Success in the process! They all rely on - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Paint, Varnish and Lacquer

Heavy-duty Motor Oils (additives)

Success in the process! They aH rely on for a complete line o f high quality SURFACE COATING petroleum chemicals P E T R O H O L 91 P E T R O H O L 95 PETROLEUM P E T R O H O L 99 PARANOX PARATONE PARAFLOW PARAPOID PARADYNE PARATAC PETROHOL Methyl Ethyl Ketone Dewaxing Aid Ethyl Ether leopropyl E t h e r Reference Fuels


3 2,

JAYSOL Secondary Butyl Alcohol Secondary Butyl Acetate leopropyl Acetate Acetone Methyl Ethyl Ketone Ethyl Ether leopropyl Ether Dicyclopentadiene Napththenic Acids Iso-Octyl Alcohol Decyl Alcohol Denatured Ethyl Alcohol






CHEfiUCAL PETFCOHO»!. 91 PETRi€HO>L 95 PETRiOHO>L 99 JAYSOL Iso-Octyl Alcohol Decyl Aleolaol Denatured E t h y l Alcohol Tridecyl Alcohol Dicyclopcatadiene Isop re-no Butadiene Ethyl Ethex leopropyl E t h e r T e t r a » ropy lene Tripropyle-ne Aromatic T a r s Benzeaio Acctoano Methyl *"*yl Ketone




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