Studies on the Chemistry of Halogens and of ... - ACS Publications

HALOGEN. COMPLEX FORMATION. AND TAFT u* COSSTANT. 89 1 infrared spectrum identical with an authentic sample, nao.6~. 1.3826 (authentic sample ...
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April 5, 1963

infrared spectrum identical with a n authentic sample, n a o . 6 ~ 1.3826 (authentic sample n3O.'jD 1.3828). 2-Ethylhexanol: retention time and infrared spectrum identical with a n authentic 6 ~ (authentic sample n29.6D 1.4281). 2sample, ~ ~ 2 9 . 1.4271 Ethylheryl formate: infrared spectrum characteristic of formate ester (strong peaks a t 8.48 and 5.78 p ) , T z ~ ~ ,1.4168, ~ D Anal. Calcd. for CgHlaOz: C, 68.31; H , 11.47. Found: C, 68.53, 68.65; H, 11.33, 11.60. Cobalt Distribution and Determination of KY.-2-Ethvlhexanal (316 mmoles per 1. in dihexyl ether) was reduced according t o the above described general procedure at 160°, 754 p.s.i. hydrogen partial pressure, 950 p .s.i. carbon monoxide partial pressure and 6.30 mmoles per liter of dicobalt octacarbonyl charged ( Cx). When the reduction of aldehyde was 50% complete a liquid aliquot (by w t . ) was taken through the cooling coil, a t such a rate t h a t the time before cooling to approximately room temperature was approximately 0.02 sec. T h e depressured and cooled samp!e was directed into a solution of nickelous chloride-o-phenanthroline complex and analyzed for cobalt hydrocarb0ny1.l~ Another aliquot ( b y wt.) was similarly withdrawn, collected in a suitable glass container, and analyzed for total cobalt carbonyls gasometri~ally.'~The liquid reaction medium contained 59YGof the original cobalt as cobalt hydrocarbonyl and 2 1yc as dicobalt octacarbonyl. Two reactions under conditions identical with t h e above were conducted in which 15% aliquots of the gas were passed rapidly (5,000 ml./min.) through the cooling coil t o a sintered glass filter stick immersed in nickelous chloride-o-phenanthroline solution. T h e precipitate which formed in solution and on the sintered glass was collected and analyzed ga~ometrically.'~ The gas phase in the autoclave was thus found to contain 24% of the originally charged cobalt as cobalt hydrocarbonyl; over-all cobalt balance, 104%. On cooling, depressuring, and opening the autoclave, a slight color of metallic cobalt was observed on the internal surfaces which were below the liquid level; the amount was too small to be physically recoverable although the color was easily removable by wiping. The analyses of the liquid samples are believed to be the more accurate; for calculation of K , the cobalt hydrocarbonyl in the gas phase was taken as the difference between dicobalt octacarbonyl charged and the total cobalt carbonyls in the liquid phase. Four such determinations in separate experiments gave an average value of K , of 2.8; U , 0.15. Determination of K,.-In experiments a t 160' to which no poison was added and which included 4 levels of hydrogen partial pressures from 11 t o 770 p.s.i., 3 levels of catalyst concentrations (C,) from 6.30 to 25.2 mmoles/l., 3 levels of carbon mon-




