Subject Index - ACS Publications

modeled vs. monitored EECs for CA,. 234t monitored urban areas in Northern and Southern California, 218f ..... monitoring mosquitocide applications,. ...
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Subject Index

Downloaded by on July 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): September 22, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1168.ix002

A Assessing stormwater discharges, outdoor urban uses, 208 monitoring of urban waters categories for frequencies of pyrethroid occurances in bed sediments, 232t concentrations and detection frequencies, 219 herbicides detected in urban monitoring data, 226f herbicides occurrence frequencies/concentrations, 222 insecticides detection frequencies/concentrations, 221 maximum DFs, insecticides detected in source/receiving waters, 225f max/min DFs and maximum concentrations of major insecticides detected in DRNs, 225f modeled vs. monitored EECs for CA, 234t monitored urban areas in Northern and Southern California, 218f monitoring vs. modeling, 233 potential refinement for modelling EECs, 235 pyrethroids detected in source/receiving waters, 227f pyrethroids occurrence frequencies/concentrations, 223 sediment monitoring, 229 stormwater discharges and affected water bodies, 217 stream bed sediment sampling sites, 230f summary of Ensminger and Kelley statewide monitoring data, 220t summary of sediment concentration/DF data, 231f variations associated with geographical locations, 224 variations associated with wet/dry conditions, 228 water column toxicity, 219 respondents’ pyrethroid active ingredient use, 211f stormwater discharges, modeling approach, 214 pathway identification study, 215

runoff losses from treated turfgrass, 216 washoff/runoff study from impervious surfaces, 216 use characterization early CDPR surveys (2001-2005), 209 PCOs and LCOs applying pyrethroids, 212f pyrethroid working group use surveys (2009-2013), 210 residential and commercial pesticide accounts, service interval, 211t respondents’ pyrethroid active ingredient, 213f use site in six national regions, 213t value of surveys, 214

C Chemical leaching to groundwater vulnerability analysis, 275 conclusion, 284 groundwater vulnerability assessment using regional screening index, 280f introduction, 276 materials and methods compiling databases, 277 regional screening index, 277 model validation with STANMOD, 279 national-scale groundwater vulnerability assessment, 282 performance of regional screening index and STANMOD, 281t procedure for assessing groundwater vulnerability on national level, 283f regional-scale groundwater vulnerability assessment, 278 validation of regional screening index, 282t Complex environmental samples, pyrethroid insecticides analysis, 195 address other analytical challenges, use of d6 stable isotope standards method validation, 204 analytical challenges, 197 analytical method approach, 196 method refinements, 197 use of surrogates in environmental monitoring methods, 198f

347 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

Downloaded by on July 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): September 22, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1168.ix002


sample preparation procedure for substrates, 164 bed sediment, 169 detections during multi-day monitoring event June 24–26, 2013, 173t dry events, 167 Fair Oaks USGS gaging station, 166f intertransect drift study detection summary for March 20, 2013, 171t inter-transect study, concentration values and velocity, 172f other events, 170 project specific control limits for samples collected in November 2011, 165t pyrethroid detection dry sampling events, 167t pre-rainy season bed sediment sampling event on May 21, 2012, 170t pre-rainy season bed sediment sampling event on October 18–19, 2011, 169t wet sampling events, 168t results and discussion, 165 sampling and analysis techniques, 154 developed land fraction, transect location, 156t overall study design, 157 population density distribution, 155f study area, 155 transect descriptions and locations, 156t watershed hyrdrology, 157 study sampling events, rainfall and discharge, 166t transect revisit sampling at ARB80 on March 20, 2013, 173t wet events, 168

Detection frequencies (DFs), 219 Determine influence of multiple stressors on benthic communities, 135 Arcade Creek, 145 bioassessment multiple stressor case studies, summary, 149t bioassessments, 137 Kirker Creek, 144 materials and methods benthic macroinvertebrate sampling, 139 benthic macroinvertebrates, taxonomy, 139 bulk metals and SEM/AVS analysis, 140 physical habitat assessments, 138 pyrethroid analysis, 140 site selection, 138 statistical analysis, 141 water quality and sediment measurements, 140 Pleasant Grove Creek, 142 pyrethroid insecticides, 137 relationships confirmed, 146 results and discussion, 142 Salinas streams, 147 stepwise multiple linear regression models, results, 143t streams, summary, 148 DFs. See Detection frequencies (DFs) DRN. See Source waters (DRN)

