Structure of Arginine Overlayers at the Aqueous Gold Interface

Jun 10, 2014 - Structure of Arginine Overlayers at the Aqueous Gold Interface: Implications for Nanoparticle Assembly. Louise B. Wright,. †. Nichola...
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Structure of Arginine Overlayers at the Aqueous Gold Interface: Implications for Nanoparticle Assembly Louise B. Wright,† Nicholas A. Merrill,‡ Marc R. Knecht,‡ and Tiffany R. Walsh*,§ †

Department of Chemistry and Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick, Gibbett Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom ‡ Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33146, United States § Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3216, Australia S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Adsorption of small biomolecules onto the surface of nanoparticles offers a novel route to generation of nanoparticle assemblies with predictable architectures. Previously, ligand-exchange experiments on citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with the amino acid arginine were reported to support linear nanoparticle assemblies. Here, we use a combination of atomistic modeling with experimental characterization to explore aspects of the assembly hypothesis for these systems. Using molecular simulation, we probe the structural and energetic characteristics of arginine overlayers on the Au(111) surface under aqueous conditions at both low- and high-coverage regimes. In the low-density regime, the arginines lie flat on the surface. At constant composition, these overlayers are found to be lower in energy than the densely packed films, although the latter case appears kinetically stable when arginine is adsorbed via the zwitterion group, exposing the charged guanidinium group to the solvent. Our findings suggest that zwitterion−zwitterion hydrogen bonding at the gold surface and minimization of the electrostatic repulsion between adjacent guanidinium groups play key roles in determining arginine overlayer stability at the aqueous gold interface. Ligand-exchange experiments of citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with arginine derivatives agmatine and N-methyl-L-arginine reveal that modification at the guanidinium group significantly diminishes the propensity for linear assembly of the nanoparticles. KEYWORDS: gold, arginine, nanoparticles, simulation, assembly

INTRODUCTION Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) possess desirable properties not exhibited by bulk material1 and hence show promise in a range of possible applications.2 To prevent agglomeration in solution, AuNPs are typically passivated via adsorption of ligands; this passivation also suggests a means by which the activity of AuNPs could be controlled by surface functionalization.3 Traditional approaches to passivate AuNPs by thiol-based chemistry have disadvantages including thiol toxicity and nonspecificity (of both material and facet) of binding between the thiol and the metal surface. An alternative approach, via noncovalent displacement of citrate by biomolecules, has become an active area of research, e.g., driving biocombinatorial isolation of gold-binding peptides.4−7 Thus, new biomolecular passivating ligands that can confer additional functionality are highly sought.8−10 It was recently reported that the partial ligand exchange of citrate by the amino acid arginine yielded branched linear chain assemblies of AuNPs.8,9 To explain this behavior, the authors proposed a hypothesis based on formation of arginine-rich patches on the citrate-passivated surface, with the orientation of arginine within these patches being such that the zwitterion groups of the adsorbates were presented outward. However, the detailed orientation and structural characteristics of amino acid © 2014 American Chemical Society

overlayer adsorption at aqueous gold interfaces are currently unknown at the atomistic level. This is in contrast to our understanding of the interaction between gold surfaces and molecular adsorbates in vacuo.11−19 Molecular simulation has been used previously to study adsorbed overlayers of small molecules onto gold surfaces at the atomistic scale20−26 with a strong focus on thiol adsorption.27,28 However, few of these simulation studies have been carried out in the condensed phase; for instance, notably, Cummings and co-workers modeled the adsorption of liquid mixtures of tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-benzenedithiolate20 onto gold. To our knowledge, there have been no reports of atomistic molecular simulations that probe amino acid overlayer formation and structure on gold surfaces under aqueous conditions. Modeling and simulation has also been used to investigate segregation and patch formation of coadsorbed molecules on nanoparticles. For example, coarsegrained simulations of the adsorption of surfactants with differing chain lengths or tail groups by Singh et al.29 reproduced experimentally observed striped microphase Received: April 7, 2014 Accepted: June 10, 2014 Published: June 10, 2014 10524 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 10524−10533