oxide partial pressures from 500 t o 960 p.s.i., and 2 levels of 2-ethylhexanal concentrations i 8 . 5 and 316 mmoles/liter, liquid samples were taken as described above a t about 50% completion of aldehyde reduction and analyzed15 gasometrically for total cobalt carbonyl and cobalt hydrocarbonyl. Concentrations of dicobalt octacarbonyl and cobalt hydrocarbonyl were determined and corrected for thermal expansion of the organic medium on reactor conditions. K , then was calculated from equation 10 with dicobalt octacarbonyl and cobalt hydrocarbonyl concentrations expressed in moles per liter and hydrogen partial pressure in pounds per sq. in. Eight determinations gave ail average value of 8 X 10-5; u 1.8 X Hydroformylation of Heptenes.-Prior t o an experiment all internal surfaces of the three-liter autoclave were cleaned with steel wool and hydrocarbon solvent a n d polished with clean white cloths. One liter of heptenes prepared by copolymerization of propene and butene28 together with the tabulated quantities of cobaltous oleate and other metal soap was then charged to the autoclave. The free space was flushed with synthesis gas by pressuring twice to approximately 500 p.s.i. and carefully venting. The autoclave was pressure tested at 3000 p.s.i. and then slowly vented to 1500 p.s.i. The autoclave was heated with shaking to 177" over a period of about 1.5 hours. When the reaction started, as evidenced by a sharp drop in pressure, the pressure was raised t o 3000 p.s.i. Each time the pressure dropped to 2300 p.s.i. it was raised back t o 3000 p.s.i. The first two or three such pressure drops were very rapid and were accompanied by a momentary rise of several degrees in temperature. I n these cases the temperature was allowed to subside to 177" before additional gas was added, whereupon the pressure would drop to as low as 1000 p.s.i. The hydroformylations were continued for a total of six hours after the first pressure drop. The autoclave was then cooled t o room temperature with a n external flow of air. The autoclave was flushed twice with 500 p.s.i. of hydrogen and then pressured to 150 p.s.i. with hydrogen. T o decompose the cobalt carbonyls, the contents were then heated to 149' and maintained at this temperature for one hour (no absorption of pressure) before cooling and discharging.

Acknowledgment.-C. L. A. wishes to acknowledge with gratitude financial support from the Robert A. Welch foundation during a major portion of this work. (28) V. N. K u r d a n d B. H . Gwynn, Petrochem. Ind., 4, No. 2, 19 (1960).


OF I O W A ,


Studies on the Chemistry of Halogens and of Polyhalides. XXII. Halogen Complex Formation and the Taft u* Constant1 BY WILLISB. PERSON, WILLIAMC. GOLTONAND ALEXANDERI. POPOV~ RECEIVED JULY 24, 1962 Formation constants, standard entropies and standard enthalpies for complex formation were determined for a number of compounds in carbon tetrachloride solutions: acetonitrile and monochloroacetonitrile complexes with IC1, IBr and Ip,dichloroacetonitrile complexes with IC1 and IBr and the trichloroacetonitrile complex with 1C1. For each halogen log K was found to be a linear function of the Taft u* constant. The slopes of log K cs. U * plots were -0.60, -0.43 and -0.32 for ICI, IBr and Iz complexes, respectively. A plot of AHo us. ASo for these complexes gave a reasonably straight line, which is characteristic of these donor-acceptor complexes.

Introduction The classical work of Benesi and Hildebrand3 on the complexing reaction betxeen iodine and benzene provided a strong impetus toward the studies of molecular complexes involving halogen or interhalogen molecules. During the past decade many such complexes have been investigated primarily by spectrophotometric technique^.^ It is generally agreed that the halogen (1) Abstracted f r o m t h e P h . D . Dissertation of William C. Golton, S t a t e University of Iowa, June, 1962. (2) To whom correspondence m a y be sent. D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, Michigan S t a t e University, E a s t Lansing, Michigan. (3) H. A. Benesi a n d J. H. Hildebrand, J. A m . Chem. Soc., 71, 2703 (1949). (4) (a) L. J. Andrews a n d R . M . Keefer i n "Advances in Inorganic Chemistry a n d Radiochemistry," Vol. 111, H . J. Ernelkus a n d A. 0.Sharpe, Editors, Academic Press, S e w o r k , S . Y.,1961, p. 91; (b) previous papers in this series, see J . A m . Chem. SOC.,83, 3586 (1961), for paper X X I ;