L Lower American River, concentration of pyrethroids, 153 2012-2013 expanded monitoring additional methods, 161 drift/lagrangian sampling, 161 2011-2012 monitoring design, 158 bed sediment sampling, 159 water samples, 158 2012-2013 monitoring design, 159 water samples, 160 analytes to be determined and respective analytical limits, 162t analytical methodology, 162 bias control, 164 pyrethroid method validation, 163 routine analysis, 163 sample holding times, 164t

M Municipal wastewater, pyrethroid pesticides, 177 31 California POTWs pyrethroid residues in effluent, comparison, 186t pyrethroid residues in influent, comparison, 187t all California POTWs and POTW survey volunteers by flow, 179t bifenthrin and cypermethrin in influent and effluent, distribution, 190f

348 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

Downloaded by on July 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): September 22, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1168.ix002

determining critical factors controlling, 27 discussion, 62 driveway, garage door, grass lawn, house wall, and grass perimeter predicted versus actual graphs, 49f dynamic assignment of values, percent washoff calculation MARS model for driveway, 55f MARS model for garage door, 58f MARS model for revised application lot 4 for grass lawn, 61f evaluating model performance, 57 MARS model critical factor variables by surface, 53t MARS modeling, 51 materials and methods application procedures, 33 basic study design, 29 critical factors (variables) included in analysis, 38f data analysis, characterizing variables, 37 experimental site, 29 images representing experimental site design, 31f irrigation and rainfall system operation, 32f irrigation and simulated rainfall, 33 5-minute resolution dataset, 35 pyrethroid selection, 33 residential irrigation systems, 30 runoff sampling and monitoring, 34 sample analysis, 34 statistical modeling, 39 model performance, 40 model predicted versus actual plots, 41 models, factors, 50 percent washoff, 57 rainfall-based percent washoff events, 59 surfaces and pyrethroids applied, 29t, 47t

California POTWs and POTW pyrethroid survey volunteers by region, 180t comparison of pyrethroid residues in biosolids from 24 California POTWs, 189t conclusions, 192 cypermethrin vs. total suspended solids effluent-with primary site, 191f effluent-without primary site, 192f examine potential relationships, 188 hydrophobic compounds, 188 laboratory analysis biosolids, pyrethroids analysis, 182 influent, effluent, and biosolids, pyrethroids analysis, 183 influent and effluent samples, pyrethroids analysis, 181 total organic carbon (TOC) analysis by NDIR (Caltest), 184 total solids as percentage solids by gravimetric analysis (Caltest), 184 total suspended solids (TSS) by gravimetric analysis (caltest), 183 materials and methods list of analytical methods and detectors, 182t study design, 178 pyrethroid residue profile (ng/L) in effluent-all sites, 185f range of residues found in influent and effluent, 188 results and discussion, 184 treatment effects-cypermethrin concentrations, 191f treatment effects-permethrin concentrations, 190f

O Off-site transport of pyrethroids in urban environment 5 minute resolution flow and pyrethroid transport, 36f actual percent washoff vs MARS modeled values driveway in transformed units, 42f garage door in transformed units, 43f grass lawn in transformed units, 44f grass perimeter in transformed units, 46f house wall in transformed units, 45f critical factors (MARS models) by surface, 50

P Pesticide washoff from impervious surfaces characterization of pesticide washoff, 66 demonstrating model capability, 71 demonstration of washoff profiles, 69f PRZM-predicted pesticide washoff loads, 73f review of modeling approaches, 65 semi-mechanistic model based on experimental data

349 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

Downloaded by on July 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): September 22, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1168.ix002

implication and research gap based on model/data review, 74 model equations and evaluation, 75 power-law function, 76 predicted and observed cumulative washoff loads, 77f summary and suggestions, 78 tested pesticide products with PRZM inputs, 72t transport modeling with impervious scenarios, 70 washoff potential and cumulative washoff loads, 67f washoff profiles, empirical equations, 68 Phenylpyrazole insecticide fipronil comparison to pyrethroids, 9 concentrations of fipronil in runoff and percentage natural rainfalls, 6t simulated single-time or repeated precipitation, 6t fipronil runoff through simulated and natural rainfalls, 5 methods and materials chemicals, 3 concrete prepare and fipronil treatment, 3 fipronil runoff prediction, sponge wiping, 4 quality controls, 4 runoff induced by simulated and natural rainfalls, 3 multi-residue runoff prediction, validation of surface wiping, 7 percent of fipronil, bifenthrin and permethrin partitioning, 10t percentage of fipronil in runoff aqueous phase, 10t pesticide regulation, 11 regression of bifenthrin, permethrin, fipronil and three fipronil degradates, 8f runoff from concrete surfaces, 1 POTWs. See Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) Predicting pyrethroid residues in urban water bodies, 83 annual maximum 21-day bifenthrin benthic sediment EEC distributions, 125f annual maximum 24-hour bifenthrin dissolved water column EEC distributions, 124f bifenthrin, dissolved water column and benthic sediment 1-in-10 year EECs, 123t

