Structure-sensitive resonance Raman bands of tetraphenyl and "picket

James P. Collman , Abhishek Dey , Ying Yang , Richard A. Decréau , Takehiro Ohta and Edward I. Solomon. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008...
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Spiro et al.



Tetraphenyl and Porphyrin-iron Complexes

2629 (1975). (13)T. R. Nanney, R. J. Bailey, and E. R. Lippincott, Specfrmhim.Acta, 21, 1495 (1965). (14)R. J. Jokobsen, Spectrochim. Acta, 21, 127 (1965). (15)A. Bree, C.Y. Pang, and L. Rabeneck, Spscfrochim. Acta, Part A, 27, 1293 (1971). (16)(a) W. H. Fuchsman, 0.R. Smith, and M. M. Stein, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,99, 4190 (1977);(b) W. H. Fuchsman. private communication. (17)J. L. Hoard. “Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins”,K. M.Smith, Ed., American Elsevier, New York, N.Y., 1975,p 317. (18)(a) T. Kitagawa, M. Abe, Y. Kyogoku, H. Ogoshi, H. Sugimoto, and 2. Yoshido, Chem. Phys. Lett., 48,55-58 (1977);(b) J. Kincaid, P. Stein, D. Shemin, and T. G. Spiro. to be published.

(19)(a) A. B. Hoffman, D. M.Collins, V. W. Day, E. 9. Fleischer, T. S.Srivastava. and J. L. Hoard, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94,3618 (1972);(b) E. Fleischer and T. S.Srivastava, ibid., 91,2403 (1969). (20)R . M. Wing and K. P.Callahan. lnorg. Chem., 8,871 (1969).

(21)T. C. Strekas, D. H. Adams, A. Packer, and T. G. Spiro, Appl. Spectrosc., 28,324 (1974). (22)J. Friedman and R . M. Hochstrasser, Chem. fhys. Left.. 32,414 (1975); M. Zerner and M.Gouterman, Theor. Chim. Acta, 6,363(1966). (23)G.Barth, R. E. Linder, E. Bunnenberg, and C. Djerassi. Ann. N.Y. A&. Sci., 206,223 (1973). (24)S.Hassing and 0.S. Mottensen, Chem. phys. Lett., 47, 115 (1977). (25)M. Tsuboi and A. Y. Hirakawa, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 56, 146 (1975). (26)R. Liang, 0.Schnepp, and A. Warshel, Chsm. fhys. Lett., 44, 394 (1976). (27)9. P. Gaber, V. Miskowski, andT. G. Spiro, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96,6868 (1974). (28)F. Duschinsky, Acta Physicochim. URSS,1, 551 (1973). (29)H. 9. Gray, Adv. Chem. Ser., No. 100,365 (1971). (30)S.S.Eaton and G. R. Eaton, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 97,3660 (1975). (31)G.N. LaMar, G. R. Eaton, R. H. Holm, and F. A. Walker, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 95,63 (1973).

Structure-Sensitive Resonance Raman Bands of Tetraphenyl and “Picket Fence” Porphyrin-Iron Complexes, Including an Oxyhemoglobin Analogue J. M. Burke,la J. R. Kincaid,Ia S. Peters,lb R. R. Gagne,lbJ. P. Collman, l b and T. G . Spiro* la Contribution f r o m the Department of Chemistry, Princeton Unioersity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, and the Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 9430.5. Received March 13, 1978

Abstract: Resonance Raman spectra are reported for iron meso-tetraphenylporphine (TPP) and meso-tetra(a,a,a,a-o-pivaloylamidopheny1)porphine (T,,,PP), in 2+ and 3+ oxidation states and in high, low, and intermediate (Fez+) spin states. Non-totally symmetric modes are seen weakly, or are absent, and only polarized modes can be monitored through the series of complexes.Three of these, -390, -I 360,and -1 560 cm-I, show appreciable frequency shifts associated with oxidation and spin-state changes. The vibrational signature of the five-coordinate (high-spin) Fe2+ complexes is particularly distinct. The Fe-02 stretching mode of Fe(Tpi,PP)(1-Melm)O2 is located at 568 cm-’ (confirmed utilizing 1802), very close to its value in oxyhemoglobin (567 cm-I). This relatively high frequency is consistent with appreciable multiple bond character for the Fe-02 bond.