(c) R . S . Mulliken a n d W.B. Person, Aw?r Rev. Phys. Chem., 13, 107 (1962); (d) G . Briegleb, "Elektronen-Donator-Acceptor-Komplexe," Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1961

complexes are formed by a Lewis acid-base interaction in which the halogen molecule acts as a Lewis acid (or electron acceptor). A large number of Lewis bases with different donor strengths have been used in the studies of halogen complexes. Among them are various substituted aromatic compounds, aromatic and aliphatic amines, amides and nitriles. Halogen complexes differ considerably in their relative strength as shown by their formation constants whose numerical values range from 0.1 to l o 5 (in liter mole-'). The strength of a given complex will depend on the relative acid strength of the halogen molecule and on the electron donor strength of the Lewis base which forms the complex. It is obvious, of course, that the latter property is closely related to the structure of the donor molecule; however, very little work has been done as yet on the relationship between the structure and the chemical properties of the donors on one hand, and the thermo-



dynamic properties of the resulting halogen complexes on the other. One of the major studies of this type has been reported by Andrews and Keefer5 in which a comparison was made of the stability of various complexes between alkylbenzenes and halogens as the number of alkyl substituents on the aromatic nucleus was changed. For many years the effects of structure upon chemical reactivity of an organic compound have been interpreted as being due to the sum of approximately independent contributions of polar, steric and resonance effects.6 For a series of reactions of the type

X o *+ A



where X is a variable substituent and * marks the reaction site, the effect of X can be described by the Hammett equation log K/Ko =



Here K O is the rate or equilibrium constant for the standard reaction (X = H , for example) K is the corresponding rate or equilibrium constant for another substituent, p is a proportionality constant which depends on the nature and condition of the reaction and u is a constant independent of the nature of the reaction, but characteristic of the substituent x. It is thought to consist of three approximately independent terms 01, U R and us which refer to the inductive, resonance and steric effects, respectively.6 Taft7 has extended the Hammett sigma relation to include rigid aliphatic compounds, and has defined experimentally a constant, u*, in which the resonance and steric effects may be neglected. There seems t o be no a priori reason why these concepts cannot be applied t o the donor-acceptor equilibria and thus take advantage of the fairly extensive set of u* values available to enable us to predict formation constants for related series of compounds. This possibility has been suggested before.5-10 Uada, Tanaka and NagakuraS have shown that the heats of formation of complexes between substituted amines and 1 2 can be correlated with the Taft u* constants, although their studies did not cover a wide range of u* values. Recently, Drago, Wenz and Carlsong have shown that AHf for complexes between 1 2 and N,N-dimethylamides can also be correlated successfully with the Taft u* constants, over a wide range of values for u* I n these cases and in the work reported here, the effect of the substituent is expected to be purely inductive, so we should expect fairly good correlation with Taft u* constants. I n this work we studied the reaction R-CES

+ XU

= R-CS.XI'

with R = CH3, CH2C1, CHCl2 and CC13 and XY = IC1, IBr, and 1 2 . I n these reactions the steric effects should be minimal since the geometry of the complexes is expected to remain essentially constant. Moreover, the resonance effect should also be negligible since one would not expect much resonance interaction between the saturated substituents and the reaction site. Previous work has shown that nitriles form complexes with halogens which, while weak, still are capable of ( 5 ) I,. J. Andrews a n d R. 51. Keefer, J . A m . Chem. S o c . . 74, 4500 (1952). ( 6 ) See, for example, J. H i n e , "Physical Organic Chemiqtry," 2nd E d . , hlcGraw-Hill Book Co., I n c . , New York, N . Y . , 19172. (7) (a) R. W. T a f t , Jr., in & S. I. S e w m a n , ed., "Steric EBects in Organic Chemistry," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N . Y . , 1956, Chap. 13; ib) R . W. T a f t , J r . . h' C. D e n 0 and P. S Skell, A n n . R e t . P h y s . Chem., 9 , 287 (1958). ( 8 ) H. Y a d a , J . T a n a k a a n d S. N a g a k u r a , Bull. Chem. .Soc. Japan, SS, 1600 (1960). (9) R . S. Drago, D. A. Wenz a n d R . L Carlson, J . A m [ h e m . S O L . 84, , 1106 (19G2). ( I O ) W. B. Person, ibid., 84, 53li (1962).

