Subject Index - ACS Publications

science and engineering/technology, ... grading rubric for job hazard analysis. (JHA) for copper digestion, appendix. D, 86 copper digestion, grade sh...
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Subject Index

Downloaded by on May 26, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 20, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1232.ix002

C Chemical information literacy higher education, 2015 ACRL framework for information literacy, 13 data provenance, advent, 17 information evaluation techniques, 15 information has value, 19 peer review, 16 process, information creation, 17 research as inquiry, 22 scholarship as conversation, 24 scientific literature, 18 searching as strategic exploration, 25 twenty-first century, information-rich educational enterprise, 14 information literacy, history, 1 higher education, 2000 ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards, 3 information literacy, origins of the term, 2 science and engineering/technology, 2006: Information Literacy Standards, 4 information literacy in the chemical literature, overview, 11 Chemical Abstracts-indexed documents, top 30 of the 1000 most frequently-used terms, 12t 1000 most frequently-used terms in Chemical Abstracts-indexed documents, 13t literacy, chemical information chemistry undergraduates, information competencies, 9 competencies contained, description, 10 CPT guidelines, 6 suggested chemical information skills, side-by-side comparison, 8t Chemical safety and information skills using risk assessment, 57 acquired knowledge and skills, assessing learning to demonstrate, 70 JHA grading criteria, 71t assessment results, appendix B, 78 assessment data, 78f chemical safety and information management, teaching and learning, 59

chemistry curriculum, incorporating chemical safety and information literacy, 62 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 66 few safety rules explained, 63t glacial acetic acid, flammability data search process, 68f learning objective examples with components, 65f risk assessment, information search process, 67t rules to risk, 64t evolving basic lab safety, 60 basic safety knowledge, grouping, 60f chemical safety competencies, use rules to create, 61f rule, evolution, 62f example JHA for copper digestion, appendix A, 72 JHA (completed example), 73t grading rubric for job hazard analysis (JHA) for copper digestion, appendix D, 86 copper digestion, grade sheet, 86t hazards, 88 personal protective equipment (PPE), 88 required general information, 87 risk, 89 risk control, 89 steps, 87 information sources, appendix C, 78 chemical safety information sources list, 79t job hazard analysis tool, integrating into an existing course, 68 chemical hygiene officer (CHO), 69 Chemistry students' information literacy skills, analysis, 187 context, information literacy, 189 information literacy skills, analysis evaluating chemical information, aptitudes, 197 locating chemical information, aptitudes, 194 locating chemical information, student aptitudes, 195t methods, 190 prepared formal presentations, 197 qualitative analysis (videos), 196 quantitative analysis, 194

305 Flener Lovitt et al.; Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on May 26, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 20, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1232.ix002

researcher observed behavior, 195 student abilities, overall analysis, 191 student reported behavior, 194 student-reported confidence, 192t videos, analysis, 193 videos, researcher analysis, 193t weekly discussions, participation, and homework, 198 Mercer chemistry seminar course, background, 188 Climate change misconceptions, 221 course description, 225 integrating science and information literacy, discussion, 233 motivators for conceptual change, reflection and authentic audience, 235 un-learning misconceptions, 234 introduction accessing and understanding science information, barriers, 222 information literacy and scientific literacy skills, 224 science, challenges to public understanding, 223 scientific and information literacy, 222 library activity, 225 annotated bibliography and final paper, example prompts, 226t library activity part 1, 226 library activity part 2 and 3, 227 student work and evaluations, results annotated bibliographies, evaluation, 228 information literacy outcomes, student self-evaluation, 233 misconceptions, nuanced explanation, 232 peer-reviewed literature, Hydrocarbon Processing, 230 6-point Likert scale, student evaluations of information literacy outcomes, 233f science and information literacy in the final project, evaluation, 231 students able to correctly identify sources, percent, 229f Collaborative chemistry information literacy, lesson plan discussion future applications/scaffolding, 100 librarianship, active and collaborative learning, 98 STEM, active and collaborative learning, 99 is it scholarly?, lesson plan, 94

guided practice/check for understanding, 98 input/modeling, 96 lesson plan execution, article titles used, 96t lesson plan in the collaborative classroom setting, students engaged, 95f lesson preparation, overview, 95t Media:Scape workstations, 97 threshold concepts addressed, 98

D Debunking pseudoscience course description, 268 analysis of pseudoscience, qualitative metric, 270f assignment description, 269 PseudoBS meter, 269 pseudoscience assignments and project preparation, 270 improvement, future plans, 275 information literacy goals, connection, 274 introduction, 265 developing the video project, motivation, 267 popular and scientific sources, scientific information, 266 pseudoscience and scientific knowledge, 266 pseudoscience video project, 271 student learning, assessment SALG post-survey including results, sample section, 274t student survey results, 273

F First-year undergraduate curriculum, chemistry in context project design and delivery, 107 branches and sub-branches linking related concepts, generic relationship diagram, 111f chemistry in context, examples, 108f compose a research essay, 111 Library Guide for the course, screen capture, 109f literature search, select a topic and conduct, 109

306 Flener Lovitt et al.; Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on May 26, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 20, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1232.ix002

more than fifty suggested questions, students at the start of the project, 110f scientific information and the research process, learn about the nature, 108 project motivation, 106 project outcomes, 112 ACS-styled essay template provided to students, 113f multiple writing drafts, submission, 115 research essay grading rubric, 114f