Introduction In systematic studies of metalloporphyrin chemistry, meso-tetraphenylporphine (TPP) is frequently the molecule of choice because of its convenient synthesis. Although the pattern of peripheral substitution (see Figure 1, ref 6a) is very different from that of physiological porphyrins, extensive comparison of crystal structure determinations suggests that the bonding within the porphinato core is essentially the same in both porphyrin classes.2a Recently, the TPP framework has been used to erect a “picket fence”, in the form of pivaloylamide groups substituted a t the o-phenyl positions, with the aim of providing a protected coordination environment.zb This approach led to the preparation of the first (and so far only) isolable, crystalline dioxygen complex of an iron p ~ r p h y r i n . ~ Its crystal structure reveals the F e - 0 - 0 unit to be bent, as in the Pauling model for oxyhemoglobin. Resonance Raman ( R R ) spectroscopy has been extensively applied to heme proteins4 and metalloporphyrin5 analogues. Vibrational modes of the porphyrin ring can be monitored with high sensitivity, and are observed to shift frequency in a characteristic manner4 which is associated with the oxidation state or axial ligation of the central metal atom. Protein influence on porphyrin structure can be evaluated from the vibrational pattern. Tetraphenylporphyrins give R R spectra that are quite different in appearance from those of physiological porphyrins, and while numerous T P P spectra have been reported,6 no structural interpretations have been offered. 0002-7863/78/1500-6083$01 .OO/O

We have examined the vibrational patterns of a series of iron TPP complexes, several of whose crystal structures are available, and of a corresponding series of T,i,PP [mesotetra(a,a,a,a-o-pivaloylamidophenyl)porphine] complexes. While the structural utility of the data is more limited than for the physiological porphyrins, three structure-sensitive bands are identified. The vibrational pattern for five-coordinate (high-spin) iron(I1) derivatives is particularly distinct. The iron-oxygen stretching mode of the “picket fence” dioxygen complex has been identified at 568 cm-I. Its frequency is close to that observed for oxyhemoglobin (567 cm-’)’ and establishes the similarity of the iron-oxygen bond in protein and analogue. The relatively high frequency is consistent with substantial multiple bond character.

Experimental Section meso-Tetraphenylporphine was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc. Treatment with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinoneand chromatography on alumina (Fisher A-540) removed all traces of tetraphenylchorin.* The iron(lI1) complexes and’I( carbon deuterated species were prepared as indicated previously.6a The synthesis of meso-tetra(a,a,a,a-o-p~valoylam~dophenyl)porph~neiron(IlI) bromide has been described.2 The iron(l1) complexes were prepared in situ by reduction of a methylene chloride solution of the iron(II1) complex with aqueous sodium d i t h i ~ n i t e . ~ ~ The bisimidazole (Im), I-methylimidazole (1-Melm), and 2methylimidazole (2-MeIm) iron(I1) (TPP) and T,,,PP derivatives gave resonance Raman spectra which indicated the presence of ad-

0 1978 American Chemical Society


Journal of the American Chemical Society

1 100:19 / September 13,1978

Table I. Resonance Raman Frequencies (cm-I) for TPP and T,i,PP Derivatives in CH2Cl2 Solution Fe(TPP)C1

A. Five-Coordinate Fe(II1) Fe(T,i,PP) Br

( d s )a (1600)

1609 (P) 1565 (dp) 1556 (PI 1515 (ap)


1470 (sh, br, dp) 1366 (P) 1334 (ap) 1270 (sh) 1259 (P) 1224 (ap) 1205 (w)

(1353) (1 270) (1237)


1080 (P)


1015 (dp) 1001 (P)



Fe(TPP)20 1599 (P) 1561 (sh) (dp) 1553 (P) 1511 (ap) 1495 (dp) 1450 (P) 1359 (P) 1333 (ap) 1271 (sh, dp) 1237 (P) 1234 (ap)

(1 599) (1561) (1 532) (1511) (1444) (1428) (1 348) (1263) (1263) (1 234) (1167)

1083 (w, P) 1030 (vw, p) 1014 (dp) 1004 (P) 995 (PI 886 (PI 848 (dP) 827 (ap) 640 (P) 400 (br) 390 (P) 363 (PI

(991) (1030) (877) (1 005) (99 1) (886) (851) (640) (398) (382) (363)

257 (dp) 195 (dP) 173

(257) (195) (163)

(638) (380)


391 (PI


(3 18) (202)

