Subject Index - ACS Publications

Alcohol flushing study. See Cosolvent study .... Cyclodextrin complexing sugar flush, case study for interwell .... reaction rates for chromate reduct...
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Subject Index

Acoustic enhanced remediation. See Sonic (acoustic) enhanced remediation Advanced site characterization project breakthrough curves for bromide at extraction well, 275/ bromide mass recovery, 274, 276 bromide transport-injection and extraction well data, 274-276 bromide transport-monitor well data, 276 components of project, 2611 concentration of trichloroethene entering treatment plant and in groundwater in vicinity of tracer experiment site, 268/ concentrations of trichloroethene and dichloroethene during second experiment, 277, 279/ custom multi-level sampling device, 271, 274 fate of contaminants associated with sites of hazardous waste disposal, 265-266 field components of project, 2611 flow in vicinity of centerline monitoring well, 276 geology and hydrogeology of site, 266, 269 groundwater chemistry and contamination, 269 history of Superfund site in Arizona, 266 laboratory components of project, 267i location of injection and extraction wells, 270/ materials and methods, 269-274 modeling components of project, 267f moments, pore-water velocities, hydraulic conductivities, and dispersivities for second experiment, 213t primary objectives, 266

results from multi-level sampling device, 276-277 sampling method for bromide and trichloroethene/dichloroethene, 271, 274 schematic of tracer injection apparatus, 272/ strong elution tailing and rebound, 280 tracer injection method, 271 trichloroethene and dichloroethene data, 276-277 vertical distribution of trichloroethene within aquifer, 278/ vertical spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and contaminant concentrations within aquifer, 277, 280 Aeration, in-well. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Inwell aeration for remediation of contaminated aquifer Air sparging with soil vapor extraction air sparging (AS) technique, 153 concentrations and masses of target compounds from soil sample analysis, 160i concentrations of target compounds in groundwater analysis and mass removal estimates for pump-and-treat based on partitioning tracer tests, 164i concentrations of three target compounds in soil vapor extraction (SVE) offgas during SVE and AS/SVE treatment, 162/ contamination in vadose and saturated zones, 156 field experiment location, 155-156 field site description, 154-155 groundwater analyses before and after treatment, 163-165 masses of constituent compounds collected in SVE offgas, 163i monitoring C 0 in offgas, 163 2


Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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286 offgas analyses methods, 158-159 offgas analyses results, 160-163 Biodégradation tracer test offgas chemical concentration data and application of method, 243 soil concentrations assessing perforbiodégradation potential of organic mance of AS/SVE, 165 compounds in subsurface, 240 operation of SVE and combined breakthrough curves at multi-level samAS/SVE systems, 156-157 pling location during field experipartitioning tracer tests, 165 ment, 249/ plan view of AS/SVE configuration case study results, 246-248 and soil core locations at Hill A F B , complex mixture of water-immiscible 156/ organic compounds within test zone, schematic of typical air sparging system 246 configuration coupled with soil vapor evaluating feasibility of intrinsic or acextraction system, 154/ celerated in situ bioremediation, soil coring method, 157 240-241 soil vapor extraction system, 153-154 limitations, 244-245 sparging flow rates as function of cumumethod implementation, 243-244 lative volume of gas extracted from potential of controlled-release field extest cell, 157/ periments, 241-242 standards for total volatile organic comproblems inherent to laboratory-based pounds (TVOC) and target comtesting methods, 241 pounds, 158-159 representative breakthrough curves for target compound masses collected in oftransport of pentafluorobenzoate and fgas, 162-163 benzoate in column packed with Hill target compounds concentration during aquifer material, 247/ SVE and combined AS/SVE syssite and experimental conditions at jettems, 161-162 fuel contaminated site at Hill Air target compounds in soil samples beForce Base (AFB), 245-246 fore and after AS/SVE treatment, theoretical basis of method, 242-243 159-160 three-dimensional, multi-level sampling total V O C (TVOC) concentration as array, 246 trichloroethene, 160-161 three major problems limiting in situ T V O C and target compound measurebiodégradation, 242 ment by customized gas chromatograBioremediation phy (GC), 158-159 feasibility of using intrinsic or accelerT V O C concentration in SVE offgas ated in situ, 240-241 during air sparging, 161/ See also Biodégradation tracer test vapor pressure and aqueous solubility Biotracer tests. See Biodégradation tracer of constituent compounds, 158f test See also Enhanced remediation demonBiotransformation of contaminants, prostrations at Hill A F B moting in situ, 3 Air stripping Bond number (N ),fluidswith densities conventional packed-column, 19-20 dramatically different from water, 14 foaming problem, 20 Alcohol flushing study. See Cosolvent study Alluvial aquifer with D N A P L contaminaCapillary number (N ), assessing interfation. See Surfactant flooding of alluvial cial tension reduction, 14 aquifer Chlorinated organic compounds Aquatic life, environmental acceptability solubility enhancement as function of of surfactants, 20-21 contaminant hydrophobicity, 9, 10/ Aqueous samples, monitoring groundwasolubilization parameters, H i ter wells, point sampling, 4 b


Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by on March 1, 2018 | Publication Date: August 5, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0725.ix002

287 See also Surfactant enhanced subsurContaminant mass estimation face remediation alternative methods, 203-206 Chlorinated-solvent site contamination. changes in estimated volume of N A P L See Advanced site characterization within cell, 205 project differences in characteristics of various methods, 205 Chromate ions. See Groundwater remediintegration of dissolved-phase compoation of chromium nent breakthrough curves, 205 Chromium removal from groundwater. sampling results of Winsor Type I See Groundwater remediation of flushing experiment, 204f chromium sediment sampling and analysis, 205 Cloud point, phase separation concern use of partitioning tracer estimating with nonionic surfactants, 17 N A P L volume, 205-206 Coal tar saturation in soils See also Evaluation sampling plans for coal tar composition, 226-227 innovative remediation technology non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), 226 Contaminants, characterization for surfacSee also Partitioning tracers for coal tant flooding demonstration, 69 tar saturation in soils Contaminated subsurface environment, Column experiments heterogeneous nature of subsurface breakthrough curves for gas-phase constraint to cleanup, 3-4 transport of helium and CÔ tracers Cosolvent flooding test. See Mobilization in water-saturated column, 219/ of N A P L in cosolvent flooding test breakthrough curves from 15% satuCosolvent mobilization. See Enhanced rerated column, 234, 235/ mediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; breakthrough curves for transport of Mobilization of N A P L in cosolvent cyclodextrin and pentafluorobenflooding test zoate through columns with porous Cosolvent solubilization. See Enhanced remedia, 122/ mediation demonstrations at Hill A F B breakthrough curves for transport of Cosolvent study nonreactive tracer through packed breakthrough curves setting future samcolumns—heterogeneous, aggrepling schedules, 89 gated medium and homogeneous combination of two alcohols, 86, 99 soil, 252, 253/ comparisons between cosolvent and sincolumn test of soil cores from coal tar gle-phase microemulsion (SPME) site and laboratory-packed columns, floods, 98-99 229 concentration of n-decane during in column tests evaluating performance of situ flushing test, 97/ selected cosolvent mixtures, 106 considerations of spatial pattern of comparison of saturation estimates N A P L distribution, 98-99 from tracer method and soxhlet excosolvent flushing test cell, 90/ tractions for laboratory-packed colflushing phase and post-flushing partiumns and field cores, 234, 235/ tioning tracer test, 91 conventional packed-column, 19-20 general experimental approach, laboratory column studies, 233-236 89-91 one-dimensional column studies for solgroundwater samples before and after ubilization and mobilization, 14, 15/ flushing, 95, 98 surfactant flooding demonstration, 70 mass balance of extraction well, 95 Complexing sugar flush (CSF) partitioning tracers before and after case study for interwell partitioning flushing, 91, 95 tracer tests, 220-223 partitioning tracer test goals, 89 pilot test with cyclodextrin, 123, pre- and post-flushing mass removal es125-128 timates for in situ flushing tests, 93i See also Cyclodextrin for enhanced in pre- and post-flushing partitioning situ flushing; Enhanced remediation tracer breakthrough curves, 94/ demonstrations at Hill A F B 2

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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288 pre- and post-flushing soil core n-decane concentrations, 92/ soil core samples, 91 solubility enhancement, 87 technology summary, 87-88 See also Single-phase microemulsion (SPME) study Cyclodextrin complexing sugar flush, case study for interwell partitioning tracer tests, 220-223 Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing analysis of equilibrium dissolution behavior, 148-150 analytical methods, 128 analytical test methods, 141-142 aqueous concentration and cyclodextrin-induced solubility enhancements in extraction-well effluent for target contaminants, 132f aqueous concentrations and concentration enhancements for water flush (WF) and complexing sugar flush (CSF), 144, 146, 147i average static groundwater contaminant concentration, 133f basic properties of cyclodextrin, 119, 120/ behavior of cyclodextrin in environmental systems, 119, 121 breakthrough curves for transport of cyclodextrin and pentafluorobenzoate through columns with porous media, 122/ complexing sugar flush (CSF) experimental method, 138-141 composite breakthrough curve for cyclodextrin measured for extraction wells during CSF field test, 129/ contaminant elution for CSF and WF, 142-144, 145/ contaminant location and distribution, 123, 125, 138 correlation between cyclodextrin-water partition coefficient (K^,) and octanol-water partition coefficient (K ), 124/ CSF pilot test, 123, 125-128 CSF technology versus mobilizationbased flushing, 134 cyclodextrin transport and contaminant elution, 128-131 dissolution rate differences between WF and CSF and implications for remediation, 150-151 ow

