Structures and Mechanisms - American Chemical Society

~140,000. In the course of catalysis and activation, three different substrates ... top center is the )$ n-binding fragment [651-896], a structure wit...
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Chapter 12

B -Dependent Methionine Synthase: A Structure That Adapts to Catalyze Multiple Methyl Transfer Reactions Downloaded by COLUMBIA UNIV on September 13, 2012 | Publication Date: August 7, 2002 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2002-0827.ch012


Martha L. Ludwig and Rowena G. Matthews Department of Biological Chemistry and Biophysics Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

B -dependent methionine synthases from prokaryotes and from mammalian sources are large modular proteins of M ~140,000. In the course of catalysis and activation, three different substrates, homocysteine, methyltetrahydrofolate, and S-adenosylmethionine, transfer methyl groups to or from the enzyme-bound cobalamin cofactor. Structural and functional dissection of the E. coli enzyme has shown that binding determinants for each substrate are associated with different modules, implying that each of the three methyl transfer reactions requires a different but specific spatial arrangement of the domains that make up the intact enzyme. Structure determinations have demonstrated dramatic domain rearrangements in the conversion of the resting state of the cobalamin-binding fragment to its complex with the activation domain. 12


Introduction Methionine synthase (MetH) is one of the two essential B^-dependent enzymes found in mammalian systems. It carries out methyl transfer reactions


© 2002 American Chemical Society In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

187 in which the Co-C bond of the methylcobalamin cofactor (Figure 1) undergoes heterolytic cleavage with formal transfer of a methyl cation. In contrast, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, the other mammalian B -dependent enzyme, utilizes the adenosylcobaiamin cofactor and initiates substrate rearrangement by homolytic cleavage of the Co-C5' bond.

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Figure 1. The cobalamin cofactor in its alkyl Co(III) form. The alkyl substituent is a methyl group in MetH and other methyltransferases, and is 5' deoxyadenosine in Β η dependent mutases. The primary reaction catalyzed by methionine synthase converts homocysteine (Hey) and methyltetrahydrofolate (CEbHUfolate) to methionine and tetrahydrofolate (Figure 2). Occasional oxidation of the reactive cob(I)alamin intermediate produces an inactive cob(II)alamin enzyme, which is reactivated by a reductive methylation that uses S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) as the methyl donor and flavodoxin or aflavodoxin-likedomain as an electron donor. Thus methionine synthase supports three distinct methyl transfer reactions each involving the cobalamin cofactor.

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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Catalytic Cycle



Figure 2. Catalysis and reactivation of methionine synthase. Methionine formation occurs via two half-reactions in which cobalamin serves as the intermediate methyl carrier. Reactivation is depicted in the right-hand portion of the diagram. An electron donor and AdoMet convert the inactive cob(II)alamin form of the enzyme to methylcob(III)alamin. In E. coli,flavodoxinserves as the reductant for this priming reaction (1). Methionine synthase is comprised of four functional units arranged in a modular fashion. This organization has facilitated dissection of the molecule into substructures for correlation of structure with activity, as described in the following section. The N-terminal segment [1-353] binds an essential zinc ion and activates homocysteine; the following portion [354-649] binds the methyltetrahydrofolate substrate; and the third region [650-896] carries the Β12 cofactor that participates in each of the methyl transfer reactions. The C-terminal domain [897-1227] houses the determinants for AdoMet binding and is essential for reactivation of the cob(II)alamin form of the enzyme. Structures have been determined for the individual cobalamin-binding (2, 3) and activation domains (4) and most recently, for the 65 kDa piece [649-1227] comprising both fragments (5). The sequence of the folate-binding module indicates that it possesses the same ( β α) barrel fold as the corrinoid-dependent methyltransferase (AcsE) from Moorella thermoaceticum, solved recently by Doukov et al (5). The structure of the N-terminal homocysteine-binding region 8

