Subunit structure of trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase

Feb 1, 1973 - Anne-Lise Pichard , Dominique Daegelen-Proux , Yvonne Alexandre , Jean-Claude Dreyfus ... C.P. DUNNE , W.A. WOOD. 1975,65-101...
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Studies on the Subunit Structure of Trypsin-Activated Phosphorylase Kinaset Donald J. Graves,$ Taro Hayakawa,S Richard A. Horvitz,c Edwina Beckman, and Edwin G. Krebs*

Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase with a sedimentation constant of approximately 22 S can be dissociated to lower molecular weight species. In the presence of ATP at 5" a 13s component which has a molecular weight of approximately 350,000 is slowly formed. Rewarming thc enzyme to 20" does not reverse the dissociation process. At lower enzyme concentrations, 9s and 6 s species are formed as identified by sucrose gradient centrifugation. These subfragments of the enzyme are active in the assay, suggesting that the large molecular weight of phosphorylase kinase is not essential



n a previous report (Hayakawa er a/., 1973b), it was shown that phosphorylase kinase (ATP-phosphorylase phosphotransferase, EC 2.7.138) can be dissociated into three separable subunits by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Since no enzymic activity could be restored following this treatment, less stringent dissociating conditions were sought so that the relationships which these subunits habe to the regulatory and catalytic function of phosphoylase kinase could be examined.

t From the Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, California 95616. Receired Airgust 14, 1972. Supported by Grant No. AM-12842 from the U. S. Public Health Service and by a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, Inc. $ Recipient of a research career development award from the National Institutes of Health, Grant No. AM 6753. Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Bioph) sics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010. Present address: Department of Physiological Chemistry, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, N. J. 071 10. Present address: Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Uiiiversit) ofRochester, Rochester, N. Y . 14642.







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for catalysis of the phosphorylase b to u reaction. Analysis of the 6 s fraction by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate shows that subunits A and B which are present in native phosphorylase kinase are absent in this fraction. Subunit C, however, is still present. Cold denaturation of trypsinactivated kinase occurs and is accentuated in the presence of ATP No effect of cold is seen with native nonactivated phosphorylase kinase or enzyme activated by phosphorylation. These forms of phosphorylase kinase are not dissociated by ATP.

Nonactivated phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylase kinase that had been phosphorylated and activated by protein kinase, and trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase were used in a comparative study. Phosphorylase kinase obtained by treatment with trypsin is catalytically active (Krebs et ul., 1964; Huston and Krebs, 1968) and sediments in the ultrcentrifuge with a sedimentation coefficient similar to that of nonactivated phosphorylase kinase (Krebs et a/., 1964) suggesting that only a limited attack of the enzyme by trypsin has occurred. The results reported herein show that trypsin-treated kinase dissociates upon dilution or by incubation with ATP to give active subfragments. The conditions found to dissociate trypsin-treated kinase to its subunits were ineffective with nonactivated and protein kinase-activated phosphorylase kinase. Experimental Section Materials. Phosphorylase 6 , nonactivated and protein kinase-activated phosphorylase kinase, and [y8*P]ATPwere

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prepared as described in the preceding papers (Hayakawa et ul., 1973a,b). Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase was prepared by incubation of the nonactivated enzyme (14 mg/ml) with trypsin for 5 min a t pH 6.8 at a weight ratio of kinase:trypsin of 1OoO:l. A sixfold excess of soybean trypsin inhibitor on a weight t o weight basis was added t o stop the reaction. A ratio of enzymic activity a t pH 6.8 to activity at pH 8.2 of approximately 1.0 was obtained by this method (Hayakawa e f ul., 1973b). Ulrrucentrifugal Analyses. All sedimentation experiments were performed in a Beckman Model E ultracentrifuge equipped with a n RTIC temperature control unit, Schlieren and Rayleigh interference optics, and a n ultraviolet system with a monochromator and photoelectric scanner. Photographic plates were measured with a Nikon profile projector, Model 6C. The molecular weight of the treated phosphorylase kinase was determined by the sedimentation equilibrium method according t o the meniscus depletion technique of Yphantis (1964). For the equilibrium runs, a 12." sixchannel Kel-F centerpiece was employed. Molecular weights were calculated from the average of those obtained from each of three black interference fringes. The partial specific volume (5 = 0.730 ml/g) that was calculated for nonactivated phosphorylase kinase (Hayakawa ef ol., 1973b) was assumed for trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase. No correction for the density o f t h e buffer was made in the calculation of the molecular weight. Orher Methods. Sucrose gradient centrifugation was done by a n adaptation of the procedure of Martin and Ames (1961). Linear gradients were prepared from 5-20% sucrose in different buffers and centrifugation was carried out at 5' for 16.5 hr a t 30,000 rpm in a swinging bucket rotor, No. 40, using a Beckman L265B ultracentrifuge. Phosphorylase and phosphorylase kinase assays and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate were carried out as described previously (Hayakawa el ul., 1973a,b).


