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Structure, Properties, Functionalization, and Applications of Carbon Nanohorns Nikolaos Karousis,*,† Irene Suarez-Martinez,*,‡ Christopher P. Ewels,*,§ and Nikos Tagmatarchis*,† †

Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vassileos Constantinou Avenue, Athens 11635, Greece ‡ Nanochemistry Research Institute, Department of Physics, Curtin University of Technology, P.O. Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia § Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel, CNRS, Université de Nantes, 2 Rue de la Houssiniere, BP32229, 44322 Nantes, France ABSTRACT: Carbon nanohorns (sometimes also known as nanocones) are conical carbon nanostructures constructed from an sp2 carbon sheet. Nanohorns require no metal catalyst in their synthesis, and can be produced in industrial quantities. They provide a realistic and useful alternative to carbon nanotubes, and possibly graphene, in a wide range of applications. They also have their own unique behavior due to their specific conical morphology. However, their research and development has been slowed by several factors, notably during synthesis, they aggregate into spherical clusters ∼100 nm in diameter, blocking functionalization and treatment of individual nanocones. This limitation has recently been overcome with a new approach to separating these “dahlialike” clusters into individual nanocones. In this review, we describe the structure, synthesis, and topology of carbon nanohorns, and provide a detailed review of nanohorn chemistry.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. A Side Note on Nomenclature 2.1. Nanocone Topology 2.2. Individual vs Aggregated Carbon Nanohorns Morphology 3. Theoretical Simulations on Carbon Nanohorns Chemistry 4. Carbon Nanohorns Synthesis 4.1. Synthesis via Arc Discharge 4.2. Synthesis via Laser Ablation 4.3. Synthesis via Joule Heating 4.4. Industrial Carbon Nanohorns Production 4.5. Dahlia Growth Models 5. Other Conical Nanostructures 6. Properties of Carbon Nanohorns 7. Chemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanohorns 7.1. Oxidation of Carbon Nanohorns 7.2. Functionalization of Oxidized Carbon Nanohorns 7.2.1. Functionalization with Photoactive Units 7.2.2. Immobilization of Bioactive Units 7.2.3. Decoration with Nanoparticles 7.2.4. Filling-Doping 7.3. Covalent Sidewall Functionalization of Intact Carbon Nanohorns 7.3.1. Addition of Polymers 7.3.2. 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition 7.3.3. Addition of Aryl Diazonium Salts © 2016 American Chemical Society

7.3.4. Microwave-Assisted Functionalization 7.3.5. Miscellaneous Reactions 7.4. Noncovalent Functionalization of Intact Carbon Nanohorns 7.4.1. Immobilization of Nanoparticles 8. Individualization of Carbon Nanohorns 9. Applications of Carbon Nanohorns 10. Conclusions Author Information Corresponding Authors Notes Biographies Acknowledgments References

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1. INTRODUCTION Carbon nanohorns (CNHs)sometimes also known as nanoconesare closed cages of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, typically 2−5 nm in diameter and 40−50 nm in length. In one sense, they can be considered a high-aspect ratio subset of fullerenes due to their closed cage structure, although they may be opened via oxidation to increase their surface area and provide access to their interior cavity. However, their elongated shape means that a closer structural analogue is short single walled carbon nanotubes, with which they share much common chemistry.

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Received: October 14, 2015 Published: April 13, 2016 4850

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00611 Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 4850−4883

Chemical Reviews


individual elongated closed-cage structures, dahlia to refer to the aggregated clusters of such nanohorns, and the term nanocone to describe more generally any conical nanostructure.

Indeed, nanohorns are under investigation as replacement candidates for nanotubes in a range of fields, notably energy conversion, drug delivery, gas storage, and supercapacitors.1,2 Carbon nanohorns have two key advantages over carbon nanotubes: (i) the absence of potentially toxic metal catalyst in their synthesis, and (ii) their mass production at room temperature. Specifically, the presence of metal particles introduced during the preparation of carbon nanotubes not only requires additional treatment with strong acids in order to eliminate this metal catalyst, with the handicap of damaging the graphitic structure by introducing defects, but also results in loss of the carbon material. In contrast, pure CNHs are easily available, better enabling the study and understanding of their properties and applications. Pristine CNHs possess semiconducting properties, field-emission characteristics, and thermal stability, while also displaying high resistance to oxidation. Nevertheless, the research and development of CNHs has been slowed by several factors. Computationally, their low symmetry makes them difficult to model, restricting the number of predictive quantum chemical simulations in the literature. Experimentally, during synthesis they aggregate into spherical clusters ∼100 nm in diameter, rendering dispersion and separation difficult, and thus blocking functionalization and treatment of individual nanocones. Recently, this limitation has been overcome with a new approach to separating these “dahlialike” clusters into individual nanocones. Thus, we anticipate great interest in the near future in applying nanocones to many applications currently being developed with carbon nanotubes, graphene, and fullerenes. Structurally, nanohorns are constructed from a mixture of pentagons, hexagons, and heptagons, and this combination of structural motifs and forms results in a rich and varied chemistry.