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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Figure 3. Three of the modules comprising methionine synthase. At the top center is the )$ n-binding fragment [651-896], a structure with two domains, one a four-helix bundle that serves to cap the cofactor, and the other an α/β fold that interacts with the lower face of the corrin macrocycle and binds the nucleotide tail of cobalamin. Measurements of the rates of photolysis of the C0-CH3 bond indicate that the cap domain covers the upper face of the corrin in the substrate-free form of the intact enzyme (7). On the lower right is the activation domain [8971227] with bound AdoMet. This helmet-shaped single domain is an unusual fold with no resemblance to other well-characterized AdoMetbinding domains (8). On the lower left is the structure of the methyltransferase AcsEfromMoorella thermoaceticum, which we take as a surrogate for the folate-binding domain of MetH.

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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190 is unknown, but secondary structure predictions suggest that, like the folatebinding domain, the Hey module may include a (βα) barrel. In order for bound cobalamin to serve as a methyl donor or acceptor in reactions with its three different substrates, domain movements must occur during the catalytic cycle and also as part of the switch between catalysis and reactivation. Tryptic digestion patterns (9, 10) and the reactivities of subpieces (11) support a model in which the tethered modules adopt a series of different domain arrangements to carry out the distinctive methyl transfer reactions. We have envisioned these rearrangements as movements of approximately rigid domains about flexible linkers. A primary strategy in our structure-function studies has been to trap and analyze the conformations that support each of the methyl transfer reactions. Examination of the structures should provide clues to the thermodynamics and mechanisms that control the distribution of conformations. One goal is to understand how cobalamin chemistry and cobalamin-protein interactions affect the selection of partners for methyl transfer. For example, the enzyme discriminates against utilization of the methyl group from AdoMet for conversion of homocysteine to methionine (10, 12). This selectivity avoids futile cycles that would result in ATP hydrolysis rather than net synthesis of methionine.

The Modules of Methionine Synthase and their Functions Isolation and expression of stable fragments, and the ability to study their structures and activities, have proven to be powerful tools in the analysis of methionine synthase. The modular arrangement of the molecule was first recognized and exploited in experiments that released the C-terminal fragment by tryptic cleavage of the chain at residues Arg896 or Arg899 (9, 13). Separation of the fragments revealed that catalysis of methionine formation could be supported by the upstream regions [2-896] in the absence of the Cterminus, whereas the C-terminal module bound AdoMet (9) and was essential for reactivation. Functional analyses of the N-terminal regions [2-649] that are missing the B^-binding domains have been possible because exogenous B i can serve as an alternate substrate (1L, 14) Thus the fragments or mutant fragments that bind and activate homocysteine and CH H folate can be characterized by their reactivities with exogenous methylcobalamin and exogenous cob(I)alamin respectively. These remarkable and convenient reactions with exogenous B have also been observed in all corrinoid-dependent methyl transferases that have been studied, including those from methanogens (Archaea) and acetogenic prokaryotes (reviewed in (15) and in (16)) 2



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The N-Terminal Fragment [2-353]: Zinc-Dependent Activation of Homocysteine Characterization of the expressed fragments [2-353] and [2-649] and studies of site-directed mutants have established that residues 2 to -330 constitute a module that binds and activates Hey for reaction with either exogenous or enzyme-bound methylcobalamin (17, 18). The Hey region binds a zinc ion that is required for binding and activation of Hey (19). Mutation of any of three cysteine residues, Cys247, Cys310, or Cys311, results in loss of zinc binding and corresponding loss of the catalytic activity of intact MetH, and in failure of the N-terminal fragment [2-649] to convert homocysteine to methionine using exogenous methylcobalamin as a substrate (19). The zinc-binding site of MetH is related to other zinc-containing proteins in which zinc activates thiol groups for methyl transfer reactions, and has been examined by EXAFS and XANES. EXAFS measurements directly demonstrate that the substrate homocysteine and its analog selenohomocysteine ligate Zn (20, 21). Proton release and pK measurements show that Hey is bound to MetH as the thiolate anion at neutral pH (22). Other methyl transfers to thiols that are activated by Zn occur in the Ada protein (23), farnesyl transferase (24), cobalamin-independent methionine synthase (25), methanol-coenzyme M (mercaptoethanesulfonate) methyltransferase (26), methylcobamidexoenzyme M methyltransferase (27, 28), and betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) (29). Sequence alignments imply strong similarities between the structures of BHMT and the N-terminal Hcy-binding module of methionine synthase. The ligation of substrate to zinc presumably lowers the thiol pK in all of these proteins, but as noted by Lipscomb and Strater (30), would also be expected to decrease the nucleophilicity of the thiolate. Thus the enhanced reactivity that is conferred by zinc ligation remains to be fully explained. For the case of the Ada protein where zinc is coordinated by four cysteines Lipscomb and Strater (30) have proposed that charge transfer from the additional cysteinate ligands helps to maintain the nucleophilic character of the reactive thiolate.

