VIII: Oscillograph Tests on Conductivity Cells. S. F. ACREE, EDWARD BENNETT, G. H. ... A. Edward Remick. Journal of Chemical Education 1956 33 (11), 5...
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In collaborative work in 1915-16 a t the University of Kisconsin, dealing with precision inductance and capacitance bridges and techniques for measuring the true electrolytic conductance and the “capacitance or condenser effect” exhibited a t the electrodes of a conductivity cell at different frequencies, it was shonn (13, 8, 14, 11 : see also 16, 15, 17, 5, 6, 2, 10) by both bridge and oscillograph measurements at audio frequencies that, to a first approximation, cells with bright platinuni electrodeq have the electrical characteristics of a resistor, R, zn series Kith a large capacitor, C, rather than the properties of a resistor zn parallel nith a capacitor. .Isecond and closer approximation to the characteristics of the electrolytic cell is obtained by conceiving a high resistance leak, R1, to be connected across the terminals of the series capacitor of the first approximation, as illustrated in figure 1. The features of the conductivity cell recognized a t that time as of iniportance for further study are schematically illustrated by the arrangement of resistors and capacitors in the “artificial cell” or “simulating network” of figure 2. In figure 2 the heavy lines of the two capacitors C1 and Cz represent the leads and platinum electrodes of the cell, and the + and - signs at their surfaces indicate the charges on the metal. The + and - signs back of the lighter lines of the capacitors Cl and Cz indicate charges in the layers of electrolyte adjacent to the electrodes These charges in the electrolyte are the result of ionic migration and of elastic displacements nithin the molecular structures of the solution. In very precise appros~mationa, outside the ?cope of this article, there is probably associated nith C1 and C1 also the relation of transient and steady-state capacitance phenomena Present nddress: Sational Bureau of StandardJ, \\ ashmgton, D C ti71



to (a) the mechanism and rate of reversible deposition and discharge of the ions of the solute and solvent (e.g., H+ and OH- of water), (b) the behavior of fresh and aged optically flat, smooth, rough, and spongy electrode surfaces, in connection with the reversible deposition and discharge of ions, and association, union, and recharge of atoms and radicals, (c) the reversible segregation and re-deposition of ionic and colloidal particles of the electrode material, alone and electrically associated with other ions, and giving rise to alteration of the electrode surfaces, (d) oxidation and reduction of the ions and moles of electrolytes and non-electrolytes in solution and on the rlectrodes, ( e ) the amount, fate, and electrical and chemical




1 . Xetnork simulating

a conductivity cell. Second approximation to a

c o n d u c w ity call.


+ +





character of gases deposited on the electrodes, cf) the activities of the pore walls and solutes causing adsorption of the solute and solvent, ( g ) electrical phenomena associated with the polarity, viscosity, electrophoresis, and internal structure of the solvents and solutes, particularly in such cases as solutions of metallic sodium in liquid ammonia, and (h) the capacitance due to the solvent alone as differentiated from that arising from the solute, and allowance for both the measured capacitance and conductance found for the solvent when making the usual solvent corrections in studies of the conductance-capacitance properties of electrolytes. The capacitances of C1 and CZwere shown to have different values de-



pending upon the area, material, and surface character of each electrode, the degree of reversibility of the reactions at the two electrodes, and the types, mobilities, and activities of the solute ions. In the first approximation t o the cell, the resultant capacitance of the two series Capacitors C1 and C2 i s treated as a single capacitance in series with the resistance R of the column of electrolyte between the electrodes. The column of electrolyte between the electrodes may be thought of as made up of three portions: namely, the two layers of electrolyte each adjacent to one of the two electrodes, in which layers the concentration and composition of the electrolyte change throughout the current cycle, and the remaining portion of the column in which they do not change. It is readily seen that the actual resistance of the column of electrolyte varies throughout the current cycle. Moreover, its effective value averaged over the cycle will depend upon the frequency of the alternating current, since the lower the frequency, the greater will be the change in concentration in the electrode layers and the greater will be the depth of the layers which are affected by ionic migration. As the measuring frequency is made higher and higher, the changes in concentration over the cycle become less and less, and the measured resistance decreases and approaches the true ohmic resistance of an undisturbed column of electrolyte between the electrodes. If a network simulating the electrolytic cell is t o be made up of fixed resistances and capacitances, then the change with frequency of the measured resistance of the electrolytic cell can be closely (but not precisely) simulated by a network in which leaks R1 and R2 are connected in parallel with each of the capacitors C1 and CZ (or by a single leak, RI in figure 1, connected in parallel with the single capacitor whose capacitance is that of C1 and CZin series). The ohmic resistances of the leaks R1and Rz are high in comparison with the capacity reactances 1 / ( 2 ~ j C and ~ ) 1/(2rjC2) of the respective capacitors. The electrical characteristics of such an arrangement are a third approximation to the characteristics of the actual cell. To determine the additional elements which would have to be added to the simulating network of third-order approximation to make the network simulate the electrolytic cell with even greater precision, particularly a t high frequencies, would require precision measurements over a wide range of frequencies. Undoubtedly a capacitor CSwould be required in parallel with the resistance R to simulate better the effect of the elastic displacements within the molecular structures, and also a small capacitor C4 between the cell terminals to represent the capacitance between cell leads. In the earlier work these diagrams of the constitution of fixed element networks whose electrical characteristics were to simulate those of given electrolytic cells were deduced from bridge balances obtained on such cells