elution curves for dichlorobenzene measured at extraction wells during CSF field test, 130/ enhanced solubilization of low solubility organic compounds and mass removal, 121, 123 experimental design of CSF, 125-127 experiment location and time of year, 137 flow interruption experiments, 148 flux-averaged extraction-well concentrations for selected contaminants during CSF, 144, 145/ flux-averaged extraction-well concentrations for selected contaminants during water flush, 142, 143/ hydrogeology of site, 137-138 measured versus theoretical aqueous concentrations for WF and CSF, 150i methods for evaluating effectiveness of CSF, 127 relative amounts of mass removed by WF and CSF, 144, 146i remediation performance of CSF versus WF, 144, 146-148 schematic of test cell, 126/ schematic of treatment cell, well locations, and soil core sampling locations, 140/ site characterization, 137-138 static groundwater concentrations, 131 target contaminants chosen, 138 water-flush experimental method, 141

Demonstrations. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Hill Air Force Base (AFB); Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) promise with surfactants, 65 pump-and-treat conventional treatment method, 65 See also Surfactant flooding of alluvial aquifer Dielectric heating, practical technique for attaining soils above 100°C, 27-28 Diffusion-mediated processes diffusive tracer test, 252, 256 flow-interruption method, 252

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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289 tracer experiments at two or more pore-water velocities, 251-252 See also Diffusive tracer test Diffusive tracer test breakthrough curves at center extrac­ tion well, 262/ breakthrough curves at multi-level sam­ pling point, 261/ breakthrough curves for transport of nonreactive tracer through packed columns—heterogeneous, aggre­ gated medium, and homogeneous soil, 252, 253/ diffusion-mediated processes, 251-252 dual-porosity model, 259 extraction well versus multi-level sam­ pling points, 260 first-order mass transfer coefficient, 259 Hill A F B field site location and descrip­ tion, 256, 258 impact of solute diffusivity, 260, 264 impact of solute diffusivity on trans­ port through heterogeneous, aggre­ gated soil, homogeneous soil, and ho­ mogeneous medium, 252, 254/ 255/ 256 mathematical modeling, 258-259 one-dimensional transport assuming steady state flow, 258-259 parameter values from optimization with dual porosity transport model, 263i tracer pair selection key to perfor­ mance of method, 264 tracer properties, 257i tracer test method, 256 Dipole applicator, method for delivering radio frequency power to soil, 26 Direct energy techniques. See Enhanced recovery of organics Dissolution behavior, equilibrium, analy­ sis for ideal dissolution of N A P L into water, 148-150 D N A P L . See Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL); Non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL)

Electro-osmosis electrokinetic phenomena, 31-32 Lasagna process, 31-32 most applicable for remediation in satu­ rated zone, 32 well-established technology basics, 31- 32 See also Enhanced recovery of organics Energy (direct) techniques. See Enhanced recovery of organics Enhanced in situ flushing innovative remediation technique, 137 traditional method ineffective for NAPLs from saturated zone, 136-137 See also Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing Enhanced recovery of organics direct application of energy into subsur­ face systems, 34 electro-osmosis, 31-32 Lasagna process, 31-32 microwave heating, 28-29 radio frequency heating, 25-28 resistive heating, 29-30 soil heating, 25-30 sonic (acoustic) enhanced remediation, 32- 34 technique adaptations from oil field or construction industry, 24 Enhanced remediation. See Surfactant en­ hanced subsurface remediation Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B contaminant distribution, 41-42 disposal history, 39-41 extent of contaminated soil, 41 field tracer tests, 46-47 geologic and hydrogeologic setting, 38-39 groundwater contamination distribu­ tion, 41-42 groundwater sampling method, 45 Hill A F B operable Unit 1, 39/ laboratory-based tracer tests, 46 light N A P L distribution, 41 locations of nine test cells, 40/ mobilization method, 38 Ε performance criteria, 47-48 post-treatment tracer test considera­ Economics tions, 47 importance of surfactant-contaminant pre- and post-treatment sampling and separation and surfactant reuse, analysis, 44-45 19-20 removal of non-aqueous phase liquids viability of surfactant enhanced subsur­ (NAPL) from saturated and unsatu­ face remediation, 13-16 rated zones, 36

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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290 schematic representation of treatability study test cell, 44/ site background, 38-42 soil sampling method, 45 solubilization method, 37 standardization of study methodology, 37 summary of site characterization results for light N A P L (LNAPL), soil, and groundwater at Hill A F B , 43t tank farm, 44 technologies under evaluation, 36-37 test cell characterization, 44-45 test cell construction, 42-44 test cell injection/extraction wells, 43 test cell layout and instrumentation, 42 test cell monitoring wells, 43 test cell multilevel samplers, 43 tracer tests, 45-47 typical partitioning tracer test breakthrough curve, 47/ volatilization method, 37-38 Environmental acceptability, surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation, 20-21 Environmental engineers, groundwater remediation system design, 4 Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology alternative methods of contaminant mass estimation, 203-206 considerations for site characterizations, 197-199 conventional networks of upgradient and downgradient monitoring wells, 197 dependence of technologies on spatially variable geochemical or geologic properties, 198 efforts on analysis and use of existing site characterization data, 199 emphasis on groundwater monitoring well networks, 196 experimental design considerations, 200-201 future directions, 206 non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), 197 phase distribution of contaminants and role of rapid fire analysis, 199-200 pilot treatment evaluation example of alternative methods, 203-206 pilot treatment evaluation example of subsurface variability, 201-203