The Folate-Binding Module [354-649] and Related Methyltransferases Alignment of the MetH sequence between residues 366 and -610 with a methyltetrahydrofolate corrinoid iron-sulfur protein methyltransferase (AcsE) reveals 22% identity and 43% homology between these proteins (6); the same region of MetH is more distantly related to pteroate synthase (6, 31). Structures for pteroate synthase (32, 33) and the recently determined structure of AcsE (6) predict that the folate binding module will be a ( β α ) barrel. Model-building (6) 8

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

192 suggests that the barrel, with folate near the C-termini of β-strands 1, 7, and 8, will bind B i in much the same way as substrate-binding barrels interact with Β i2 in the Bi -dependent mutases, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (34), glutamate mutase (35), and diol dehydratase (36). The way in which MetH or AcsE activates methyltetrahydrofolate for reaction with cob(I)alamin is not fully understood. Protonation of N(5) does not occur in the binary complex of CH H folate with enzyme (31) but must occur at some later stage as the reaction progresses to form tetrahydrofolate. 2


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The Cobalamin-Binding Fragment [650-896] and the Nucleotide-Off Conformation of Cobalamin The cobalamin-binding domain is the heart of the structure of methionine synthase. It must interact and react with each of the other modules. The first piece of MetH to be studied by crystallography, the cobalamin-binding fragment revealed that the nucleotide side chain of the cofactor was buried deep in an α/β domain with the dimethylbenzimidazole (DMB) ligand replaced by a histidine from the protein (Figure 3). Displacement of the DMB ligand occurs in all the known corrinoid methyltransferases although in AcsE histidine is not coordinated to the cobalt (75, 16). Our current view is that the DMB tail of cobalamin is displaced because these enzymes must be able to access the 4coordinate cob(I)alamin state (Figures 2, 4). Replacement of DMB by a protein ligand might be expected to facilitate dissociation and reassociation of the lower ligand to cobalt. Replacement of DMB by histidine in MetH has invited speculation about the role of the histidine ligand in the methyl transfer reactions catalyzed by this enzyme. In MetH the histidine is part of a triad of residues, His759, Asp757, and Ser810, that forms a hydrogen-bonded network extending to the surface of the protein. Initial probing by mutation (37) indicated that His759 was "essential" for catalysis since the rate of methyl transfer from methylcobalamin to Hey was reduced by approximately 10 in the His759Gly mutant. In contrast, mutations of Asp757 and Ser810 had much smaller effects, primarily on kcat, which is dominated by product release. Conservation of the triad in methionine synthases suggested its possible role as a proton conduit (2). Reduction of cob(II)alamin MetH to cob(I)alamin (38) or attack on the methylcobalamin species by Hey (22) is accompanied by uptake of a proton, and proton uptake is perturbed by mutation of Asp757 (22). Protonation of the His-Asp pair serves to facilitate the dissociation of the histidine ligand that must occur in formation of the intermediate cob(I)alamin 5