8. F. ACHEE,


after all transient terms had vanished from the measuring current and the alternating current had attained its “steady state”. This question naturally arose: Will the transient currents which flow in these simulating networks when they are connected to and disconnected from the source of alternating current sirnulate the transient currents which flow in the electrolytic cells when they are subjected to similar switching operations? To answer this question, oscillograms were taken (1916) to show the wave forms of the potential across eIectrolytic celIs and the current through the cells for a number of cycles after the cells were switched on to the source of alterilating current a t different points on the potential wave form These c>arlit>roscillograms have recently (1935) been supplemented by others, shov tng the fall of the potential of the cells after they have been disconnect2d from the sourcc a t different points on the current wave form. 1, no actual osrillograms covering these ncw phases of the theory of the elect rode reactions and their relations to conductivity measurements have a p p .ently k~eeiiavailable heretofore (7, 9, 4, 3)2,this article is presented as a in our attempts to secure a clear understanding of the fundamental natiir :c f the dectrode phenomena and to perfect methods for the accurate measlire;ilent of the ohmic resistance of electrolytic solutions. 11. EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THE ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES O F POLARIZATIOX AND O F A SERIES CAPACITOR

mhen a small alternating electroniotive force is impressed upon a conductivity cell containing an electrolyte between bright platinuni electrodes, the cell is found by bridge and oscillograph measurements to have the characteristics, not of a pure ohmic resistance, but of an ohmic resistance connected in series with a capacitor. The capacit’or effect arises from the alternating electromotive force which is set up in the layers of electrolyte immediately adjacent, t o the electrodes as the result of changes during each cycle in the ionic concentration in these layers. For a sinusoidal current through the cell, this layer E.M.F. is a sinusoidal E.M.F. which is 90 degrees in advance of the current; as a first approximation it corresponds with the E.JI.F. which would be observed across a capacitor connected in series with a pure ohmic resistance equal t o the ohniic resistance of the column of electrolyte between the electrodes. However, this correspondence holds only as long as the measu:ing current densities are so low that the layer E.Y.F. is below the E.M.F. of polarization of the cell. At current densities well above these values, the layer E.M.F. i s neither directly proportional t o the current nor sinusoidal in form. In the case of electrolytic solutions of good conductivity measured between bright platinum electrodes a t frequencies of 1000 cycles or less, the 2 See Holler ( l ) , who used exploratory electrodes near the cell electrodes for studying electrode potentials, a8 suggest,ed by us in 1916 (12).



fictitious or equivalent capacitances C1 and Cz in series with the resistance of the column of electrolyte play a far more important part in the interpretation of measurements of the phase relations and the electrical impedance of the cell than do the caparitances CB,paralleling the resistance R, and Ca representing the capacitance between leads. Each of these four capacitances causes the sinusoidal current through the cell to lead the sinusoidal E.M.F. impressed upon the cell. But for some of our measurements the tangent of the angle of lead (at 1000 cycles per second) due t o the series capacitavce is about 45,000 times as great as the tangent of the angle due t o the parallel capacitance. That the interpretation of precision measurements on conductivity cells requires the consideration of this series capacitance effect (and the ionic phenomena t o which it is due), as well as the parallel capacitance, was established by our earlier alternating current measurements a t 250 to 4000 cycles per second with precision inductance and capacitance bridges to determine the relations concerning the true and apparent resistances, the equivalent series capacitance, the size, material, and surface condition of the electrodes, and the frequency and magnitude of the E.M.F. applied t o the cell in the measurements. This paper contains several sets of oscillograms which show the relations between the wave forms of a n alternating current through a conductivity cell and that of the corresponding electromotive force across the cell for a number of cycles immediately following switching operations which close or open the circuit a t different points on the wave form of the current. The oscillograms were taken with the first objective of determining the effect of the frequency and of the magnitude of the impressed electromotive force upon the apparent series capacitance of the cell and upon the wave shape of the current. A second objective was to determine whether the transient terms which occur in the current and the electromotive force across such a cell immediately after a switching operation which connects or disconnects a source of alternating electromotive force to the cell are, to a first approximation, identical in form with the transient terms which occur when identical switching operations are carried out upon a simulnting network made up by connecting a n appropriate resistor and capacitor in series. A third objective was to throw additional light on the nature of the “leak resistors’’ R1 and Rz of figure 2 by determining the rate of decrease of the cell E.M.F. when the cell is cut off from the source of current a t the peak and zero points of the current, and is then allowed to discharge through resistors of different values. 111. METHOD 4.h-D APPARATUS

The oscillograms were obtained by means of a General Electric threevibrator oscillograph with the circuit connections shown in figures 3 and 4. Referring to these figures: L and C represent a n inductor and a capacitor



of such values as to filter out all harmonics from the E.M.F. wave form of the 60-cycle circuit. T is a multi-tap auto-transformer by means of which the desired E.M.F. can be impressed upon the cell. S represents a switch which by means of a synchronous motor can be closed and subsequently opened at anydesired points of the wave form of the impressed electromotive

d FIG.3. Diagram of circuit for making oscillograms of wave forms of current and total impressed voltage. For the 240-cycle measurements wires a and b were connected t o the secondary coil of the Vreeland oscillator.

FIG.4. Diagram of circuit for making oscillograms of wave forms of current, total impressed voltage, and E . M . F . impressed upon the conductivity cell. The signs on the electrodes indicate the charges on the electrodes. The condition is pictured for the end of the half-cycle in which the current has been flowing in t h e direction of the arrow A.