post-treatment sediment-associated carbon tetrachloride measurements, 203/ pretreatment sediment-associated carbon tetrachloride measurements, 202/ sample replication, 203 site characterization needs for treatment technology evaluations, 198i use of partitioning tracer estimating N A P L volume in test cell, 205-206 Winsor Type Iflushingexperiment sampling results, 204i Experimental design complexing sugar flush, 125-127 considerations for innovative technology evaluations, 200-201 See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology

Field demonstrations need for innovative technologies, 4-5 See also Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B Flushing, complexing sugar (CSF) technology. See Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing G Gas-phase partitioning tracer test example in vadose zone of fuel-contaminated site, 218, 219/ method, 217-218 Gas-phase partitioning tracer tests. See Partitioning tracer method for immiscible liquids in subsurface Geoprobes, point sampling methods, 4 Groundwater hydrologists, groundwater remediation system design, 4 Groundwater remediation of chromium aquifer materials and water, 184 changes in chromium concentration over time, 190-191 chromate laboratory studies, 184-185 chromate pseudo-first order reduction rates and half-lives for two stirred batch reactors, 189i chromate pseudo-first order reduction rates per square meter of Fe surface in presence and absence of quanti-

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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291 ties of Elizabeth City aquifer material, 190i chromate sorption capacity, 188-190 correlation of upgradient conductivity profiles, 192 corrosion of iron within wall, 192-193 disclaimer, 194 field analyses methods, 187 first order chromate half-lives in shaken batch bottle experiments with differing aquifer materials, 190f full-scale implementation results, 192-193 full-scale permeable reactive barrier demonstration, 187-188 geochemical changes matching laboratory findings, 191 iron metal materials, 184 laboratory analyses methods, 187 monitoring well data in iron fence area, 191i North Carolina study site, 183-184 physical specifications for mixtures in reactive barrier wall, 186i pilot-scale field study results, 190-191 pilot-scale field test, 185-187 purpose and objectives, 182-183 quantity of iron present and rate of chromate removal, 189 reaction rates for chromate reduction , 188-190 reactive mixture for pilot-scale field test, 185-187 sample collection methods, 187 shaken batch experiments, 185 site map showing plume locations, iron fence pilot test location, and fullscale iron wall location, 186/ stirred batch reactor experiments, 184-185 summary of geochemical monitoring parameters for aquifer, iron fence, and full-scale iron wall, 193i well monitoring network, 187 Groundwater sampling method for test cell characterization, 45 See also Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Guidance Manual for the Extraction of Contaminants from Unconsolidated Subsurface Environments Rice University research project, 36 See also Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B

H Hazardous waste disposal fate of contaminants associated with sites of hazardous waste disposal, 265-266 See also Advanced site characterization project Heterogeneous nature of subsurface, constraint to successful cleanup, 3-4 Hill Air Force Base (AFB) characteristics of site choice, 102-103 site description and characterization for surfactant flooding demonstrations, 67-69 See also Air sparging with soil vapor extraction; Biodégradation tracer test; Cosolvent study; Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situflushing;Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; In-well aeration for remediation of contaminated aquifer; Mobilization of N A P L in cosolvent flooding test; Single-phase microemulsion (SPME) study; Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B ; Surfactant flooding of alluvial aquifer Human health, environmental acceptability of surfactants, 20-21 Hydroxypropyl-/3-cyclodextrin. See Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing Hypothesis testing, experimental design considerations, 200-201

Immiscible liquids in subsurface. See Partitioning tracer method for immiscible liquids in subsurface Immiscible organic liquid contamination. See Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing; In-well aeration for remediation of contaminated aquifer; Waterflush (WF) Innovative technologies conducting proper performance tests, 4-5 dissemination of results, 5 need for, 2-4 need for field demonstrations, 4-5 See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Interface partitioning tracer tests method, 218, 220

