Suggestion for siphoning distasteful liquids

For siphoning distasteful liquids, the following device is in use in our laboratory. A piece of ordinary soft glass tubing is bent in the shape of a d...
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SUGGESTION FOR SIPHONING DISTASTEFUL LIQUIDS ELBERT C. WEAVER, BULKELEY HIGH SCHOOL, HARTPORD, CONNECTIC~ For siphoning distasteful liquids, the following device is in use in our laboratory. A piece of ordinary soft glass tubing is bent in the shape of a distorted S. A hole is melted through the lower loop by means of a small flame, and the ends fire-polished C as shown in the diagram. To start the siphon ( A B) place the finger over the hole a t B, A in the liquid to be siphoned, and suck in at C with the mouth or a suction pump " until the liquid reaches B when the finger is removed. A This device offers a quick and convenient method for science teachers to start a demonstration siphon on the lecture table when teaching that principle. A household application may be made easily. The use of this device B will enable one to neatly remove the cream from a bottle of milk. The necessary adjustment of the length of the leg A may be made by an elastic band across the loop above it. For this purpose 8 or 10 mm. tubing is a convenient size.