Goulds Pumps, Inc., 30 Black Brook,. Seneca Falls, Ν. Υ. 6 ... Current users of. Sturtevant Air Sep ... umented by 30 years of Sturtevant air sepa r...
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STOP OVERWORKING GRINDING MILLS Boost Production of 4 0 to 4 0 0 M e s h Fines As M u c h As 3 0 0 %

STURTEVANT CLOSED CIRCUIT SYSTEM: Secondary grinder runs open, load is circulated through air separator. Desired fines are dis­ charged. Oversize recirculates to grinding mill and then to air separator for further classification. fECO

Cutaway view o f turbine mixer showing mounting o f mixing blades

Agitated Disk Filter Needs No Packing (Illustration on p a g e 1 0 3 A)

Pulp agitation in a new disk filter results in greater capacity and lower final cake moisture. T h e agitator is easily serviced as a unit. Packing gland, sealing water, and bearings in the tank are eliminated, simpli­ fying maintenance. Dept. IEC, Den­ ver Equipment Co., P.O. Box 5268, Denver 17, Colo. 5

Glassed Pump Withstands Shocks Able to resist all acids but hydro­ fluoric at 212° F. and alkalies up to pH 12 at 212° F., the new-design centrifugal pump has glass lining with unusual structural strength. Powerful compressive forces built up during the fusion and cooling of the glass to metal, give effect of "prestressing" for mechanical and thermal shock resistance. Dept. IEC, Goulds Pumps, Inc., 30 Black Brook, Seneca Falls, Ν. Υ. 6

Remote Control Ball Valves Good for a Million Cycles Operating at speeds ranging from V2 second for a '/Vinch valve to V4 second, new air-hydraulic ball

valves, good for continuous duty up to 100 cycles per minute, are said to operate for a million cycles with clean lubricated air before replace­ ment of U-cups and O-rings. Built for high vacuum to 2000 p.s.i. service, they can be operated manually if necessary. Dept. IEC, Jamesbury Corp., 45 New St., Worces­ ter, Mass. 7

Turbine Mixer Cuts Mixing Time and Saves Space Product: High capacity mixer, patented in Sweden, licensed to manufacturer for Western Hemi­ sphere distribution. Features: High peripheral speeds, developed through shock-absorbing spur gears, are claimed to promote more effective mixing. Entire top of doughnut-shaped mixing drum is open for easy filling from any angle, maximum heat dissipation. Compact design requires minimum headroom, is virtually vibrationless. Uses: Homogeneous mixing of

IVlore information is as near as your mailbox! Just circle the number o f the item in which y o u a r e interested on the Reader's Information C a r d , p a g e 101 A

Current users of Sturtevant Air Sep­ arators include man­ ufacturers of sulfur, soybeans, phosphate, chocolate, feldspar, sand, pigments, lime­ stone fillers, abra­ sives, plasters, ceramics and cement.




Sturtevant Air Separators C a n Lower Power Costs U p To 5 0 %

Production capacity impossible in singlepass grinding results from using Sturtevant Air Separators in closed-circuit grinding systems. They are of proved advantage in all secondary reduction processes. Fines pass through grinding mills un­ hindered, are classified, and the oversize returns for further grinding. Grinding mills are free to perform at top efficiency, their output frequently increased as much as 300% and power costs cut up to 50% (doc­ umented by 30 years of Sturtevant air sepa­ ration experience in the cement industry). Precise Classification; Circulates Loads of 8 0 0 t p h

Sturtevant Air Separators circulate pro­ duction loads of up to 800 tph. Simple ad­ justments make possible counter-action between air currents and centrifugal force to the point where a product of almost any desired fineness may be collected while coarser sizes are recirculated. A 16 FT. STURTEVANT, for example, took

a feed rate of 800 tph, containing only a small percentage of desired fines, and de­ livered 30 tph 90% 200 mesh, recirculating the oversize through the grinding circuit. (In the cement industry, Sturtevant units deliver up to 60 tph raw cement fines, 40 tph finished cement fines.) Nine models available, diameters from 3 to 18 ft. For more information, request Bulletin No. 087. (Bulletins also available on Micronizers, Blenders, Crushers, Grind­ ers.) Write STURTEVANT MILL CO., 105 Clayton St., Boston, Mass. Circle No. 105 A OR Readers' Service Card, Pus 1(1 A VOL 49, NO. S


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