2.1. Nanocone Topology

Carbon nanoscience has been dominated by three archetypical structures: fullerenes, nanotubes, and graphene. However, sp2based carbon nanoforms include a plethora of structures.5,6 These are all based on topological distortions of a single layer of hexagonal sp2 carbon, a graphene sheet. In general, there are three possible ways to introduce conical curvature to a flat disc, as shown in Figure 2a−c. The first

Figure 2. Three ways to introduce curvature to a flat plane: (a) A double fold (coupled screw and edge dislocations), (b) removal of a segment and reconnection of the edges (a positive wedge disclination), and (c) removal of a segment coupled with an out of plane displacement resulting in a continuous helical surface (a positive wedge disclination coupled with a screw dislocation).

involves a pair of folds, such as are used to fit a disc of filter paper into a funnel. The second involves removal of a triangular segment from the disc and reconnection of the edges, resulting in a cone. The third also involves a cut but with an offset in the edge cuts, resulting in a helix. All three of these forms occur in carbon nanoobjects, and are discussed below. Terrones first suggested the transformation of ordinary graphene into graphitic cones during his studies of curved graphene models with positive, negative, and zero Gaussian7 (a continuum model with no atomistic details). While structures (a) and (c) can result in conical nanocarbon structures of arbitrary apex angle, the superposition of the graphene lattice on the surface imposes constraints on the possible cutting and reconnection angles for (b) (Figure 3). Due to the hexagonal network of graphene, only removal of wedges of 60° (or multiples of 60°) is possible in order to maintain a continuous bonding network (see Figure 3). Given the atomistic structure of graphene, this results in the formation of one pentagon per 60° wedge, marked in gray in Figure 3. The discrete number of pentagons (1 to 5) means only a discrete number of disclinations that can be produced, with only 5 possible apex angles for the nanocone. The disclination angle is n(π/3) with 0 ≤ n ≤ 5, where n is the number of pentagons. The disclination angle is related to the cone apex angle as θ = 2 sin−1(1 − n/6), giving 5 possible cone angles: 10.2°, 38°, 60°, 83°, and 112°. Six pentagons result in a structure with a zero angle tip, i.e. a nanotube with one open end, just as 12 pentagons form a closed cage, giving the family of fullerenes. Any closed convex polyhedron constructed from polygons with equal length sides must satisfy Euler’s polyhedron formula. This relates the number of vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) for a convex polyhedron with equal length sides as V − E + F = 2.

2. A SIDE NOTE ON NOMENCLATURE As for many carbon nanostructures, the nomenclature describing carbon conical structures in the literature can be ambiguous. With many exceptions there is a tendency to use the term “nanocone” for a free-standing structure, as shown in Figure 1a,

Figure 1. Transmission electron micrographs of carbon nanohorns: (a) close-up of individual nanohorns (Reprinted with permission from ref 3. Copyright 1996, AIP Publishing LLC), (b) aggregates of nanohorns clusters, and (c) zoom-in on a few aggregates of nanohorns, also known as dahlias, produced by laser ablation (Reprinted from ref 44. Copyright 1999, with permission from Elsevier).

while the term “nanohorn” is often reserved for the clustered arrangement, as shown in Figure 1b and c. Theoretical studies commonly use the term nanocone for individual cones. The term “buckycone” was proposed by Klein,4 for nanocones exclusively made of pentagons and hexagons, but it has rarely been used since. In an attempt to standardize carbon nanoform nomenclature, it was suggested that the individual cones should be referred to as carbon nanocones while the aggregated form as spherical clustered carbon nanocones.5 For the purposes of this review, we will use the term nanohorn to refer specifically to the 4851

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 3. Representation of the construction of carbon nanocones by cutting a wedge (disclination) from graphene and reconnecting the resultant dangling bonds (dotted arrows). Removing a wedge in this way necessarily results in a nonplanar structure in order to maintain covalent C−C bond lengths. The pentagons thus created are colored. (a) Single pentagon cone. (b) four pentagon cone. (c) Possible cones with their cone tip angle and number of pentagons. Up to 6 pentagons can be introduced; 6 pentagons results in a closed nanotube tip structure.

