Structural Determination of Two Basal Metabolic Rate-Stimulating

shown to be basal metabolic rate-stimulating lating activity of these compounds is greater than ... and I1 of this paper, were shown to cause elevated...
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it is difficult or inconvenient to use a taste panel. This is particularly true with large studies where panel fatigue and costs become important factors. LITERATURE CITED Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Official Methods of Analysis, Washington, D. C., 10th ed., 1965. Alsmeyer, R. H., Palmer, A. Z., Kroger, M., Kirk, W. G., Proc. 11th Res. Conf. Res. Counc. Amer. Meat Inst. Found. C‘niu. Chicago (1959). Black. W .H.. Warner, K . F.. Wilson, C . V., C‘SDA Tech. Bull. 217.43 (1931). Breidknstein. B. B.. Cooper, C. C.. Cassens, G. E., Bray. R. W.. J . Anim. Sci. 27, 1532 (1968). Carpenter, Z. L., Kauffman, R. G., Bray, R. W., Weckel, K. G., Food Techno!. 19,1424 (1965). Camenter. Z. L.. Smith, G. C..Butler. 0. D.. J. Food Sci. 37. 126 ii972 ) Cover. S..Butler, 0 D . Cartwright, T C , J Anzm S C L 15, 464 i 19.56i

Cover, S..King. G. T.. Butler. 0. D., Tex. Agr. E x p . Sta. Bull. 889 (1958). Covinpton. R. C.. Tuma. H . J.. Grant, D. L.. Dayton, A. D.. J. Ani;. Sci. 30, 191 (1970). Doty, D. M.. Pierce, J . C.. L S D A Tech. Bull. 1231 (1961). Field, R. A,, Selms, G. E . , Schoonover. C. 0.. J . Anim. Sei. 25, 360 (1966).

Goll, D. E., Carlin, A. F., Anderson, L. P.. Kline. E . A , , Walter, M.J., Food Technol. 19, 845 (1965). Helser, M . D., Nelson, P. M.. Lowe, B., Iowa Agr. E.rp. Sta. Buli. 272 (1930). Henrickson, R. L., Marsden, J . L., Morrison, R. D.. J . Food Sci. 37,857 (1972). Hinnergardt, L. C . , Tuomy, J . M., J. Food Sci. 35,312 (1970). Howard, R. D., Judge, M . D., J. Food Sci. 33,456 (1968). McBee, J. L., Naumann, H . D., J. Anim. Sci. 18,1477 (1959). McBee, J . L., Wiles. J. H., J . Anim. Sci. 26, 701 (1967). Rhodes. V. J., S a u m a n n , H . D., Kiehl, E. R., Brody. D. E., Cook, R.. Mo. Agr. E x p . Sta. Res. Bull. 677 (1958). Simone, M., Carroll, F.. Chichester, C. O., Food Techno!. 13, 337 (1959). Suess, G. G., Bray, R. W.. Lewis, R. W.. Brungardt. V. H., J . Anim. Sci. 25,1203 (1966). Tuomy. J . M., Lechnir. R. J.. Miller, T., QMF & CIAF Report No. 27-61. 1961. Warner, K . R.. Proc. Amer. SOC.Anim. Prod. 114 (1928). Wierbicki, E., Kunkle. L. E., Deatherage, F. F.. Food Techno!. 11,69 (1957). Received for review September 14, 1972. Accepted May 11, 1973. The paper reports research undertaken at the U.S. Army Natick (Mass.) Laboratories and has been assigned No. TP-1246 in the series of papers approved for publication. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position.