Vol. 85

being detected spectrophotometrically.11 The progressive inclusion of electronegative chlorine atoms into the methyl group was expected to influence strongly the electron donor properties of the nitriles so t h a t there should be a considerable variation in the thermodynamic properties of the resulting complexes. Out of twelve possible combinations of these four donors and three acceptors, nine were actually studied. They were iodine, iodine bromide, and iodine monochloride complexes of acetonitrile, and of chloroacetonitrile, iodine monochloride and iodine bromide complexes of dichloroacetonitrile and the iodine monochloride complex of trichloroacetonitrile. The other three complexes were too weak to be determined by the standard spectrophotometric techniques. Experimental Part Reagents.-The source and the purification of iodine, iodine bromide and iodine monochloride were described in previous publications." l * -4cetonitrile ("spectroquality") was obtained from Matheson, Coleman and Bell. It was purified by refluxing over phosphorus pentoxide for one day and then distilling it through a 38-cm. helices-packed column. The boiling point of the purified solvent was 81.0' a t 745 mm. (identical with the literature ~ a l u e ' ~ ) . The resulting product had a n absorptivity of 0.5 or less in a 1 cm. cell at 205 mp. A sample of this material was analyzed by vapor phase chromatography using a Perkin-Elmer Model 154 chromatograph. I t did not exhibit any foreign peaks, but this may be due to the inability of our columns (didecyl phthalate or silicone oil) to resolve impurities in acetonitrile. Chloroacetonitrile was likewise obtained from Matheson, Coleman and Bell. The original product had a yellow color and showed the presence of several impurities when analyzed in a vapor chromatograph. It was purified by a method analogous to t h a t used for acetonitrile. The middle fraction of the distillate with a boiling point of 123' a t 745 mm. (lit.14 125' a t 760 mm.) was used for subsequent work. Dichloroacetonitrile could not be obtained commercially and was prepared from chloral hydrate. The first reaction was the conversion of chloral hydrate t o dichloroacetamide by treating it in an ether solution with a n aqueous solution of ammonia and potassium cyanidel5 and then dehydrating the obtained dichloroacetamide with phosphorus pentoxide in o-dichlorobenzene for several hours at l l O o , distilling the product under vacuum and then purifying it by several additional fractional distillations The purity of the product was checked by vapor phase chromatography and by its absorption in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. Eastman "White Label" trichloroacetnmide was dehydrated x i t h phosphorus pentoxide in xylene solution and purified by fractional distillation. The boiling point of the purified product was 85' a t 745 mm. (lit.,16 85.7" a t 760 m m . ) . The purity of the product was checked by vapor phase chromatography. All of these nitriles were stored and handled in a drybox under a nitrogen atmosphere. Carbon tetrachloride was purified by the previously described procedure .ll Preparation of Solutions .-Stock nitrile solutions of known concentrations in carbon tetrachloride were prepared by direct weighing of the nitrile into a volumetric flask and filling t o the mark. These solutions were subsequently diluted t o give the necessary series of solutions of variable concentration. Stock halogen solutions in the same solvent were prepared by dissolving the approximate amount of the respective halogen in carbon tetrachloride and then determining the exact concentration b p an arsenite titration. ,411 of the solutions mere prepared in a drpbox under nitrogen atmosphere. Spectrophotometric Procedure .-Spectrophotometric measurements were made on a Beckman DK-2 recording spectrophotometer using stoppered 1 cm. silica cells. The cell compartment was thermostated by passing through its walls a 50% ethylene glycol solution from a large capacity constant temperature bath. The temperature oc the cell compartment was measured through a thermometer well. By the proper adjustment of the reservoir bath temperature and the rate of flow of the ethylene glycol S O ~ U (11) A. I. Popov and W. A . Deskin. ibid.. 80, 2876 (19%). (12) A . I. Popov, J . C . Marihall, F. B. S t u t e a n d W. B. Person, ibid., 83, 3586 (1961). ( 1 3 ) J . Timmermans, " Physico-Chemical C o n s t a n t s of P u r e Organic Compounds," Elsevier Press, Kew York, N. Y . , 1950, p. 5 2 8 . (14) J. Vandewiger, Bd1. S I CC. h i m . B e l g e . , 46, 2 5 1 (1950). (15) J. R . Clark a n d \V J. Shibe, "Organic Syntheses," Col. Vol. 111, John Wiley a n d Sons, S e w York, N. Y., 1955, p. 260. (11;) XI. Davies and 13. G . Jenkins, J . Chem. Sor., 2374 (1954).