Burgers circuit around a dislocation).4 Each class is defined as cones that can be transformed from one to another via addition or removal of neighboring carbon pairs, with no sequence of transformations to convert one class into another. The result is two subclasses for each of 2-, 3-, and 4-pentagon cones. It is interesting to note these subclasses are separated from each other based on vector length multiples of three, strongly reminiscent of Clar-sextet positioning in graphene16 and semimetal behavior in carbon nanotubes. Another topological index sometimes used in the literature for defining nanocones is the Wiener index, defined as the sum of distances between all pairs of vertices of a (connected) graph.17 Another classification based on pentagon separation via (h,k) graphene vectors18 also shows 2- and 4-pentagon cones can be divided into two subsets19 depending on whether (h-k) is a multiple of three. Similarly to nanotubes, one of these classes has zero local density of states (LDoS) at the Fermi energy; for the other the LDoS is inversely proportional to the distance from the cone tip (see Figure 4). This strongly suggests that the nanocone tip chemistry should be distinctly different for these different subclasses. Unlike carbon nanotubes, nanocone helicity is not constant and increases monotonously along the cone axis. Additionally, both chiral and achiral nanocones are possible. However, chiral nanocones are only “locally” chiral, as only the apex identifies the enantiomers.4

For regular polygons nx, where x is the number of sides, the formula can be reexpressed as 3n3 + 2n4 + n5 + 0n6 − n7 − 2n8 − 3n9 − ... = 12


Thus, while pentagons are the most energetically favorable polygon to produce positive curvature, other combinations would also satisfy. Indeed, for layered materials such as boron nitride, where odd-number polygons are unfavored due to homopolar bonding, polyhedral closure via squares has been proposed.8 This relation also demonstrates that a given closed nanohorn can contain more than 12 pentagons (as is commonly the case) as long as the net number of pentagons is 12; that is, excess pentagons above this number are offset in the lattice by an equal number of heptagons. The various chemically relevant equivalences can be found in Klein.9 While nanocones contain an integer number of up to 5 pentagons, the precise position of the pentagons can be varied. An analysis of possible isomer tip structures was derived by Brinkmann and Van Cleemput,10 and nanocone geometry generators are available on the Web.11−13 While there is a vast number of possible nanocone tip structures for a given number of carbon atoms, modeling and chemical constraints can reduce this to a smaller subset. First neighboring pentagons are energetically unfavored due to chemical frustration (under-coordinated carbon atoms), known as the isolated pentagon rule.14 Using well-known fullerene structures, Han and Jaffe have evaluated the energetics and geometries of carbon nanocone tips using density functional theory,15 concluding a number of simple rules to estimate the relative stability of different isomers. There have been several attempts to classify carbon nanocones, with no “clear winner” at this point. Klein and Balaban proposed a coding system to unambiguously identify a given nanocone based on its distribution of pentagons.4 The system defines number pairs hk, where, starting from one pentagon, h is the number of polygons (usually hexagons) which must be crossed, passing through opposite sides of the polygon, followed by a left turn and k steps in this new direction, to reach a second pentagon. A nanocone with p pentagons can be defined unambiguously as [h12k12:t2(1)‑1(1)p:h1pk1p], where tj(i)k × 72° is the angle to the left between two successive paths. Klein also grouped nanocones into eight classes based on circumambulatory paths (“circumpaths”) formed by q acenic lines of x hexagons surrounding the apex (i.e., surrounding the pentagons) at 120° angles to each other (similar to drawing a

2.2. Individual vs Aggregated Carbon Nanohorns Morphology

The previous brief overview of nanocone topology focused on pentagons as the defining structural feature. We note that nanohorns tips typically contain five pentagons.20 However, unlike some other carbon nanocone materials, carbon nanohorns typically also contain heptagons in their structure, potentially reactive sites in their own right with their own distinct chemistry.21 The combination of pentagons and heptagons results in the elongated “short nanotube” form of nanohorns. Figure 5 gives a structural schematic of a typical carbon nanohorn. Nanohorns typically consist of a conical front-tip section followed by a short cylindrical nanotube section. While the tips typically have five pentagons, a sixth pentagon further from the tip is required for the nanohorn walls to continue parallel to the nanohorn “axis” in the same manner as a carbon nanotube. Each additional heptagon counteracts the curvature change of one 4852

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Chemical Reviews


Figure 6. Comparison of CNH aggregates produced from CO2 laser ablation of graphite using Ar (left) and He (right) as carrier gases (760 Torr), showing dahlia (left) and bud-like (right) structures (Reprinted from ref 26. Copyright 2002, with permission from ACS).

easily separated, and the majority of nanohorn studies to date have been performed on these nanohorn aggregates. Dahlias have advantages for certain applications, since their size limits reduce gas phase dispersion (aiding processability) and, for example, can enhance cell take-up.25 Dahlias are likely made exclusively of carbon nanohorns and graphene flakes bound tightly via van der Waals forces, since oxidative treatment to remove their outer layers finds no remaining material associated with the dahlia cores.26 Dahlia formation mechanisms are discussed further in Section 4.5 below. Finally we mention that as well as the “dahlia” type nanohorn aggregates it is also possible to produce “bud-like” aggregates of similar size26 (see Figure 6), or mixtures of the two.27 Bud-like aggregates also consist of (defective) carbon nanohorns, but they do not protrude from the aggregate surface. They are typically produced when the carrier gas mass and/or pressure during carbon laser vaporization is decreased as compared to conventional dahlia growth.