I Informed citizens, chemistry and information literacy, 205 analyzing media reports of scientific research, research assignment, 207 information literacy learning outcomes and student assessment, 208t chemistry assignments, collaborating to integrate IL, 209 chemistry research assignment, co-writing, 209 co-teaching chemistry education and IL, 210 media reports using information literacy based evaluation, surface analysis, 209t relation to NOS, analysis of media reports, 210t library lab bridging to academic databases, activity three, 214 effective google searching, activity two, 212 focusing exercise, activity one, 211 Google search exercise tasks 1-3, 213t student handout showing instructions, screenshot, 215f outcomes, 216 IL learning outcomes, student competencies, 217t

L Large organic chemistry classes through the laboratory, incorporating chemical information literacy, 121 background, 122 academic rank completing the course, population of students, 123t

collaboration, average enrollment for courses, 123t organic chemistry laboratory sequence, learning objectives, 124t chemical information literacy, survey for reflection, 135 second semester organic chemistry students for two different years, survey results, 136f Ad Hoc Committee on Information Literacy in the Division of Chemistry (DCHE), 139 discussion, 137 first semester organic chemistry laboratory Chemical Literature Assignment available, information in the tab, 129f citation format for the library resources, significant changes, 130t citing the library resources, 129 library resources, development of an assignment, 126 library resources to laboratory reports, extension, 130 question requiring searching the Reaxys database, example, 128f resources introduction and library course guide, 124 section of a laboratory report, example, 131f summary questions from the chemical literature assignment, example, 127f table feature from Reaxys, example, 125f lessons learned, 138 second semester organic chemistry laboratory, 131 assignment 2, development of library, 134 laboratory report requiring NMR data, example of a section, 134f library assignment 1, development, 132 library assignment 1, example of a question, 133f library assignment 2, questions for the online submission, 135t library resources to laboratory reports, extension, 133 200-level analytical chemistry course, 157 beginning the assignment, methods, 160 analytical chemistry writing assignment, 161t current practice, 159

307 Flener Lovitt et al.; Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

FCH 232 in fall 2013, library assignment, 149f information literacy class sessions, 148 information literacy outcomes and library assignment, 151t library assignments, 150 position paper, 150

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Oberlin College students, writing goals, 160t library session challenges and opportunities, 162 success, elements, 163t past practice, 158 discontinuing chemical information course, contributing factors, 159t reading, analysis, and discussion, methods, 163 guided reading questions, 164t writing and peer review, methods, 164 guide peer review, questions, 164t writing in analytical chemistry, 160


R Research strategy, 169 abstract and worksheet connection, 177 challenges, 180 higher order thinking skills, 181 orienteering versus teleporting, 183 question posing, 182 Zoller's problem-solving process and the research strategy worksheet, comparison, 182t cooking analogy, 184 course overview, 171 first attempt using the worksheet, 175 research strategy worksheet, 173 worksheet, research strategy, 174f search strategy evolution SciFinder, example 2, 179 web of science, example 3, 180 Web of Science (WoS), example 1, 178

S Sophomore chemistry course, 143 FCH 232 and information literacy since fall 2013, 153 information literacy class sessions in FCH 232, fall 2013, evaluating, 151 chemistry faculty and the CLL, 152 introduction, 144 information literacy for chemistry majors at SUNY ESF, progression, 146t need for change, 146 sophomore-level course called Career Skills for Chemists (FCH 232), 147 new collaboration

Undergraduate chemistry curriculum course assessment, challenges uncovered course delivery and instruction methods, changes, 38 instruction informed by assessment, 37 James Madison University, information literacy instruction, 35 literature and seminar I, course outline, 36t discussion, 50 improve information literacy in chemistry, (re)designing a course, 39 CATME smarter teamwork, 41 course design, next challenge, 42 student completing literature and seminar I, course goals, 40t introduction, 31 student gains, analysis, 43 chemistry majors, self-reported comfort level with resources, 44t please comment on how the way this class was taught, student responses, 49t please comment on how your understanding, student responses to SALG prompt, 47t please comment on what skills, student responses to SALG question, 47t SALG prompt, student responses, 45t student responses to SALG prompt, 46t what will you carry with you, student responses to SALG question, 48t Undergraduate e-journal project, 279 assignment, 282 on-line journal, home page, 283f origin, 281 outcome, 289 instructor to grade students' essays, rubric used, 292t page 1 instructor to grade students' essays, rubric used, 290t

308 Flener Lovitt et al.; Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on May 26, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 20, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1232.ix002

page 2 instructor to grade students' essays, rubric used, 291t scaffolding events and submission deadlines, schedule, 293t student's article in the da Vinci's Notebook journal, first page, 294f scaffolding activities academic integrity, 287 expert reviewing, 288 exploring a journal article, three levels, 284f grading rubrics, 289 1 hour or more, study, 285 5 minutes, sniff, 285 15 minutes, browse, 285 overall essay writing strategy, flowchart, 287f peer reviewing, 288 reading a journal article, 284 schedule, 289 scientific writing, 286 strategic literature search methods, 286 topic, selection, 285 summary, 295

W Wikipedia, chemistry classroom: lessons learned, 247 case studies annotated bibliographies, 251 case study 1, 249 case study 1, interim assignment steps, 250t case study 2, 252 case study 2, summary of Wikipedia assignment, 254t library workshop on Wikipedia editing in case study 2, outline, 254t revised Wikipedia articles, 256 student learning, assessment, 255 Wikipedia editing assignment in case study 2, sample learning outcomes, 253t reflections and discussion, 257 incorporate Wikipedia editing into a class, 260 lessons learned, 258

309 Flener Lovitt et al.; Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.