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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292 vertical circulation wells, 167-168 See also Partitioning tracer method for See also Enhanced remediation demonimmiscible liquids in subsurface strations at Hill A F B Interwell partitioning tracer test (PITT). See Partitioning tracers for coal tar sat- Iron (zero-valent) in permeable reactive barrier. See Groundwater remediation uration in soils of chromium In-well aeration for remediation of contaminated aquifer above ground and in-well systems, 170/ air characterization entering and exiting in-well aeration (IWA), 173, 175 Landfills air stream monitoring by photo-ionizafate of contaminants associated with tion detector (PID), 176/ sites of hazardous waste disposal, application of vertical recirculation sys265-266 tems world wide, 168 See also Advanced site characterization aqueous solubility, Henry's coefficients, project and theoretical stripping efficiencies Lasagna process, electro-osmosis remediafor target contaminants, 172i tion technique, 31-32 aquifer description at Hill A F B , 169 Light non-aqueous phase liquids basic instrumentation of cell, 169 (LNAPL). See Non-aqueous phase liqcell 2 N A P L partitioning tracer tests, uids (NAPL) 178i Liquid-liquid extraction, non-volatile concell instrumentation and coring locataminant removal from surfactants, 20 tions, 170/ contaminants in initial and final coring, 172i core sample characterization before M and after IWA operation, 175, 177 description of IWA system design, 169, Mathematical modeling. See Diffusive tracer test 171 Microemulsion. See Enhanced remediagroundwater characterization before tion demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Sinand after IWA operation, 179-180 gle-phase microemulsion (SPME) study groundwater characterization entering and exiting IWA, 171, 173 Microwave heating history of disposal and periodic burnequipment, 29 ing of solvents and jet fuels at Hill technique for recovery of organics, A F B , 168-169 28-29 See also Soil heating initial and final static aqueous concenMobilization trations of contaminants, 172i method for N A P L removal, 38 IWA air stream parameters, lilt surfactant selection, 18 net increase in contamination within versus solubilization for surfactant entreatment zone, 180 hanced subsurface remediation, organic compounds assessing technol18-19 ogy performance, 171 See also Surfactant enhanced solubilizapartitioning tracer tests, 178-179 tion and mobilization at Hill A F B removing small amounts of contaminaMobilization, cosolvent. See Enhanced retion from aquifer, 180 mediation demonstrations at Hill A F B sedimentary aquifers with horizontal Mobilization of N A P L in cosolvent floodlayers of differing hydraulic conducing test tivities, 167 f-butyl alcohol (TBA) grade for test, stripping efficiency calculation, 173 110 strong vertical mobilizing and redistribcolumn tests evaluating performance of uting immiscible liquid within cell, selected cosolvent mixtures, 106 180 comparison of pre-flood and post-flood target contaminant results, 172i average soil mass fractions of target T C A aqueous fluxes through IWA, compounds, 114/ 174/

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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293 comparison of pre-flood and post-flood N A P L saturation estimates using bromide/2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol extrac­ tion well data, 112i comparison of pre-flood and post-flood soil mass fractions of oxylene, 116/ comparison of pre-flood and post-flood soil mass fractions of undecane, 115/ computed N A P L saturation from postflood partitioning tracer test, 113/ computed N A P L saturation from preflood partitioning tracer test, 111/ cosolvent selection, 103-106 cross sectional view of N A P L satura­ tion in test cell, 111/ description of extraction wells, 108 field test design, 106-110 in situ cosolvent flooding, 103 pre-flood N A P L characterization work, 110 pseudo-ternary diagram for TBA-hexanol/Hill O U I NAPL/water system, 105/ purpose of field test, 103 schematic of site layout for test, 109/ screening evaluation of candidate alco­ hols, 104i side and top views of test cell configu­ ration, 107/ strategies for N A P L recovery using cosolvents, 103 ternary phase diagram for T B A , hexanol, and water, 104/ Modeling. See Advanced site characteriza­ tion project; Diffusive tracer test Multiple-component immiscible organic liquid contamination. See Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situflushing;In-well aeration for remediation of contami­ nated aquifer; Water-flush (WF) Ν Nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPL) average dense N A P L (DNAPL) satura­ tion for alluvial aquifer, 79 average N A P L saturation values for case study, 222i changes in estimated volume of N A P L within cell, 205 coal tar saturation, 226 components in light N A P L (LNAPL), 102-103 computed N A P L saturation from postflood partitioning tracer test, 113/ computed N A P L saturation from preflood partitioning tracer test, 111/

considerations of spatial pattern of N A P L distribution, 98-99 conventional method of treating DNAPL-contaminated aquifers, 65 cross sectional view of N A P L satura­ tion in test cell, 111/ dissolution behavior analysis of N A P L into water, 148-150 D N A P L in alluvial aquifer at Hill A F B , 66 D N A P L recovery estimates for surfac­ tant flooding, 79 D N A P L volumes and saturations for surfactant flooding, 79 estimates of N A P L saturation for evalu­ ating performance of cyclodextrin flushing technology, 221-223 influence of 0, 1, and 10% saturation of hypothetical N A P L on transport of partitioning solute, 211/ initial and final D N A P L volumes and saturations from tracer tests, S2t L N A P L distribution, 41 major sources, 208 mobilization method for N A P L re­ moval, 38 most important factor limiting site clean-up, 209 partitioning tracer tests, 178i pre-flood N A P L characterization work, 110 pump-and-treat ineffective for N A P L removal from saturated zone, 136-137 removal of N A P L from saturated and unsaturated zones, 36 removing essentially all D N A P L , 79, 83 solubilization method for N A P L re­ moval, 37 summary of site characterization re­ sults for L N A P L , soil, and groundwa­ ter at Hill A F B , 43i strategies for N A P L recovery using cosolvents, 103 traditional method ineffective for N A P L from saturated zone, 136-137 use of partitioning tracer estimating N A P L volume, 205-206 volatilization method for N A P L re­ moval, 37-38 Winsor Type I microemulsion for mass removal of N A P L , 88 See also Enhanced recovery of organ­ ics; Mobilization of N A P L in cosol­ vent flooding test