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nine-rich surface “patches” formed on the surface of the NPs due to incomplete ligand exchange of the Arg for the adsorbed citrate molecules; it is the atomistic details of arginine within these putative “patches” that we modeled here. The current hypothesis for the linear assembly mechanism of these patchy NPs could be explained either in terms of the dipole alignment or the attraction of the positively and negatively charged patches on the NP surface between adjacent NPs. Our study focused on the energetics and structural characteristics of arginine overlayers at low- and high-coverage regimes. It is noted that the dynamic deprotonation of an arginine within an interfacial overlayer was not within the scope of the current study, and we assumed 100% protonation of the guanidinium group throughout our simulations. We also considered the relative energetics of both regimes using constant-composition simulations. Our findings suggested a pivotal role regarding exposure of the guanidinium group, which was then further explored via ligand-exchange experiments. The assembly properties and behaviors of citrate-capped AuNPs, displaced with modified analogues of arginine (either agmatine or N-methyl-L-arginine), were determined to probe if the linear nanoparticle assembly was altered, either via binding to the gold surface, or through exposure of charged groups to solution.

separation on the surface of gold and silver nanoparticles and highlighted that segregation was likely to be entropy mediated in that case.30 It may be possible that the proposed formation of Arg-rich patches on the surface of the citrate-capped AuNPs could be driven by entropy. In the study of nanoparticle-adsorbed surfactants reported by Singh et al., consideration of enthalpic contributions was neglected. However, neither arginine nor citrate is chemisorbed at the aqueous gold interface, and both are charged, making it likely that enthalpic contributions will compete with these entropic effects in the condensed-phase environment of the overlayer at the aqueous metal interface. Computational evaluation of the entropic contributions to the stability of such overlayers presents an enormous challenge. In a very recent simulation study, Rosa et al.26 demonstrated that nucleobase overlayers on Au(111) in vacuo were dominated by enthalpic contributions, while adsorption of single nucleobases at the aqueous interface was dominated by entropic effects. However, in our study, we seek to investigate the stability of molecular overlayers in the aqueous environment; hence, due to the complexity of the system, we confined our simulation study to focus only on the enthalpic contributions. To explore larger system sizes under aqueous conditions than would be computationally feasible at the first-principles level, we carried out classical force-field-based molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We chose the Au(111) surface as a simple model substrate onto which the adsorption of arginine overlayers could be studied. Although this surface lacks the edges and irregularities present on the surface of an AuNP, it is an appropriate starting point toward building models that are more relevant to experimental conditions, in which nanoparticles of diameter ∼15 nm were used. Thus, the relative length scales of the amino acids and the AuNPs8,9,31 suggest that AuNP facets can often be acceptably approximated by planar surfaces.32 A force field for this interfacial system that can reasonably recover biomolecule adsorption on gold is critical to our simulations. Two such families of force fields, CHARMM-METAL and GolP, have recently been developed and used in several studies.26,33−42 Discussion of the relative merits and limitations of both force fields has been published previously.26,41−44 Like most atomistic force fields, the dynamic formation and fission of chemical bonds is not within the scope of either force field. Since arginine is not known to chemisorb to gold, we believe an atomistic force-field to be appropriate for the system studied. Thus, here, we used the polarizable GolP force field,33,34 which was, in part, parametrized and benchmarked against existing in vacuo experimental binding data. At present there is a dearth of definitive, benchmark experimental binding data for smallmolecule adsorption at the aqueous Au(111) interface, suitable for evaluating the performance of any biomolecule−gold force field. One such experimental study of the adsorption of phenylalanine at aqueous Au(111) reported a binding free energy,45 with which previous simulation studies using GolP35 have shown excellent agreement. Adsorption of a single arginine molecule at the aqueous Au(111) interface has been investigated previously.35,36,40 In contrast to these earlier simulation studies,35,40 here we investigated the effect of more than one amino acid adsorbed at the aqueous gold interface. Our specific focus on arginine adsorption is a first step toward exploring the proposed mechanism of arginine-driven AuNP assembly.8,9 In this previously-proposed hypothesis, it was suggested that argi-


