissues excised were muscle, lung, kidney, spleen, liver, intestine, neck (including thyroid), and stomach. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac 6 NIH guidelines are described in NIH Publication 86-23, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. 7 Studies with r-[125I]SAv-S139C have shown that reduction is needed before conjugations will take place.

Comparison of Streptavidin Variants

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Table 1. Distribution of Radioactivity at 4, 24, and 48 h Post-Coadministration of [125I]PIB-Labeled r-SAv and ChT-Labeled r-[125I]SAv in Athymic Micea 4 hb,c tissue blood muscle lung kidney spleen liver intestine neck stomach urined


24 h 131I


9.05 ( 0.50 1.76 ( 0.33 7.28 ( 0.92 16.51 ( 1.58e 3.80 ( 0.51 2.82 ( 0.19 2.24 ( 0.37 5.14 ( 0.65 2.10 ( 0.48 29.71 ( 20.69


8.45 ( 0.46 1.57 ( 0.30 6.46 ( 0.75 23.86 ( 2.17e 3.31 ( 0.39 2.52 ( 0.15 1.95 ( 0.32 4.78 ( 0.58 2.01 ( 0.45 29.34 ( 19.96


48 h 131I


2.86 ( 0.35 0.99 ( 0.16 3.02 ( 0.26 16.94 ( 2.56e 2.91 ( 0.39 2.56 ( 0.26 1.15 ( 0.16 3.48 ( 0.50 1.49 ( 0.14 10.82 ( 1.94


2.42 ( 0.33 0.90 ( 0.09 2.66 ( 0.22 24.23 ( 2.13e 2.54 ( 0.38 2.29 ( 0.25 0.89 ( 0.13 3.95 ( 1.33 1.65 ( 0.41 10.01 ( 0.99




0.52 ( 0.08 0.61 ( 0.18 1.53 ( 0.28 18.01 ( 2.98 2.47 ( 0.41 2.40 ( 0.20 1.07 ( 0.24 2.06 ( 0.45 0.95 ( 0.21 8.95 ( 1.85


0.53 ( 0.09 0.57 ( 0.17 1.41 ( 0.27 24.20 ( 3.47 2.20 ( 0.40 2.07 ( 0.17 0.65 ( 0.12 4.48 ( 2.74 1.58 ( 0.38 5.85 ( 0.92

a Values shown are in % ID/g ( standard deviation. b Time of sacrifice from injection of radiolabeled SAv. c Data were obtained for five mice at each time point; average animal weight, 23.16 ( 1.17 g. Injectate for each animal had 15 µCi per 15 µg of r-SAv labeled with Na131I/ChT and 18 µCi per 15 µg of r-SAv labeled with [125I]PIB in approximately 100 µL of 0.9% sterile saline. d Urine was collected by syringe bladder tap after sacrifice. e Statistical significance of difference in paired t test; P < 0.005.

Table 2. Comparison of Radioactivity Present in Blood and Kidney at 4, 24, and 48 h Post-Coadministration of 125I-Labeled SAv Protein and r-[131I]SAv in Athymic Micea 4 hb,c distribution (A) [125I]H127C r-[131I]SAv (B) [125I]S139C r-[131I]SAv (C) [125I]CS1 r-[131I]SAv (D) [125I]CS2 r-[131I]SAv