B. Six-Coordinate Fe(III)] Fe(T,;,PP)

1605 (sh) 1582 (sh)(dp) (1579)


1568 (p) (1541) 1540 (vw, ap) (1541)

1565 (P)


1505 (dp) 1456 (p) (1455) 1370 (p) (1359) 1340 (ap, vw) (1 267)

1510 (dp) 1470 (vw, br, sh) 1366 (P) 1340 (vvw)


1275 (sh, dp) 1238 (p)

(12) (12a) (13) (14)

1084(p) 1029 (sh, p)

FelITPP 1603(P) (2) (3) 1565 (4) ( 5 ) 1505 (w) (6) (7) 1370 (8) (9) (10) 1240 (1 1) (12) (12a) (1)

1009 (P) 890

(1008) (890)

1005 895

1003 889


Fe(T,i,PP)( 2-Melm)

1366 1280

(1 234)


1210 (P) 11 15 (vvw) 1085 1020 (sh, dp)

1208 1104 1078

C. Four- and Five-Coordinate Fe(I1) FelI(T,i,PP) Fe(TPP)(Z-MeIm) 1608


(1 596)







1484 1451 (w) 1342

(1 445) (1337)


1280 (sh) 1259


(1 266) (1227)

1275 (sh) 1252

1209 1110

1488 (w, dp)

1204 1105

Spiro et al.



Tetraphenyl and Porphyrin-Iron Complexes

Table I (Continued) Fel1TPP (13)



Fe(T,i,PP) (2-Me1m)


1074 1032



996 996

1004 990 884



(19) (20) (21) (22) (23) 392(br) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

995 995 890

640 424 372


337 232 (sh) 204






26 1 209 158 (br)

D. Six-Coordinate Fe(I1) Fe(TPP) (l-MeIm)l

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


F4TpiJ'P) (W2






1490 (w, br) 1356

(10) (11) (12) ( 1 2a) (13) (14) (15) (16, 17) (1 8) (21 1 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)


1073 1031 1000

382 337 (vvw)

1275 1255


I561 1540 (ap) 1356 1230 (PI 1230 (ap)

1205 1 IO5 1080

Fe(TPP) (y-piche

Fe(TpivPP) (PY)zd

Fe(T,i,PP (l-MeIm)~








1484 (dp)


1480 (w, dp)





1265 (w) 1232

1270 (w) 1236


1253 1202 1106 1076

1076 1030

1078 1030

1080 1030

995 886 642



995 885 638

995 889 642













Fe(TPP) (PY)2d


(dg) Frequencies in parentheses are for the preceding complex deuterated at the @-pyrrolepositions. Tentative mode assignments (see ref 6a) are as follows (symmetry designations A , , B (= B1 or B2), A2; see Figure 1 of ref 6a for atom labeling): ( 1 ) A I , phenyl; (2) B, uc,-c,; (3) A I , ucB-cB; (4) A2. uc,-c,; (5) B, ucd cB;(6) A I , vc,-cB;(7) A I ,vc,-cN;(8) A2, uc,-cD+ ~ c ~ -(9) HB,; ~ c , - N(10) ; A I ,uc,,-ph; ( 1 1) Az, W,-N ~ c @ - H ;(12) phenyl; (13) AI, B ~ c @ -(14) H ; AI, b c p h - (15) ~ ; B, B+H; (16) AI, uc,-c,; (17), (18), phenyl; (21) porphyrin deformation; (23) A I , porphyrin deformation; (24) AI, U F ~ . O - F(dimers). ~ C From ref 6c. Bound pyridine modes5a observed at 1601, 1215, 1046, 1010, 634, and 179 cm-'. e Bound picoline modesSaobserved at 1617, 1209, 1063, 1025, 817, 543, and 162 cm-l.