System Details. Classical MD simulations of arginine overlayers adsorbed onto the Au(111) surface under aqueous conditions were conducted using GROMACS The GolP force-field33,34 was used to model a gold slab (29.3 Å × 30.4 Å, thickness of five atomic layers). Since GolP has been parametrized to be compatible with both the bioorganic force-field OPLS/AA47 and SPC water, these were used to model the arginine and water, respectively. Two arginine surface coverage regimes, herein referred to as “sparsely packed” (∼1−2 arginines nm−2, 7−14 arginines per simulation cell) and “densely packed” (∼3−4 arginines nm−2, 30−36 arginines per simulation cell), were modeled. For the former (sparsely packed) we considered only one type of arginine−surface orientation in which each arginine lay flat against the surface. In contrast, for high surface coverages, three different types of configurations were considered: one where all molecules were adsorbed to gold via their zwitterion group (labeled “ZI-down”); another with all molecules adsorbed by their guanidinium group (labeled “G-down”); and a third with equal numbers of alternating ZI- and G-down arginines (labeled “alternate” or “A”). For each surface density and arginine−surface orientation, 3 different arginine overlayer configurations were randomly generated; each was subjected to 10.5 ns of annealing prior to production. During this equilibration period, arginine−gold desorption was prevented by restraining the vertical surface− separation distances of the α (CA) and/or guanidinium group (CZ) carbon atoms. Further details of the MD annealing schedule and application of restraints during equilibration are given in the Supporting Information section “Computational Methods and Analysis: Annealing Schedule” and “Determination of CA and CZ Restraining Distances”. For each surface density investigated, the z dimension of the simulation cell was varied such that the water density in the central water layer of the cell (between the gold slab and its periodic image) corresponded to bulk density at 1 bar of pressure. This box dimension (in the range 180.1−184.4 Å) was subsequently used for all simulation cells containing the same total number of arginine molecules. All simulations were conducted in the canonical (NVT) ensemble with three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. An integration time step of 1 fs was used with coordinates being saved every 1 ps. Postannealing, simulations were extended by 2 ns with all restraints removed. In all simulations the arginine gold-bound overlayer was solvated by 4625 water molecules at a salt concentration of 0.37 M. 10525 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 10524−10533

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Supporting Information section “Computational Methods and Analysis”.

Arginine was modeled as a cation, the protonation state of the amino acid most relevant at pH 7 in solution. The ratio of counterions (Na+ and Cl−) was adjusted in each simulation to achieve cell neutrality. Furthermore, steps were taken to ensure that the location of Cl− ions within the densely packed arginine overlayers did not bias overlayer stability (see Supporting Information section “Computational Methods and Analysis: Cl− location”). Analysis: Energetics. Energetic analysis was carried out to determine an optimal surface density for arginine in both the sparsely and the densely packed overlayer regimes. At high coverages the energetically most favorable arginine−gold orientation was determined. In order to do this, the average potential energy of the entire system (water, gold, and arginines) was obtained from the last 1 ns of each of the three independent simulations at a given arginine surface concentration. The optimal arginine surface density was predicted by calculating the difference in the total potential energy of the entire system between two chemically identical cases containing n arginines: one in which all n arginines were adsorbed onto the gold surface, and the other in which n − 1 arginines were adsorbed onto the surface while the nth was free in solution (Figure SI-2, Supporting Information). The free arginine did not interact with the gold or the overlayer. The resulting energy difference is denoted ΔEn = E(nsurf ) − {E([n − 1]surf ) + Efree}