24 h

48 h







11.43 ( 0.40 10.35 ( 0.35

18.92 ( 1.72 26.43 ( 2.71

3.07 ( 0.27 2.12 ( 0.23

17.21 ( 1.31 22.82 ( 1.47

0.93 ( 0.22 0.58 ( 0.13

20.17 ( 2.70 26.50 ( 3.21

10.67 ( 0.30 9.15 ( 0.37

19.84 ( 1.12 22.34 ( 1.14

2.30 ( 0.44 1.90 ( 0.46

19.53 ( 3.69 23.30 ( 4.60

0.59 ( 0.05 0.40 ( 0.03

17.10 ( 3.36 21.31 ( 3.70

6.65 ( 0.48 8.38 ( 0.65

18.69 ( 3.46 19.31 ( 3.23

1.33 ( 0.19 1.94 ( 0.24

15.68 ( 1.18 22.09 ( 1.35

0.31 ( 0.06 0.48 ( 0.09

15.48 ( 3.97 23.55 ( 5.41

6.64 ( 0.23 9.12 ( 0.40

29.23 ( 1.48 21.65 ( 1.65

1.35 ( 0.14 2.16 ( 0.31

24.27 ( 4.43 27.25 ( 4.64

0.34 ( 0.04 0.54 ( 0.05

20.33 ( 2.30 26.56 ( 2.78

a Values shown are in % ID/g ( standard deviation. b Time of sacrifice from injection of radiolabeled SAv. c Data were obtained for five mice at each time point.

puncture. Urine samples were obtained by syringe bladder tap at the time the tissues were excised. Excised tissues were blotted free of blood, weighed, and counted. Calculations of the percent injected dose (% ID) and percent injected dose per gram (% ID/g) in the tissues were based on internal standards (quadruplicate) containing 1 µL of the injected dose. The total blood volume was estimated to be 8% of body weight for the calculations (31). A spreadsheet program in Excel (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA) was used to perform the calculations, including ratios of isotopes in tissue/fluids for the radiolabeled SAv proteins. Statistical analyses were conducted on each tissue in the set of five mice using Excel’s t test function for two samples assuming equal variances. The biodistribution data obtained are provided in Tables 1 and 2 in this paper and Tables A-D in the Supporting Information. Information on the number of animals per time point, the specific activity of each preparation, and quantities administered are provided in the footnotes of the tables. The complete biodistribution data obtained, and additional information on average animal weight and pairs of data in which the differences were highly significant (i.e. P < 0.005), are provided in Tables A-D in the Supporting Information. RESULTS

In Vitro Comparison of SAv Proteins. To evaluate the differences in size, charge, and homogeneity of mass of the SAv proteins, each protein studied was evaluated by HPLC, SDS-PAGE, IEF, and electrospray mass spectral analyses. Size exclusion HPLC analyses of the SAv proteins had only one peak present at the expected

molecular mass range (by comparison with MW standards) for the tetrameric protein, indicating that they were not contaminated with higher- or lower-molecular mass proteins. It was interesting to note that the retention times of r-SAv proteins (tR ) 29.5 min) were found to be approximately 0.6 min shorter than that of the truncated commercial preparations (tR ) 30.1 min). SDS-PAGE analysis of denatured r-SAv proteins demonstrated the correct molecular mass for the monomer, with the cysteine mutants being indistinguishable from r-SAv under reducing conditions. r-SAv-S139C and r-SAv-H127C also showed the presence of a dimeric species in the absence of reductant due to the formation of disulfide bonds. This dimeric species was not present under reducing conditions (6% β-mercaptoethanol in sample loading buffer). Nondenatured samples demonstrated the expected molecular mass of the tetramer for all r-SAvs. An IEF gel comparing the five SAv proteins is shown in Figure 1. Although there appears to be one primary protein band for each SAv, all proteins studied had a minimum of three species present (percentages of each species not quantified). The pI value of the species present for the r-SAv (wild type) is very nearly the same as that of the site-directed mutant r-SAv-S139C (i.e. pH 6.6-7.4), but the pI values of the other mutant, r-SAvH127C are lower (i.e. pH 5.2-6.6). The SAv protein obtained from one commercial source, SAv-CS2, has a pI profile quite similar to that of the r-SAv (wild type), except that it appears that the major species has a slightly higher pI (i.e. estimated to be 7.3 vs 7.0). The SAv protein obtained from the other commercial source,