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

294 Nonionic surfactants, minimizing losses, 16-17

Partitioning interwell tracer test (PITT). See Partitioning tracers for coal tar saturation in soils Partitioning tracer method for immiscible liquids in subsurface application at field scale, 210, 212 average N A P L saturation values for case study, 222i breakthrough curves for gas-phase transport of helium and CÔ tracers in water-saturated column, 219/ breakthrough curves for gas-phase transport of tracers in vadose zone of petroleum-contaminated site, 219/ breakthrough curves measured for transport of bromide and SF tracers in aquifer below source zone of chlorinated-solvent contaminated site, 211/ breakthrough curves using method of moments with tail correction, 220-221 case study for cyclodextrin complexing sugar flush, 220-223 chemical and microbiological interferences with tracers, 221 combination of pumping injection and extraction wells, 214 constraints, 215-217 effect of mass transfer between water and immobile immiscible organic liquids, 215 estimates of N A P L saturation for evaluating performance of cyclodextrin flushing technology, 221-223 gas-phase partitioning tracer tests, 217-218 impact of mass loss on performance of partitioning tracer, 216-217 influence of 0, 1, and 10% saturation of hypothetical N A P L on transport of partitioning solute, 211/ influence of heterogeneity factors on tracer test performance, 217 interface partitioning tracer tests, 218, 220 interpretation of partitioning tracer tests, 212-213 liquid-liquid mass transfer of partitioning tracer, 215-216

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liquid-liquid partitioning process, 216 mass transfer between N A P L and aqueous phases, 215 measure of fluid saturation larger than point-measurement methods, 223 measuring N A P L saturation in environmental systems, 210 quantifying N A P L saturation within target zone, 212 recovery of tracer, 216 retardation factor definition, 212 retardation factor neglecting sorption by solid phase, 220 selection criteria for tracers, 214-215 single extraction well and non-pumping injection well, 214 theoretical basis in chromatography, 209-210 tracer test methods, 213-215 typical manner of analysis for partitioning tracer test, 212-213 use of monitoring wells, 214 variation of single well system, 213-214 Partitioning tracer tests (PTT) alternative method of estimating N A P L volume, 205-206 baseline comparison for air sparging/ soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE), 165 before and after technology demonstrations, 45-47 considerations for post-treatment tracer tests, 47 demonstrating value of surfactant flooding of alluvial aquifer, 65 estimating volume of D N A P L in sweep volume, 65 field tracer tests, 46-47 laboratory-based tracer tests, 46 tracer experiments for surfactant flooding demonstration, 70 typical PTT breakthrough curve, 47/ See also Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Partitioning tracers for coal tar saturation in soils alcohol screening based on partition coefficient determination, 231-233 alcohol screening results, 232f average Κ values for suitable tracers at varying saturations and concentra­ tions, 233i breakthrough curves from 15% satu­ rated column, 234, 235/ breakthrough curves from field test, 236, 237/

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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295 column test of soil cores from coal tar site and laboratory-packed columns, 229 comparison of saturation estimates from tracer method and soxhlet extractions for laboratory-packed columns and field cores, 234, 235/ field tracer test method, 231 field tracer tests agreeing with laboratory partitioning tracer tests, 236 laboratory column studies, 233-236 method of moments determining coal tar saturation, 236 partition coefficient determination method, 228-229 partitioning interwell tracer test (PITT) method, 227-228 PITT sampling larger area than traditional methods, 228 retardation of partitioning tracer, 227-228 schematic of field cores and approximate depths, 230/ useful method for characterization of coal tar saturation, 236, 238 Performance test, factors for conducting proper, 4-5 Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with zero-valent metal. See Groundwater remediation of chromium Phase distribution of contaminants partitioning between groundwater and sediments, 199-200 See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Pilot treatment evaluation alternative methods of contaminant mass estimation, 203-206 example of subsurface variability, 201-203 pre-treatment and post-treatment sediment-associated carbon tetrachloride measurements, 202/ 203/ See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Point sampling methods coring for solid-phase sampling, 4 groundwater monitoring wells, 4 technologies based on geoprobes, 4 Publication, dissemination of results, 5 Pump-and-treat approach baseline for groundwater extraction well monitoring during partitioning tracer tests, 165 conventional method of treating DNAPL-contaminated aquifers, 65

remediating groundwater contamination, 2-3 See also Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation; Water-flush (WF)

