Studies on the Chemistry of the Fatty Acids. I. The Purification of

BY J. B. BROWN AND GEORGE G. STONER. On account of the recently discovered nutri- tional significance of linoleic acid, ClsH3202, in- terest in its ch...
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Jan., 1937

oxide a t 300' to give the corresponding unsaturated alcohol octadecenol or ducosenol in




yields of above 60Y0. MADISON, WISCONSIN





Studies on the Chemistry of the Fatty Acids. I. The Purification of Linoleic Acid by Crystallization Methods' BY J. B. BROWNAND GEORGEG. STONER On account of the recently discovered nutriCrystallization of cottonseed fatty acids from tional significance of linoleic acid, ClsH3202, in- methyl alcohol, 95% ethyl alcohol, petroleum terest in its chemistry has increased greatly during ether and acetone at -20' gave separations of the past few years. The acid occurs naturally in saturated and unsaturated acids with an effilarge amounts in the semi-drying oils, especially ciency approaching that of the widely used lead such oils as cottonseed, corn, soy bean and soap-ether method. Fractional crystallization wheat germ. Despite several investigations on of cottonseed and corn oil fatty acids from acethe subject there is still some question whether tone gave linoleic acid preparations 80-93Y0 pure. the acid occurs in these oils as a single geometric The chief obstacle to the isolation of purer speciisomer or whether it occurs along with one or more mens is the fact that in attempting to obtain the of the other three possible forms. (We are con- more soluble constituent in every case, the prodsidering here only the 9-10,12-13, octadecadienoic uct was always contaminated with oleic acid in acids although the possibility of other dienoic proportion to the ratio of the solubility of linoleic acids is not precluded.) One reason for this un- acid to oleic acid under the experimental condicertainty is the fact that so far only one method tions. Crystallization of fatty acid mixtures a t has been available for preparing the pure acid, low temperatures constitutes a valuable method namely, that of Rollett.2 In this method the for the separation of these acids. mixed fatty acids of an oil are brominated in cold A large number of soap separations were tried. ether, the petroleum ether-insoluble bromides are Of these, crystallization of the lithium soaps of isolated and purified and the linoleic acid is re- cottonseed oil fatty acids from n-butanol a t generated by heating with zinc dust. The prod- -20' gave 81% linoleic acid in the filtrate. uct is satisfactory and is designated as a-linoleic Experimental acid. Materials.-The sources of the fatty acids used in this Preparation of the acid by Rollett's method is work were commercial refined cottonseed and corn oils. unsatisfactory from the standpoint of yield, The following analytical data were obtained on these since in the bromination process considerable oils. Cottonseed Corn amounts of material are converted into petroleum Original oil ether-soluble isomeric bromides which are lost, Saponification no. 194.5 194.0 and from the standpoint of chemical identity, Iodine no." 112.0 129.9 since there is the question of alteration of the acid Fatty acids during bromination and debromination. Mean mol. wt. 276 282.9 The object of the present work was to prepare Iodine no. 119 133.8 linoleic acid by direct crystallization methods ' All iodine numbers determined by the Wijs method. which did not involve bromination. As raw materials we have employed the fatty acids of reTypical analyses of these oils have shown the following fined cottonseed and corn oils containing ap- fatty acid composition. Cottonseeda Corn* proximately 50y0 of linoleic acid, the other acids Linoleic 45-50 39.1 present being principally palmitic and oleic. (1) Presented a t the September, 1936, meeting of the American Chemical Society. (2) A. Rollett, 2. physiol. Chcm., 69, 410 (1909).

Oleic Myristic Palmitic



Small amount 19.8





stearic Small amount 3.3 Arachidic Small amount 0.4 Lignoceric .2 " T. P. Hilditch and J. Priestman. Analyst, 56, 358 (1931). a G. S. Jamieson and W. F. Baughman, THIS JOURNAL, 43, 2696 (1921).


