SULFRIAN Cryogenics, INC. - ACS Publications

Send for engineering drawings. Sulfrian also makes liquid nitro- ... Send for 64 page cat- alog and price list. SULFRIAN me. ... in low-mass work such...
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Super Conducting



bination with a carefully designed oil circulation system, temperature control to ±0.02° C. has been achieved in large oil baths. A

Versatile Six-Inch Radius Mass Spectrometer for Isotopic Analysis of Solids, Liquids, or Gases. / / . O.

Finie y et al. New Brunswick Laboratory, for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. April 1963. 37 pages. Order NBL 191. 76 cents. A six-inch radius mass spectrometer has been designed for use in low-mass work such as for boron and lithium analysis. The design of the analyzer tube ends permits rapid exchange of ion sources and collectors with a minimum of physical change or loss of instrument time. The ion source and vacuum system valve arrangement permit fast interchange of samples. Ultracentrifuge Photoelectric Scanner, Split-Beam. K. W. Earners, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. October 1962. 63 pages. Order UCRL 10499. $1.76. An electromechanical scanner is described which can be used for displaying absorbanee changes when a lightabsorbing material such as a virus, protein, or nucleic acid is sedimenting in the centrifugal field of an ultracentrifuge. A Versatile Spectrometer Magnet Power Supply. W. A. Groppe, Union Carbide Nuclear Co., for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. April 1963. 25 pages. Order Y HH. 50 cents.

This Sulfrian 30 liter stainless steel dewar is a breakthrough in cryogenics. Liquid helium loss rate is less than 70 cc per hour. Send for engineering drawings. Sulfrian also makes liquid nitrogen/oxygen containers, liquid hydrogen/helium containers, maser dewars, free radical dewars and a large line of low temperature equipment. Send for 64 page catalog and price list.

SULFRIAN Cryogenics,


1290 Central Ave., Hillside, N. J. Phone: ELizabeth 5-1975

This newly designed mass spectrometer magnet power supply offers good regulation, low drift, and a sufficient range of current. It can be used with both 6-inch and 12-inch spectrometers. A Plug-In Type Mass Spectrometer Surface Ionization Source for Use with a Vacuum Lock. IF. W. Rice, Union Carbide Nuclear Co., for the U. .S. Atomic Energy Commission. January 1963. 15 pages. Order Y 1415. 50 cents. A plug-in type ionization source has been designed and built to be used with existing vacuum locks and Nier-type sources of the 6-inch and 12-inch mass spectrometers.

Analytical Chemistry Division, Annual Progress Report. Period ending December 31, 1962. ORNL for the U. S>. Atomic Energy Commission. 153 pages. Order ORNL-3397. $2.75. Developments in three major areas of research are presented in this report: analytical research, analytical development, and service analyses. Subjects in the report include analytical instrumentation, chemical analysis of advanced reactor fuels, special research problems, the gas cooled reactor project, radiation effects, nuclear and radiochemical analyses, organic and inorganic preparations, ionic analyses, infrared studies, and process analyses.

A Contribution to the Determination of Beta and Gamma Cellulose in Cellulose Rayon Pulps. W. Piela et al. Paper Review, Communique No. 100 of the Pulp and Paper Research Institute. Aro. 1, 1958. Translated from Polish. 7 pages. Order 61-31266. 50 cents. Four chemical methods for finding the content of beta cellulose and gamma cellulose rayon pulps are reviewed in this Polish translation. The four are: Cross and Bevan ; Czech ; Swedish ; and a combined method.

The Analysis of Polyphenyl Radiolysis Products by Gas Chromatograph and Other Methods. FF. TF.

West. California Research Corp.. for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. October 1962. 35 pages. Order TID-17508. $1. Polyphenyls that have decomposed under the heat and radiation of a nuclear reactor were analyzed by gas chromatography. Oases, liquids, and solids (up through the hexaphenyls) were successfully analyzed. Two other methods, using the spectrometer as a gas chromatographic detector, and adsorption chromatography, were also considered.

Application of Distillation Techniques to Radiochemical Separations. J.

R. DeVoe. National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council. August 1962. 29 pages. Order NASA'S 3108. 50 cents. This is another publication in the Nuclear Science Series. After discus(Continued on page 68 A )

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