Chemicals. Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate, HAuCl4·3H2O, agmatine sulfate salt, and N-methyl-L-arginine acetate salt were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All chemicals were used as received. Milli-Q water (18 MΩ·cm, Millipore) was used for all experiments. Molecular structures for arginine, agmatine, and N-methyl-L-arginine are shown in Figure SI-4, Supporting Information. Preparation of Citrate-Capped Au Nanoparticles. The citrate reduction method was used for synthesis of Au nanoparticles.48 All glassware was washed using aqua regia and Milli-Q water prior to use. A 50.0 mL amount of 1.00 mM HAuCl4 was vigorously stirred until reflux, then 5.00 mL of a 38.8 mM solution of sodium citrate was added. The reaction was refluxed for an additional 15.0 min, where the color changed from clear and colorless to wine red. The reaction was then allowed to cool to room temperature before use. Au Nanoparticle Assembly. Two arginine analogues, agmatine and N-methyl-L-arginine, were used to drive the linear assembly of citrate-capped Au nanoparticles. For each reaction, a varying amount of a 50 mM stock solution of the analogue was added to a 1.00 cm path length quartz cuvette. The concentrations selected represent a 0-, 5000-, 10 000-, 50 000-, and 150 000-fold excess of each analogue in relation to the Au nanoparticles. Samples are referred to as 0K, 5K, 10K, 50K, and 150K, respectively, where K = 1000. Sufficient water was then added to bring the sample volume to 2.40 mL. The nanoparticle assembly was initiated by adding 600 μL of the asprepared Au nanoparticles to the cuvette, which was then monitored by UV−vis for 2.0 h. The final reaction volume was 3.00 mL with a final Au nanoparticle concentration of 2.0 nM and appropriate secondary ligand concentration. Characterization. Time-resolved UV−vis spectra were obtained using an Agilent 8453 UV−vis spectrometer employing a 1.00 cm quartz cuvette with a 3.5 mL volume (Starna). All spectra were background subtracted against water, and the cuvettes were cleaned with aqua regia prior to use. Spectra were collected every 20.0 s over a time period of 2.0 h. TEM samples were prepared by adding 5.00 μL of each sample after the 2.0 h reaction time onto 200 mesh Cu grids coated with a thin film of carbon (Ted Pella). TEM samples were then allowed to dry in a desiccator. TEM images were obtained using a JEOL 1400 electron microscope operating at 80 kV.


In an analogous manner, for the densely packed regime only, the difference in the total potential energy of the entire system between ZI-down (EZI) and either G-down (EG) or alternate (EA) overlayers of identical chemical composition was calculated, denoted herein as ΔEZI. To compare the relative stability of the dense and sparse packing regimes, a third set of constant-composition simulations was conducted. Each simulation cell contained a total of 33 arginines, with the number of arginines bound to the surface varied from 7 to 14 (adsorbed flat against the surface) and from 30 to 33 (oriented ZIdown). The remaining arginines were placed in solution. Interactions among solution arginines and between solution arginines and the bare gold facet (on the underside of the gold slab) were prevented by fixing one atom in each of the solution arginines in space during equilibration of the system. The vertical surface separation of arginines contained within the overlayer were also restrained, as before, to prevent desorption while annealing. These simulations were then extended with all restraints removed with the average potential energies of the independent triplicate runs determined from the final 1 ns. Further details of the energetic analysis, including estimation of errors, are provided in the Supporting Information section “Analysis: Energetics”. Analysis: Overlayer Properties. For both low- and high-coverage regimes, simulations at the optimal surface density identified by our results (9 and 33 arginines per cell) were extended (bearing in mind the 10.5 ns of equilibration) prior to analysis. In the low-coverage regime, unrestrained simulations were extended by an additional 2 ns to give a total of 4 ns of unrestrained dynamics. However, for the highcoverage regime, where overlayer equilibration is more challenging due to steric limitations, simulations were extended by a further round of annealing (2 ns at 600 K followed by 2 ns at 300 K) followed by an additional 10 ns of unrestrained dynamics. No significant drift in potential energy was observed during the final stages of each simulation (Figure SI-3, Supporting Information). The characteristics of these overlayers with optimal surface density were calculated over the last 2 ns of each simulation. For the densely packed regime only, overlayer characteristics from the last 0.5 ns of the restrained simulations were also calculated to probe possible reasons for the increased stability of one arginine orientation (ZI, G, or A) over the others. We evaluated the water and Cl− content in the overlayers, the degree of surface contact in the overlayers and their lateral packing, the average tilt angle of the molecules in the overlayer with respect to the surface normal, and hydrogen bonds between arginines (both zwitterion−zwitterion and zwitterion−guanidinium), including hydrogen-bond time-autocorrelation functions. Full details are given in the