bifenthrin mass load comparisons, 127t interpretation of current application conditions simulations, 126 model application linkage of SWMM with AGRO-2014, 112 urban residential regionalization descriptions, 112 model regional parameterization inputs additional regional pyrethroid use data sets, development, 117 AGRO model pyrethroid environmental fate parameters, 121t climate and irrigation, 115 driveway fraction of use sites treated and application, 119t, 120t fraction of each landscape element, 117 fraction of households treated with outdoor insecticide, 118t pyrethroid application extent and frequency, 116 pyrethroid application rate, 120 pyrethroid environmental fate, 121 regional climate, 116t residential application rates used, urban parameterizations, 120t use sites treated and application frequency, fraction, 118t model selection receiving water model, 87 runoff model, 85 simulation of pesticide runoff, 86 SWMM model, 86 predicted concentrations for different pyrethroids, comparison, 125 predicted pyrethroid concentrations for different regions, comparison, 122 results and discussion, 122 urban residential regionalization descriptions current pyrethroid application practices, 113 historical pyrethroid application practices, 113 metropolitan areas surveyed and associated geographic regions, 114f urban scenario calibration bifenthrin calibration, 107 bifenthrin calibration goodness-of-fit statistics, 111t bifenthrin concentrations, observed and simulated cumulative distribution, 110f bifenthrin target application dates, 106t

350 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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calibration approach, 106 calibration parameter adjustments, 108 chemical calibration evaluation, 107 chemical calibration results, 109 estimated frequency of bifenthrin applications, 105t flow calibration statistics, summary, 109t hydrology calibration results, 108 pyrethroid application parameterization, 104 urban scenario development Aliso Viejo housing density compared to other regions, 92t Aliso Viejo neighborhood, spatial delineation, 97 Aliso Viejo SWMM model inputs and parameterization, 99 Aliso Viejo watershed and site location, 89f housing density, 91 housing density assessment, 90 NLCD land, 91 site selection, 88 SWMM landscape element characteristics, 100t SWMM landscape element codes, definition, 98t translation of conceptual model into SWMM model structure, 96 Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), 177 Pyrethroid washoff model development SWMM washoff parameter calibration, 104t washoff calibration, 102 goodness-of-fit parameters, 103 simulation-observation correlation, 103 washoff method, 101

R Residential runoff transport of pyrethroids average losses for each surface expressed in grams, 18f experimental site, description, 14 factors affecting, 13 irrigation and rainfall, 17 pathway identification study application procedures, 15 applications, 16t products applied, 17t

study design, 15 product selection, 16 runoff losses by surface, 19t study results, 17 surfaces not receiving different application practices, losses from, 20t

S Source waters (DRN), 223 Static water pesticide concentrations prediction, 315 actual pond EECs compared to standard scenario EEC, 336t actual ponds in CRLF habitat, identification and characterization pond characterization, 329 pond selection, 327 summary of pond characteristics, 330t application rate dependencies, texture and organic matter, 327t calculation of pond EECs historical use site assumptions, 335t potential use site assumptions, 334t CDL explicit class and crop group by labeled crop, 321t conclusions, 338 CRLF habitat areas, 318f cumulative distribution of pond 90th percentile annual peak concentrations, 337f historical use sites for all pesticide-A labeled crops, 323f materials and methods study area, 317 model simulation and data post-processing prediction of actual pond EECs, 332 prediction of standard farm pond EECs by soil, 331 PRZM model inputs development crop scenarios selection, 319 historical pesticide use sites, 322 monthly distribution of pesticide-A applications, 326t pesticide application inputs, 326 potential pesticide use sites, 319 potential use site footprint, criteria, 320 PRZM/EXAMS modeling, weather stations, 325f soil and weather inputs, identification, 324 results and discussion, 335