ditional minor species in solution. This is in disagreement with the binding constant measurements of Brault and Rougee9 in which only one species was seen to predominate in solution containing excess axial ligand. Our results may reflect partitioning of the ligand between the aqueous and CH2C12 layers. The spectral interpretations are unaffected by this complication, To prepare the 0 2 adduct of Fe(T,,,PP)(l-MeIm), a CHCl2 solution of Fe"'(Tpi,PP)Br (-1 mM) and l-MeIm (-4 mM) was degassed with argon and reduced with aqueous sodium dithionite. The CH2C12 layer was then transferred under argon into a stoppered spinning cell. Oxygen was added by allowing a stream of oxygen to flow over the solution in the spinning cell for -10 s. Reversibility of adduct formation was checked by degassing with argon. To prepare the 1 8 0 2 analogue, the CHzC12 solution of reduced heme was transferred under argon to a specially constructed spinning cell fitted with two vacuum tight rubber septums. A slight evacuation of

the cell was followed by exposure to I S 0 2 (1 atm) utilizing 20 gauge needle connections. Subsequent exchange with 1 6 0 2 was accomplished by flowing 0 2 through the unstoppered cell and resealing. The methylene chloride was obtained from Burdick and Jackson Laboratories. Pyridine and y-picoline were distilled and stored in the dark over molecular sieves. 1-Methylimidazole was distilled before use. Imidazole and 2-methylimidazole were recrystallized from benzene. Spectra were obtained as reported previously.6a Laser power levels were 100-300 mW, and the spectral band-pass was 5 crn-l. Most spectra were recorded with 4579-A excitation, but the location of non-totally symmetric modes was checked with longer wavelengths.

Results and Discussion Figure 1 shows RR spectra for several iron T,i,PP deriva-

Journal of the American Chemical Society


1 100:19 / September 13, 1978

Table 11. Structure-Sensitive Bands of Iron T P P and T,i,PP Complexes"

Fe(II1) h.s.b Fe(II1) I . S . ~ Fe(II1) 0 2 d Fe(I1) i x e Fe(I1) 1.s.f Fe(I1) hs.g




1555 1568 1563 1565 1557 1537

1366 1370 1366 1370 1354 1342

390 390 384 392 382 312

Frequencies in cm-I; all three bands are polarized. High-spin Fe(II1): Fe(TPP)CI, Fe(TpivPP)Br,and the p-oxo dimers. Low-spin Fe(II1): bisimidazole adducts. Fe(T,i,PP)( l-MeIm)02. e Intermediate-spin: four-coordinate FeTPP and FeTpivPP. f Low-spin Fe(I1): bisimidazole adducts. g High-spin Fe(I1): 2-methylimidazole adducts.

Figure 1. Resonance Raman spectra of Fe(T,i,PP) derivatives with 457.9-nm excitation. Concentration: 1 mg/mL.

tives. The RR spectra for the iron TPP derivatives are almost identical with those for iron T,i,PP. (See also ref 6a for Fe(TPP) spectra.) Table I lists the RR frequencies for the complexes included in this study. Tentative assignments are also indicated, based on the study of [Fe(TPP)]zO, reported in the preceding artiAs discussed there, the RR pattern for TPP is quite different from that of physiological porphyrins for the following reasons: (1) the different pattern of peripheral substitution markedly alters the ring-substituent vibrational interactions; (2) several phenyl modes are resonance enhanced; and (3) the





spectra are dominated by polarized (totally symmetric) modes, even upon excitation in the visible absorption bands, where the spectra of the physiological porphyrins are dominated by non-totally symmetric modes. The latter are much weaker in TPP complexes, relative to the symmetric modes, and are frequently unobservable. The vibrational frequencies of T,i,PP complexes are very close to those of the corresponding TPP complexes, except for modes assigned to the phenyl groups, which are expected to be perturbed by the pivaloylamide substitution. In addition to phenyl modes near 1605,1030,995, and 886 cm-' which are also seen in TPP spectra,6athe T,i,PP spectra show a band at -1 210 cm-I which is characteristic of ortho-disubstituted benzenes.I0 The spectra of iron(I1) bispyridine (or bis-y-picoline) complexes of both TPP and T,i,PP show bound pyridine (or 7-picoline) modes, presumably enhanced via resonance with a Fe(I1) pyridine charge transfer. They occur at essentially the same frequencies, as observed for the corresponding mesoporphyrin IX c o m p l e x e ~ . ~ ~ A. Structure-Sensitive Bands. For physiological hemes, five bands have been identified whose frequences are sensitive to oxidation state and axial ligation (spin state) or both.4a These follow: I, -1366 cm-' (p); 11, -1500 cm-I (p); 111, -1550 cm-' (dp); IV, -1580 cm-' (ap); V, -1630 cm-' (dp) (p = polarized, dp = depolarized, ap = anomalously polarized). None of these find counterparts in the TPP spectra except for the ~ 1 3 6 0 - c m -band. ~ This is one of the most intense polarized bands for either type of porphyrin, and it probably corresponds approximately to the breathing mode of the pyrrole C-N bonds.6a,fFor physiological hemes, this is a well-known "oxidation state marker", shifting from -1370 cm-' in Fe(1II)