April 3, 1963


tion it was possible to maintain the temperature of the cell compartment constant t o f0.1'. Measurements were made at 0, 10, 25 and 40'. In order to prevent condensation of moisture in the cell compartment a stream of dry nitrogen u'as passed through it when measurements were carried out a t 0" and at 10". In order to determine the absorbance due t o solvents, cells of 0.1 cm. had to be used. I n this case the measurements were made on a Cary model 11 recording spectrophotometer. Formation constants of the complexes were determined by the Ketelaar method." Standard free energy for the complex formation was determined from the formation constant while the standard enthalpy change was determined by the usual manner from the log K cs. 1 / T plots. Using these two values the standard entropy was obtained from the usual thermodynamic relationship. In the case of the Ketelaar as well as the log K vs. l / T plots the slopes of the straight lines were determined by the method of least squares. Concentration units used in calculation \yere moles/liter. The use of the Ketelaar equation permitted us to evaluate both K and the molar absorptivity of the complex at each temperature. -2fter corrections were made for changing density, the molar absorptivities at the wave lengths studied were found to be essentially constant, within our experimental error.I8




I .o


(17) J. A A . Ketelaar, C. Van d e Stolpe, A . Goudsmit a n d W. Dzcubas, Re IBr > 1 2 as predicted by Scott.*O Reasonable agreement is found with the values of formation constants of acetonitrile complexes a t room temperature determined previously11 (6.9 f 0.3, 1.40 + 0.03 and 0.57 + 0.02 for ICl, IBr and 1 2 complexes, respectively). It should be noted t h a t in previous work no attempt was made to control the temperature and the slight variation in the value for the IC1 complex formation constant may be due to this fact. In this case the formation constant varies considerably with temperature (Table I). TABLE I FORMATIOS CONSTANTS FOR NITRILE-HALOGEN COMPLEXES AT VARIOUSTEMPERATURES 00 CHaCS.ICI CHaCN.IBr CHaCN.11 ClCHzCN.IC1 CICHzCS.IBr CICHzCN,Iz ClzCHCh-.ICI ClCHCN.IBr C13CCN~ICI

18.2 2.95 0.59 4.38 0.92 0.26 1.15 0.52 0.49


12.4 i 0 . 4 i0.4 i .30 2.30 i .30 .06 0 . 4 3 =t .01 i 17 3.5.5 i . 3 0 .03 i .02 0 . 7 6 .20 zt .03 i .02 i . 10 , 8 2 =t .07 f .03 . 2 4 i .02 f .04 ,39 i ,02




