Sulfur in Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Halogen

Determination of Sulfur after Combustion in Small Oxygen Bomb. Rapid Trimetric Method. R Siegfriedt , S Wiberley , and R Moore. Analytical Chemistry 1...
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Sulfur in Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Halogen Acidimetric Microdetermination EDWIN L. BREWSTER, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. AND

WM. RIETlIAN, 111, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J.

r HE disadrantages of the gravimetric microdetermination


r o f sulfur in organic substances are so well known t h a t many investigators (1-4) have sought, more or less successfully, to develop a volumetric procedure to replace it. In the case of a sample containing only carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, the problem is simple: The sulfuric acid resultin from the combustion in oxygen can be titrated with standar! sodium hydroxide (5). If the sample contains nitrogen or halogen, the problem is more difficult. The nitric or halogen acid must be evaporated without loss of sulfuric acid (S), or the sulfate must be titrated with barium chloride with tetrahydroxyquinone as indicator ( 4 ) . Although the latter method has some staunch supporters, many analysts find the end point difficult. Friedrich and Watzlaweck (9)state that simple evaporation on a steam bath will not serve to separate nitric and halogen acids from sulfuric acid. They recommend a complicated system of titrations and countertitrations designed to hold the sulfuric acid back as sodium bisulfate while the nitric and halogen acids are evaporated.


T h e authors have found that the low results obtained on simple evaporation of a solution of sulfuric acid are not entireiy due to volatilization of that acid, but that neutralization of the sulfuric acid bv ammonia from the laboratorv air accounts for part of t h e apparent loss. B y evaporation in a stream of purified air under uniform conditions, nitric and halogen acids can be completely separated from sulfuric acid with only a small, constant loss of the latter.

TABLEI. RESULTS OBTAISED F R O M (Blank correction = Compound


Benzyl sulfide Sulfanilic acid Imuure diuhenvlthio. . urea 2.4 Dichlorouhenvl4-to1rienesu1fbnati 2,4 Dichlorophenyl3,4-dichlorobenzenesulfonate

- . ~-


13 TO JUNE 21, 1940

+ 107 sulfur) Sulfur Theory

Sulfur Found

Mean Error

Mean Deriation





CiiHiaS CsH;OaNS

14.97 18.51


-0.05 $0.14














CinHsOaClrS 8.61 8.62 +0.01 0.07 CnHlsOsBrzS 5.96 5.85 -0.11 0.08 2,4,6-Tribrornophenyl6.61 6.79 $0.18 0.01 p-toluenrsulfonate CiaHDOaBrsS 4 Ivitrr,chli,robenzene2-sulforiic acid dihydrate CsI-14OsNC1S.2HzO 11.71 11.49 -0.22 0.02 a Impure compound. Mean of several macrodeterminations with a Parr peroxide bomb wa6 14.80% sulfur.

Apparatus The combustion spiral tube is of the customary design (5), except that it must be made of transparent silica. Glass tubes are slightly decomposed a t the temperature of combustion with resultant liberation of alkali that neutralizes some of the sulfuric acid. Opaque silica is too porous to permit satisfactory washing, The spiral of the combustion tube and the test tube used to cover the end may be of Pyrex. T h e e v a p o r a t i n g dish must also be of transparent silica. Dishes 3.75 cm. (1.5 inches) tall and 5.6 cm. (2.25 inches) in diameter, holding 65 ml., were used in this work. The evaporation occurred in an air conditioner illustrated in Figure 1. The evaporating dish rested on a porcelain ring supported FIGURE 1 by a beaker, which served as a steam bath. A funnel was inverted over the dish. Air was purified by passage through concentrated sodium hydroxide, concentrated sulfuric acid, and a large bottle serving as a settling vessel for droplets of sulfuric acid, and was finally led into the stem of the funnel a t a rate of 9 liters Der minute. (Rates of 5 to 20 liters per minute' were found satisfactory.) When the air stream impinged directly on the surface of the evaporating solution, excessive loss of sulfuric acid was incurred. This was avoided by employing an ordinary crucible cover as a baffle. The cover was suspended by string which was held in place by the rubber tubing over the end of the funnel.