Spiro et al. 1 Tetraphenyl and Porphyrin-Iron Complexes


18 hemes to -1360 cm-l in Fe(I1) hemes, although it is sensitive 02 to the extent of a-back-donation from iron to porphyrin as 6 42 shown by its systematic variation with a-acceptor strength of the axial ligand in a series of Fe(I1) mesoporphyrin complex54 5 es.5a In the TPP and T,,,PP spectra, there is likewise a decrease from 1370 to 1354 cm-l on reduction of Fe(II1) to Fe(I1) in the bisimidazole complexes. There is also some sensitivity to Fe(I1) axial ligand a acidity, as shown by the increase from 1354 to 1360 cm-' on going from imidazole to pyridine, and to 1366 cm-l when 0 2 is the axial ligand (see Figure 2). For physiological hemes, band I is insensitive to spin state, I6O2 but in the TPP spectra, an appreciable spin-state sensitivity 5 68 is apparent. Thus, the high-spin Fe(I1I) frequencies (chlorides, bromides, and p-oxo dimers) cluster around 1364 ern-', -6 cm-I below the low-spin frequencies, while the frequencies for high-spin Fe(I1) (2-methylimidazole complexes) are 1342 and 1344 cm-I for TPP and Tpi,PP, respectively, -12 cm-1 below the low-spin (bisimidazole) values. These decrements, although not as pronounced, are similar to those found for bands 11, IV, 1 i I i and V for physiological hemes, the Fe(I1) decrease being 668 620 572 524 substantially larger than the Fe(II1) decrease. These spin state effects have been alternatively attributed to doming of the (cm-I) porphyrin ring, with attendant loss of T c ~ n j u g a t i o nor, ~ ~ ~Figure ~ ~ 3. Resonance Raman spectrum of Fe(T,i,PP)( l - M e I m ) O z and expansion of the porphinato re.^^,^^ Both of these distortions laOz analogue with 457.9-nm excitation. Concentration: 1 m g / m L i n would produce a weakening of the bonds a t the methine CHzCIz. bridges, and a decrease of the associated (or coupled) frequencies. In the TPP spectra, two other polarized bands can be found, a t -1 560 and -390 crn-l, whose frequency pattern parallels (Fe3+)2(022-) (although the geometry is unknown), or the that of the -1360-cm-I band, as shown in Table 11. The low C o - 0 frequencies, 500 and 493 cm-',I6 in [(NH3)5C0]202)~+ value of the 1537-cm-I frequency for the five-coordinate 2and ([(CN)5C0]202)~-,in which Co3+ is bound to 0 2 - . The methylimidazole Fe(I1) derivatives is particularly notable. This strong F e - 0 interaction is suggestive of multiple bonding, band is well resolved from the corresponding band in the fourresulting from substantial a-back-donation from Fe(I1) to 02, or six-coordinate Fe(I1) complexes, and could be used as a with concomitant reduction in the 0-0 bond order to that of specific monitor of five-coordination in equilibrium binding superoxide. This would also be consistent with the 0-0 studies. stretching f r e q u e n ~ y , ' ~ .and ' ~ with the R R porphyrin Reduction of Fe(TPP)CI or Fe(T,i,PP)Br in CH2C12 profrequencies of oxyhemoblobin. These are the same as those of duced species whose Raman frequencies are very close to those low-spin Fe(II1) hemes,4a suggesting that the extent of aof low-spin Fe(II1) adducts, as was also observed for reduction back-donation from Fe(I1) to the porphyrin x * orbitals is reof Fe(MP)C15a ( M P = mesoporphyrin IX). This is as ex- duced upon 0 2 binding to the same extent as upon oxidation p e ~ t e dfor~ ~four-coordinate intermediate-spin Fe(I1) porto Fe(II1). phyrins, of which Fe(TPP) is a structurally well characterized Acknowledgment. This work was supported by