8.39 1.48 0 42 2.41 0.55 .19 .69 .23 ,20

40° zt 0.18 f .13 i .03 i .22

=t0.77 4 . 5 8 rt . 2 1 1 . 1 6 i .05 0 . 3 8 i .24 1.23 zt .03 0.46 j, .02 ,18 .05 .46


i .OS i .01


.05 i .02 =k .09 j=



A plot of log K vs. u* for the halogen-nitrile complexes is given in Fig. 1. I t is seen that, as predicted by eq. 1, there is a linear relationship between log K and u*. All points for a given series of complexes fall on straight lines within the experimental' error of the measurement. Of course there are only a few points for complexes with each halogen, but the data cover a wide range of u* values, and there is no reason to doubt t h a t complexes for substituents with intermediate values of u* would show deviations in the absence of steric or resonance effects. We believe t h a t our plots support the conclusion of Drago, Wenz and Carlsong t h a t the Taft u* values provide a useful cor(20) R . L.Scott, i b i d . , 76, 1580 (1953).



relation for extrapolating quantitatively t o predict the effect of substituents on the base strength of a donor. The plots illustrated in Fig. 1 yield empirical equations for the IC1, IBr and 1 2 complexes, respectively

+ +

log K I ~=I - 0 . 6 0 ~ * 0.96 ~ - 0 . 4 3 ~ ~ 0.18 log K I B = log K I , = - 0 . 3 2 ~ * - 0.38


(3) (4)





AHo, kcal./mole

-4.9 -4.1 -1.9 -5.3 -3.1 -1.5 -3.7 -2.0 -5.4

f 0.7 1 .3 f .6 1 .9 i .2 f .4 1 .4 f .6 i .6

4.9,e u (2.5')

-12 -12 - 8 -16 -11 - 8 -13 - 9 -21

3 i2 6 8 f0 9 3 1 2 0 1 3 4 f0 7 4 3 ~ 1 5 3 11 3 7 * 3 0 3 f3

On the basis of the above equations i t is possible to predict the strength of other nitrile complexes. For example, a value of K = 10.5 is predicted for the propionitrile-IC1 complex a t 25'. This compares rather favorably with the reported value of 14.8 f 1 . 2 . ? l Other predicted formation constants for some nitrile complexes which have not been studied experimentally as yet are given in Table 111. TABLEI11 PREDICTED FORMATION CONSTANTS OF KITRILE-HALOGEN COMPLEXES ( CARBOX TETRACHLORIDE SOLUTIONS AT 2 5 ' ) Complex


0 10 0.11 0 05i 2 8 0 22 0 27 0 53

The above table includes the formation constants of the missing three members of our series, ClzCHCN.12, CI:ICCN.IB~ and C13CCh- . I 2 . The magnitude of these values explains why it was not possible to measure them. Even if pure nitriles could be used as solvents without reaction, none of these complexes would be more than 50yo associated! Likewise the spectral shifts would be so small that they could not be measured with any degree of accuracy with presently available instruments. The predicted magnitudes of Kf for the iodo-substituted nitriles provides the interesting thought that one might expect the iodine atom to compete with the nitrogen atom as the site of donor action in halogen complexes with these donors. Also, one might expect some competition between the nitrogen atom and the T electrons of the benzene ring in a complex between CsHsCN and a halogen. (However, the electronwithdrawing character of the nitrile group should weaken the tendency for the benzene ring to donate its T electrons. Also the situation is probably complicated here by resonance effects.??) R . E . Buckles and J . F. Mills, J . A m C h e w S o c . , 76, 189.; (1951). ( 2 2 ) S O TADDED E I N PROOF -While our manuscript was in press, Klaboe f J . A m C'ht,in .Yoc , 84, d i i 8 (1962)) reported experimental values f u r the irirmatirrn constants of halogen compiexcs with benzonitrile. His values ' u t 9 0 ' ) are higher than predicted f r o m our equations 2-4 (For G H a C S . 1 h e reliijrti K = 0 8. CJ' 0 27 in Table 11 I Both t h e magnitude a n d direct i o n of deviation f r o m the predicted value5 are consistent with the prediction