The fatty acids were prepared by saponification and acidification. They were distilled at low pressure. Linolenic acid was shown t o be absent by the hexabromide test. Special Equipment.-Through the courtesy of Dr. F. A. Hartman of the Physiology Department we had the use of a room maintained at -20 to -25". This room was equipped with suction for rapid filtration. For work a t temperatures lower than -20' we used the following apparatus. A 200 X 200 mm. specimen jar was boxed and surrounded by rock wool insulation, with a glass plate as a cover. A circular disk was cut from this plate so that when in place it would fit loosely over a 2-liter Erlenmeyer Aask, which was set in the jar on a wire tripod to raise it off the bottom. The flask was equipped with a good stirrer and a low temperature thermometer. The jar was partially filled with alcohol. Dry ice was added to the alcohol as needed. By this arrangement temperatures as low as -50 to -60' could be obtained in twenty to thirty minutes, and as low as -75" in a little longer time. This apparatus was used in the laboratory but all low temperature filtrations were carried out by suction in the -20' room in apparatus cooled to that temperature. Practically all of our crystallization mixtures filtered rapidly, so that there was very little "warming" effect before the filtration was complete. Separation of the Saturated and Unsaturated Acids.Four hundred and fifty grams of the cottonseed oil acids was dissolved in 4000 cc. of acetone in a 4-liter Erlenmeyer flask and allowed t o stand a t -20' overnight. They were filtered by suction on a large Biichner funnel previously cooled to -20' and were washed with cold acetone. Acetone was removed from both crystals and filtrate by warming under reduced pressure. The unsaturated acids were distilled before analysis; yield 140 g. of saturated acids and 300 g. of unsaturated acids. The analytical data on these preparations as well as on a number of others prepared under various experimental conditions are given in Table I.

VOl. 59

The best separations were from 10% solutions in acetone and in methyl alcohol a t -20'. Petroleum ether and ethyl alcohol were almost as efficient. Separation from solutions of higher than 10% concentration was rendered less complete due to the bulk of the precipitate, which makes filtration and washing more difficult. For best results the initial concentration of saturated acids in the acetone solution should not exceed 2.5 to 3 0%. The separation in acetone and methyl alcohol is a t least as efficient as the standard lead soap-ether procedure. This is borne out by the fact that lead soaps of the unsaturated acids which were prepared by the acetone method were completely soluble in ether at room temperature, and precipitated no insoluble soaps even a t ice box temperature. Further work is in progress, studying the possibility of this method as a substitute for the lead soap-ether procedure. Assuming the unsaturated acids in experiment 4 to be a mixture of oleic and linoleic acids, and calculating from the iodine number, the mixture contains 70% linoleic acid. Crystallization of the Unsaturated Fatty Acids of Cottonseed Oil from Organic Solvents a t Low Temperatures.The unsaturated fatty acids, prepared by the -20' treatment in acetone and containing 70% linoleic acid, were crystallized a t various temperatures and concentrations from several organic solvents. From a 10% solution in toluene a t -70' the acids in the filtrate contained 76% linoleic acid; from the same concentration in ether the crystals contained 53% and the acids of the filtrate 73% linoleic acid. A 10% solution in acetone crystallized a t -50" gave crystals of 49% and a filtrate containing 82% linoleic; a t -60 and a t -70' the separation was less satisfactory, the acids of the filtrate being 78 and 76% linoleic, respectively. A 1% solution in acetone crystallized a t -65' gave 79% linoleic acid in the filtrate. Of these data the -50' crystallization in acetone is the most promising. This favorable result is no doubt due in part to removal of further traces of saturated acids which remained unavoidably in the unsaturated acids and in part to the crystallization of an oleic acid rich fraction. Fractional Crystallization of the Unsaturated Acids.In order to study further crystallization in certain solvents a t various low temperatures, the unsaturated acids of cottonseed oil were fractionally crystallized from methyl alcohol, acetone, ethyl alcohol and 76% acetone. The solution was cooled to a given temperature with fairly rapid



Concn. of acids g./lOo cc.

1 2 3 4 5

Acetone Acetone Acetone Acetone Petroleum ether Alcohol (96%) Methyl alcohol ' Methyl alcohol Methyl alcohol

12 18 12 10 10 10 12 12 10




0 -20 -20 -20 20 -20 0 -20 -20


Satd. fatty acids (Not distilled) Iod. Mean no. mol. wt.