Figure 4. Local density of states [states/(t atom)] at EF for (1,1) and (2,0) two-pentagon graphene cones vs distance r from the apex. a is the graphene lattice constant. Data from a tight-binding model. The solid curve is the continuum model result for a (1,1) cone. Reprinted from ref 19. Copyright 2004, with permission from the American Physical Society. In Klein and Balaban’s classification these would be (2,1) and (2,2) class cones, respectively.4

3. THEORETICAL SIMULATIONS ON CARBON NANOHORNS CHEMISTRY While electronic and physical properties of carbon nanocones have been the subject of extensive theoretical modeling, we limit this section to simulations relevant to nanocone chemistry. Nanocones present large electrostatic dipole moments, which increase with the number of atoms and the sharpness of the cone tip.28 In addition to “bulk” graphene-like energy levels, “apical” energy levels have been identified, their behavior consistent with classical cyclotron orbits enclosing the apex.17 This tip-related electron density has been linked to resonant acceptor bonding states of pentagons themselves;29 that is, pentagons will be negatively charged in large enough nanocones.30 Density functional simulations highlight the spatial variations in nanocone chemistry (Figure 7), with apical cone chemistry resembling that of fullerenes and cone sidewall chemistry more reminiscent of graphene and large diameter nanotubes.31 The study showed that oxygen addition to graphenic sidewalls is endothermic and epoxide oxygen will preferentially be found at nanocone tips. There it can facilitate 2 + 2 cycloaddition (via ether bridge) to fullerenes, reminiscent of C60−O-C60 formation. The modeling was supported by experimental evidence of fullerene addition to exclusively high angle nanocone tips when in the presence of oxygen. Similar enhanced tip reactivity was shown via simulations of covalent radical addition of CH3 groups to carbon nanocones32 and physisorption of NH3.33 Besides the enhanced reactivity associated with decrease in aromaticity at pentagon and heptagon defects, local chemical reactivity is also enhanced in regions of higher curvature due to pyramidal distortion of the sp2 carbon bonding.34 For both of these reasons, nanohorn chemical reactivity is assumed to be

Figure 5. HRTEM images of (a) carbon nanohorn “dahlia” aggregate (scale bar 10 nm), and (b) an individual carbon nanohorn (scale bar 2 nm). (Reprinted from ref 144. Copyright 2005, with permission from ACS). (c) Schematic showing locations of typical pentagons (blue) and heptagons (pink).

pentagon, and it is common to observe spaced heptagon/ pentagon pairs. In combination, these do not change the net nanohorn curvature but increase the diameter of the cylindrical section, and when at neighboring sites, they form a glide basal dislocation core.22 The nanotube segments of nanohorns have typical diameters from 4 to 5 nm, significantly larger than typical diameters for conventional “infinite” cylindrical single walled nanotubes (1−2 nm). This is because conventional tubes collapse above a critical radius to give a “dogbone” cross section, once the energy gain from interlayer van der Waals interaction overcomes the energy cost from increased curvature at the edges of the collapsed nanotube. Using an elastic model, the critical radius for a single wall nanotube is estimated to be ∼2.7 nm.23 This collapse effect is hindered by the conical region in carbon nanohorns. This combination of varying local curvature, zones of pentagons, and heptagons results in rich and varied nanohorn chemistry, discussed further in the section below. During synthesis, nanohorns cluster into spherical “dahlia” aggregates, with typical diameters of around 100 nm (Figure 6). Although the inner structure of aggregated CNHs lacks detailed investigation and clarification, mainly due to the numerous densely packed nanohorns that form the aggregate, a microscopy study suggested the existence of nanosized cavities of 10−20 nm around the center of the aggregate.24 These aggregates are not 4853

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Chemical Reviews


gas into the arc zone. Submerged arc-discharge was first attempted using DC arc-discharge between graphite electrodes in liquid nitrogen, producing around 17 g/h of nitrogen-doped nanohorns,27 and has more recently been achieved in liquid Ar.41 An alternative synthesis route was proposed using arc-discharge in water, with the gaseous zone around the arc maintained with N2 gas (the “arc in water” method).42 This appears to be an efficient route to high purity nanohorns, and a recently refined version of this where N2 or Ar gas is injected into the arc zone through holes in the graphite electrode is claimed in a conference talk to be producing 1 kg/day of nanohorns this way.43 4.2. Synthesis via Laser Ablation

