Sulfolane Finds New Uses in Extraction - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 6, 2010 - Shell plans to use sulfolane to extract aromatics; others will use ... will start to use Shell's Sulfinol process for purifying hydrogen...
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Sulfolane Finds New Uses in Extraction Shell plans to use sulfolane to extract aromatics; others will use Sulfinol process to purify hydrogen Later this year, one of Shell Oil's refineries near Houston, Tex., will begin using sulfolane in a modified extractive distillation unit for extracting benzene, toluene, and xylene from catalytic reformates. In another move related to commercial availability of sulfolane, Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada, Ltd., Trail, B.C., will start to use Shell's Sulfinol process for purifying hydrogen which is used in the firm's ammonia plant. Several U.S. companies are expected to follow suit. These ventures will mark the first commercial use of these processes in the U.S. and Canada. The Sulfinol process, which uses sulfolane along with alkanolamines as the solvent system, removes contaminants such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and carbonyl sulfide from natural gas, hydrogen or synthesis gas, and, in some cases, refinery gas streams. In the extraction processes for lighter aromatics, such as the Udex, sulfolane (tetramethylene sulfone) can replace diethylene glycol and other glycols which are the solvents usually used for benzene-toluene-xylene extraction. The Udex process is a joint development of Universal Oil Products Co. and Dow Chemical Co. Now UOP is also Shell's exclusive licensing agent in the U.S. for the sulfolane extraction process. Shell Development worked out a commercial process for manufacturing sulfolane, and the solvent is now being made in commercial quantities at Stan-

low, England. Sulfolane is made by the reaction of sulfur dioxide with butadiene to form sulfolene, which is then hydrogenated to sulfolane. Shell plans to build a sulfolane plant in the U.S. when demand justifies it. The use of sulfolane as solvent for extracting aromatics offers several advantages, Shell claims. Sulfolane is more thermally stable, and a more selective solvent for aromatic hydrocarbons than is diethylene glycol. Also operating costs are cut by about 25% when sulfolane is used in existing Udex units which have been modified slightly. For new units the capital investment costs are about 25% lower because of an improved process sequence, which omits certain heat transfer equipment. Smaller separation, distillation, and extraction columns are used. A commercial refinery that uses sulfolane for extracting aromatics is now on stream in Stanlow, England. Shell Refining Co. revamped its Udex unit for use with sulfolane solvent system. The process is designed to recover 9 5 % of the feed aromatics from a light catalytic reformate at a purity of 99%. Two major changes had to be made in the Udex unit to switch to sulfolane—rectification of the extract for solvent removal, and application of the rectification column overhead water to raffinate water wash. Shell says that the capital expenditure is less than 10% of the original cost of the plant. Two major benefits accrued from

Sulfinol Process Costs Less Than Do Other Gas-Removal Processes in Making Hydrogen Sulfinol

Modified Carbonate

On-site capital cost, %




Operating cost,* %





Steam-Methane Reforming

* Utilities, chemicals, operating labor, maintenance, process auxiliaries, taxes and insurance. Source: Shell Chemical






the change at Stanlow for the 99% purity, high-octane blending stock. First, consumption of steam has been reduced by about 4 0 % . Second, effective capacity of the plant has been increased by about 2 5 % . However, Shell believes that with some additional changes to the extractor and the use of a rotating-disk contactor, an increase of 50% is possible. Another Shell refinery that uses sulfolane is also on stream in Rho, Italy. The start-up of Shell's refinery could well influence other refiners to install this process in the U.S. To date, emphasis has been on the use of sulfolane in manufacturing light aromatics from catalytic reformate fractions. However, other feedstocks can be used for aromatics production, and sulfolane looks attractive for other separations such as extraction of kerosine-range aromatics. In the nonpetroleum field, sulfolane extraction has potential for separating fatty acids into their saturated and unsaturated portions, as a reaction solvent, and as a solvent for polymer spinning. Removes Contaminants. The Sulfinol process, developed by Shell Development Co., is an economically attractive way to obtain sweet pipeline gas directly from a variety of acid gases, Shell says. Shell Development is the sole licensee of the Sulfinol process. By contrast with other available processes, the solvent system— sulfolane used along an alkanolamine— removes mercaptans and handles carbonyl sulfide without excessive amine degradation. Shell says that for instance, monoethanolamine (the solvent most often used) isn't very attractive for removing contaminants in very acid natural gases because of its high circulation and heat requirements. The modified carbonate process is frequently used for removal of carbon dioxide from synthesis gas, but the extraction has some of the same disadvantages as monoethanolamine. Also the carbonate process can't be used for stripping hydrogen sulfide from nitrogen gas. The Sulfinol process is also suited to purifying hydrogen gas streams generated by partial oxidation of heavy fuel such as with Shell's gasification process—used mostly in Europe. It is also suited to similar streams produced in steam-methane reforming—used mostly in the U.S. Economics of the process will be more attractive if the Sulfinol process

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is used to remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide in the synthesis gas purification train, Shell believes. The Sulfinol process uses a conventional absorption and regeneration cycle like the one used in the aqueous alkanolamine process. The process involves simultaneous selective physical and chemical absorption of the acidic components in the sulfolanealkanolamine. The acidic components are subsequently released at ambient pressure and a temperature of about 150° F. The sulfolane-alkanolamine solvent is much easier to strip than is aqueous monoethanolamine since the temperature equilibrium for acid gas favors Sulfinol. The economic operating advantages of the process are due mainly to reduced solvent circulation and reduced consumption of utilities and chemicals. There is also less maintenance on this system. The gas is free of sulfur and mercaptans. Process Economics. Shell has estimated cost of its process compared to other processes based on relative rather than absolute bases. This is done because of variations due to local and other factors. U.S. standards are used in assessing capital costs. Shell has compared the actual capital costs of existing plants using conventional processes, and costs of the Sulfinol process are derived from these by applying well-established cost factors. Since nearly the same type of equipment is used in all cases, factoring is straightforward. On-site capital cost comparisons, using a steam-methane reforming process as the base, indicate that the Sulfinol process costs 10% less than the modified carbonate technique, 30% less than when using monoethanolamine. Operating costs for the Sulfinol process are 5% less than the modified carbonate technique, 105% less than the monoethanolamine process, according to Shell. Hydrocracking installations in the U.S. refineries, and the continuing growth of ammonia synthesis capacity, both in the U.S. and abroad, presage a very substantial demand for hydrogen. Extrapolation of present demands to 1970 indicates a potential expansion of as much as 4 million tons a year in U.S. ammonia capacity. U.S. hydrocracking capacity will exceed 350,000 bbl. per day. Hydrogen needed for this growth alone would be on the order of 1.5 billion standard cubic feet per day.

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Yttrium-free, single-crystal garnets for microwave devices are being grown by Bell Telephone Laboratories. A new technique which chemically re­ places yttrium with bismuth and cal­ cium has been developed by Dr. Sey­ mour Geller with the collaboration of H. J. Williams, G. P. Espinosa, and R. C. Sherwood, all of Bell Labs. Vanadium is also incorporated into the garnets by this technique. Pentavalent vanadium is balanced electrostatically with calcium, which, together with the bismuth, replaces the yttrium, Dr. Geller says. Unlike some other elements tested, the vanadium doesn't increase the garnet's anisotropy—differences in its magnetic properties in different directions. Single-crystal, yttrium-free garnets with vanadium have been used to make low-frequency (1700 megacy­ cles per second), low-field (300 gauss), low-temperature (4° K.) isolators. Because of their low anisotropy, the garnets are useful as low-frequency ferrimagnetic resona­ tors.

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