force. I represents the oscillograph vibrator which records the wave form of the current through the cell. In figure 4 the vibrator I records the total current taken by the cell and the vibrator E,. The current taken by the vibrator E, is only 3 to 8 per cent as great as that taken by the cell. E, represents the vibrator which records the wave form of the E.M.F. impressed upon the cell. Et represents the vibrator which records the wave form



of the E.M.F. impressed across the series consisting of the cell and any resistance in series with the cell. I n figure 4 a resistance, R, was inserted in series with the cell for the purpose of increasing the time-constant of the circuit. On the films the three wave forms referred to above are marked I , E,, and E t , respectively. Suitable interconnections between the shutter mechanism of the oscillograph and the tripping mechanism of the motor-operated switch, S, were provided so that the following sequence of events occurred in the exposure of a film: ( 1 ) The shutter of the oscillograph opened, thereby exposing the film to the light from the vibrators of the oscillograph. Since the switch, S, remains open for an interval of about 2/100 of a second after the opening of the shutter, the vibrators trace on the film during this interval a short length (2 to 6 em.) of the zero lines for current and voltage. (0 About 2/100 of a second after the opening of the oscillograph shutter, the trigger on the switch, S, is tripped and the synchronous motor then closes this switch at the selected point on the succeeding cycle of the E.M.F. Et impressed upon the circuit. For some of the sets of films the switch, S, was set to close first as above and then after 7 cycles to open at predetermined points on the wave form of the current. (3) The shutter of the oscillograph is automatically closed after the drum on which the film is mounted has made one complete revolution. The electrodes of the conductivity cells used in all these tests were concentric cylinders of bright platinum spaced approximately 1mm. apart, For the oscillograms listed in tables 1, 2, and 3, the cylinders were each 5.1 cm. long and the inner cylinder had an outside diameter of 1.3 cm. For the oscillograms described in section VII, the corresponding dimensions were 7.7 em. in length and 2.5 cm. in diameter. Three different solutions were used, as specified later, namely 0.2 K sodium chloride, 1 N sulfuric acid, and 1 N hydrochloric acid. Two frequencies were used,-60 (or 61) and 240 cycles per second. The 240-cycle current was obtained from a Vreeland oscillator and the 60-cycle current from the local city service. IV. FILM DATA FOR THE STEADY STATE:-EFFECT



With the connections shown in figure 3, the voltage of the source was adjusted t o the desired values and a series of oscillograms was taken with different impressed voltages and a t the two frequencies, 61 and 240 cycles per second. For this series of films the solution in the cell was 0.2 N sodium chloride. Figures 5,6,7,8, and 9 (films 7,8,9, 10, and 11, respectively) are typical of this series. From these films the data compiled in tables 1 and 2 were obtained in the manner described below.




The magnitudes of the current and the voltage and the angle by which the current wave leads the voltage wave (designated as the phase angle) were obtained from measurements made on the films. The capacitance, the rqsistance, and the phase angle of the cell itself were then computed as follows: Let E represent peak voltage (determined from oscillogram), I represent peak current (determined from oscillogram), e represent the angle by which the sinusoidal current leads the sinusoidal voltage as measured on the oscillograms, X,represent the equivalent series capacitive reactance of circuit k-g-d (figure 3), and R represent resistance of circuit k-g-d (figure 3). Then X , / R = tan 0 The impedance 2 of the circuit k-g-d (figure 3) is then





and on the assumption that the capacitance of the cell is in series with its resistance, R = z COS e (3) X, = Z sin 0 (4) The capacitance C of the cell in farads is




2 n fX,


The resistance of the cell itself (R,) is found by subtracting from R the resistance of all parts of the circuit external t o the cell between points k and d. The values of the external resistance and of the cell resistance are given in tables 1, 2 , and 3 in the columns headed “External resistanre” and “R,”, respectively. The true phase angle 0, of the cell is then



arc tan X , / I Z ,


and the true voltage iniprcssed on the cell is -~




Id@ + Xi

The values of the peak current, the peak voltage, and the phase angle of the cell were determined from measurements made on the last cycles recorded in the films. The transient terms in the current, the presence of which can be detected in the current during the first half-cycle, become of negligible magnitude within 1/60 of a second after the closing of the switch. These transient terms will be discussed later.



Tables 1 and 2 contain the results of the measurements made on the films. V. DISCUSSION OF THE TABLES AND O F THE FILMS

No high degree of accuracy should be attached to the numericalvalues for the cell resistance and capacitance appearing in the tables. All these values were computed from measurements of rather short lengths. In TABLE 1 Effect of impressed voltage om the characteristics of the cell containing 0.2 N sodium chloride (Figure 3 connections) FRE-










,mperet angle volts -- - -- -


7 8 9 10 11

61 61 61 61 61

0.102 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017

0.665 1.95 3.33 4.33 7.70

1.48 5.90 10.5 15.1 31.2




42 32 25 20 13

0.565 1.86 3.17 4.10 6.90

0.233 0.263 0.270 0.253 0.214

- - - -- -

I _


XC I _





0.301 8700 52 0.175 14900 33 0.134 19500 26 21 0.098 26700 15 0,056 46700 ___ __ __

TABLE 2 Effect of frequency o n the characterisiics of the cell containing 0.3 N sodium chloride (Figure 3 connections)






Peak smperea

14 15 16 17 18 19


_239 240 244 61 61 61

0.094 0.152 0.103 0.805 0.104 1.30 0.094 0.165 0.101 0.62 0.104 1.29

0.44 2.30 3.76 0.31 1.24 2.70



Lead angle








17 20 16.5 45 48 43

0.113 0.589 0.931 0.146 0.545 1.10

0.237 0,226 0.227 0.282 0.234 0.246

0.101 0.120 0 098 0.376 0.372 0.327

6600 5520 6670 6950 7020 8000

23 28 23 53 58 53






some cases an error of 0.01 em. in the measurement of an amplitude or phase angle would result in an error of 4 per cent in the computed values. The oscillograms were not taken with the idea of making precise determinations of the resistance and capacitance of the cell, but rather to examihe the transient effects. The capacitance and resistance values are, however, of the same order as those found in our precision A.C. bridge measurements. The tables indicate that the equivalent capacitance of the cell is approximately independent of the frequency and of the magnitude of the