Nanohorn dahlias were first synthesized by pulsed laser ablation of graphite in an Ar atmosphere, at a rate of around 10 g/h.44 The CO2 laser, operated at room temperature (wavelength 10.6 μm, maximum power 5 kW, 10 ns pulse duration) produces a soot of aggregated dahlias at typically 85−90% purity. When sonicated in ethanol the dahlias form a dark suspension which can be filtered to give a mechanically stable thin film.45 Dahlias produced in this way are typically up to twice the size of those produced via arcdischarge (around 100 nm in diameter). Different inert gas atmospheres were tested, with dahlia yields of 95% under Ar (20 kW/cm2 surface laser power density with 500 ms on−off pulses), but “bud-like” nanohorn aggregates were produced under lighter He and N2 atmospheres.26 Smaller 50 nm diameter aggregates, comparable in size with arc-discharge, are produced when a Ne gas atmosphere is used,46 and a N2 atmosphere results in damaged, highly nitrogen-doped nanohorn dahlias.47 XPSstudies indicated that nitrogen atoms were incorporated as the pyridine-like and 3-fold coordinated sp2 bonding configuration in a graphene lattice of CNHs. In conjunction with NEC, the AIST group of Iijima and Yudasaka responsible for first developing the laser ablation method have continued to develop it toward a commercially viable route to industrial-scale production of carbon nanohorns. A key step on this route was the development of a three-chamber system separating a target reservoir, the laser ablation chamber, and a collection chamber. Nanohorns produced in the laser ablation chamber are swept into the collection chamber by the Ar carrier gas, keeping the target clear and allowing continuous laser operation. Using a rotating cylindrical graphite target and optimized laser power density (15−30 kW/cm2), this method was able to produce dahlia nanohorn samples at 92−95% purity at a practical production capacity of 1 kg/day.48 This technique now forms the basis of commercial nanohorn production at NEC.

Figure 7. DFT calculated reaction enthalpies (in eV) for oxygen bridging between C60 and X, where X is C60O, an oxidized 84° nanocone tip, or an epoxide on graphene. Energies are relative to isolated nonoxidized nanoforms and 1/2 O2. Reprinted from ref 31, Copyright 2013, with permission from Elsevier.

primarily localized around pentagons, heptagons, and other defect sites, toward the nanohorn tip and, if exposed, around the open nanohorn tubular end.

4. CARBON NANOHORNS SYNTHESIS All current nanohorn synthesis methods involve sufficient injection of energy to vaporize and restructure a carbon target (typically graphite), followed by rapid quenching, normally in an inert gas. Nanohorn synthesis is distinguished from nanotube production, notably in the absence of metal catalysts. As-grown nanohorn samples also show high purity, typically a maximum of 5−15% byproducts consisting primarily of micrometric graphite particles, fullerenes, and giant carbon onions, with some amorphous carbon,31 again depending on the synthesis route. Some impurities, such as giant graphite balls, can be largely eliminated by preheating the carbon source before synthesis.35 Thus, for many applications, no purification step is required or, at most, a simple thermal anneal. Synthesis methods can be loosely classified into three families based on the technique used to inject energy into the carbon. 4.1. Synthesis via Arc Discharge

Carbon nanohorns were first observed in soot byproducts produced during arc-discharge production of fullerenes. While the soot itself was a microporous carbon, after heating to 2500− 3500 K with a positive-hearth electron gun for ∼4 h, it transformed into a mixture of single-walled and multiwalled nanohorns.36 The first arc-discharge study to produce highpurity nanohorns directly used a pulsed arc-discharge, between pure carbon rods in atmospheric pressure of air.37 Residual amorphous carbon was then removed by heating in dry air at 500 °C. Dahlias produced in this way have mean diameters of ∼50 nm. Sample quality was further improved by preheating the carbon rods to 1000 °C just before arc ignition. The necessity for both N2 and oxygen (either as O2, CO2, etc.) in the carrier gas was later confirmed in direct current (DC) arc-discharge experiments.38 Other groups have achieved low purity yields with DC arc-discharge in air and Ar,39 improving somewhat with use of AC arc-discharge.40 Submerged arc-discharge processes have proved more promising and may provide a viable route to large-scale nanohorn production. In each case the arc zone remains gaseous, either through vaporization of the host liquid or via injection of carrier