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Figure 1. Digitized image of an IEF gel showing SAv protein pI values. The gel (PhastGel IEF 3-9) was run on a PhastSystem electrophoresis apparatus using the optimized method for IEF described in “Separation Technique File #100”. The protein staining was done by the silver stain method described in “Development Technique File #210: lane A, IEF standards (Isoelectric Focusing Calibration Kit, broad pI; 3-10) run in the direction of application (bottom to top); lane B, IEF standards run from top to bottom; lane C, r-SAv-S139C (NEM-capped); lane D, r-SAv-H127C; lane E, SAv-CS1 (Boehringer Mannheim); lane F, r-SAv (wild type); lane G, SAv-CS2 (CALBIOCHEM); and lane H, IEF standards run from bottom to top.

SAv-CS1, has a pI profile somewhat different from those of the other SAv proteins as the pI range for the species present is quite small (i.e. pH 7.0-7.4). In contrast to r-SAv, electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS) of the commercially available SAv proteins indicated that they were heterogeneous in nature. Native streptavidin consists of amino acid residues 1-159; however, the recombinant streptavidin used is composed of residues 13-139 (based on native SAv numbering system), and core or “truncated” SAv proteins purchased from commercial sources generally are composed of 125127 amino acid fragments containing residues beginning as low as amino acid 13 and ending with amino acids 133-139. The major component of the SAv proteins which were analyzed had molecular masses within 1 Da of the expected (calculated) subunit masses. The r-SAv mass spectrum had one major mass peak at the expected mass (13 271 Da). The mass spectrum for the SAv protein from commercial source 1 (Boehringer Mannheim) is a mixture which appears to have the 14-136 residues (12 971 Da) as its major component and the 13135 residues (12 954 Da) as a minor component. The mass spectrum for the SAv protein from commercial source 2 (CALBIOCHEM) had several species present. It also had the 14-136 residues as the predominant species, but had a significant quantity of a second species with a mass of 13 042 Da, corresponding to either fragment 14-137 or fragment 13-136, and may be a mixture of the two. Radioiodination of SAv Proteins by the ChT Method. Recombinant “core” (16, 32) SAv has 6 tyrosine residues per subunit (24 per tetramer) and is readily radioiodinated by the ChT method. It should be noted that there is a very important tyrosine residue in both avidin (Tyr-33) and SAv (Tyr-43) which participates in binding with the biotin ureido group (33-35). In avidin, nitration of that tyrosine, which is the only one present in the protein (36), has been shown to decrease biotin binding (37). For this reason, the specific activity of the radioiodinated SAv proteins in this study was kept below

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2 µCi/µg to assure iodination on the more accessible (nonbiotin binding) tyrosines in SAv. The SAv proteins were radioiodinated with either 125I or 131I by reaction with chloramine-T at pH 7.4. Generally, the SAv radioiodination yields ranged from 74 to 98%, but radioiodination of SAv from one commercial source (CS2)3 resulted in 4850% radiochemical yields. It is not known why this protein gave consistently lower labeling yields. Assessment of Radioiodination Method. As an initial part of the SAv biodistribution study, we were interested in determining if the radioiodine distribution was reflective of the distribution of the ChT-labeled r-SAv. To determine this, r-SAv was radiolabeled directly with Na131I/ChT and separately radiolabeled with N-succinimidyl p-[125I]iodobenzoate ([125I]PIB). PIB labeling of proteins (e.g. antibodies) has been shown to be resistant to in vivo deiodination (30). After r-SAv was labeled by the two methods, equal quantities of [125I]PIBr-SAv and r-[131I]SAv were combined and injected into athymic mice. The distribution of radioactivity at 4, 24, and 48 h postinjection is provided in Table 1. The two methods of radiolabeling r-SAv gave similar distributions at all time points, except the amine-conjugated [125I]PIBlabeled r-SAv had slightly reduced kidney concentrations. The data clearly showed that in vivo deiodination of SAv labeled directly with ChT was not a problem. Indeed, very little difference was observed in the neck and stomach concentrations of radioiodine nuclides. If significant deiodination had occurred, large differences between the PIB-labeled protein and the ChT-labeled protein would have been observed. These data indicated that the ChT labeling method was appropriate for labeling the SAv proteins in the comparative investigation. Comparative Biodistribution of SAv Proteins. The biodistributions of two r-SAv mutant proteins and two SAv proteins available from commercial sources were compared with that of the (wild type) r-SAv. In the comparisons, one of the r-SAv mutants, r-[125I]SAvH127C or r-[125I]SAv-S139C, or one of the SAv proteins obtained from commercial sources, SAv-CS1 or SAv-CS2, was mixed and co-injected with an equal quantity (i.e. 15 µg) of r-[131I]SAv. By co-injection of the dual isotopelabeled SAv proteins into each animal, a direct comparison of the SAv variants was obtained. With the exception of the blood and kidney concentrations (Table 2), the concentrations in tissues were not appreciably different for the r-SAv mutants or commercially available SAv proteins from those for the r-SAv (wild type) used in our studies. The complete distribution data for the comparisons of SAv variants is provided in the Supporting Information as Tables A-D. DISCUSSION