impressed E.M.F. if the latter is less than the E.M.F.of polarization of the cell. The equivalent capacitance of the cell increases with rise in the impressed E.M.F. above the E.M.F. of polarization and is roughly proportional to the rise. The results agree with our precise B . C . bridge measurements. It should be recognized that this statement with reference to the equivalent capacitance a t electromotive forces greater than the E.M.F. of polarization is a very loose one. The cell really has no equiralent capacitance for an impressed E.M.F.greater than the E.M.F. of polarization, because a t these higher E.M.F.’S the oscillograms show that the cell no longer has the properties of a resistance connected in series with a capacitor. Compare, for example, the sine wave form of the current in figure 5 (film 7), which was taken at the impressed E.M.F. of 0.565 volt, with the distorted current wave forms of figures 6, 7, and 8 (films 8, 9, and lo), which were taken at 1.86, 3.17, and 4.1 volts, respectively. Film 8 (figure 6) is flattened on the left side of the I wave form with its peak shifted to the left, film 9 (figure 7 ) is flattened on top with its peak shifted downward, and film 10 (figure 8) is flattened on the right side with its peak shifted to the right. These differences are most easily observed by superimposing films 8, 9, and 10 (figures 6, 7 , and 8). When the last cycle of film 10 (figure 8)was cut off, reversed, and superimposed on the preceding cycle a shift of the I peak to the right was clearly disclosed. This newly discovered “polarization peak-shift effect” must be associated with electrode reactions other than ion scgregations and will be studied by scaling the heights and areas (and their differences) on both sides of the peaks of the wave forms to correlate these data with other polarization phenomena. For example, in film 10 (figure 8) the area of the portion of the current half-cycle lying to the right of the peak is roughly 10 per cent less than on the left. It is further iioied in films 7 t o 11 (figures 5 to 9) and in table 1 that with rise of the electrode potential E , from 0.56 to 6.9 volts and of the apparent capacitance from 8700 to 46,700 microfarads, the transient terms decrease and the ratios of the heights of the peaks of the first and third current half-cycles are respectively about 0.77, 0.79, 0.86, 0.90, and 0.95. If the apparent clectrode capacitance were constant above polarization voltage no such change should occur, A consideration of the phase relations between the current, the eIectromotive force expended in the resistance, and the electromotive force arising from changes in ion concentrations at the electrodes during FIG.5 . Wave across t h e cell. FIG.6 . Wave across t,he cell. FIG.7. Wave across the cell,

forms of applied voltage ( E l ) and current ( I ) with 0.56 volt ( B c ) The current wave form was not distorted. forms of applied voltage ( E i ) and current ( I ) with 1.56 volts (E,) The current wave form was slightly distorted. forms of applied voltage ( E t )and current ( I ) with 3.17 volts (E,) T h e current wave form was very much distorted.


S. I'. .\CRLI;,






the cycle leads to the prediction of a flattening of the current wave form a t voltages somewhat in excess of the E.M.F. of polarization, which may be seen most clearly in figure 7 (film 9). Under impressed electromotive forces greatly in excess of an E.M.F. of polarization, the current wave form will again approximate the sine wave form because of the fact that the E.M.F. expended in the resistance is many times the E.Y.F. of polarization (see columns headed ((Rc”and “XC”,table 1); therefore the latter will have little influence on the wave form of the current. This conclusion is borne out by a comparison of figures 7 and 9 (films 9 and 11) taken a t 3.17 and 6.9 volts, respectively. I n the latter film the distortion of the current wave form is not as marked as in the former. Film 7 (figure 5), taken at an impressed E.M.F. of 0.565 volt at 61 cycles, shows no distortion of the current wave form. VI. TRANSIENT PHENOMENA IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE START OF AN


The closing of the switch S in figure 3 suddenly impresses an alternating between the points k and d. This E.M.F. is recorded by the vibrator Et while the current through the conductivity cell is recorded by the vibrator I. We may write the complete expression for the current which will flow through the cell under the impressed E.M.F. upon the assumption that the cell may be simulated by a capacitor having a capacitance of C farads in series with a resistor having a resistance R equal to the resistance R , of the cell plus the resistance of the shunt and the current vibrator I. If the equation for the impressed E.M.F. across k-g-d is E.M.F.

et = E cos w ( t - ti) the equation for the current, i, through the cell is


in which time, t , is measured from the instant at which the switch closes, ti represents the interval from the instant of closing to the nearest positive represents l/Cw, and peak of the impressed E.M.F., w represents 2nf,


FIG.8. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t )and current ( I )a t 60 cycles with 4.1 volt (E.) across the cell. The current wave form was slightly distorted. FIG.9. Wave forms of applied voltage (Et) and current ( I ) with 6.9 volts (E,) across the cell. The current wave form was barely distorted. FIG.10. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t ) , current ( I ) , and E . M . F . (E,) across the cell. When the switch was closed at peak Et there was no noticeable transient effect in E,.



The expression for the current contains two terms, the steady-state or sinusoidal term, and the transient or exponential term. The damping constant of the exponential term is (- l / C R ) , and its time-constant is CR. In any interval of time (after the closing of the switch) equal to the timeconstant, or equal to CR seconds, the exponential term decreases to 1/cth (36.8 per cent) of its initial value, and in an interval equal to 4.6 times the time-constant it decreases to 1 per cent of its initial value, or is negligibly small. For the oscillograms taken with the figure 3 connections, of which films 7 to 11 are typical, the value of the time-constant was quite small, namely, 0.003 second or less. Consequently for these films the exponential term decreased t o less than 1 per cent of its initial value in the first cycle after the closing of the switch. On the above set of films, the effect of the exponential term can be detected to best advantage in film 7 (figure 5 ) . The low value of the first current peak on this film is due to the presence of the transient term. I n order to increase the time-constant of the transient term so that its value could be measured by scaling peak values over a number of cycles, the resistance of the circuit was now increased by inserting an additional resistance R of from 10.4 to 23.2 ohms, as shown in figure 4. Additional oscillograms were then taken upon the same conductivity cell as before, containing, however, 1 N sulfuric acid as the electrolyte. These oscillograms were all taken a t a frequency of 60 cycles per second. Films 23, 24, and 25 (figures 10, 11, and 12) are typical. The data for these oscillograms are given in table 3. The figure 4 network containing the conductivity cell is simulated to a first approximation by the artificial network shown in figure 13. 'In this figure the capacitance C and series resistance R, replace the conductivity cell of figure 4, and the values assigned to C and R , are to be computed by the method described for tables 1and 2. These computed values are given in table 3. The general equations for the current through the oscillograph vibrator I and for the electromotive force impressed on the cell, as measured by the vibrator E,, have been derived in literal form. From these involved literal __