Structural Determination of Two Basal Metabolic Rate-Stimulating Flavones from Grass Silage David A. Stelzig* and Syed A. Qasiml

Two chemicals from dried grass silage, previously shown to be basal metabolic rate-stimulating when fed to male rats, were shown by ultraviolet spectral analysis and paper chromatography to be tricin and probably 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5‘-tri-

McLaren e t al. (1964) have shown that dried grass silage (DGS), made from approximately equal parts of wheat, vetch, orchard grass, and alfalfa, stimulated basal metabolic rates (BMR) when fed to male rats. McLaren et al. (1964, 1966) also demonstrated that an 80% ethanol extract of DGS and various other flavonoid-containing extracts were BMR-stimulating to the rat. More recently (Qasim, 1970), DGS was extracted according to the method of McLaren et al. (1964) and subjected to extensive fractionation with solvent extractions and paper chromatography. Several of the fractions, including compounds I and I1 of this paper, were shown to cause elevated BMR when incorporated into the diet of male rats. The present report offers proof that one of these fractions is the flavone .OR

OH 0


I, R=R”=CH3; R ’ = H 11, R =R’ = R”= CH, 111. R = R’ = R” = H Division of Plant Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506. 1 Present address: 179 Luker Road, Luker Gunj, Allahabad V.P. India.

methoxyflavone. The basal metabolic rate-stimulating activity of these compounds is greater than certain other flavonoids, probably because they are resistant to degradation by intestinal flora.

tricin (I) and there is strong evidence that the other is 5,7-dihydroxy-3‘,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone (11). EXPERIMENTAL SECTION

Spectral Analyses. Ultraviolet spectra were measured in 95% ethanol as well as in 95% ethanol saturated with sodium acetate or containing 5% AlC13 or 2 N NaOH (Jurd, 1962). Paper Chromatography. All chromatography was onedimensional on 56-cm sheets of Whatman no. 1 filter paper. The solvents were of analytical reagent quality and were used without further purification except for phenol, which was distilled over zinc dust according to the method of Gage e t al. (1951). The solvents employed were 1butanol-acetic acid-water (4:1:5, v/v) (BAW), acetic acid-concentrated HC1-water (30:3:10, v/v) (Forestal solvent), 73% (w/w) phenol in water, 30% (w/v) acetic acid in water and double-distilled water (Seikel, 1962). Compounds separated by chromatography were routinely located under ultraviolet light after fuming the papers with ammonia. When studying the color properties of the separated chemicals, the chromatograms were sprayed with 5% ethanolic AlC13, 5% aqueous neutral or basic lead acetate, or Folin reagent followed by exposure to ammonia fumes. Derivatizations. Compound I1 was demethylated by refluxing in benzene containing AlC13 according to the method of Seshadri and Varadarajan (1953). Another sample of compound I1 was hydrolyzed by refluxing in 2 N HC1 for 2 hr, as described by Harborne and Hall (1964). J. Agr. Food Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5 , 1973



Table I. Selected Absorption Maxima (nm) of Various Flavonoids in 95% Ethanol and 95% Ethanol Containing the Indicated Chemical 95% Ethanol Flavonoid



Band I

Band II

AICh, B a n d I


244, 269 272 244, 270


359, 386 338 359, 386 335

424 363 424 366

272 277 272 274

245, 270 250, 269 248, 269

359, 389 362, 395 398


272 266 270

Compound I Compound II


Tricin 5,7-Di hydroxy-3’,4’,5’-

353 329

trimethoxyflavone Hydrolyzed compound I1 Demethylated compound II Tricetina

352 353 355

NaOH, Band I

Decomposed Decomposed

B a n d II

From Harborne (1967).

Table II. R r Values of Various flavonoids on Whatman No. 1 Paper in Five Solventsa Flavonoid


Compound I

0.74 0.00

FOAcetic restal Phenol acid

Compound II 0.88 0.04 Tricin 0.74 0.00 Hydrolyzed compound II 0.74 0.00 Demethylated compound IIb 0.67 0.56 Tricetinc

0.76 0.89 0.76 0.76 0.47 0.37

5,7-Di hydroxy-3’,4’,5’t ri me t hoxyf lavoned



0.93 0.94 0.93

0.95 0.30 0.23


0.56 0.32 0.32


Each value is the average of three chromatograms, except as indicated. b Value of a single chromatogram. e From Harborne (1967). d From Griffiths a n d Smith (1972).