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sparsely-Packed Arginine Overlayers. Optimal Arginine Surface Density. For the range of arginine surface densities investigated in the sparsely packed regime, the differences in the total potential energy of the entire system ΔEn (eq 1, n = 8−14) were small and comparable in magnitude to their associated errors (Figure 1). In addition, caution must be taken when interpreting the results for n > 12 since partial or full arginine desorption events were observed. For example, ΔE13 more accurately corresponds to the difference in total potential energy between two systems both consisting of 12 fully adsorbed arginines: one with the 13th molecule still partially bound to the overlayer, and one where this 13th Arg is completely desorbed. Overall the results from these simulations suggest that within the sparsely packed regime there is little tendency for either arginine adsorption or desorption. Only at n = 9 was there a significant potential energy minimum, and hence, we propose that this is an optimal surface density for a sparsely packed arginine overlayer. All further simulations to characterize the properties of this sparsely packed overlayer (see below), and hence identify the source of its stability, were therefore conducted at this surface density. It is worth noting that for 10526 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 10524−10533

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Not only were the potential energies of these ordered overlayer systems significantly lower in energy (by more than 100 kJ mol−1 (19 mJ m−2)) than the randomly generated configurations of the same surface density, but there was also more consistency in other overlayer properties. Since we are interested in characterizing the properties of low-energy overlayer configurations, the results discussed below relate to analysis conducted on these initially ordered configurations. Analogous data for the randomly generated overlayers can be found in the Supporting Information (Figures SI-5 and SI-8, Table SI-1). Owing to both the small number of different overlayer configurations tested and the limitations of the annealing process, it is entirely possible that even these low-energy configurations are only metastable (Figure SI-9, Supporting Information). However, due to the system complexity we expect that nonideal overlayer configurations may also be kinetically stable under experimental conditions. Taking these caveats into consideration, the average height of both the Cα atoms (denoted CA) and the central carbon atom of the guanidinium group (denoted CZ) above the gold surface during subsequent unrestrained simulations is indicative of how tightly each arginine is adsorbed to the surface (Table 1, Table 1. Average Properties of Low-Density Arginine Overlayers (surface density 9 arginines per simulation cell) Figure 1. Average difference in total potential energy ΔEn for arginine overlayers in (a) the sparsely packed regime and (b) the densely packed regime. Negative values indicate it is more favorable to have all n arginines adsorbed than it is for one arginine to be in solution. Note that data for the G-down overlayers were obtained from the final 1 ns of the restrained trajectories; ΔEn was calculated from the final 1 ns of the simulations after the distance restraints had been lifted in all other cases.

“even” CA height/Å CZ height/Å ZI-ZI h-bonds/arginine G-ZI h-bonds/arginine

4.09 3.36 0.42 1.16

± ± ± ±

0.70 0.20 0.05 0.13

“close” 3.62 3.48 0.52 1.38

± ± ± ±

0.28 0.45 0.07 0.08

Figures SI-7 and SI-8, Supporting Information). In particular, it is noted that the plane of the guanidinium group is parallel to the surface in all cases (Figures SI-5 and SI-9, Supporting Information). In addition to the attraction of each arginine within the overlayer for the gold surface itself, we observed hydrogenbonding interactions between molecules. Both zwitterion− zwitterion and guanidinium−zwitterion hydrogen bonding were optimized within the four-arginine star-like motifs found in our simulations of the initially ordered overlayers (Figure SI9, Supporting Information). However, even when data from the randomly generated arrays were included in the analysis, the average total number of hydrogen bonds (1.5−2.0 hydrogen bonds per Arg) is significant (Table 1 and SI-1, Supporting Information). Hence, we propose that at a surface density of nine arginines per cell (∼1 arginine nm−2) arginine−gold and arginine− arginine interactions are optimal; both contribute to overlayer stability. Lower arginine−surface concentrations limit formation of an interfacial hydrogen-bonded network, while repulsion between guanidinium groups on adjacent molecules destabilizes overlayers of surface densities greater than ∼1 arginine nm−2. Densely-Packed Arginine Overlayers. Preferred Arginine Orientation. The average potential energy of overlayers comprising arginines, initially arranged vertically, oriented Gdown (Figure 2b), ZI-down (Figure 2c), and alternate (A, consisting of equal numbers of G-down and ZI-down) were obtained from the last 1 ns of the restrained MD simulations. Since the unrestrained overlayers exhibited varying degrees of surface desorption, to provide a fair comparison we conducted