Radio frequency heating areas for future development, 28 common power delivery methods to soil, 26 dielectric heating, 27-28 electromagnetic technique for recovery of organics, 25-28 major technique limitations, 27 pilot-scale remediation tests in field, 26 surface equipment, 27 See also Soil heating Rapid fire analyses role in mass estimation, 199-200 See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Remediation demonstrations. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Remediation of groundwater contamination challenge of subsurface complexities, 4 need for field demonstrations of innovative technologies, 4-5 need for innovative technologies, 2-4 Remediation technology. See Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Resistive heating field déployable stage of testing, 29-30 internal heating technique passing A C current through soil, 29-30 limitation to applicability in permeable sediments, 30 most applicable to vadose zone, 30 primary research areas, 30 surface equipment variations, 30 See also Soil heating

Sampling plans for remediation technology. See Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Saturated zone remediation electro-osmosis technique, 32 microwave heating, 28 pump-and-treat ineffective for N A P L removal, 136-137 See also Cyclodextrin for enhanced in situ flushing; Water-flush (WF)

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by on March 1, 2018 | Publication Date: August 5, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0725.ix002

296 Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC), soil heating technique, 25 Single-phase microemulsion. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Single-phase microemulsion (SPME) study breakthrough curves setting future sampling schedules, 89 combination of surfactant and alcohol, 86, 99 comparison between cosolvent and SPME floods, 98-99 concentration of w-decane during in situ flushing test, 97/ considerations of spatial pattern of N A P L distribution, 98-99 cosolvent flushing test cell, 90/ effluent sample vials from SPME flushing test, 96/ flushing phase and post-flushing partitioning tracer test, 91 general experimental approach, 89-91 groundwater samples before and after flushing, 95, 98 mass balance of extraction well, 95 partitioning tracers before and after in situ flushing tests, 91, 95 partitioning tracer test goals, 89 pre- and post-flushing mass removal estimates for in situ flushing tests, 93i pre- and post-flushing partitioning tracer breakthrough curves, 94/ pre- and post-flushing soil core n-decane concentrations, 92/ similarity to cosolvent test, 89 soil core samples, 91 surfactant-cosurfactant selection phase, 88 technology summary, 88-89 Winsor Type I microemulsion for mass removal of N A P L , 88 See also Cosolvent study Site characterization considerations for innovative technology evaluations, 197-199 needs for treatment technology evaluations, 198i See also Evaluation sampling plans for innovative remediation technology Sodium mono and dimethyl naphthalene sulfonate (SMDNS). See Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation Soil heating direct energy techniques for recovery of organics, 25-30

microwave heating, 28-29 radio frequency heating, 25-28 resistive heating, 29-30 See also Enhanced recovery of organics Soil sampling method for test cell characterization, 45 See also Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Soil vapor extraction and air sparging. See Air sparging with soil vapor extraction; Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Soil vapor extraction (SVE) operation soil heating technologies, 25 See also Enhanced recovery of organics; Soil heating Solid-phase sampling, coring, 4 Solubilization method for N A P L removal, 37 versus mobilization for surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation, 18-19 See also Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B Solubilization, cosolvent. See Cosolvent study; Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Single-phase microemulsion (SPME) study Solubilization, surfactant. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill AFB Sonic (acoustic) enhanced remediation direct acoustic energy for organic recovery, 32-34 future efforts, 34 non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) above and below water table, 33 oil field testing and pilot testing in Netherlands, 33 See also Enhanced recovery of organics Source control, chemical alteration, 3 Source zones, physical barriers isolating, 3 Steam injection. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B Steam stripping, surface treatment for surfactant flooding demonstration, 71 Subsurface remediation. See Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation Superfund site. See Advanced site characterization project Surfactant/alcohol flushing study. See Single-phase microemulsion (SPME) study Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by on March 1, 2018 | Publication Date: August 5, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0725.ix002

297 comparison between two technologies, 60 comparison of contaminant removals, 62t concentration changes of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and surfactants for middle extraction well, 61/ concentrations of TPH and surfactants for first and third extraction wells, 55, 56/ inefficiency of water-based pump-andtreat remediation, 50 mean travel times and residual saturation values for mobilization, 59t mean travel times and residual saturation values for solubilization, 54t operating conditions for surfactant demonstration cells, 52t plot of treatment zone contaminant concentrations and removal percentages, 58, 59/ plot of treatment zone soil contaminant concentrations and removal percentages, 54/ study summary, 63 summary of estimated amounts of contaminants removed at each extraction well (mobilization), 611 summary of estimated contaminants removed at each extraction well, 51t surfactant demonstration studies at Hill A F B , 50-51 surfactant-enhanced mobilization, 55, 58-60 surfactant-enhanced solubilization studies, 51, 53-54 surfactant-enhanced subsurface remediation by solubilization or mobilization, 50 test cell configuration, 51, 52/ Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation bond number (N ), 14 capillary number (N ), 14 cloud point, 17 economic viability, 13-16 environmental acceptability, 20-21 hydraulic measures optimizing surfactant delivery, 17 hydrodynamic processes, 17 hydrophobic-lipophilic balance of surfactants, 8-9 micelle formation above critical micelle concentration, 9, 10/ b