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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Figure 4. Protonation of the ligand triad and dissociation ofHis759 in the conversion of the cob(II)alamin form of MetH to the cob(I)alamin species. The net charge of-I that is assigned to the cob(II)alamin form attributes partial imidazolate character to the histidine ligand.

species (Figure 4). It also allows the triad to signal the oxidation state or charge of the cobalt. Contributions of the histidine ligand and other elements of the cobalamin binding site to catalysis have recently been re-examined in a different way. The discovery that methionine synthesis can be catalyzed in trans by a mixture of the N-terminal [2-649] and the C-terminal [649-1227] fragments of MetH permits direct comparison of the second order reactions of the substrate-loaded N terminal piece with endogenous and with exogenous cobalamin (77). The second order rate constants for reactions of the N-terminal fragment with cobalamin bound to the C-terminal half of MetH are enhanced by factors of 60 to 120, relative to the reactions with exogenous cob(I)alamin or methylcobalamin. However this enhancement does not fully explain the much larger 10 fold effect of replacing His759 with glycine (37). The further impairment of the His759Gly mutant may arise from shifts in the distribution of conformations. 5

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


The Activation Domain [897-1227] and Reactivation of the Cob(II)alamin Form

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The Reactivation Reaction The simplest scheme for reactivation of the cob(II)alamin form of E. coli MetH involves two steps: reduction to cob(I)alamin by flavodoxin and subsequent methylation by AdoMet (Figure 1). The first step presents a thermodynamic problem, since flavodoxin potentials, even those for the semiquinone/hydroquinone equilibrium, are more positive than the MetH cob(II)/cob(I) potentials. Over a decade ago Banerjee et al (39) showed convincingly that reduction can proceed even at rather high potential when driven by coupling with the favorable AG of transfer from AdoMet. Indeed these thermodynamics provide the rationale for deploying AdoMet in reactivation. Recent investigations of the in vitro reactivation of cob(II) MetH by flavodoxin hydroquinone (40) have provided a more complete description of the reaction. Initially, only a small fraction of the enzyme is in a conformation suitable for reaction with flavodoxin, and this fraction is rapidly reduced to cob(I)alamin. For the remainder of the enzyme, reduction is preceded by a very slow step involving dissociation of the histidine 759 ligand to form a 4coordinate cob(II)alamin species. The unligated (base-off) intermediate can then be reduced by flavodoxin, and cob(I)alamin is methylated and finally religated to His. Rate constants for formation and decay of intermediates were obtained from reactions with the mutant Asp757Glu, which is mostly 4-coordinate in the cob(II)alamin state. The important finding from these kinetic analyses is that formation of cob(I)alamin MetH from the cob(II)alamin enzyme encounters a kinetic barrier at the step involving dissociation of the lower cobalt ligand. The dissociation is exceedingly slow, proceeding at about 0.4 s" in the presence of reduced flavodoxin, relative to 27 s" for turnover in catalysis. We suggest that this slow step not only involves dissociation of His, as signaled by spectral changes, but is also coupled to a larger rearrangement that generates a structure competent for methyl transfer from AdoMet. 1


The Reactivation Conformation The shape of the activation domain and the location of bound AdoMet (4), shown in Figure 3, prompted us to model a conformation competent for the reaction of AdoMet with cob(I) MetH, in which the activation domain would displace the helical cap that covers the methyl face of the corrin in the isolated cobalamin-binding fragment (3). Determination of the structure of the [649-