N I H Grant example.'Ia The d,2-)2 orbital is empty in these complexes, H L 12526 (to T.G.S.) and NSF Grant C H E 75-17018 (to and the Fe-pyrrole bond is as short as in low-spin Fe(I1) deJ.P.C.). During this work J.R.K. held a National Institutes of rivatives. Health National Research Service Award 1 F32 HL 05093. Fe-02 Stretch. The low-frequency spectrum of the "picket fence" dioxygen complex, Fe"(TPP)( l-MeIm)Oz, shows a well-defined reproducible band a t 568 cm-I which disappears on passing argon through the solution (see Figure 2). As shown References and Notes in Figure 3, the 1 8 0 2 analogue exhibits a band a t 545 cm-' (1) (a) Princeton University: (b) Stanford University. which disappears and is replaced by the 568-cm-I band upon (2) (a) J. L. Hoard in "Porphyrins and Metailoporphyrins", K. M. Smith, Ed., American Elsevier, New York, N.Y., 1975, p 317; (b) J. P. Coliman, R. R. exposure to natural abundance 02, confirming its assignment Gagne, C. A. Reed, T. R. Halbert, G. Lang, and W. T. Robinson, J. Am. as v(Fe-02). Its frequency corresponds closely to that of the Chem. SOC.,97, 1427 (1975). 4Fe-02) stretch of oxyhemoglobin, which occurs at 567 cm-I (3) J. P. Collman, R. R. Gagne, C. A. Reed, W. T. Robinson, and G. A. Rodley. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 71, 1326 (1974). and shifts to 540 cm-' upon 1 8 0 2 substitution.' This obser(4) (a) T. G.Spiro, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 416, 169 (1975); (b) A. Warshei, vation establishes the close similarity of the iron-oxygen bond Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng., E, 273 (1977). ( 5 ) (a) T. G. Spiro and J. M. Burke, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 5482 (1976); (b) in the complex and in oxyhemoglobin. Likewise the oxygenL. D. Spauldlng, C. C. Chang, N. T. Yu, and R. H. Feiton, hid., 97, 2517 oxygen stretch has been shown by infrared spectroscopy to be (1975). similar: 1159 cm-' in the complex12and 1107 cm-I l 3 in ox(6) (a) J. M. Burke, J. Kincaid, and T. G. Spiro, submitted for publication: (b) R. Gaughan, D. F. Shr iver, and L.J. Boucher, froc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., yhemoglobin. It can be taken as established that oxyhemo72,433 (1975); (c)F. Adar and T. S. Srivastava, 72,4419 (1975); (d) J. A. globin has the same bent F e - 0 - 0 geometry as is found in the Shelnutt, L. D. Cheung, R. C. C. Chang, N. T. Yu, and R. ti.Felton. J. Chem. phys., 66, 3387 (1977): (e) R. Mendelsohn, S. Sunder, and H. J. Bernstein, complex, and as was proposed by P a ~ 1 i n g . l ~ J. Raman Specfrosc., 3, 303 (1975): (f) T. Kitagawa et al., Chem. Phys. Although the accuracy of the X-ray structure determination Lett., 48, 55 (1977). of the picket fence complex was reduced by disorder in the 0 2 (7) H. Brunner, Neturwissenschaften, 61, 129 (1974). (8) Q. H. Earnett, M. F. Hudson, and K. M. Smith, Tetrahedron Lett., SO, 2887 orientation, a distinctly short Fe-0 bond, 1.75 A, was sug(1973). gesteda3This is fully consistent with the high value of the Fe-0 (9) D. Breult and M. Rougee, Blochem. Blophys. Res. Commun., 57, 654 (1974). frequency, 568 cm-I. This value may be compared with the F. R. Dollish, W. G. Fateley, and F. F. Bentley, "Characteristic Raman F e - 0 frequency, 500 cm-l, observed for ~ x y h e m e r y t h r i n , ~ ~(10) Frequencies of Organic Compounds", Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1974, p in which the electron distribution is best described as 162.


