Study of the Hydrolysis of Several Physostigmine Analogs - American

tion of the pupil of the eye (miosis) of the test animal when the compound is instilled into the eye has been taken as an index of the physiological a...
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Study of the Hydrolysis of Several Physostigmine Analogs BY SAULW. CHAIKIN Physostigmine (I) and many of its analogs have been the subject of much study with regard to certain physiological properties which they. exhibit

when introduced into the animal The phenyl carbamate nucleus has been shown to be the active group in the alkaloid.2 . Physostigmine and certain other phenyl carbamate derivatives strongly inhibit choline esterase. The constriction of the pupil of the eye (miosis) of the test animal when the compound is instilled into the eye has been taken as an index of the physiological action and this has been found to depend on variations in the chemical structure of the carbamate used. Physostigmine is not stable in aqueous solution. A systematic study of analogs of this compound was undertaken by Aeschlimann and Reinert4 with the object of finding a drug suitable for therapeutic use with a greater degree of stability to hydrolysis. They found the N,N-dialkyl carbamates to be considerably more stable in water solution than the N-monoalkyl compounds and to have a physiological action of the same order of magnitude. The mode of decomposition which they proposed for the N-methyl phenyl carbamates is the formation, in slightly alkaline solution, of the phenol and the isocyanate. The odor of isocyanate was detected when solutions of N-methyl carbamates were boiled. CHI NHCOOCGH~R --+ CHINCO f HOC6HaR

n'ith excess alkali CH3NCO

+ 2O€I-


+ COS-

I t was also reported that hydrolysis was greatly suppressed when the fiH of the solution was less than 5. P. D. Bartlett' observed that the methyla mine produced on hydrolysis in a solution a t a hydrogen ion concentration of cu. PH 0 catalyzed further decomposition of an N-methyl carbamate. Experiments with this class of compounds were carried out in this Laboratory involving tests of ( I ) This work mas done under contract with the Medical Division of the Chemical Warfare Service. (2) E. Stedman, Biochcm. J . , 20, 719-734 (1926).

(3) E. Stedman, i b i d . , 23, 17-24 (1929). ( 4 ) Aeschlimann and Reinert, J . Pharm. E.%$. Therap., 43, 413414 (1931). 15) White and Stedman, ibid., 41, 259 (1931). (Gf Stevens and Beutel, THISJOURNAL, 63,308-311 (1941). (7) P n nartlett. rt QZ.. unpublished data.

toxicity following subcutaneous injection into mice.8 It became of some interest to know the stability in nitro of the mono- and di-alkyl carbamates under conditions of hydrogen ion concentration and temperature similar to those in the blood and tissue fluids of animals (pH 7.4 and 38'). The compounds studied were the N-methyl (M), N,N-dimethyl (DM) and the N,N-pentamethylene (PM) derivatives of 4-dimethylamino3-isopropylphenyl carbamate methiodide. Since 0 0-C-N/ I1


0 H \CH3


the substituents on the benzene ring are the same in each case, differences in hydrolytic stability of these compounds are due to differences in the carbamate residue.

Experimental Materials.-The sample of M used was applied by R. L. Shriner, M. E . Synerholm and J. C. Speck, Jr., who were the first synthesizers of this compound. The melting point was given as 184.5" (dec.). Anal. Calcd. for C ~ ~ N Z ~ O I, ~ N33.55. ~ I : Found: I, 33.50. DM was first synthesized by Stevens and Beutela and the sample used in this investigation was submitted bz H. Gilman. The melting point was reported as 159 (dec.l.9 Anal. Calcd. for C I S H ~ ~ O Z N Z N,I : 7.15; I , 32.38. Found: N, 7.19 and 7.01; I, 32.40,32.13 and 32.41. V. A. Englehardt and L. I. Smith originally prepared PM. The melting point was reported as 161' (dec.). Anal. Calcd. for C I ~ H Z ~ O Z N ZC,I : 50.00; H, 6.76. Found: C, 50.21; H, 7.00. (8) C. F. Failey, W. Elder and B. Ginsburg, unpublished data University of Chicago Toxicity Laboratory. (9) The following is a note from a letter from H. Gilman giving information about the compound DM: "The melting point reported by Stevens and Beutel, THISJOURNAL, 63, 310 (1941) was 170'. Subsequently, we learned b y private communication t h a t the corrected melting point was 165.5'. A melting point determination of their sample taken i n the same bath and a t the same time a s ours WRS 1 5 8 O (ours melting a t 169°)."