Vol. 85

As expected the p* values decrease with the decreasing acidity of the halogen. Also p* values are negative as expected for a reaction in which the product results in a larger electron demand at the reaction site. These results are in agreement with the usual interpretation of P * . ~ It is difficult to compare p * values obtained in this investigation with those of other workers due to the scarcity of studies of the same nature. Although Taft7" lists numerous p* values, few of them are comparable to the reaction of halogen complex formation. It may be noted, however, that the p* values for the dissociation of acids are about +1.5 (hence, -1.5 for association) which is the same sign and order as the values reported in this study. It is interesting to compare our data with other studies of halogen complexes. The data of Yada, Tanaka and Nagakurag for complexes between Iz and amines give a straight line obeying the equation log K



- 3 . 6 5 ~ ~ 4.7


The corresponding equation for N,N-dimethylamideiodine complexes is log K = -0.69u*

+ 0.84


It would appear t h a t the sign and magnitude of p* found for the halogen complexes with nitriles are approximately what might be expected from these other studies. It is difficult to extend these ideas to the complexes between If and a-donors, since the Hammett and Taft constants apply to reactions of substitution of a a-bond, rather than to reactions involving the a-electrons. However, the Hammett u constants do attempt to measure the tendency of a given substituent to withdraw electrons from the ring, both by induction and by resonance effects. It is interesting, therefore, t o attempt empirically to correlate the formation constants of complexes with aromatic donors with the Hammett u constants. Since we could not decide just which u constants should be preferred a priori in such a correlation, we used the up constants. Data from Keefer and Andrews5 were plotted as log K V S . Xup (the Hammett u constant for a para substituent) where the sum extends over all substituents on the ring. The resulting straight line equations for IC1 and I? complexes are, respectively log K = - 1 . 3 8 2 ~ -0.17 ~ log K = - 0 . 9 5 2 ~ -0.83 ~

(7) (8)

It is not clear how the slopes of these lines should be related to the values of p* found above. However, the success of this correlation is surprisingly great, and the order of magnitude of the slope found (eq. 7 and 8) is surprisingly close to that for the other complexes, where the application of these ideas is more straightforward. In a number of previous publications i t was observed that a linear relationship exists between the enthalpy and the entropy of halogen complex formation.3a The data reported in this paper are consistent with this observation. Figure 2 shows a plot of AH0 us. 3 9 . A fairly good straight line is obtained which obeys the empirical equation + A S 0 = 1.85AHO -5.6 (9 1 t h a t resonance effects are important. form



T h u s , resonance structures of the


will increase the ability of benzonitrile t o act as an n-donor. However, it does not seem to be possible t o evaluate one parameter, S R , such t h a t subOR) into equations 2-4 will enable us t o predict t h e stitution of (.* experimental formation constants accurately, although the order of mafinitude {Jf K is predictable f r o m these equations.




April 5, 1963

Yada, Tanaka and Nagakurag obtained for amineiodine complexes the relationship

+ AHo =


+ 0.545AS0


The slopes of the two straight lines are essentially identical. This result is perhaps to be expected from the analysis given earlier1° of the relationship between AH and AS for amine complexes. Certainly, if the argument given there concerning the slope of the AS vs. AH plot is correct, the same argument should apply to the plot for the nitrile-IX complexes, since a weak N-I bond is involved in both cases. Since a linear relationship between AS and AH for these complexes is apparently found, one of the conditions necessary for a successful linear correlation between log K and u* is fulfilled, in agreement with the empirical finding (Fig. 1). Since A ( A F ) = 2.3RTp*u*





and since, from equation 9 A(A$



i t follows that A(AH) =

2.3 X 2.OTp*u* 1000 A ( A H ) = 2.5p*u*


a t 300' K. Thus, a plot of AH 'IS.u* should give a line with greater slope than the corresponding plot of log K . However, when we attempt this plot using our data,












Fig. 2.-Relationship between entropies and enthalpies of formation for nitrile-halogen complexes.

we find considerable scatter, due to the unavoidably large error in the determination of AH. Thus, in our case, we find the correlation of log K with cr* to be more successful than the correlation of AH 'IS. u*. Acknowledgment.-The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of this research by NSF Grant G 9477. They are also indebted to Professor John Lach of the College of Pharmacy and to Professor Robert Dryer of the Biochemistry Department for the use of Beckman DK-2 spectrophotometers.