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

195 1227] fragment has now confirmed this model, documenting the structural changes that accompany conversion to the activation conformation (Figure 5). The finding that enabled the direct structure determination was Bandarian's discovery (17) of a way to express the C-terminal fragment [649-1227]. Examining the covalently linked Bi -binding and activation modules was essential since the isolated activation domain does not support the reductive activation of cob(II) MetH in trans (9). To obtain a structure displaying the interactions of the activation domain with cobalamin, we exploited an earlier finding that mutation of His759 to glycine, which results in a "base-off species, favors the activation-competent conformation (37, 41). In contrast to the wild type [649-1227] fragment, the His759Gly mutant fragment is inactive in conversion of Hey to methionine. However it can be reduced by flavodoxin and methylated by AdoMet (Bandarian and Matthews, unpublished observations). The structure of the cob(II)alamin form of the His759Gly fragment is depicted on the left in Figure 5. In the observed arrangement of the three domains that make up the fragment, the AdoMet site is adjacent to cobalamin, although the reactants are not quite correctly positioned for methyl transfer. The 4-helix bundle that covers methylcobalamin in the isolated B^-binding fragment has been displaced. In the conversion to the "cap-off activation complex, the cap domain rotates 62° and its center of gravity is displaced by 26 Â. Residues 650-736 of the cap are essentially undeformed in this transition; the large movement of the cap is accomplished by local conformation changes at residues 743-745 within the linker sequence between the cap and the B i domain. Comparison with motions that have been analysed and codified in the MolMov (42, 43) and DynDom (44, 45) databases shows that this is a novel domain movement. The motion has both closure and twist components (44, 45) but its distinctive feature is that the screw axis derived from the coordinate transformation (44, 46) does not pass near the linker residues 743-745 or near side chains that might be regarded as hinges. We would expect similar "motions" in other situations where tethered domains undergo large translations with respect to one another. It is unclear whether these kinds of rearrangements occur by sliding mechanisms or by dissociation and reassociation of the interacting domains. A model of the cap-on conformation of the C-terminal fragment (Figure 5, right) was constructed by a simple hinge movement of the activation domain about the 896-901 linker region. A rotation of 70° is sufficient to allow the cap domain to return to the position that it occupies in the isolated B -binding fragment. The postulated hinge movement around the linker between the activation and B domains does resemble motions that have been encountered in other enzymes where substrates must be presented to more than one site (47, 48). Figure 5 depicts the simplest way to open and close the activation domain: B interface. However we cannot rule out some unraveling of the chain near residue 900 that would further separate the activation and B domains.

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i 2

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Figure 5. The structure of the activation complex (left) with the activation domain enclosing the cobalamin and part of the Bn-binding domain, and the cap domain at the lower right. The cobalamin cofactor, with its side chain protruding into the Bn-binding domain, is shown in ball-and-stick mode. AdoMet has been included at the site where it binds in the isolated activation domain (4). From cross-linking experiments (49), it is known thatflavodoxinbinds to this face of the gactivation complex. On the right is a model for the structure of the [649-1227] fragment in its cap-on conformation. The motions of the activation and cap domains that occur in the interconversion of conformations involve rotations around axes that are not parallel to one another.

Corrin Movement in the Switch to the Activation Conformation. Changes in the conformation and interactions of cobalamin were an unexpected feature of the structure of the C-terminal fragment. These changes have important implications for switching between the activation complex and other conformations of MetH. As can be seen in Figure 6, the corrin ring lifts away from the B n domain, tilting with respect to its position in the De­ fragment. The displacement of the cofactor is driven by steric effects. Atoms in the region 1170-1175 of the activation domain act as a wedge, prying the corrin ring upward (Figure 6). In its new position the cofactor is stabilized by a number of hydrogen bonds between the amide side chains of the corrin and atoms of the activation domain. The same displacements of cobalamin would be expected in the wild type enzyme. The changes illustrated in Figure 6 increase the distance between C a 759 and cobalt by 2.3 Â. The observed displacement of the corrin would therefore

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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force the dissociation of the lower histidine ligand from cobalt. The wedge thus provides a mechanism for coupling the rearrangement of protein domains to the dissociation of the histidine ligand, which is the initial step required for formation of cob(I)alamin.