June, l ! j + i

The sample of P (identified later) was synthesized b y

H. Gilman and I>. A . Shirley. T h e melting point was given as 205" (dec.). Anal. Calcd. for C L ~ H ~ O O XI,I : 33.5. Found: I, 39.6'and 39.3. Procedure.-The course of the hydrolysis was followed by measuring the change in absorption of light b y solutions of Carbamate using wave lengths a t which the difference in absorption by the carbamate and phenol was great. The Beckmari Quartz Spectrophotometer Model DU was used after having been calibrated against solutions of known ,tbsorption niaxinia. The carbamates were all found to be stable in acid solution so t h a t a standard procedure was Followed involving removing aliquots from the buffered hydrolyzing solution a t intervals and adding them t o an acid solution t o stop the hydrolysis. Spectral absorption curves were prepared (Fig. 1) for M, D M , PM and P (a pure sample of the phenol which is produced on hydrolysis of the carbamatesll . For purposes of comparison all spectrophotometric data have been corrected t o a concentration of 0.15 mM per liter. I n all cases the concentrations of the solutions prepared were within 5% of this value. The curve for P is useful in determining completeness of hydrolysis and in ascertaining the effect of hydrolysis products other than phenol on the absorption curve of the completely hydrolyzed carbamate. T h e hydrolysis rate was measured as follows. A 250ml. volumetric flask containing phosphate buffer (NaH2PO1 0.002 -11, SasHPO, 0.01 -11)adjusted t o pH 7.4 was immersed in a water-bath maintained a t 38" until thermal equilibrium was attained. The flask was removed and a sample OF carbamate weighing about 15 mg. was introduced. The solution was quickly mixed and replaced in the bath. At intervals, 10-ml. aliquots were withdrawn anti added t o 0.17 ml. of 6 1V hydrochloric acid which so acidified the solution as t o stop hydrolysis. Absorption of light of 275 mp wave length by the solution was then measured. Quartz cuvettes of 1.00-cm. optical depth \vert: used.


T h e solutions used in preparing the curves in Fig. 1 contained 0.04 m M . of compound in a 250-ml. volumetric flask containing phosphate buffer and hydrochloric acid of the same concentration as given above. T h e blank used for the readings was a solution of buffer and acid, also of the above concentrations.

Results and Discussion I t was found that the solutions of DM and Plcl a t :No and pH 7.4 showed no significant hydrolysis during the period of observation of four days. 11 was found to be unstable under these conditions. Since the hydrolysis of 11 is more rapid in alkaline solution it is undoubtedly second order, but the hydroxyl ion concentration being held constant in these experiments, the rate depends only on the carbamate concentration. A plot of the log of the fraction hydrolyzed against time results in a straight line (Fig. 2). calculation of reaction constants can therefore be made by methods ordinarily applied to first order reactions. When complete hydrolysis of h1 is effected spectral absorption data for the region from 255 to :300 mp are identical, within experimental error, with those of curve P. At shorter wave lengths the deviation gradually increases until a t 240 mp it is 570 higher than curve P. This deviation may be caused by other products of hydrolysis but since it occurs outside the region taken for hydrolysis measurements i t is of no consequence in this connection. The half life for 111 a t 38" and pH i . 4 is seen from Fig. 2 to be fifty-two minutes and the velocity constant 0.0133.

GO lo! 1.10 Time, minutes. Fig. Z.-Hydrolysis-timc curve For hf a t pH 7.4 and 38".