FIGURE 1 : Effect of nucleotides an the ultracentrifugal pattern of trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase. (A) Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase, 2.8 mgjml, in 20 mM glycerol phosphate-9 mM mercaptaethanaM.7 mM EDTA, pH 6.9; upper curve. with 20 mM ATP; lower curve, without ATP. The two peaks of the upper pattern haves values of 13.1 and 20.0. The control in the lower pattern had an s value of 22.4. The photograph was taken with a phase plate angle of 65" after the samples in double-sector cells had been at a speed of 52,000 rpm for 17 min with the temperature controlled at 5". (6) Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase, 2.7 mgjml, in 18 mM glycerol phosphate4.9 mM mercaptoethanoM.2 mM EDTA, pH 6.9; upper curve, with 20 mM ATP; lower curve. with 20 mM ATP-0.10 M Mg2+. The upper pattern shows the partially dissociated enzyme with the 13.2s and 20.7s peaks in an approximate ratio of 3 : 2 . The lower pattern shows the partially dissociated enzyme with the 14.2s and 20.9s peaks in an approximate ratio of 2:3. The photograph was taken with a phase plate angle of 60" after the samples in double-sector cells had been at a speed of 48,000 rpm far 20 mi" with the temperature controlled at 9". (C) Trypsinactivated phosphorylase kinase, 2.0 mg/ml, in 20 m~ glycerol phosphate-45 mM mercaptaethanol4.8 mM EDTA, pH 6.9; upper curve, with 20 mM ADP; lower curve, with 20 mM AMP. The upper pattern shows the nondissociated enzyme with an s value of 20.3. The lower pattern shows the nondissociated enzyme with an s value of 20.7. The photograph was taken with a phase plate angle of 70" after the samples in single-sector cell3 had been at a speed of 56,oW rpm for 24 min with the temperaturecantrolled at 5". Sedimentation is from left to right in all figures. 5 values in A-C have been corrected to 20" but have not been corrected for solvent.

Results Preliminary Affempls 10 Dissociare Nonuctiiuted Phosphoryluse Kinase. A variety of conditions were tested in an

Effect of ATP on the Dissociulion of Phospl~uryluseKinase. The elyect of free ATP as a possible dissociating agent was attempt to find a mild method for dissociating nonactivated studied since this nucleotide had been found t o cause the phosphorylase kinase into its subunits. At a concentration of dissociation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 mgjml under conditions of high ionic strength, e.r., 2.5 M (Constantinides and Deal, 1969; Stance1 and Deal, 1969), NaCI, or in the presence of NaCI04(0.25,0.5, and 1.0 M) a t pH glycogen phosphorylase (DeVinccnzi and Hcdrick, 19701, and 7, the enzyme aggregated as evidenced either by visible phosphofructokinase (Parmeggiani el ul., 1966; Paetkau and precipitation or by analytical ultracentrifugation. Inclusion of Lardy, 1967). With nonactivated or protein kinase-activated 10% sucrose in the above solutions reduced aggregation but no phosphorylase kinase, however, ATP had no e l k t ; hut with evidence was obtained for enzyme dissociation. Also, 1 M K I t h e trypsin-activated enzyme ATP did bring about dissociation did not change the sedimentation properties of nonactivated as seen by the sedimentation pattern (Figure 1). The lower phosphorylase kinase, although this salt was known t o be very pattern of Figure 1A shows that trypsin-activated phoseffectivein dissociating a high molecular weight fraction of the phorylasc kinase sediments as a single component with a pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (Hayakawa el d.,1969). sedimentation coefficient of around 22 S. After incubation With cationic substances such as spermine (10 mM) or Mg'+ with ATP, componrnts with sedimentation coefficients of 20 (1 mM) o r Ca2+( 2 mM), aggregation of the enzyme again took and 13 S are seen (Figure IA, upper pattern). Figure 1B shows place. Different buffers a t low ionic strength such as glycerol that the substrate of phosphorylase kinase, the MgATP phosphate, HCOa-, Hepes,' Tris, and glycine from pH 6.0 to complex, is less effective than ATP in promoting dissociation. 10, the chelating agents, EDTA or EGTA, carbohydrates, 5 % Figure IC shows that not all adenine nucleotides will cause a hydrolyzed amylose (average degree of polymerization of 40 change in sedimentation inasmuch as AMP and ADP had no glucosyl units) or 1 % maltotetraose, and phosphorylase b effect. It seems probable that the modification of the structure (3.4 mg/ml) also were tried but were ineKective. of trypsin-activated kinase that results in dissociation is related t o the binding of the highly negatively charged _____~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ polyphosphate moiety of ATP. lAbbreviations used: Hepcr, N-2-hyd~01y~thylpi~elBZillC-N'-2Further characterization of trypsin-modified phosphorylase erhanerulfoiiis acid; EGTA. ethylene glycol bis(O-aminoethy1 ether)kinase was carried out by analytical ultracentrifugation in N,N'-tetraacrtarc. ~~






