Sugar by the ton: 99.99% pure - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v032n037.p3617. Publication Date: September 13, 1954. Copyright © 1954 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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Sugar by the ton: 99.99% pure There aren't m a n y chemicals — let alone foodstuffs — as chemically p u r e as sugar p r e p a r e d from sirups treated with Amberlite' 1 ^ ion e x c h a n g e resins. T h e s e resins remove ash from cane sirup solutions, cut d o w n sugar loss in molasses, yield sugar of the highest q u a l i t y . O t h e r products, too, benefit from proper t r e a t m e n t with the Amberlite ion exchangers. Soft c u r d milk for infants may l>e produced from cow's milk, for e x a m p l e . Stabilized cream a n d condensed milk, readily soluble in hot drinks, may be prepared. C r u d e glycerin c a n be converted to CI.P. oracle by an ion e x h a n g c process.

T h e list is long. Gelatin, a m i n o acids, fruit drinks, bland sirups from fruit wastes, vitamins, dextrose sirups, a n d others may b e purified a t low cost by means of A m b e r l i t e ion e x c h a n g e . W h y not write us a b o u t your p r o b l e m . . . ask us a b o u t Amberlite ion exchange resins? T a k e this o p p o r t u n i t y to find out why, in ion e x c h a n g e , the right w a y is t h e Am her lite w a y . A.\/i for "Arnherlife Ion Euhanize" K) fxioc\ of ttihtueal infonnation on the appluations for ion e\ehange in indu.stty.







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