RESULTS The ultraviolet absorption maxima of compounds I and 11, derivatives of compound 11, authentic tricin, authentic 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone, and tricetin (111) are listed in Table I. The Rf values and color properties of compounds I and 11, derivatives of compound 11, and authentic tricin are given in Tables I1 and III, respectively. In all instances only a single spot could be seen for each chromatographed sample. DISCUSSION

Preliminary observations of color tests suggested that compounds I and I1 were both flavonoids. The appearance of a green color with alcoholic ferric chloride indicated polyhydroxy flavonoids. Yellow precipitates in the presence of basic lead acetate suggested flavones or flavonols. Bright yellow-green colors with concentrated sulfuric acid or alkali substantiated the flavone or flavonol nature of compounds I and I1 (Geissman, 1955). The ultraviolet spectrum of compound I in 95% ethanol indicated that it was a flavone. The reported spectrum of tricin as well as reported chromatographic data (Harborne, 1967) suggested that compound I might be tricin. An authentic sample of this flavone was obtained. Comparative spectral analyses (Table I), paper chromatography (Table 11), and color properties (Table 111) showed that compound I and tricin were identical. The presence of tricin in DGS is not surprising since glycosides of this flavone are common in grasses (Harborne and Hall, 1964), including alfalfa (Bickoff et al., 1964). The ultraviolet spectrum of compound I1 in 95% ethanol showed that it was also a flavone. Table I lists the absorption maxima of compound I1 in 95% ethanol and 95% ethanol containing various chemicals. A bathochromic shift of Band I1 from 272 to 277 nm and a higher intensity of 884

J. Agr. Food

Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5, 1973

this peak in 95% ethanol containing saturated sodium acetate indicated a free hydroxyl group at position 7. A bathochromic shift of Band I toward the visible in 95% ethanol containing 5% aluminum chloride demonstrated a free hydroxyl group on carbon-5. A pronounced bathochromic shift and a reduced intensity of Band I in 2 N NaOH demonstrated a substituted 4’-hydroxyl group (Jurd, 1962). A sample of compound I1 was acid hydrolyzed and then shown to be identical with compound I and authentic tricin (Tables 1-111). That compound I1 was some 4‘ derivative of tricin was further supported by the fact that the demethylated derivative of compound I1 had spectral properties identical to those reported for tricetin (Table


Compound I1 was suspected to be a 4’-glycoside of tricin. However, no carbohydrate could be detected in an acid hydrolysate. Additional evidence that compound II is not a glycoside is that compound I1 had a higher Rf in BAW than its hydrolytic product, tricin. Bate-Smith (1950) reported that flavonoid glycosides have lower R f values in BAW than the corresponding glycosides. This conclusion is substantiated by the fact that the R f values of compound I1 in BAW, Forestal solvent, and phenol are higher than the value of any reported flavonoid glycoside in these solvents (Harborne, 1967). The conditions used to hydrolyze the group from the 4’ position of compound I1 would not normally be sufficient to remove a methyl ether group. However, since tricin should be substantially more stable than a flavone containing a 3’,4’,5’-trimethoxy structure, it was felt that compound I1 could be 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone. An authentic sample of this flavone was obtained and it was shown that the spectra of the authentic sample and compound I1 were identical (Table I). Unfortunately the authentic sample of 5,7-dihydroxy3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone was not paper chromatographed and an additional sample was not available. Nonetheless, on the basis that demethylation and hydrolysis of compound I1 yielded tricetin and tricin, respectively, that compound I1 and the authentic sample had identical ultraviolet spectra, and that the Rf values of compound I1 were nearly identical to literature values for 5,Y-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone(Table 11), it is almost certain that compound I1 is 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone. This compound has been chemically synthesized (Mentzer and Pillon, 1953), but has apparently never before been isolated from a biological source. Compounds I and I1 were both BMR-stimulating at low concentrations when fed to male rats. Silage fractions containing substantial amounts of other flavonoids either did not cause elevated BMR or were less active than either of the compounds reported here (Qasim, 1970). The commercial flavonoids quercetin, rutin, and hesperidin were shown to be BMR-stimulating (McLaren e t al., 1966)