FIG 11. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t ) ,current ( I ) , and E.4f.F. (E,) across t h e cell. When t h e switch was closed at zero E , t h e large transient effect observed in B, continued for more than 4 cycles. FIG. 12. Wave forms of current ( I ) and E . M . F . ( E , ) across the cell. When the switch was closed at zero E l a large transient effect was observed in E , with a drift to steady state in about 10 cycles (0.16 second). FIG.15. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t ) , current ( I ) , and E . M . F . (E,) across the cell. When E , and I in the steady state were cut off at zero values and there was ion segregation a t the electrodes, E , decreased very slowly (time-constant greater than 48 seconds) when the cell discharged (electrodes attached t o amplifier).







equations we have computed the numerical expressions for the current shown by the vibrator I and for the E.M.F. shown by the vibrator E, for tn o cases; namely, (a)for the case in whirh the switch is closed at the zero of the E.M.F. across Et, and ( b ) for the case in which the switch is closed a t the peak of the E.M.F. across Et. If the switch is closed a t the zero of the E.M.F. across Et (as in figures 11 and 12) and if time is mrawred from the instant of closure of the switch S, TABLE 3 Effect o j transient terms on the characteristics of the cell containing 1 .V sulfuric acid




Peak volts

Peak amperes





- - - - ~ _ _ _ _ oikms

60 60 60

10.4 23.2 23.2





1.63 1.6 1.6


xc ~












0.62 0.48 0.50

0.147 0.118 0.081

0.285 0.279 0.302

9300 9500 8800

60 67 75


FIG.13. Diagram of networks simulating figure 4

tlie equations for the figure 13 network used in obtaining film 24 (figure 11) are computed t o be as follows: For the total impressed E.M.F. as recorded by the vibrator Et, i = El sin wl (114 For the curreni. as recorded by the vibrator I, i = 0.01 El [4.35 sin (at + 0.7") + 0.0019 exp ( - a t ) ] (12a) For the E.M.F. across the artificial cell as recorded by the vibrator E,, P, = 0.01 El [1.28 sin (wt - 64.7') + 1.16 exp ( - a t ) ] (13a) The yalue of the damping constant, a, appearing in the exponential factor, exp ( - a t ) , is given by the expression a=


[ ' + R RR+ R , I




On the other hand, if the switch 8 is closed a t the positive peak of the (as in figure 10) the corresponding equations for the figure 13 network used in obtaining film 23 (figure 10) are et = Ez cos wt (llb) i = 0.01 E2i9.44 cos (ut + 1.5') + 0.013 exp (-at)] (12b)

E.&i.F.across Et

e, = 0.01 E2[2.98 cos (ut

- 59.4') + 0.14 exp ( - a t ) ]

(13b) An examination of these equations will show that the insertion of the resistance R (having a value 70 to 200 times as great as the resistance R, of the cell) has had the following effects: (a) The time-constants of the exponential terms as computed from equation 14 are found to be 0.049 second for film 23 (figure lo), 0.0688 second for film 24 (figure l l ) , and 0.0634 second for film 25 (figure 12). Within the limits of the experimental errors the value of the time-constant computed from equation 14 checks with the experimentally determined value obtained by scaling the peak values of the curve E , of film 25 (figure 12). ( b ) An inspection of equations 128 and 12b for the current i shows that the insertion of the resistance R has reduced the initial value of the transient term in the current to less than 0.5 per cent of the peak values of the steady-state alternating current. This conclusion is supported by the films, since an examination of the current curves on films 23,24, and 25 (figures 10, 11, and 12) shows that the magnitude of the exponential term is so slight that it cannot be detected. ( c ) An examination of the equations from which were derived 13a and 13b for the voltage e , across the conductivity cell show9 that the exponential term in e,will be a maximum if the switch closes at the instant corresponding to the zero point of the steady-state current through the cell, and will be zero if the closure occurs at the instant corresponding to the peak of the steady-state current through the cell. For the circuit used in obtaining films 23,24, and 25 (figures 10,11, and 12), these instants correspond very closely t o the zero point and the peak of the impressed E.M.F. e t . I n the case of films 24 and 25 (figures 11 and 12), the switch S closed substantially a t the zero of the impressed voltage et. The large effect of the exponential term on the voltage E , across the cell is quite evident. I n the case of film 23 (figure lo), the switch S closed slightly before the peak of impressed E.M.F. Et. The exponential term in E , can barely be detected on this film, and the observable effect is t o be attributed t o the fact that the switch closed some degrees before the peak of the E.M.F. E t . These three films are in general agreement with the equations 13a and 13b. The physical reason (see figure 14) for the extremely small magnitude of the transient terms in the case of film 23 (figure IO), is as follows: In the steady state of a cell carrying an alternating current, the difference in the concentrations of the positive and negative ions a t each electrode (figure 14, A and E) is zero a t the instant when the current has its maximum




value and is a maximuni (figure 14, D and E') a t the instant when the current passes through the zero value. Consequently if the switch is closed at the instant when the current should have its maximum value, and if the inductance of the circuit is so low that the current can rise almost instantaneously to its normal peak value (as in film 23 (figure lo)), the cell attains practically a t once (see below) the combination of values which characterizes the steady state, namely, peak value of impressed electromotive force (upon the entire circuit) in conjunction with peak value of current and zero difference of concentrations of positive and negative ions a t the electrode. Under these conditions there will be no noticeable gradual drift from an initial combination of conditions to another corre-

