Student-made films for instruction

Thus, the basic cost of $50-100, plus equipment and faculty time, considerably exceeds the ... 9) Resonance. ... Follows a student from pre-lab prepar...
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Student-Made Films for Instruction Using support from a Slosn Foundation grant we have been experimenting with techniques to produce casette motion pictures for undergraduate teaching. Modem, low-cost cameras and projectors provide a range of readily accessible extensions to twical lab and class-work. And our work has shown that underclassmen can ~ r o d u c verv e useful films. Our fourteen were orddueed hv* Douelas ~. Hudson. Mark Poindexter. and blimi Isham. A typical film r2Nrreofrunniny time in a Teehnirulorcaserte, requiresexpwurt. o f 5 10 rolls offilm and 20:Ulatudent hours. Thus, the hasir cost of%Tr&lM,plusequipment and faculty time,considerably e x c d t h e p u r c h a s e priceof commercinl film, bur the result in the local scene, w ~ t hlocal equipment and local student actorsjustif~esthedifference. In ouruwn care we consider each production a filmed storyhoard which could lead t o commercial production a t a great saving in cost of storyboard preparation. We used a super 8 mm, maero-zaom camera, with the ability to single-frame. We also have explored same techniques not commonly used in educational films. The films are Listed below with a brief description of some of these. Each is intended to he seen non-stop (2W see) by students, then (as necessary) seen again using stoos and sin& framing as desirable t o eet the full messaee. " Such a second runnine "mav.take 15-20 min but is based on prior knuwledgeof the total plan of the film, itucunclusions, rhequsrtions it raises,nnd thenrens whrch thestudent underatandsas well as those on which wncentratiun is requirrd.

How to DOIt Films-Mainly


1) Using 0 Rofrodomcfor. A straight run-through of uae. wading, and recording ofdsta. Macro-rwm used to shoot down the barn1 of the refractometa end to take pietvreaof 35mmahor. of the s a l e readings. 21 using o s p o c ~ o n r r shofswithout and with i n i t r u m e f t t t t removed toahah light p t h , funnion of grating, bed of optical wdge.


31 Usingon lnlroead. As 21 but light path animated b y sequentiilOIII

o ~ ~ o v e r h shot hd

Concept Films

Thrrrprohlemsarethcnpnicd,follounl b) t h c w ~ l u t # o n . o n e l O b e m e w ~ ~ u n x h ~ r h m ~ u l I r s u ~orp r\wurtl du 10 l'n. l a m r o r q .V