Table 111. Colors of Various Flavonoids on Paper under Visible (V) and Ultraviolet (UV) Light in the Presence of Various Chemicalsa

Untreated Flavonoid



Alcoholic AICL

N H3 V




Basic lead acetate,



Compound I Compound II Tricin 5,7-Di hyd roxy-3‘,4’,5’trimethoxyflavone Hydrolyzed compound II Demethylated compound II





































Neutral lead acetate,


a Abbreviations: PY, pale yellow; DB, d a r k brown; Y, yellow; BYG, bright yellow green; YG, yellow green; BI, blue; RB, red brown; LYG, light yellow green; BGoY, bright golden yellow; LY, light yellow.

but were less active than tricin or 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’trimethoxyflavone. Bickoff et al. (1964) and Stelzig and Ribeiro (1972) were unable to detect phenolic degradation products in the urine of rats fed low levels of tricin and Stelzig and Ribeiro (1972) showed that less than half of the ingested tricin was excreted in the feces. Griffiths and Smith (1972) were able to detect only small amounts of 3,5-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid in the urine of rats that were given a single 100-mg feeding of tricin or 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone. Stelzig and Ribeiro (1972) demonstrated that substantially greater quantities of phenol were excreted in the urine of tricin-fed rats than in the urine of quercetin-fed rats. The mechanism of BMR-stimulation that results when flavonoids are fed to rats is not understood. However, the greater activity of the flavonoids reported in this paper compared to certain other flavonoids may simply be due to the fact that these two compounds are not easily degraded by the intestinal flora of the rat. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors wish to thank E. M. Bickoff, USDA, ARS, Western Utilization Research and Development Division, Albany, Calif., for an authentic sample of tricin and T. J. Mabry, Department of Botany, University of Texas a t Austin, Austin, Tex., for an authentic sample of 5,7-dihydroxy-3’,4’,5’-trimethoxyflavone.

LITERATURE CITED Bate-Smith, E. C., Biophys. Biochem. Acta 4,427 (1950). Bickoff, E. M., Livingston, A. L., Booth, A. N., J. Pharm. Sci. 53, 1411 (1964). Gage, B. T., Douglass, D. C., Wender, H . S., Anal. Chem. 23, 1582 (1951). Geissman, T. A., in “Modern Methods of Plant Analysis,” Vol. 111, Paech, K., Tracey, M. V., Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1955, p 450. Griffiths, L. A., Smith, G. E., Biochem. J. 130, 141 (1972). Harborne, J. B., “Comparative Biochemistry of the Flavonoids,” Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1967, p 37. Harborne, J. B., Hall, E., Phytochemistry 3,421 (1964). Jurd, L., in “The Chemistry of Flavonoid Compounds,” Geissman, T. A., Ed., MacMillan, New York, N. Y., 1962, p 107. McLaren, G. A., Asplund, R. O., Crow, D. G., Tsai, L. I., Porterfield, I. D . , J . Nutr. 83, 218 (1964). McLaren, G. A,, Tsai, L. I., Kahle, E. B., Rakes, A. H., J. Anim. Sci. 25,893 (1966). Mentzer. C.. Pillon. D.. Bull. SOC.Chim. Fr. 538 (1953). Qasim, S. A., “BMK-Stimulating Flavonoids of Grass Silage,” Ph.D. Thesis, West Virginia University, 1970, 7:j PP. Seikel, M. K., in “The Chemistry of Flavonoid Compounds,” Geissman, T . A,, Ed., MacMillan, New York, N. Y., 1962, p 34. Seshadri, T. R., Varadaraian, S., R o c . Indian Acad. Sci. Sect. A 37,526 (1953). Stelzig, D. A., Ribeiro, S., R o c . SOC.Exp. Biol. Med. 141, 346 (1972). Received for review April 19, 1973. Accepted July 9, 1973. Manuscript published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Morgantown, W. Va., as scientific paper no. 1272.

J. Agr. Food Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5, 1973