-A -

- B-


4th 1


- F-

FIG. 14. Ion segregation and discharge a t the electrodes during quarter-cycles

sponding to the steady st,ate in the cell, and consequently there will be no appreciable transient terms in the electromof,iveforce across the cell. On the other hand, if the switch is closed a t the zero point on the electromotive force wave form, a t which in the steady state the current is zero and the difference in the concentrations of the two ions a t the electrode is a maximum, then, during the whole of the succeeding half-cycle, the current will cause a change in concentration in one direction. In contrast to this, in the steady state, during the first half of the succeeding half-cycle (first quarter-cycle) following the point of zero current', the current reduces the difference in concentrations of the two ions from a maximum to zero, and then during the second half of the half-cycle builds up the difference in concentrations from zero to a maximum in the opposite sense.3 Conse3 It is planned t o study the E . M . F . and capacitance at each electrode in relation t o the transference numbers of the ions by means of A . C . potentiometer and oscillograph methods. F o r details of these phases see reference 13, pp. 2117. 2125, 2127, 2128,2430.



quently, in the first half-cycle following the closing of the switch a t the zero point of the impressed electromotive force wave corresponding in the steady state t o zero current, the difference in ionic concentrations at the electrodes builds up t o approximately twice its normal or steady-state maximum value, and the E.M.F. of polarization builds up to approximately twice its normal value. The drift from the relations pictured for the first half-cycle to the symmetrical steady-state relation wises from the fact that the unsymmetrical E.M.F. of polarization subtracts unsymnietrically from the impressed electromotive force during its succeeding positive and negative half-cycles. This results in a slight lack of symmetry in the current about the line of zero current. The lack of symmetry is such as to cause the cycle of concentration values to drift exponentially from the initial cycle, namely 0, p , 2p, p , 0 to the steady-state cycle, namely - p , 0, +P, 0, -P. The electrical and ionic phenomena in the first cycle after the closing of the switrh a t the exact peak of the impressed E.M.F. will receive attention, because in certain cases the electrode reactions may not be completely symmetrical and reversible. Figure 14 illustrates the changes in the electrode double layers of electrolytes like potassium chloride, whose ions have substantially the same mobilities. In the first quarter-cycle n layers of and - ions are moved to, and discharged at, the cathode and anode, respectively, with attendant discharge of n H+ and OH- ions from water. Steady-state conditions of concentration and discharge of ions at the two electrodes are not reached a t peak current a t the end of the second quartrrcycle but are obtained a t the’ peak of the fourth quarter-cycle. Hence very small transient effects may be found within the first cycle, with steady-state conditions thereafter, especially by use of the methods described in the next section.



The synchronous switch S of figure 13 was now arranged to close and then, after an interval of slightly less than 7 cycles, to open again. The set of oscillograms in figures 15, 16, 17, and 18 (films 34, 35, 43, and 44, respectively) was then taken (1935) to show the transient effects which follow the opening of the switch a t the two extreme points on the nave form of the 60-cycle current through the cell-namely, at the peak and at the zero point of the current. For these oscillograms a 1 N hydrochloric arid solution was used in the cell. Upan closing the synchronous switch S, the equivalent capacitance of the cell is supplied through the resistance R. For these oscillograms thi.; resistance was reduced to 4.7 ohms; atJthis value the time-constant of the






circuit was roughly 1 period of the 60-cycle circuit. This means that the transient terms in the polarization E.M.F. associated with the closing of the switch all reduce to zero before the opening of the switch, which occurred 7 periods later. After the opening of the switch S, the E, 10.3-ohm voltage vibrator branch was left connected across the cell for films 43 and 44 (figures 17 and 18). For films 34 and 35 (figures 15and 16) the 10.3-ohm voltage vibrator branch of figure 13 was replaced by a vacuum tube voltage amplifier, which supplied the vibrator E, but represented an impedance in excess of 10,000 ohms to the discharge of the cell through it. To aid in the interpretation of these films, figure 19 has been drawn. This figure shows the relations between a sinusoidal current (I)through a conductivity cell (or rather through a simulating network consisting of a series combination of a resistor and capacitor having a resistance and a capacitive reactance corresponding to those of the actual cell) ahd the three sinusoidal electromotive forces associated with the current: namely, the E.M.F. (E,) equal to R,i, which is impressed upon the resistance R , of the column of electrolyte; the E.M.F. (E=)impressed upon the capacitor, or counteracting the E.M.F. of polarization; and the E.M.F. (E,) impressed across the terminals of the cell, which is the sum of E , plus E,. The E.M.F., E,, across the regions of polarization (or across the capacitor) is seen to lag the current by go", while the E.M.F. across the resistance of the cell is seen to be in phase with the current. Consequently when, as in films 43 and 35 (figures 17 and 16), the synchronous switch S interrupts the sinusoidal supply current at its peak value (the instant t, in figure 19), the E.M.F., E,, across the cell at once drops to zero. It does this because at this instant there is no segregation of ions a t the electrodes, or the E.M.F. of polarization, E,, is zero, and the E.M.F. of resistance across R, drops to zero when the current drops to zero. On the other hand when, as in films 44 and 34 (figures 18 and 15), the switch S interrupts the supply current a t the zero point (the instant Toin FIG.16. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t ) , current ( I ) , and E.Y.F. ( E , ) across the cell. When Et and Z in the steady state were cut off a t peak values and there was no ion segregation a t the electrodes, E , dropped a t once to zero value (electrodes attached t o amplifier). FIG.17. Wave forms of applied voltage ( E t ) , current ( I ) , and E.M.F. ( E E )across the cell. When Et and Z in the steady state were cut off a t peak values and there was no ion segregation a t the electrodes, E . dropped a t once t o zero value (electrodes attached t o E , vibrator, figures 4 and 13). FIG 18. Wave forms of applied voltage (EJ,current ( I ) , and E . M . F . ( E , ) across the cell. When Et and I in the steady state were cut off a t zero values and there was ion segregation a t the electrodes, E, dropped t o 36.8 per cent in about 0.05 second when the cell discharged (electrodes attached t o E, vibrator in figures 4 and 13).