Journal of the American Chemical Society

(11) J. P. Collman. J. L. Hoard, N. Kim, G. Land, and C. A . Read, J. Am. Cbem. SOC.,97,2676 (1975). (12)J. P. Collman, J. I. Brauman, T. R . Halbert, and K. S. Suslick, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 7 3 , 3333 (1976). (13)C. H. Barlow, J. C. Maxwell, W. J. Wallace, and W. S. Caughey, Biocbem.




September 13, 1978

Biopbys. Res. Commun., 58,166 (1973). (14)L. Pauling, Nature (London), 203, 182 (1964). (15) J. B. R. Dunn, D. F. Shriver, and I. M. Klotz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 70, 2582 (1973). (16)T. C. Strekas and T. G. Spiro, Inorg. Chem., 14,421(1975).

Electronic Structure of M4( C0)12Hn and M4Cp4Hn Complexes Roald Hoffmann,*la Birgitte E. R. Schilling,Ia Robert Bau,lb Herbert D. Kaesz,Ic and D. Michael P. MingosId Contribution f r o m the Department of Chemistry, Cornell Uniuersity, Ithaca, New York 14853, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024, and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, England OX1 3QR. Received August 26, 1977

Abstract: The electronic structure of tetranuclear hydrido clusters M4(C0)12Hn and M4Cp4Hn,n = 3, 4,6, is analyzed with the aid of symmetry arguments and molecular orbital calculations. The orbitals of the clusters are derived by protonating M4(C0)12 and M4Cp4 tetrahedra. The important levels of these are the inward and surface-like higher occupied orbitals of al e t 2 symmetry (plus a low-lying unfilled t l orbital occupied by three electrons in the electron-rich Ni4Cp4H3 cluster). The electron distribution in the surface orbitals e and t 2 is studied as a function of staggered or eclipsed carbonyl orientation and along the edges or faces of the tetrahedron. The results of this study provide an understanding of the variable location of hydrogens in these clusters.

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This paper is concerned with the electronic structure of tetranuclear hydrido clusters of the type M4(CO)12Hn and MdCpdH,, C p = cyclopentadienyl, M = a transition metal, and n = 3, 4, or 6. The well-characterized molecules in this series share the basic feature of a near-tetrahedral disposition of the metal centers, but then diverge to exhibit staggered, 1, or eclipsed, 2, orientations of the carbonyl groups (relative to M


1 2 the metal-metal edges), and edge- or face-bridging hydrogens. They may also possess varying spin states and propensities to hydrogen mobility. This choice of geometrical and electronic structure is of interest to us. Let us review what is known about these molecules, making reference only to well-established geometrical facts, and keeping in mind the problems associated with accurately locating hydride positions in X-ray crystallographic structures. Re4(CO) 12H42ahas four face-bridging hydrides and eclipsed carbonyl groups.2bRe4(CO) I 2H62- has staggered carbonyls, and the hydrides are presumably edge-bridging,3 though this has not been definitely established. Ru4(C0)12Hq has been synthesized4 and a D2d geometry with edge-bridging hydrides (3) established through X-ray diffraction.5 In addition crystallographic studies on the derivatives Ru4(CO)1 I . H4P(OCH3)3,2b R U ~ ( C O ) ~ O H ~ ( Pand P ~ Ru4(CO)lo~)~,~ H4(diph0s)~all show staggered carbonyls and four edgebridging hydrides, though the disposition of the edges bearing hydrides differs: Rud(C0)12H4, Ru4(CO)1 lH4P(OCH3)3, and Ruq(CO)loH4(PPh3)2 have configuration 3,5 while 0002-7863/78/1500-6088$01 .OO/O



Ru4(CO) loH4(diphos) has configuration 4. Hydride motions are complex and interesting in these Ru corn pound^.^^^ In the cyclopentadienyl complexes the question of eclipsing or staggering is a moot one, since the barrier of rotation of a fivefold rotor such as an $-cyclopentadienyl ring against the pseudo-threefold rotor presented to it by a metal vertex of the tetrahedron is expected to be small. C04Cp4H4 is known’ and face-bridging hydrogens have been inferred from the crystal structure.8 Ni4Cp4H3 has also been synthesizedg and has been studied by X-ray l o and neutron” diffraction. Both methods concur in showing three face-bridging hydrogens. This compound is especially interesting because, in contrast to all molecules mentioned above, it is paramagnetic, with three unpaired electron^.^

The Orbitals of Md(C0)lz The natural construction of the electronic structure of the molecules is from the orbitals of tetrahedral M4(CO)12,5, or M4Cp4,6, interacting with three to six hydrogen atoms. In the real molecule the hydrogens may exhibit extremes of hydridic or protonic character, or some behavior in between-this will not affect our analysis which finds it convenient to begin with the formalism of an “electron-precise” or “saturated” cluster Ir4(CO)12 or Ni4Cp4 and to think of protonating that cluster or removing some electrons from it. The electronic structure of these saturated clusters is well understood.l2-I5 The Ir(C0)3 and NiCp fragments are isolo0 1978 American Chemical Society