Recombinant streptavidin has been used extensively in our pretargeting studies because it is composed of a single protein species and can be prepared readily in large quantities from E. coli (21). Another factor in the choice of r-SAv was the fact that, through site-directed mutagenesis of the recombinant gene, it is possible to prepare r-SAv mutants that have unique properties. It is our belief that r-SAv mutants can be prepared which have properties that will improve in vivo characteristics and/or allow the preparation of improved reagents for pretargeting. This study was initiated to compare the in vivo characteristics of two r-SAv mutants, r-SAvH127C and r-SAv-S139C, with those of the r-SAv being used in our studies (14). In addition to the r-SAv mutants, two commercially available SAv proteins were evaluated for the reasons described below.

Comparison of Streptavidin Variants

In order to determine if the r-SAv mutants constituted “improved” reagents, we needed to understand the in vivo characteristics of SAv proteins other than the r-SAv used. As with our studies of r-SAv, inspection of the in vivo data previously reported in the literature indicated that SAv does not accumulate to any extent in tissues except kidney. Although localization of SAv in the kidney was consistently reported, the quantity localized varied widely (i.e. from 1 to >100% ID/g) (8, 12, 13, 18, 38-41). Our assumption was that the large reported differences could be caused by heterogeneity in the SAv proteins supplied by commercial sources. In 1990, it was reported that some commercial preparations contained unprocessed SAv (16). More recently, it has been reported that many commercially available SAv proteins are treated with proteases to provide the core SAv and maximize the homogeneity of the terminal structure (32). SAv has 159 amino acid residues in its native state (16); however, native SAv is highly susceptible to enzymatic degradation, and both the C- and N-terminal amino acid sequences are truncated after secretion (16, 42-45). Importantly, truncation occurs which yields a “natural core SAv” which is resistant to further proteolysis. Truncation of SAv does not appear to significantly alter biotin binding properties, but removal of terminal amino acids appears to improve binding with biotinylated macromolecules (32). Further, truncation also improves the aqueous solubility of SAv and decreases the formation of aggregates. Unfortunately, the truncation process can result in heterogeneity within monomer and tetramer (44). The wide variation in the literature reports with regard to the kidney localization of commercially available SAv proteins and the potential for having nonhomogeneous mixtures of SAv proteins from commercial sources prompted us to include two representative SAv proteins from commercial sources in our biodistribution studies. Before the in vivo studies were conducted, the proteins were characterized with regard to their purity, homogeneity, and pI. This was done as part of the characterization of r-SAv mutants, and to provide data on the physical differences between SAv variants. Analyses of the SAv variants by HPLC and SDS-PAGE provided data that indicated the proteins were pure. The wild type r-SAv is homogeneous in molecular mass, having 127 amino acid residues and a mass of 13 271 Da per subunit protein (21). The r-SAv mutants were also homogeneous in molecular mass, having subunit masses consistent with the desired amino acid substitution of wild type r-SAv. Contrary to this, the commercial SAv proteins were heterogeneous in molecular mass as judged by ESMS. IEF analyses indicated that multiple charged species exist for all of the SAv and r-SAv preparations. Although the origins of these charged species are not known, the IEF heterogeneity data obtained are consistent with previously reported data from SAv that has been truncated by proteolytic degradation (46) and for commercially available recombinant SAv (Sigma) (47). Indeed, microheterogeneity of proteins observed in IEF analyses, in general, is considered common (48). It is particularly interesting to note the much lower pI values found for the r-SAv-H127C mutant. As this protein is different from the r-SAv in only one amino acid (per subunit), the large shift in pI was unexpected. The explanation for the change in pI is not readily apparent, but the change in pI observed could be brought about by a number of factors, such as formation of alternate stable conformations of the subunits and/or various combinations of the subunits in forming the tetramer (48).