micelle-water partition coefficient from molar solubilization ratio values, 9 minimizing surfactant losses, 16-17 one-dimensional column studies for solubilization and mobilization, 14, 15/ solubility enhancement a function of contaminant hydrophobicity, 9, 10/ solubilization or mobilization, 50 solubilization parameters for chlorinated organic compounds, lit solubilization versus mobilization, 18-19 subsurface flow and heterogeneities reducing sweep efficiency, 17 surfactant-contaminant separation and surfactant reuse, 19-20 surfactant fundamentals, 8-13 systems for surfactant-contaminant separation, 19-20 Winsor regions for water-oil system containing equal volumes of water and oil, 11, 12/ 13 Winsor Type I and III regions on capillary number curve, 14, 15/ Surfactant flooding of alluvial aquifer aquifer model development and simulations, 71-73 average D N A P L saturation, 79 contaminant characterization, 69 contaminant concentrations by G C analysis of extraction well fluid samples and comparisons with UTC H E M predictions, 77, 78/ dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in alluvial aquifer at Hill A F B , 66 design of field tests, 67-73 difference between water table depth between each injection well and extraction well pair during Phase II test, 77, 78/ D N A P L recovery estimates, 79 D N A P L volumes and saturations, 79 grid and aquifer properties in Phase I design simulations, lit important new achievements of field demonstration, 65 initial and final D N A P L volumes and saturations from tracer tests, %2t measured surfactant concentration for central extraction well SB-1 during Phase II and comparison with UTC H E M predictions, 74, 76/ 77 partitioning tracer experiments, 70 Phase I field test results, 73-74

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by on March 1, 2018 | Publication Date: August 5, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0725.ix002

298 Phase II field test results, 74, 76-83 Phase I tracer concentrations for central extraction well SB-1, 75/ primary objectives of Phase I and Phase II tests, 66 removing essentially all D N A P L , 79, 83 site at Hill A F B and test area well locations, 68/ site description and characterization, 67-69 spiky or non-smooth behavior of field test results, 77 summary of Phase II test, 76i surface treatment by steam stripping, 71 surfactant column experiments, 70 surfactant phase behavior for effective surfactant formulation, 69-70 surfactant recovery, 77 tracer concentrations for final Phase II tracer test after surfactant remediation, 79, 80/ 81/ U T C H E M (University of Texas Chemical flood simulator), 71 Surfactant mobilization bulk displacement of residual oil phase, 50 studies at Hill Air Force Base (AFB), 55, 58-60 See also Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B Surfactants column experiments for surfactant flooding demonstration, 70 degradation issues, 21 phase behavior for effective surfactant formulation, 69-70 See also Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation Surfactant solubilization studies at Hill Air Force Base (AFB), 51, 53-54 See also Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Surfactant enhanced solubilization and mobilization at Hill A F B

Test cell characterization. See Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill AFB

Tracer tests. See Biodégradation tracer test; Diffusive tracer test; Enhanced remediation demonstrations at Hill A F B ; Partitioning tracer tests (PTT) Triplate excitor array method for delivering radio frequency power to soil, 26 pilot-scale remediation tests, 26

Ultrafiltration (UF) process, surfactant reconcentration, 20 USGS Method of Characteristics (MOC) code addressing simple fluid flow, 19 See also Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation U T C H E M (The University of Texas Chemical Flooding Simulator) aquifer model development and simulations for surfactant flooding demonstration, 71-73 simulator originally for surfactant enhanced oil recovery, 19 See also Surfactant enhanced subsurface remediation; Surfactant flooding of alluvial aquifer

Vadose zone remediation gas-phase partitioning tracer test, 217218, 219/ microwave heating, 28 radio frequency heating, 26-27 resistive heating, 29-30 Volatilization method for N A P L removal, 37-38

W Water-flush (WF) aqueous concentrations and concentration enhancements for WF and complexing sugar flush (CSF), 147i contaminant elution comparison with CSF, 142-144

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Downloaded by on March 1, 2018 | Publication Date: August 5, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0725.ix002

299 dissolution rate differences between Winsor experiments WF and CSF and implications for reregions for water-oil system containing equal volumes of water and oil, 11, mediation, 150-151 12/ 13 experimental method, 141 sampling results of Winsor Type I experiment location and time of year, flushing experiment, 204i 137 Type I and III regions on capillary flow interruption experiments, 148 number curve, 14, 15/ flux-averaged extraction-well concentraType I microemulsion for mass retions for selected contaminants durmoval of N A P L , 88 ing WF, 143/ relative amounts of mass removed by WF and CSF, 146f remediation performance comparison Zero-valent metals in permeable reactive with CSF, 144, 146-148 barrier. See Groundwater remediation See also Cyclodextrin for enhanced in of chromium situ flushing; Pump-and-treat approach

Brusseau et al.; Innovative Subsurface Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.