270 290 n'ave length, mp. Fig. 1.--Spectral absorption of P, M, DM and PM, concn. of reagents: KaH?P04, 0.002 M; Na2HP04, 0 01 .If; HCl, 0.1 M; compound, 0.15 m M ; 0 , P ; 0, M; 0-, Dbf; 0 , Phl. 23Cl

This study is concerned only with the rate of disappearance of the carbamate (or the rate of appearance of the phenol) and not with the route of mechanism by which such a transformation occurs. The work of Bartlett,' mentioned earlier, indicates that the hydrolysis reaction is probably



specific amine or general base catalyzedl0 in which case variation of reaction rate with buffer concentration (at p H 7.4) may be expected.

Summary Hydrolytic stability of theephysostigmine (10) L. P. Hanunett, “Physical Organic Chemistry,” 1st ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1940, pp. 344345 and 215-218.



Vol. 69

analogs a t 38’ and p H 7.4 was investigated by measurement of light absorption of the phenolic hydrolysis product a t a wave length of 275 mp. The two N,N-dialkyl carbamates were stable under these conditions during a four day observation period. The N-methyl carbamate was found to be unstable and to have a half life of 52 minutes and a velocity of 0.0133. CHICAGO, ILLISOIS



The Pigments of Cottonseed. 111.2 Gossyfulvin, a Native Cottonseed Pigment Related to Gossypol3 BY




An orange colored pigment, gossyfulvin, has previously been detected4 in cottonseed. Although gossyfulvin has been shown to differ from gossypol in many of its properties i t can be readily converted into the latter pigment. Since the work on gossyfulvin was reported, larger quantities of the pigment have been prepared by the procedure outlined in the accompanying diagram and i t has therefore been possible to obtain further insight into its structure and its relationship to gossypol. Gossyfulvin forms rather large orange-colored rhombohedra (Fig. l), changing a t 212’ to a more deeply colored form which melts with decomposition a t 238-239’ (cor.). The crystalline form and habit of gossyfulvin differentiate i t sharply from gossypol, which latter pigment, upon recrystallization from diethyl ether and petroleum naphtha, forms clusters of dog-toothed prisms (Fig. a>,m. p. 182.5-183.5O. Gossyfulvin reacts with strong mineral acids when its chloroform solutions are treated with concentrated aqueous solutions of these acids yielding gossypol in amounts equal to as much as 86.87, (of the weight of gossyfulvin treated. On the basis of the experimentally determined elementary composition, C34H34N208,the molecular weight of gossyfulvin is 398. Gossypol obtained after recrystallization from diethyl ether and petroleum naphtha a t low temperatures and dried without elevation of temperature yields analytical values which agree with those calculated for C&3209. Comparison of gossyfulvin with such nitrogen derivatives of gossypol as diarnino- and dianilinogossypol, reveals several significant differences, (1) One of the Laboratorles of the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Agricultural Research Administration, United States Deliartment of Agriculture. Article not copyrighted. (2) For previous paper of this series see Boatner, Samuels, Hall and Curet, THISJOURNAL, 69, 668-673 (1947). (3) Presented before the 109th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 8 to 12, 1946. (4) Boatner, Caravella and Samuels, T H I S J O U R N A L , 66, 838 (1944).

c. C U R E T AND


s. S A M U E L S



i Oil, F. F. A . , pigments

Aq. iTaOH (in $ Oil (in E t 2 0 )




(Na2S204) I

$ iYa gossypolate, orange pigments, soaps (in aq.) Et20 HCl



j. Soaps fin aq.i

Gossypol, orange pigments (in E t 2 0 )



4 Orange pigments Et20 evapd. Hot acetone (in r o j



$ Gossypol acetic acid (PP.1 1



Orange C (residue)

Gossyfulvin, orange B cooling

: I ,


Orange B



e. g., the melting point of gossyfulvin lies between those of the other nitrogen derivatives. The compounds differ with respect to solubility and stability. Diaminogossypol dissolved in diethyl ether or warmed in acetic acid is reported5 to evolve ammonia and revert to gossypol. Dianilinogossypol, on the other hand, is one of the most stable of the compounds formed from gossypol, and is hydrolyzed to gossypol only upon re(5) Miller and Adams, {bid., 1736-1738 (1937).