s. F. AGREE, E.


figure 19), the E.M.F., E,, across the cell apparently* undergoes no abrupt or discontinuous change in value. At the instant to the entire E.M.F. across the cell is associated Tith the segregation of ions indicated in figures 4 and 14 F. For the entire half-cycle preceding to, the migration of the hydrogen and chloride ions has been in the directions indicated by the arrows in figure 4, and the concentration of hydrogen ions adjacent to one electrode and of chloride ions adjacent to the other attains a maximum at the instant to. Upon the opening of S the two charged platinum electrodes start to discharge through the resistance of the branch containing the voltage vibrator E,. As the charges on the platinum electrodes decrease,

VIG. 19. The phase relations between a sinusoidal current through a conductivity cell and the associated electromotive forces. I , current through cell; E,, E.M.F. impressed across resistance of column of electrolyte; E,, E . M . F . impressed across surface films with abnormal concentration; E,, total E.M.F. impressed on cell.

the hydrogen and chloride ions start to migrate in opposite directions to equalize the ionic concentrations a t the face of the electrodes shown in figure 4. The rate at which the E.M.F. of the cell decreases to zero is inversely proportional to the sum of the ohmic resistances of the metallic discharge circuit connecting the platinum electrodes and the column of electrolyte between electrodes. 4 Actunlly when the switch opens and the cell starts t o discharge through the resistance E , of the E, vibrator branch, the voltage recorded by the vibrator abruptly drops t o a ner+ value which is equal t o R,/(R, f R,) times the value before the opening of s. This drop is so small for films 41 and 34 t h a t it cannot be detected



An examination of film 44 (figure 18) shows that after the opening of the switch S the E.M.F. of the cell decreases to zero along an exponential curve. The resistance and equivalent capacitance of the cell with 1 N hydrochloric acid as computed from the steady-state relations recorded on the film are 0.45 ohm and 4800 microfarads, respectively. Using these figures the computed value of the time-constant for the discharge curve works out to be 0.052 second, or 3.1 periods of the 60 cycles per second current. This computed value of the time-constant agrees (within the limits of the rather large scaling errors) with the value of the time-constant found by scaling the discharge curve itself. In the case of film 34 (figure 15) the vibrator showing the E.M.F. of the cell was actuated by a vacuum tube voltage amplifier which presented a resistance in excess of 10,000 ohms to the discharge of the cell. For these conditions the computed value of the time-constant exceeds 48 seconds, and there should be no appreciable decrease in the E.M.F. of the cell during the time of the exposure. An examination of the film shows a slight fall in the E, voltage immediately following the opening of S, after which the voltage of the cell undergoes no further apparent decrease. The initial change does not represent an actual decrease in the voltage across the cell, but is caused by the faulty performance of the voltage amplifier. The spQntaneousdischarge of the cell is therefore rather slow. The above discussion of films 34, 35, 43, and 44 (figures 15, 16, 17, and 18) and figure 19 was predicated on a phase difference of 90" for a perfect capacitor and resistor in series, and a lag of the E, curves somewhat less than 90' behind the I curves. The E , curves in the above films actually lag the I curves slightly less than 90°, and tables I, 2, and 3 show that 0, is somewhat less than 90". It was pointed out above that a conductivity cell has imperfect or "leaking" capacitance. In view of the above facts, of the effects of the asymmetry, rotation, and inertia of the ions and of the friction (viscosity), relaxation forces, and electrophoresis in the solvent on the rapidity of attainment of maximum or true mobility for a given potential difference, of the varying distribution of the current and capacitance a t the electrode surfaces as shown by Snow (18),of the backward pull and migration of the ions under electrostatic forces arising from segregation, as when the current approaches zero value, of the inertia of the vibrator oscillograph in contrast with the cathode ray type, and othpr factors, such as the electrode-chemical reactions differentiating a conductiT7ity cell from figure 19, the data probably agree with theory within the errors inherent in recording and scaling the wave forms on these films. Mr. W. H. Goss has begun work on the study of the series capacitance by using a highly insulated vacuum tube potentiometer and cathode ray oscillograph to measure the E.M.F. changes over microseconds to hours



when cells are charged with direct currents from a primary cell or a capacitor below and above the polarization potential. The data show that plantinieed electrodes require for discharge w r y short time periods to be measured with vibrator and cathode ray oscillographs. The results obtained to date harmonize with the present article. VIII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS

The oscillograms contained in this article have been obtained on two conductivity cells having large concentric cylinders of bright platinum spaced 1 mm. apart. Their dimensions lower the resistance of the column of electrolyte relative to the reactance of the series capacitance effects a t the electrodes. This makes possible a better quantitative study of the relations. The conductivity of the solutions used was between 0.01 and 0.05 mho-cm. It should be recognized that the scaling of the oscillograms for amplitudes and phase angles does not yield precise results. The errors of measurement (1 to 5 per cent) are large in comparison with those of our earlier precision A.C. bridge data on the cell. Our bridge measurements have shown that the simulating network comprising a resistor in series with a capacitor is only a first approximation to the actual cell, and that the second (and very precise) approximation is had by connecting a high resistance branch (leak) in parallel with the series capacitor (figure 1). The oscillograph method yields only a rough check of the first approximation, and can be expected to yield no data for a second approximation. With these limitations the following conclusions are drawn from the data, 1. Not only the steady-state relations but also the transient ones between the alternating current through a conductivity cell and the potential difference across its terminals have (within the limits of the large scaling errors) been shown to be identical with the relations between the current and the impressed E.M.F. which would be observed in a simulating network made by connecting an appropriate capacitor and a metallic resistor in series, provided the sum of the potential differences across the concentration layers does not exceed the E.M.F. of polarization of the solution. 2. The resistance of the column of electrolyte and the capacitive reactance of the equivalent series capacitor as computed by scaiing the steady-state curves of current and impressed E.M.F. agree (within the limits discussed above) with the values computed from the transient curves. 3. Both the E.M.F. of ionic segregation (or the effect of the series capacitors C1 and Cz in the simulating network of figure 2) and the capacitance between electrodes and leads (the paralleling capacitors Cs and C4 of the network) cause the sinusoidal current through the cell to lead the sinusoidal E.M.F. impressed upon the cell. But for the cell and the 0.2 N sodium chloride solution used in this work, the angle of lead a t