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The primary goal of this investigation was to compare the in vivo characteristics of two r-SAv mutants with those of r-SAv. In one of the r-SAv mutants studied, r-SAv-H127C, the amino acid sequence of r-SAv has been altered by replacing the histidine residue at amino acid 127 with a cysteine. This substitution resulted in formation of two disulfide links between subunits in the r-SAv molecule which can readily be observed when evaluated by nonreducing SDS-PAGE analysis. Formation of disulfide cross-linked subunits in this mutant has been shown to increase the stability of r-SAv (49). This higher stability for subunit dissociation of r-SAv-H127C made it of interest for in vivo application as we thought it might alter its degradation and tissue distribution. Unfortunately, little difference in the biodistributions of the r-SAv-H127C and (wild type) r-SAv was noted. The one difference noted was that the kidney localization decreased relative to r-SAv. The relative amount of the decrease in kidney at the three time points is similar (Table 2) to that seen in the PIB-labeled r-SAv (Table 1). The reason for this decrease is not known, but we are investigating whether it might be related to a decrease in the pI of the proteins. In the other site-directed r-SAv mutant studied, r-SAvS139C, the C-terminal serine was replaced by a cysteine in the subunit polypeptide chain. This mutant is of particular interest as its use should allow conjugations to be carried out at locations which would not be expected to interfere with biotin binding. Although r-SAv which has more than one terminal cysteine has been reported (50), for our studies, it was desirable to have only one terminal cysteine for modification. The sulfhydryl group in the refolded r-SAv-S139C is present as disulfide linked subunits. As our primary interest in this SAv protein is the capacity for site-specific conjugations, prior to the in vivo evaluation, the disulfide bridges were reduced with DTT and the free sulfhydryl groups were conjugated with N-ethylmaleimide. The biodistribution of the r-SAvS139C conjugate is quite similar to that of r-SAv. While they may not be applicable for all conjugates, these data suggest that sulfhydryl conjugations (of small molecules) will not affect the in vivo distribution appreciably. Additional conjugate studies are planned with r-SAvS139C. Aside from the kidney localization, there were only small differences in the tissue distributions of SAv variants studied. A comparison of blood and kidney concentrations of all the SAv variants vs r-SAv is provided in Table 2. It is interesting to note that blood concentrations of commercially available SAv proteins decreased more rapidly than that of the slightly larger r-SAv variants. Importantly, the mass heterogeneity of the commercially available SAv proteins did not appear to alter the kidney localization appreciably. Because all of the SAv variants were heterogeneous with regard to their pI, it is not possible to determine with certainty whether such heterogeneity contributes to the kidney localization. Our results indicate that a range of 1529% ID/g (or 3-6% ID) is accumulated in the kidneys of athymic (BALB/c nu/nu) mice. In a three-step pretargeting protocol, and in our proposed method of increasing tumor radioactivity (14), the biotin derivative is the only species which carries radioactivity. Therefore, in these situations, the concentration of SAv in the kidneys may not be important if it is not available to bind with the radiolabeled biotin. We plan to investigate the localization of r-SAv to kidneys further. If there is a specific receptor uptake, it may be possible to block uptake. Of course, the most