None Not determined 33.0 263 7.2 258 5.6 267 12.6 264 4.1 263 3.4 ... 5.8 260

7 8 9 Saponified before analysis to remove any esters which might have been formed.

Unsatd. acids (Distilled) Mean mol. w k

IOd. no.


153.4 154.9 153.7 151.5 152.5 140.2 149.2" 154.4"


279 280 280

.. 4


280 280" 282"



Jan., 1937



Methyl alcohol






Acetone 76% by volume


These specimens were distilled before the

Temp., OC.


total wt.

Ppt. -50 Ppt. -55 Ppt. -60 Ppt. -65 Filtrate -65 Ppt. -45 Ppt. -50 Ppt. -55 Ppt. -60 Filtrate -60 Ppt. -50 Ppt. -60 Ppt. -70 Filtrate -70 Ppt. -40 Ppt. -70 Filtrate -70 iodine number was determined.

stirring. It was filtered rapidly in the -20' room; the filtrate was then cooled further, this process being repeated, as shown in Table 11. The precipitate from methyl alcohol at -65", i. e., that portion of the total acids which came down by cooling a solution, saturated a t -60, to -65' contained 86% linoleic acid; that precipitated at -60' from acetone contained 85% of the desired product. These represent the best products we have been able to obtain from cottonseed oil, but they constitute too small a part of the total acids to be of great value. It should be noted especially that in each instance maximum removal of unwanted acids (product of low iodine number) occurred in the f i s t crop of crystals. In order t o take advantage of this fact the following procedure was carried out. Two thousand grams of reb e d cottonseed oil was saponified and converted into fatty acids. Four hundred and fifty grams of these acids was placed in a 4-liter Erlenmeyer flask and the flask sled with acetone. After standing overnight at -20", the contents of the flask were filtered with suction. Four such lots were run (1800 g.), the total filtrate being 12 liters. In batches of 2 liters this filtrate was cooled to -40", which was slightly below the point of initial appearance of crystals. The crystals were filtered off; the resulting filtrate from the entire lot contained 1010 g. of acids with a n iodine number of 160 (77% linoleic acid).

25 16 28 15 16 29 16 26 9 20 44 26 13 17 29 46 2B





50 74 75 86 73

134.8 159 .,2 157.7 168.2' 156.5 128.0 155.0 159.0 167.8" 153.4 151.6 160.6 161.8 149.6 111.0" 160.0" 163.3

42 72 76 85 70 68 78 79 66 23 77 81

Fractional Crystallization of the Unsaturated Methyl Esters from Methyl Alcohol.-Methyl esters (iodine number 152) were prepared from the unsaturated acids previously described. These esters were fractionally crysstallized from a 12% solution in methyl alcohol, successive crops of crystals being removed a t -45, -65 and -75'. The iodine numbers of the esters of these products and of the esters in the filtrate were 56.7, 142.3, 156.1 and 147.4, respectively, the yields, calculated as percentage total weight of ester used, were 2, 58, 32 and 8, respectively. The crystals a t -75' contained approximately 82% methyl linoleate. Undoubtedly this procedure offers possibilities, but, so far, we have not studied it further. Fractional Crystallization of Corn Oil Fatty Acids.The unsaturated fatty acids of corn oil were prepared by the -20' acetone procedure; these were fractionally crystallized from this solvent under a variety of conditions. The details and results are shown in Table 111. We have succeeded here in obtaining satisfactory yields of linoleic acid 85,86 and 88% pure, and less satisfactory yields of the acid 89 and 93% pure. It is possible then t o prepare the acid by these latter procedures in sufficient purity for most chemical studies. We hope t o have available shortly data comparing the acid which has been purified in this manner with a-linoleic acid prepared by Rollett's procedure. Attempts to Purify Linoleic Acid by Crystallization of the Soaps of the Fatty Acids of Cottonseed Oil.-Several


Wt. acids used. p.

Filtrate at -55" 360 -55 to -70" fraction of unsatd. acidsb 320 Acids, -45 to -70" 150 Acids, -50 to -70' 150 Filtrate (-70') cooled to -80'; crystals rejected ' Iodine no. of corn oil unsatd. acids, 156 (72.5% linoleic). of acetone a t -75". Data above are on the crystals.


