Structural studies of calf thymus F3 histone. II. Occurrence of

mide peptide (CNBr-1) from calf thymus F3 histone yields three peptides which contain e-N-acetyllysine and two peptides which contain phosphoserine, o...
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Structural Studies of Calf Thymus F3 Histone. 11. Occurrence of Phosphoserine and e-N-Acetyllysinein Thermolysin Peptides? William F. Marzluff, Jr.,$ and Kenneth S. McCarty*

ABSTRACT : Thermolysin digestion of a large cyanogen bromide peptide (CNBr-1) from calf thymus F3 histone yields three peptides which contain e-N-acetyllysineand two peptides which contain phosphoserine, one of which is also acetylated. Only a small proportion of the purified peptides were modified with either acetate (