Structure-Property Relations in Polymers

Cornell University, 129. Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 711. Florida Atlantic University, 769. Florida State University, 157. GTE Laboratories...
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Structure-Property Relations in Polymers Downloaded from by on 01/10/18. For personal use only.

Author Index Kugel, Roger W., 507 Laski, Joseph J., 623 Lewis, MaryL.,377 Lin, Jacob W., 745 MacKay, S. G , 727 Mandelkern, Leo, 157 Marchesi, Jenifer, 333 McGervey, J.D.,535 Medina, Fernando, 769 Mendenhall, G David, 611 Mitchell, Mark B., 351 Mittleman, Martin L., 677 Moaddel, H , 535 Ogilby, Peter R., 573 Painter, Paul G , 221 Powell, Jay R., 661 Ruan, M. Y , 535 Sandman, D. J., 243 Sargent,M.,191 Savage, Charles R., 745 Siesler, H. W., 41 Simha, R., 535 Simonsick, William, J., Jr., 711 Taylor, Vicki L., 573 Thorstenson, Timothy Α., 305 Timmons, Richard B., 745 Turner, PaulH.,407 Urban, Marek W., 3, 305, 645, 777, 791 Welsh, KevinM.,557 Wilkie, Charles Α., 677 Williams, Melanie, 769 Winnik, FrançoiseM.,485 Winnik, Mitchell Α., 485 Xu, Ning, 611 Xu, Yun, 221 Yang, Charles Q., 693 Yang, Jiyue, 333 Yu, Z., 535 Zhang, Hongxi, 221 Zimmerman, Jeffrey, 129

Adams, Mark R., 333 Agbenyega, Jonathan K., 443 Alamo, Rufina G., 157 Aloi, Mary Jo, 769 Amos, Stephen E., 611 Brenna, J. Thomas, 129 Burkhart, Richard D., 599 Carraher, Charles E., Jr., 769 Carron, Keith T., 377, 393 Chipalkatti, Makarand H., 623 Claybourn, Michael, 407, 443 Clough, RogerL.,573 Coleman, MichaelM.,221 Compton, David A. C , 661 Creasy, William R., 129 Daiser, S. M , 727 Davis, James R., 263 Dillon, Maria P., 573 Ellis, Gary, 443 Evanson, Kevin W., 305 Exsted, Bert J., 791 Fina, Leslie J., 289 Freeman, JamesM.,693 Gaboury, Scott R., 777 Gao, Yuanping, 573 Garton, Andrew, 333 Gillispie, Gregory D., 89 Ha, KiRyong, 333 Hacker, Nigel P., 557 Hankin, S.H.W., 243 Hendra, Patrick J., 443 Howell, Huston E., 263 Hurley, Gayle, 393 Iu, Kai-Kong, 573 Jamieson, A.M.,535 Jhon, Nam-In, 599 Johnson, David J., 661 Kluin, J. E., 535 Koenig, J. L., 191 Kristiansen, Marianne, 573

Affiliation Index Florida Atlantic University, 769 Florida State University, 157 GTE Laboratories Incorporated, 243, 623 Himont Research and Development Center,

BASF Corporation, 263 Bio-Rad, 661 BP American Research, 677 Bruker Spectrospin Ltd., 407 Case Western Reserve University, 191, 535 Clark Atlanta University, 351 Cornell University, 129 Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 711

IBM Corporation, 129 IBM General Technology Division, 557 IBM Research Division, 557 813



Structure-Property Relations in Polymers Downloaded from by on 01/10/18. For personal use only.

ICI Paints, 407, 443 Institute- de Ciencia y Techologia de Polimeros, 443 Marquette University, 677 Marshall University, 693 Michigan Technological University, 611 Motorola, Inc., 769 North Dakota State University, 3, 89, 305, 645, 777, 791 Pennsylvania State University, 221 Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 727 Polytronix, Inc., 745 Rutgers University, 289

Sandia National Laboratories, 573 St. Mary's College of Minnesota, 507 University of Connecticut, 333 University of Essen, 41 University of Georgia, 693 University of Nevada, 599 University of New Mexico, 573 University of Southampton, 443 University of Texas at Arlington, 745 University of Toronto, 485 University of Wyoming, 377, 393 Xerox Research Centre of Canada, 485

Subject Index Amplitude of reflected light, definition, Ablation, description, 131 Absorbance spectroscopy of aromatic molecules Jablonski diagrams, 95-97/ labeled polymers, 99-101/ Piatt notation, 93-95 solvent effects, 97-99 Absorbance spectrum, sources of differences from excitation spectrum, 106-107 Absorption, electronic states, 92 Absorption coefficient, definition, 354 Absorption index, definition, 353-354 Absorption studies of polymer structure, metachromatic, See Metachromatic absorption studies of polymer structure Acridine orange, polymer conformation effect on metachromasy, 514-518 Acrylic cross-linker, characterization using K+IDS with MS detection, 713-716 Activation energies, detrapping, 605i-607 Additives, 677 Adhesion of polymers, rheophotoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy, 653-658 n-Alkanes, characterization using Raman spectroscopy, 179, 180/ Alkyd autoxidation using Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy alkyd resin containing pigment, curing, 463, 465, drying process, 461-462 modified with soya oil, spectra, 462, 463/ C=C unsaturation vs. cure time, 463/, 465/ cross-link formation, 463, 466-467 model compounds, 465, 469-480 period of cure reaction, spectra, 462—464/ Ammonia treatment, chemically active gas-plasma modification, 785-788/

Analysis, use of metachromasy, 519-521 Anionic dyes, metachromasy, 510 Anthracene energy transfer, 124-125 environmental effects on radiationless transitions, 122 fluorescence lifetime determination, 117,


state energy-level diagrams, 95, 96/ vibrational energy levels, 96, 97/ Anti-Stokes scattering, 5, 6/ Argon treatment, inert gas-phase modifications, 780-784 Aromatic molecules, fluorescence spectroscopy, 103-113 Associative thickeners, 500-501 Atomic-molecular composition, polymer, singlet oxygen pro Attenuated total reflectance, 353 Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) absorbances vs. film thickness, 56, 59t, 60/ depth profiling in polymers, 55-61 gas-plasma-modified poly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomer surfaces ammonia treatment, 785-788/ argon treatment, 780-784 carbon dioxide treatment, 782-783 oxygen 468/treatment, 783-785 process, 779 polystyrene surface layers, 56-58/ principle, 55 two-layer measurements, setup, 56/ Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy comparison to transmission spectroscopy,