Yield, g.

Mean mol. wt.

Id. no.



4000 78 ... 167.1 85 4000 40 ... 171.3 89 2000 95 279.6 168.5 86 2000 75 279.3 170.2 88 1700 15 281.3 174.6 93 The -55 to -70" fraction was crystallized from 1 liter


VOl. 50


Tyw., C.



Butyl alcohol


Ethyl alcohol

Ppt. Ppt. Ppt. Filtrate Ppt. Ppt. Ppt. Filtrate

of the more useful methods of fatty acid separation involve differences of soap solubility. Early in this work we were hopeful of finding some suitable soaps of oleic and linoleic acids which would exhibit wide enough difference in solubility to be useful in their separation. Only a few of our more promising results will be reported here. Starting with cottonseed oil fatty acids, crystallization of the potassium soaps from a 10% solution in absolute alcohol a t 0" gave 45% insoluble soaps and 55% soluble soaps, containing 68% linoleic acid. The lithium soaps, prepared by neutralizing a solution of the acids in alcohol with lithium hydroxide, removing the alcohol and water under reduced pressure and taking up the soaps in butyl alcohol, were fractionally crystallized from that solvent; also the potassium soaps from absolute alcohol with the results in Table IV. When the fact is considered that we began here with a mixture of cottonseed oil fatty acids, it is clear that either of the separations in Table IV has possibilities. In the former case, a comparatively small amount of the acids comes out as 82% linoleic, while in the latter a much larger portion came out 74% linoleic acid.




30 0 -20 -20

30 0 -20 -20



total wt.





3 41 41 15 1 34 26 39

82.4 144.0 164.5

60 82



49.2 134.8 157.8

49 74.3


Summary 1. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids of cottonseed and corn oils may be separated con-

veniently by crystallization of the mixed acids from a 10% solution in acetone a t -20". 2 . Linoleic acid preparations containing up to 93% of the acid were obtained by fractional crystallization of the unsaturated acids (and methyl esters) of these oils from acetone and methyl alcohol a t low temperatures. 3. Fractional crystallization of the lithium soaps from n-butyl alcohol and of the potassium soaps from absolute alcohol may also be used in obtaining linoleic acid concentrates. 4. Crystallization of unsaturated fatty acids from appropriate solvents a t low temperatures is a useful procedure for their separation. COLUMBUS, OHIO RECEIVEDOCTOBER 3, 1936





Studies on the Chemistry of the Fatty Acids. 11. The Preparation of Pure Oleic Acid by a Simplified Method' BY J. B. BROWN AND G. Y. SHINOWARA Although oleic acid (cis- 9,lO -octadecenoic) is perhaps the most common of the naturally occurring fatty acids, the pure acid is still one of the rare chemicals. The reason for this state of affairs is that oleic acid always occurs in fats and oils associated with saturated acids and usually with varying amounts of linoleic acid and other acids of higher unsaturation. The methods for separating these impurities are only semi-quantitative so that purification of oleic acid is extremely tedious. Olive oil is usually employed as a source of the acid. The saturated acids, mostly palmitic, are removed by the lead soap separation (1) Presented a t the Pittsburgh Meeting of the American Chemical Society, September, 1936.

in alcohol or ether; the unsaturated acids are then converted into barium soaps which are repeatedly crystallized from moist benzene to rcmove linoleic acids. Excellent reviews of work previous to 1925 are given by Lewkowitsch2 and by Lapworth, Pearson and Mottram.s These investigators prepared the pure acid by a procedure which included the lead salt treatment, distillation, barium soap crystallization and finally distillation. Holde and Gorgas4 claimed (2) J. Lewkowitsch, "Technology of Oils, Fats and Waxes," Macmillan and Co.,Ltd., London, Vol. I, 1921, p 182 (3) A. Lapworth. L.K. Pearson and E. N. MOttrdm, Biockem. J . , 19, 7 (1925). (4) p. Holde and A. Gorgas, Z . ongew. Chcm., $9, 1443 (1926).