351 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), 83 SWMM. See Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Synthetic pyrethroid exposure assessments application parameters considered aerial drift fraction, 293 application interval, 293 application rate, 292 application start date, 293 application type, 293 number of applications, 292 comparison of 90th percentile annual mass load CA lettuce scenario, 303f MS cotton scenario, 302f difference from base 90th percentile 24-hr EECs varying field parameters, 306f, 310f varying hypothrin application parameters, 304f, 308f varying hypothrin environmental fate, 305f varying hypothrin environmental fate parameters, 309f varying receiving water body parameters, 307f, 311f environmental fate parameters considered aerobic aquatic half-life, 295 anaerobic aquatic half-life, 295 foliar washoff factor, 295 PRZM KOC, 294 receiving water body KOC, 295 soil half-life, 294 soil half-life combined with soil photolysis, 294 vapor pressure, 295 water solubility, 295 field parameters considered in sensitivity assessment field to pond ratio, 297 hydrologic soil group (HSG), 296 length slope (LS) factor, 296 percent land slope, 296 percent organic carbon in soil, 297 P-factor, 297 tillage practice, 297 vegetative filter strip, 297 model output data processing, 301 receiving water body parameters considered in sensitivity assessment organic carbon fraction in sediment, 300 organic carbon fraction in water, 300 pond depth, 298

pond surface area, 298 resuspension percentage, 300 sediment layer depth, 299 sediment particle volumes, 300 sediment-water diffusion, 301 settling time 90%, 300 suspended sediment, 299 temperature, 301 water inflow and outflow rate, 300 sensitivity results, 301 simulation methods and modeling inputs base scenarios, 288 chemical, 288 hypothrin physicochemical properties, 289t individual parameter sensitivity analysis, 290t models, 288 sensitivity assessment, 289

U Urban pesticide uses, conducting ecological risk assessments, 207 assessing adulticide uses, 236 adulticide assessment, modeling approach, 238 adulticide insecticides monitoring data, 240 example ecological risk assessment, 245 monitoring mosquitocide applications, 243t summary of peak deposition rates reported in literature studies, 239t use of adulticides, 237 water column EECs for permethrin uses in California, 245t assessing pesticide releases to POTWs, 245 acute and chronic RQs, 252t indoor uses of conventional pesticides and their potential, 247t pesticide sources to POTWs, 246 removal percent of eight pyrethroids in certain treatment processes, 253t removal percent of eight pyrethroids in wastewater treatment plants, 251t assessing stormwater discharges, outdoor urban uses, 208 modeling approach for POTW assessment, 248 aerobic biological treatment, 254 anaerobic digestion, 254

352 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

Downloaded by on July 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): September 22, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1168.ix002

model inputs, 249 model outputs, 250 primary settling, 254 refinement of E-FAST (bench scale study), 252 ultrafiltration, 254 utility of bench scale study, 255 pesticides in POTW biosolids, 265 pesticides in POTW influent and effluent California POTWs, 259 estimated environmental exposure concentrations, 262t Oregon POTWs, 255 pesticides and related compounds detected in a survey of 52 Oregon POTWs, 257t pyrethroid measurements in biosolids from 24 California POTWs, 267t pyrethroid measurements in effluent from 31 California POTWs, 261t pyrethroid measurements in influent from 31 California POTWs, 260t pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos in effluent from three California POTWs, 266t Sacramento POTW, 263 Weston and Lydy (19), 264 POTW monitoring data, 255 Urban residential neighborhood conceptual model conceptual model requirements, summary, 95 pyrethroid applications to use sites, 92

outdoor household pyrethroid use sites, 94f planimetric map, 93 understanding use sites, valuable, 93 pyrethroid transport, pathways, 94 Use of d6 stable isotope standards as surrogates for pyrethroids, 198 biosolids, 203 biosolids concurrent fortification recoveries and surrogate results, 203t effluent water, 201 effluent water concurrent fortification recoveries and surrogate results, 202t influent water, 199 influent water concurrent fortification recoveries and surrogate results, 200t

W Washoff dynamics study applications to wall above driveway, results, 24t driveway applications, results, 24t driveway-applied pairs, 23 driveways, applications, 23 irrigation and rainfall, 22 product selection, 21 products applied, 22t runoff losses, 23 study design, 21 study results, 22

353 Jones et al.; Describing the Behavior and Effects of Pesticides in Urban and Agricultural Settings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.