60 cycles per second due to the capacitance between electrodes (simulated by C3 and C4) is utterly insignificant, the computed angle of lead of the current being only 0.05 second of arc. On the other hand, at this same frequency the angle of lead due to the E.M.F. of ionic segregation (simulated by the series capacitors C1 and C,) is 58 degrees. Even at the audio frequency of 1000 cycles per second, the tangent of the angle of lead of the current due to the series capacitance effect is 44,000 times as great as that due to the parallel capacitance. The capacitance of the simulating series capacitors C1 and CZ,as determined from the measurements on the oscillograms, is approximately 7000 microfarads, while the capacitance of the simulating parallel capacitors C3 and C4, as computed from the dimensions of the cell, is approximately 1500 micromicrofarads. Because of the fact that the first of these capacitors is in series with the resistance of the column of electrolyte while the second is in parallel with the resistance, any direct comparison of the relative numerical values of the two capacitances is likely to be not only devoid of physical significance but also misleading. At a frequency of j cycles per second, the tangent of the angle of lead of the current due to a simulating capacitor of C, farads in series with a resistor having R ohms resistance is 1/(277fC8R). On the other hand, the tangent of the angle of lead due to a capacitor of C, farads in parallel with the same resistor of R ohms is 2?rfC,R. From this it follows that to make the angle of lead infinitesimally small, a series capacitor C, must be infinitely large, while a parallel capacitor C, must be infinitesimally small. 4. The oscillograms show the departures from the sinusoidal shape of the current and electromotive force wave forms which occur when the E.M.F. of polarization of the cell is exceeded. Under an impressed E.M.F. greatly in excess of the polarization voltage, the current wave form again becomes approximately sinusoidal. This polarization peak-shift effect is associated with the greatly increased apparent capacitances and probably with electrode reactions other than ion segregation. 5. The oscillograms indicate that the value of the equivalent series capacitance of a given cell and solution is approximately independent of the measuring frequency at the two frequencies of 60 and 240 cycles, and is also independent of the value of the measuring E.M.F. and current provided the E.M.F. of polarization of the solution is not exceeded. With rise in the electrode potential E, from 0.56 to 6.9 volts the apparent capacitance increases from 8700 t o 46,700 microfarads, the transient terms decrease, and the peak value of the first current half-cycle approaches that for the steady state. 6. The preceding conclusions are consistent with the accurate data developed earlier by the use of precision bridges and sinusoidal currents at frequencies of 60 to 4000 cycles per second and extrapolation to infinite



frequency to obtain the true electrolytic conductances of solutions substantially free from the effects observed at high frequencies. It is suggest5d that in malting the usual “solvent corrections” both the capacitance and conductance of the solvent be measured and used in interpretations of the conductance-capacitance properties of electrolytes. The authors express their thanks to F. K. Harris of the Sational Bureau of Standards for suggestions in the arrangement of this article. REFERESCES (1) HOLLER,H. D . : Natl. Bur. Standards (U.S.), Sci. Papers 20, 153 (1924-26), S P 504. (2) JONES AND COWORKERS:J. Am. Chem. soc. 60, 1049 (1928); 61, 2407 (1929); 63, 411, 1207 (1931); 66, 1780 (1933), and later articles. LEBLANC,31. : Emf of Polarization from Oscillograms, rlbhl. Bunsen-Ges. fur ang. phys. Chem., S o . 3 (1910). MILLERAND GORDON : 3. Phys. Chem. 36, 2785 (1931). PARKER: J. Am. Chem. SOC.46, 1366 (1923). PARKER AND PARKER:J . Am. Chem. SOC.46, 312 (1924). Z. Elektrochem. 16, 734, 913 (1909); 16, 916 (1910); 17, 85, 699 REICHENSTEIN: (1911); 18, 850 (1912); 19, 38, 518, 520 (1913). AND ACREB: Am. Chem. J. 49, 501 (1913); J. Phys. Chem. 19, 331 ROBERTSON (1915). ASD ~ I I L L E RJ. : Phys. Chem. 14,816 (1910). ROSEBRUGH SHEDLOVSKY: J. Am. Chem. SOC.62, 1793 (1930); 64, 1411 (1932). TAYLOR: Science 42, 388 (1915). TAYLOR AKD ACREE:J. Am. Chem. SOC. 38, 2428 (1916). TAYLOR AND ~ R E W E I r w BENNETT:J. Am. Chem. soc. 38, 2397-8, 2405, 2408-9, 2411, 2416-17, 2423, 2427-8, 2430 (1916). TAYLOR AND CUXTIB:Phys. R.ev. 6,61 (1915). WASITBURN: J. Am. Chem. SOC. 38, 2431 (1916). ASD BELL: J. Am. Chem. SOC. 35, 177 (1913). WASHBURX WASHBURSASD PARKER:J, Am. Chem. SOC.39, 235 (1917). SKOW,CHESTER:J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 17, 101 (1936), R P 905.