Streuli, Carl A.; Averell, Philip R

this with a price increase of only forty- five cents. As in the first edition, Part I includes the principles of symmetry and group theory. The presen...
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by Van Hook, Shiner, Sunko and Borcic, Thornton and Thornton, Katz and Crespi, and by Fry. Aside from the opening chapter on the theory of the kinetic this with a price increase of only fortyisotope effect, the authors lean heavily five cents. toward the "organic-reactions-in-solution" As in the first edition, Part I includes the school. As with most multiple author principles of symmetry and group theory. volumes, there are a. substantial number The presentation has been made more of redundancies t o he found, especially in suitable for student and classroom use by chapters one and four. I n particular, it starting with simpler examples, givipg is doubtful'that hoth the Van Hook and more examples, expanding some dlsthe Thornton and Thornton chapters were cussions, and inserting some new devices necessary. While no practitioner of gaswhich have appeared in recent articles and phase kinetics appears in the list of sutexts, such as a flow sheet for placing molethors, Professor Van Hook has presented cules in point groups. The section on the theoretical treatment in a way that matrices and geometric transformations is gives the reader a comprehensive exposure considerably expanded. A new chapter to the views developed aver the past six presents the method of projection decade by Johnston, Bigeleisen, Wolfs operators. berg, etc. Van Hook has kept his eye on Part I1 again consists of four essentially the right end of the telescope by weaving independent chapters dealing with four experimental observations into his theomajor areas of application of the principles retical treatment. to chemistrv. The chanter on liemd field The subject matter of the other chapters theory is p;aetically "&hanged, hut those includes aliphatic nucleophilic suhstituon molecular orbital theory in organic tions, secondary effects and neighboring chemistry, on hybrid orbitals and molecgroup participation, origin and interular orhitals in inorganic chemistry, and pretations of isotope effects, biological on molecular vibrations have been resystems, and heavy atom isotope effects written and rearranged t o make use of the The chanter on in oreanie reactions. projection operator and SALC technique hiol