4.3. Synthesis via Joule Heating

A third route to nanohorn production rarely mentioned in the literature is heating by induction, inducing high frequency eddy currents in graphite rods which give rise to Joule heating.49 A prototype reactor (30 kW plant) was able to heat graphite rods in this way to over 3200 °C on their surface, producing a surface carbon plasma. The resultant nanohorn soot is removed via Ar or He carrier gas, resulting in dahlias or bud-like structures respectively (just as observed for laser).26 This deceptively simple method is able to produce around 0.1 kg of dahlias per hour, with the authors discussing the possibility of scale-up to MW plans producing tens of kilograms per hour. While exact purity is not discussed, the method also produces wrapped and unwrapped graphene sheets and a little amorphous carbon, and it contains Fe ≫ Cu. Decomposition of CH4 under these conditions led to the formation of cup-stacked carbon nanotubes round CNHs where Ni particles were situated at the tip of each nanotube.

solution of sodium cholate. Subsequently, the above mixture was placed in a centrifuge tube on top of a 3-layered solution of 5, 10, and 30% sucrose concentration and centrifuged for 4 h at 4,600g. Dynamic light scattering of an aliquot from the upper zone after centrifugation revealed the presence of spherical particles with average diameter of 30 nm, which were further analyzed by TEM imaging, confirming the presence of isolated individual oxidized single-walled CNHs in 61%, while small aggregates (23%) and amorphous graphitic particles (16%) were also observed (Figure 44). The incorporation of Gd2O3 nanoparticles in the individualized CNHs proved the presence of their hollow internal space.

8. INDIVIDUALIZATION OF CARBON NANOHORNS Despite the diverse methodologies applied for the chemical modification of CNHs, with some of them following harsh reaction conditions, the characteristic superstructure of dahlialike spherical aggregates of CNHs remains unaffected, thus limiting their immediate utility in biological applications, for example as drug delivery carriers. Therefore, the isolation of individual single-walled CNHs from dahlia-aggregates becomes critical. One of the first attempts to isolate small aggregates of CNHs was based on the dispersion of as-grown CNHs in a D2O solution of sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (NaDDBS) through 30 min sonication, followed by ultracentrifugation at 220,000g for 1−2 h.237 By this methodology, amorphous graphitic particles, which represent the main impurity of asgrown CNHs, were removed, while smaller aggregates of CNHs, with a narrower size distribution were obtained (Figure 43). Alternatively, sucrose density gradient centrifugation of a sodium cholate solution of mildly oxidized CNHs was examined.238 In this context, CNH-aggregates were initially oxidized in air at 450 °C and then dispersed in an aqueous

Figure 44. Digital photo of a sodium cholate dispersion of oxidized CNHs before (a) and after (b) sucrose density gradient centrifugation. (c) Particle-size distributions for layers I−IV measured by DLS. Reprinted with permission from ref 238. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.

Very recently, the reductive dissolution of CNH-aggregates in the presence of potassium naphthalenide was achieved.239 The reaction took place under an inert atmosphere in a glovebox, where the green colored solution of reduced naphthalene decolorized rapidly upon contact with intact CNHs. The reduced CNHs were easily soluble in most organic solvents with solubility 4873

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Chemical Reviews


up to 20 mg mL−1 for DMSO. Interestingly, TEM imaging revealed the presence of individualized CNHs with diameter of 5 nm and length of ∼50 nm, surrounded by graphitic particles. Furthermore, the so-reduced CNHs can be further functionalized upon quenching by diverse electrophiles (Figure 45).