this sparsely packed overlayer not only were each of the arginines adsorbed in a flat configuration similar to that of a single arginine on a bare gold surface,35,36,40 but also the magnitude of ΔEn was comparable to the binding energy of a single arginine at the aqueous gold interface (−40 kJ mol−1, see Supporting Information section “Computational Methods and Analysis”). Overlayer Properties. Even after an annealing process amounting to over 15 ns of MD equilibration, significant differences remained in the lateral arrangement of arginines within the three, initially randomly generated, unrestrained overlayers at the optimal surface density of nine arginines per simulation cell (Figure SI-5, Supporting Information). Due to the complexity of this system, it would be computationally prohibitive to identify the definitive global-minimum structure for an aqueous arginine overlayer at this surface density. Hence, to test if a “crystalline-like” arrangement of arginines on the surface was more energetically favorable than these randomly generated ones, we conducted further simulations in which the arginines were initially ordered. Two different ordered overlayer configurations were tested; in both cases the nine arginines were oriented in a head-to-tail manner (see Figure SI6, Supporting Information). In the “even” configuration, the nine arginines were regularly spaced, while the molecules were clustered closer together in the “close” configuration, leaving a larger proportion of the gold surface exposed. Both of these ordered overlayers were subjected to the same annealing schedule as described earlier, prior to analysis. 10527 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 10524−10533

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with that of the close-packed lattice. A similar arrangement of ZI groups within G-down overlayers was not observed, possibly as a result of their greater conformational freedom when not bound to the surface. It is noted that even in unrestrained simulations the zwitterion and guanidinium groups of ZI- and G-down overlayers, respectively, exhibited motion restricted roughly to two dimensions due to steric effects and dense packing. Competition for zwitterion−zwitterion hydrogen bonding from liquid water above the overlayer (1.0−2.0 and 0.0−1.0 hydrogen bonds per molecule for G- and ZI-down overlayers, respectively, Figure SI-10b, Supporting Information) and the close approach of positively charged guanidinium groups on adjacent arginine molecules in the G-down overlayers were also thought to have contributed to the destabilization of this orientation relative to ZI-down. Identification of an Optimal Arginine Surface Density. Although for the densely packed regime the potential energy differences ΔEn (eq 1, n = 31−36) were greater than that for the sparsely packed regime (Figure 1) again only qualitative conclusions can be drawn due to the large spread in total system potential energies for samples of identical composition and setup. For the G-down overlayers, our energetic analysis evaluated trajectories from restrained runs only due to the tendency for desorption in this case when unrestrained. For the ZI-down overlayers, with their high stability, the data presented was taken from analysis of the unrestrained runs. These calculations agree with the results above, indicating an energetic preference for arginine to adsorb ZI-down in dense overlayers; specifically, there was no statistically significant driving force for arginine adsorption or desorption when adsorbed G-down. For ZI-down, on the other hand, arginine adsorption is energetically favorable within the surface density range 33−34 arginines per cell (∼4 arginines nm−2). Taken together, our results indicate that an optimum densely packed arginine overlayer comprises arginine adsorbed in the ZI-down orientation at a surface density 33 arginines per cell (∼4 arginines nm−2). The characteristics of this surface density for the densely packed regime is discussed herein. Overlayer Properties. In each of the three different randomly generated starting configurations (denoted run 1, run 2, and run 3) of ZI-down overlayers, none of the arginines had fully desorbed after 10 ns of unrestrained dynamics. However, similar to the sparsely packed regime, there were slight differences in the characteristics of each of the three runs. Each unrestrained MD run was more than 100 kJ mol−1 (19 mJ m−2) more stable than its restrained counterpart. Vertical as well as lateral motion of the CA atoms was required for full overlayer relaxation, although the difference between the average CA−surface separation and the restraint distance (4.0 and 3.8 Å, respectively) was minimal. The trends in the total system potential energy for the three runs (run 3 < run 1 < run 2) correlated with observed overlayer stability; run 3 was the most favorable energetically and featured no partial arginine desorption within the time scales probed (Table 2). In terms of structural characterization, analysis of Au−CA (∼4 Å) and Au− CZ (∼9 Å) distances and tilt (∼20°) angles (Figure SI-12a,b, Supporting Information) suggest that all the arginines remained oriented ZI-down and relatively upright within the overlayers. Due to arginine possessing both charged hydrophilic groups and a hydrophobic alkyl chain, we anticipated that water could play an important role in arginine overlayer stability at the aqueous Au(111) interface. Figure 3a shows that water penetrated all the way through the overlayer, giving rise to a