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Irreversibility of enzyme dissociation after tryptic activation. (A) Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase, 2.0 mgjml, in 20 mM glycerol phosphate-45 mM mercaptoethanol4.8 mM EDTA, with 20 mM ATP at pH 6.0. Incubation was for 3 hr at 0" before centrifugation. Picture was taken 24 min after reaching 56,000 rpm at a phase plate angle of 55". Temperature was controlled at 6.5". (B) Lower pattern, enzyme from A rewarmed to 20" for 1.5 hr; upper pattern, enzyme as in A except incubated at 20' for 5.5 hr. Pictures taken 8 min after reaching speed of 56,000 rpm at a phase plate angle of 50". Temperature was controlled at 22". (C) Lower pattern, enzyme from A rewarmed for 20 hr at 20"; upper pattern, enzyme control at 20" far 24 hr. Pictures taken 24 min after reaching speed of 56,000 rpm at a phase plate angle of 50". Temperature was controlled at 20". Sedimentation is from left to right. All samples were in a 2" Kel-F single sector centerpiece, FIGURE 3:


FIGURE2: Influence of temperature and time of incubation on the ATP-induced structural change. (A) Trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase, 2.5 mgjml, in 20 mM glycerol phosphate45 mM mercaptoethanol4.8 mM EDTA, pH 6.9, with20 mu ATP. Incubation for 2.5 hr at 0" before centrifugation at 6". The pattern shows the partial dissociation of the enzyme in a picture taken 24 min after reaching a speed of 56,000 rpm at a phase plate angle of 5 5 " . ( 6 ) Same conditions as in A but incubation at 20" and centrifugation at 20". Picture taken at a phase plate angle of 60" I8 min after reaching a speed of 56,000 rpm with the temperature controlled at 20". ( C ) As in A except incubation was for 8 hr before centrifugation at 6". This pattern exhibits further dissociation of the enzyme. It was taken at a phase plate angle of 50" 24 min after reaching a speed of 56,000 rpm with the temperature controlled at 7 '. (D)As in A except incubation was for 18 hr. Picture was taken at a phase plate angle of 50" 22 niin after reaching a speed of 56,oM) rpm with the temperature controlled at 5 " . Complete dissociation to the 13s peak appears to have taken place. Sedimentation is from left to right. All samples were in a 2" Kel-F single sector centerpiece.

a n attempt to further define the functional role of the different subunits of the enzyme in the catalytic process. In Figure 2 the effects of temperature, time, and pH are illustrated. The structural change induced by ATP is greater at lower temperatures (Figure 2A) than a t 20" (Figure 28) and in this respect is similar to the results reported for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Constantinides and Deal, 1969). ATP does not change the sedimentation characteristics of trypsin-activated kinase rapidly. Figures 2A, C , and D show ultracentrifugal patterns obtained after different times of incubation and show that the major light component (13 S ) is completely formed only after 18 hr of incubation. The half-time for the conversion is estimated t o be approximately 4 hr a t 0" a t this pH. The effect of ATP also depends upon pH. For example, in glycerol phosphate-EDTA buffers, the rate of change is enhanced by decreasing the pH from 7.8 t o 6.9 t o 6.0 t o 5.6. After 4 hr of incubation a t pH 5.6 or 6.0, essentially all of trypsin-treated phosphorylase kinase sediments as the 13s component in the presence of ATP. In a n experiment a t pH 6.0 it was determined that the dissociated enzyme still possessed 76% of its original



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catalytic activity, i.e. a particular sample of the kinase with a n original activity of 50,000 units/mg a t p H 6.8 o r pH 8.2 now showed 37,000 units/mg. Mulecular Weight of Trypsin-Actitiuted Phosphorylase Kinase. The structural change induced in trypsin-activated phosphorylase kinase by ATP is presumably a dissociation of the enzyme into its substructure. To define the extent of this alteration, the molecular weight of the trypsin-activated enzyme was determined by the meniscus depletion method after incubation with ATP. In this experiment the trypsinactivated kinase was stored at pH 6.9 for 18 hr a t 0" with 20 mM ATP. A molecular weight of 3.46 X 1 0 was obtained and no obvious polydispersity was detected across the cell. No molecular weight values have been determined for the trypsin-activated kinase in the absence of ATP, but it is probably close t o that of nonactivated phosphorylase kinase (1.33 X 107 (Hayakawa et a / . , 1973b) since the sedimentation coefficient of the trypsin-activated enzyme before dissociation is similar to that of the nonactivated kinase. At a concentration of 2.7 mg/ml, under conditions essentially identical with those in the experiment shown in the lower curve of Figure l A , nonactivated phosphorylase kinase had a sedimentation coefficient of 23.5, whereas the value for trypsin-activated enzyme was 22.4 S. Irreiersibility .f the Dissociari~Jn