entering the cells through a lysosomal membrane permeabilization mechanism.242 Because CNHs can be dispersed and emulsified in water, the potential for dust and aerosol formation is reduced, as well as diminishing the need for toxic organic solvents. Additionally the spherical dahlia structures of CNHs mean that, following Stoke’s law, they build less stable aerosols than other nanocarbons. Thus, one might expect CNHs to be intrinsically safer than other contemporary nanomaterials,243,244 and indeed early cytotoxicity studies with human cervical cancer cells showed no toxic response245 although further studies are underway.246 There have already been studies on nanohorn dahlia use as drug carriers,25,144 as biofuel cells,247 and as highly sensitive, reproducible biosensors,248−250 while CNH complexes have also been applied to photothermal cancer treatment.163,251,252 However, individualized nanohorns may also be well adapted for this purpose due to their large internal cavity diameter compared to nanotubes, and their needle-like structure, which could enhance their capacity for penetrating cell membranes241 We note that oxidized CNHs have the ability to mimic horseradish peroxidase, showing catalytic activity in the oxidation of tetramethylbenzidine in the presence of H2O2, thus allowing the development of a colorimetric method for glucose detection.253 A comprehensive study on the adsorption properties and the porosity of CNHs has recently been presented.254 The unique structure of CNHs, in combination with their high specific surface area, especially in the case of oxidized CNHs possessing open nanowindows, classifies this carbon allotrope as a potentially excellent adsorbent. We have already presented the wide range of noble and supercritical gases that can be adsorbed either on the outer surface or in the internal empty space of CNHs.109−115,255 Recent studies further proved that the interstitial spaces between nanocones in a dahlia structured aggregate can hold gases of very different sizes, in contrast with the corresponding nanotube bundles, following different adsorption mechanisms depending on the nature of the gas.256,257 Specifically, although the isotherm adsorption data for Ne and CF4 clearly showed the presence of two substeps, suggesting the existence of two different groups of adsorption sites on the outer surface of CNHs, there were found no distinct substeps in the case of CO2 due to the fact that CO2 presents more attraction to other CO2 molecules than to the carbon surface. Other studies on the adsorption ability of oxidized CNHs revealed the importance of the pore sizes of open CNHs, further suggesting that there are three types of adsorption sites into CNH dahlias, assigned to CNH tips, CNH sidewalls, and the central empty cativities within the dahlias.258,259 Energy applications, ranging from dye-sensitized solar cells260 to supercapacitors261 and lithium ion batteries,262 exemplify another large area that utilizes suitably modified-CNHs.263 We have already described the applicability of metal-decorated CNHs not only as effective catalysts, but also as efficiently operational electrodes in the construction of methanol and polymer-electrolyte fuel cells.223,224 In another approach, metalfree CNHs covering a glassy carbon electrode were used for the manufacture of a highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for the detection of uric acid, dopamine, and ascorbic acid in biological samples.264 Further studies proved that CNHs reinforced glassy carbon electrodes can dramatically quench the electrochemiluminescence intensity of a system consisting of tris(2,20bipyridine)-ruthenium(II) and tri-n-propylamine, allowing the development of a label-free, sensitive, and signal-on adenosine

Figure 45. Individualization of CNHs upon reduction by potassium naphthalenide in DMSO. (a) HR-TEM image of intact CNHs. (b) LRTEM image of reduced CNHs 1. (c, d) HR-TEM images of individualized CNH salts 1. Reprinted with permission from ref 239. Copyright 2015 Royal Society of Chemistry.

9. APPLICATIONS OF CARBON NANOHORNS Although CNHs are currently less exploited than carbon nanotubes and graphene, there is nonetheless a great research effort underway to take advantage of their novel structure and purity, in order to utilize them in numerous nanotechnological applications. Most of the potential applications of CNHs have already been described in the previous sections during the description of modified CNHs. These mainly include their capability to adsorb gases or other molecules, to act as drug carriers, to construct effective biosensors and electrodes for electrochemical and photoelectrochemical purposes, or to act as catalyst supports and fuel cells. In this section, we will focus on other specialized applications employing CNHs that have not already been described. One of the most promising areas in which CNHs could find wide usage deals with biological applications.240 Nanohorns do not have the high aspect ratio issues related to toxicology that are now well explored with carbon nanotubes (shorter nanotubes, typically 20 μm or less, can be cleared by the lymphatic system)241 and do not require potentially toxic metal catalysts during synthesis. However, it has been demonstrated that CNHs can produce reactive oxygen species and induce toxicity after 4874

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Chemical Reviews


triphosphate aptasensor.265 Similarly, a CNH-based paste electrode, prepared by mixing CNHs and methyl silicone oil and firmly packing the mixture into the electrode cavity of a Teflon sleeve, was used for the amperometric determination of concentrated hydrogen peroxide.266 More recently, a stable and easily structured electrochemical sensor modified with CNHs and carboxylic acid based ionic liquids, was built to achieve a fast detection of 4-aminophenylarsonic acid.267 It is worth noting that a novel graphene/CNH hybrid material was prepared through a solvothermal treatment exhibiting an ultrafast charge− discharge and excellent rate capability, superior to the individual components alone.268 Moreover, CNHs were shown to be an excellent adsorbent in solid phase extraction. In this frame, a CNH-modified glassy carbon electrode disclosed excellent ability of solid-phase extraction for organic compounds such as 4-nitrophenol through simple and fast electrochemical measurements.269 In another recent study, a polypropylene hollow fiber served as a scaffold for the immobilization of oxidized CNHs, constructing a very efficient sorbent material, suitable for the headspace and direct immersion solid phase extraction of volatile organic compounds. This apparatus was efficiently used for the determination of volatile organic compounds such as toluene, ethylbenzene, various xylene isomers, and styrene in bottled, river, and tap waters, with excellent detection limits reaching 3.5 ng L−1.270

reduction with potassium naphthalenide, was highlighted. Since the individualization of nanohorns is still at its infancy, further optimization of the individualization process, together with the development of substantive advances and contemporary breakthroughs, for example improved control over functionalization mechanisms and/or spatially targeted functionalization routes, will boost the applicability of nanohorns, particularly in the area of biotechnology and medical disciplines, where larger amounts of individualized nanohorns with precise size are required. It is our hope and intention that this review will catalyze the realization of new applications for carbon nanohorns, especially those at the interface of chemistry and materials science with other disciplines.

AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected] (Dr. N. Karousis). *E-mail: [email protected] (Dr. I. Suarez-Martinez). *E-mail: [email protected] (Dr. C. P. Ewels). *E-mail: [email protected] (Dr. N. Tagmatarchis). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest. Biographies

10. CONCLUSIONS Carbon nanohorns are an interesting and somewhat neglected carbon nanomaterial with a bright future. They can be massproduced, now in industrial quantities, at room temperature without the need of any metal catalyst. They offer a genuine and advantageous alternative to carbon nanotubes, and possibly graphene, in a wide range of applications. Understanding the unique specific conical morphology of nanohorns structure as well as their synthesis and topology is of fundamental importance for advancing their research and development. Manipulation and handling of nanohorns can be enhanced in wet media, when dispersed in common organic solvents and/or water, while integration of active moieties toward nanohorn-based functional hybrid materials opens wide avenues for a plethora of practical applications. In this context, available strategies for functionalizing CNHs and generating some novel hybrid materials have been established and described in this review, with emphasis placed on selected examples from the recent literature. The decrease in aromaticity at defect sites, pentagons and heptagons, of CNHs results in enhanced reactivity, while also regions of higher curvature in CNHs are responsible for localized chemical reactivity due to the pyramidal distortion of the sp2 hybridized bonding. Hence, the chemical reactivity of CNHs is primarily localized around defect sites and near the nanohorn tips. Moreover, the absence of metal catalysts during the production of CNHs is beneficial, particularly when compared with carbon nanotubes, in which purification processes for removing nanosized metal impurities damage the graphitic structure. Specifically, this high purity of CNHs governs the chemical functionalization as compared to carbon nanotubes, in which chemical reactions occur on associated amorphous carbon and/ or π-stacked polyaromatic impurities. Considering all the above, it is understood that surface functionalization of CNHs proceeds faster and with higher yield than that of carbon nanotubes. Lastly, a novel technology for dismantling and individualizing the otherwise spherically aggregated dahlia-type CNHs, based on

Nikolaos Karousis received his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry in 1995 and his Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry in 2003, at the University of Ioannina, Greece. During 2004 and 2005, he was a postdoctoral fellow working on the synthesis of 1-aroyl- and 1-aroylmethylenepyrroles as potential intermediates of the pyrrolobenzodiazepine and pyrrolobenzodiazocin group of antitumor antibiotics. In 2006, he joined Dr. Tagmatarchis group at the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute in the National Hellenic Research Foundation, and was introduced to the chemistry of carbon nanostructured materials. His current research interests lie in the chemical modification of carbon nanotubes, carbon nanohorns, and graphene-based materials, for nanotechnology applications. He has published 36 papers in refereed scientific journals and 2 book chapters, and made over 30 announcements at international scientific conferences. Irene Suarez-Martinez obtained her Ph.D. from University of Sussex in 2007 on density functional modelling of nuclear irradiated graphite, followed by a postdoctoral position with Dr. Ewels at the Institute of Materials, Nantes (France), investigating metal−nanotube interfaces. Since 2009 she has worked at Curtin University (Australia) studying the properties of amorphous carbons using molecular dynamics approaches. In 2010 she secured an Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, and she currently holds a Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (2014−2018) at Curtin University. Her research interest is currently focused on atmospheric carbon nanostructures. Christopher P. Ewels is a CNRS Research Director at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel, Nantes, France, and a visiting researcher at Toyo University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1997 from Exeter University, followed by postdoc at Sussex University, ONERA Paris, and a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at Paris South University, before joining the CNRS in 2005. He coordinates the Marie SklodowskasCurie “Enabling Excellence” training network on nanocarbons, a project in collaboration with Dr. Tagmatarchis. He is active in science communication and has previously worked for the science communication charity “The Vega Science Trust”, producing science videos. His research focuses on atomic scale computer modelling and electron 4875

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microscopy of nanoscale carbons, notably defect structures, chemical functionalization, and rational materials design. Nikos Tagmatarchis is Director of Research in the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, in Athens, Greece. His research interests focus on the chemistry of carbon-based nanostructured materials, particularly in the context of electron transfer processes for diverse nanotechnological applications. His accomplishments in the area are reflected in a plethora of publications, with multiple citations and numerous invitations at conferences. He has been recipient of the European Young Investigator Award (2004), Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011), and Invited Fellow by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Japan (2012−2013).

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00611 Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 4850−4883