Heats of Solution of Solids in Molten Reciprocal Salt Systems BY hT. B L A N D E RJ ., ~B~R A U N S T E IANN~D~M. D. SILVERbL4N RECEIVED OCTOBER 29, 1962 The heat of solution of solid AgCl in molten KNOI, calculated from solubility and e m f measurements by rigorous thermodynamic methods, is 19.2 =i0.6 = kcal/mole. This value is in excellent agreement with a value of 19.6 It 1.0 kcal./mole estimated from a cycle first proposed by Flood, Forland and Grjotheim illustrating the usefulness of this cycle in making predictions a p r i m .

In accordance with the considerations of Flood, Forland and Grjotheimj3the heat of solution of a solid such as AgCl in a solvent such as K N 0 3may be estimated from a knowledge of the heat changes for the three processes AgCl(so1.)


+ KNOa(liq.) .---f AgNOa(liq.)

+ KCl(liq.) AHA

( B ) Agr\'03(liq.) -+ AgS03 (infinite diln. in KXO8) AHH

( C ) KCl(1iq.) + KCl(infinite diln. in K S 0 3 ) AHc

with processes of the first type usually leading to the largest contribution to the total heat (or excess free energy) of solution in reciprocal systems. This method of estimation of heats of solution in reciprocal molten salt systems is operationally more useful and sound than the Born cycle which has been used previously4to rationalize heats of solution in a similar system but which cycle could not be used for a prediction a priori. ( 1 ) Operated for t h e United S t a t e s Atomic Energy Commission by Union Carbide Corporation. (2) (a) N o r t h American Aviation Science Center, Canoga Park, Calif. ( b ) On Sabbatical leave f r o m t h e University of Maine, August, 1960-August, 1961. (3) H. Flood, T. Forland and K . Grjotheim, 2. a n o i g . u . ailgem. Chem.,

a m , 289 (1954). (4)

S. PIT. Flengas a n d E. Kideal, Proc. Roy.


SOC. (London), M 3 3 , 4 G

This study was undertaken to obtain, for comparison with the above prediction, a reliable value for the heat of solution of solid AgCl in molten K N 0 3 which was calculated so as to take into account the known nonideal behavior of the s o l ~ t i o n . ~ - None ~ of the previously reported heats of solution4J$9in similar systems were corrected specifically for non-ideal behavior and hence are invalid, and the apparent heats of solution can only be correct by a fortuitous cancellation of factors. The heat of solution may be calculated from the thermodynamic equation d In


d( 1/T)



- Hf R

AHso~e. - -~ (1) R

where the activities (ai) are in solutions saturated with solid AgC1. If the standard states of .\ghT03 and ( 5 ) M. Blander, F. F. Blankenship, a n d R. F . Newton, J . Phys. Chem., 63, 1259 (1959). ( 6 ) J. Braunstein and M . Blander, ibid., 64, 10 (1960). (7) D. L. M a n n i n g a n d M . Blander, ibid.,66, 2069 (1962). ( 8 ) R. P. S w a r d , ibid.,63, 760 (1959). (9) J. Jordan, J . Meier, E. J. Billingham, J r . , a n d J . Pendergrast, S o l u r e , 187, 318 (1960); Anal. Chem., 31, 1439 (1959). I t should be noted t h a t t h e error in t h e heat of sAution from these measurements probably is relatively small. As has been noted b y these a u t h o r s , the error in t h e solubility or activity products may be appreciable, a n d depends on details of t h e solution behavior which may not yet have been investigated.