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relevant question for our studies is whether the r-SAv localized in kidneys is available for binding with radiolabeled biotin derivatives. Due to concerns about misinterpretation of results, studies of kidney localization of radioiodinated biotin derivatives could not be conducted until a biotinidase-stabilized radioiodinated biotin derivative was obtained. Now that we have synthesized and tested a biotinidase-stabilized biotin derivative (51), its co-localization to SAv localized at kidney will be examined. Summary. New r-SAv proteins are of interest for development of antibody pretargeting methods. As part of that development, two mutant r-SAv proteins have been compared with the (wild type) r-SAv. In an initial biodistribution study, it was demonstrated that radioiodination of r-SAv with ChT resulted in a (relatively) stable label, permitting the use of that labeling method in the subsequent comparison studies. Data obtained when r-SAv was compared with a disulfide-stabilized r-SAv mutant, r-SAv-H127C, indicated that the distribution was similar to that of r-SAv, except the kidney concentration was lower for the mutant than for r-SAv. Similarly, comparison of the r-SAv with C-terminal cysteine residues, r-SAv-S139C, demonstrated that their distributions were similar. Comparison of r-SAv with two commercially available SAv proteins in mice also indicated that there were only minor differences in their in vivo distributions. The results obtained indicate that truncated or recombinant SAv proteins might be used interchangeably for in vivo applications because they have similar distribution properties. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We are grateful for the financial support provided by the Department of Energy, Medical Applications and Biophysical Research Division, Office of Health and Environmental Research, under Grant DE-FG0695ER62029. The animal studies were also supported in part by funding from the Richard M. Lucas Foundation. Supporting Information Available: HPLC chromatograms and SDS-PAGE gels (denatured and nondenatured) of SAv proteins studied; mass spectra of r-SAv, SAv-CS1, and SAv-CS2 proteins; and Tables A-D containing biodistribution data for the r-SAv mutants, H127C and S139C, and the two commercially available SAv proteins (9 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page. LITERATURE CITED (1) Hnatowich, D. J., Virzi, F., and Rusckowski, M. (1987) Investigations of Avidin and Biotin for Imaging Applications. J. Nucl. Med. 28, 1294-1302. (2) Goodwin, D. A. (1995) Tumor Pretargeting: Almost the Bottom Line. J. Nucl. Med. 36, 876-879. (3) Paganelli, G., Malcovati, M., and Fazio, F. (1991) Monoclonal Antibody pretargetting techniques for tumour localization: the avidin-biotin system. Nucl. Med. Commun. 12, 211-234. (4) Axworthy, D. B., Fritzberg, A. R., Hylarides, M. D., Mallett, R. W., Theodore, L. J., Gustavson, L. M., Su, F.-M., Beaumier, P. L., and Reno, J. M. (1994) Preclinical Evaluation of an Antitumor Monoclonal Antibody/Streptavidin Conjugate For Pretargeted 90Y Radioimmunotherapy in a Mouse Xenograft Model. J. Immunother. 16, 158. (5) del Rosario, R. B., and Wahl, R. L. (1993) Biotinylated IodoPolylysine for Pretargeted Radiation Delivery. J. Nucl. Med. 34, 1147-1151. (6) Jeong, J. M., Kinuya, S., Paik, C. H., Saga, T., Sood, V. K., Carrasquillo, J. A., Neumann, R. D., and Reynolds, J. C. (1994) Application of High Affinity Binding Concept to

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