Figure 2. (a) Average differences in the total potential energy, ΔEZI−G and ΔEZI−A. In this case all data was obtained from the final 1 ns of the restrained portion of the simulations. (b and c) Simulation snapshots from G-down and ZI-down densely packed overlayers, respectively (34 arginines per simulation cell).

this analysis to probe the orientational preference of arginine on the restrained rather than unrestrained overlayers. In contrast to our arginine surface-density energetic analysis, (Figure 1), the differences between EZI and EG were sufficiently large after the annealing process to allow firm conclusions to be drawn. It is evident from Figure 2a that ZI-down overlayers are energetically favored, by 380 kJ mol−1 (71 mJ m−2) or more, compared to the G-down system, over the entire surface density range investigated (∼3−4 arginines nm−2). This corroborates evidence from our simulations carried out in the preparatory stage, in which desorption of arginines from Gdown overlayers was observed more frequently than from the ZI-down systems. As the surface density is decreased our data suggest a trend for G- and ZI-down overlayers to become energetically comparable. This is expected since at lower surface densities arginine has an increasing tendency to tilt and ultimately lie flat on the surface. To explore whether alternate overlayers would be more energetically stable than either pure G- or ZI-down, randomly generated alternating overlayers were simulated. Our findings show qualitatively that mixed arrays have intermediate stability between G- and ZI-down (Figure 2a). The average number of hydrogen bonds between adjacent zwitterionic groups was consistently greater for the ZI-down overlayers than for G-down (1.5−2.0 and 1.0−1.5 per Arg, respectively, Figure SI-10a, Supporting Information); we suggest this to be one of the main factors contributing to the prevailing stability of the ZI-down overlayer. From visual inspection, arginines in the ZI-down overlayer were oriented to optimize zwitterionic hydrogen-bond interactions close to the surface, driving a 2D hcp-like arrangement of the CA atoms (Figure SI-11, Supporting Information). It is not possible to rule out that defects in this hcp array were not solely an artifact of the periodicity of the simulation cell being incommensurate 10528 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 10524−10533

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of hydrogen bond, arginine−arginine and arginine−water, had longer persistence times than those found between water molecules (Figure SI-13, Supporting Information) as might be expected due to the charged nature of the zwitterion functional group. Details of further hydrogen-bond analysis are given in Supporting Information section “Densely-Packed Regime− Hydrogen-Bonding Analysis”. Preferred Arginine Overlayer Packing Regime. Our constant-composition simulations of 33 arginines per cell indicated that the sparsely packed overlayer regime was significantly lower in total potential energy (by more than 1000 kJ mol−1, 190 mJ m−2) than the densely packed one (Figure 4). Within error, this analysis also further suggests there

Table 2. Average Overlayer Properties: Number of Directly, N(Arg)dir, and Indirectly Adsorbed, N(Arg)in, Arginines and Number of Water Molecules within the Whole Overlayer, N(w)tot, and Just Those Associated with Arginine CA Atoms, N(w)CA, Calculated over the Last 2 ns of the Unrestrained Trajectories for the Three High-Density ZI-down Arginine Overlayers at Optimal Surface Coveragea ⟨N(Arg)dir⟩ ⟨N(Arg)in⟩ ⟨N(w)tot⟩ ⟨N(w)CA⟩ a

run 1

run 2

± ± ± ±

32.99 ±