Figure 6. A stereoview showing how bound cobalamin is displaced in the activation complex. The protein structures were aligned by matching atoms from the Bn-binding domains (displayed as ribbons). The cofactor from the activation conformation is represented by the thicker bonds, and the peptide sequence Ala-Met-Trp-Pro-Gly-Ala from the activation domain is drawn in ball-and-stick mode at the left. Overlaps between the corrin in its cap-on conformation (thin bonds) and atoms of Ala 1170 and Gly 1174 are avoided by the upward movement of the corrin macrocycle. lm

The Distribution of Conformations in Methionine Synthase The intact MetH enzyme must adopt several conformational states, including those in which the folate- or Hcy-binding modules are positioned for methyl transfer to or from the cobalamin, as well as the activation-competent and cap-on states that are compared in Figure 5. We expect the distribution of conformers to be linked to the oxidation state of the cobalt and to be affected by the presence of substrates or flavodoxin. The partitioning between the activation complex and other conformations of cob(II)alamin MetH is currently the best characterized of the equilibria involving domains of methionine synthase. Spectroscopic measurements of the extent of dissociation of His759 have determined that the activation conformation is disfavored in the cob(II) form of the holoenzyme by ~ 1.8 kcal/mol (37, 40). Binding of flavodoxin shifts the equilibrium to favor the base-off activation form. The energetic cost of histidine dissociation from cob(II)alamin can also be estimated by comparing the binding

In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

198 of flavodoxin to the wild type and His759Gly enzymes, and is again found to be approximately 1.8 kcal/mol (41). In contrast, the activation conformation appears to be unpopulated in methylated MetH. The methylcob(III)alamin enzyme retains the spectral signature of base-on cobalamin in the presence of flavodoxin and flavodoxin is not bound (K is > 70 μΜ) (41). These observations imply that AG for dissociation of histidine from cobalt is much more positive in methylcobalamin MetH than in the cob(II)alamin form of the enzyme. The distribution of conformations adopted by the protein during the catalytic cycle remains to be established. We are not sure whether cap-on conformations, with the helix bundle covering cobalamin, are significant species in the presence of high concentrations of substrates. His759 is expected to dissociate from the cofactor and be protonated in the cob(I)alamin intermediate that forms in catalysis (22) (Figure 4). However it is not obvious that the corrin will be pried away from its binding domain as it is in the activation complex. Dissociation of His759 might proceed by a different mechanism when the Hcyor methyltetrahydrofolate-binding domains cap the corrin. A major mystery is the occurrence of two forms of cob(I) MetH, one that reacts rapidly with CH H folate but not with AdoMet, and another in which these reactivities are reversed. These species are difficult to interconvert (10).

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Conformational Rearrangements and the Kinetics of Methionine Synthase

An iso ping-pong mechanism that incorporates alternating domain arrangements has been proposed for MetH (50). In this scheme it is assumed that substrate binding or product release at the Hey and CH H folate domains occurs only when these modules are not capping the Bi2-binding domain. With a kc of 27 s" (37, 51) domain displacements in the catalytic cycle must occur at minimum rates of the order of 60 s". These movements cannot encounter very large barriers from the interactions at the domain interfaces. In contrast, conversion to the activation conformation with its intricate interface is a very slow reaction when the enzyme exists in the cob(II)alamin state. Thus exclusion of AdoMet from the primary reaction cycle may be partly a kinetic phenomenon. It is fascinating that a covalent tether to the Β η domain is needed for activation to proceed (9). The loss of translational freedom resulting from fusion of the domains thus appears to be an important feature of the cap-on: activation-on conversion. The contraints on other domain movements conferred by linkers may play an important role in the overall energetics and kinetics of methionine synthase. 3





In Structures and Mechanisms; Eaton, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

199 Conversion of the C-terminal fragment to an activation-competent conformation is the first of several rearrangements of methionine synthase that we would like to study. Computations would complement the structure determinations, in the best Lipscomb tradition, by examining not only the static pictures of various conformers but also the likely pathways for interconversion of the structures (52) and the mechanisms for activation of bound substrates (53).

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Acknowledgements This research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health GM 16429 (MLL) and GM 24908 ( R G M ) .

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