Bromorrrsoi purple



11. RESULTSOBTAINED FRO31 JULY 11 TO JULY 18, 1941 (Blank correction = + 2 1 r sulfur)


- Iodo - 8 - hydroxyquinoline - 5 - sulfonic acid 8 - Methyl - 2,2' - di-



ethylthiocarbocyanine iodide Methylbensothiazoleethiodide Ethylphenylthiohydantoin


Sulfur Theory

Sulfur Found

Mean Error

Mean Deviation

























Procedure A sample of 4 to 6 mg. is weighed in a platinum boat and subjected to the usual combustion in the spiral tube (6). After combustion, the contents of the spiral tube are rinsed into the evaporating dish by five 2-ml. portions of water. If the tube is clamped vertically and the water added quickly, complete transference is achieved with this volume of wash water. Each portion of wash water is caught in the Pyrex test tube and then transferred t o the dish. The dish is then set on the steam bath (Figure 1) for 45 minutes. The evaporation appears to be complete in 30 minutes, but 40 to 45 minutes are required to drive off nitric acid completely. After cooling, the contents of the dish are titrated with standard 0.01 N sodium hydroxide to the methyl red end point. The sodium hydroxide may be conveniently standardized against potassium biniodate or sulfamic acid with the same indicator.



October 15, 1942

BLANK. A blank determination is performed as follows: The combustion tube is heated just as in a combustion, but no sample is taken. The tube is rinsed into the evaporating dish, and a measured volume of standard sulfuric acid (usually 2 ml. of 0.01 N solution) is added. The evaporation is conducted for 45 minutes, and the contents are titrated with sodium hydroxide as usual. Any difference between the sulfuric acid taken and that found by the titration is added to or subtracted from-as the case mag require-the sulfur found in an actual determination. The blank corrects for acids in the hydrogen peroxide, alkali acquired from the glass spiral, volatilization of sulfuric acid, and neutralization of sulfuric acid by ammonia from the air. The blank correction increases slightly with continued use of the combustion tube. This phenomenon, which is illustrated by a comparison of the blank correction of Table I with that of Table 11, is probably due to a slow deterioration of the glass spiral during the combustion.

Results Some typical results obtained b y this method are given in Tables I and 11. Each entry in t h e table is the mean of two or more determinations.

Discussion This method yields accurate results in t h e presence of large amounts of nitrogen, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. It requires less time t h a n t h e method of Friedrich and Katzla-

weck (3) and gives a much sharper end point than t h e method of Hallet and Kuipers ( d ) , b u t is not applicable t o metal organic compounds. I n such cases some of the sulfur is retained in t h e boat as metallic sulfate. An attempt was made t o apply the evaporation and titration of sulfuric acid t o t h e determination of sulfur, following a n oxidationof the organic sample by the micro-Carius method. This was not successful because alkali is extracted from the glass bomb during t h e oxidation. Furthermore, a longer period of evaporation is necessary t o remove the large quantity of nitric acid.

Acknowledgment T h e authors wish t o express their indebtedness t o E. B. Middleton of t h e Du Pont Film Manufacturing Corporation, Parlin, N. J., for several of t h e samples used in the analyses.

Literature Cited (1) Brewster, doctor’s thesis, Rutgers University, 1912. (2) Friedrich and h‘iandl, Mikrochemie, 22, 14 (1937). (3) Friedrich and Watzlaweck, 2. anal. Chem., 89, 401 (1932). (4) Hallet and Kuipers, IND.ENG.CHEM.,A x . i L . ED.,12, 360 (1940). ( 5 ) Niederl and Niederl, “.Micromethods of Quantitative Organic Elementary Analysis”, 2nd ecl., p. 188, New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1942.

Adaptation of an Indirect Method for Potassium to the Photoelectric Colorimeter C. P. SIDERIS, Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1’. H.

The determination of potassium as potassium sodium cobaltinitrite with nitroso R salt (disodium salt of 1-nitroso-2-hydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonic acid) can be made with much greater precision using a photoelectric colorimeter with appropriate light filters instead of a n optical colorimeter. The range of concentrations best suited is from 0.5 to 15 micrograms.


APPRECIABLE iniprovement was found by using a photoelectric instead of a n optical colorimeter in connection with the colorimetric method of the author (4) for cobalt and potassium within a range of concentrations from 0.5 to 15 micrograms of potassium or from 1.0 t o 30 niicrograms of cobalt. Potassium is precipitated a s potassium sodium cobaltinit’rite as in the original method. T h e precipitate is dissolved and its potassium content’is determined indirectly by measuring colorinietrically with a photoelectric colorimet’er (Klett or other type) the coloi intensities of the wine-red pigment of nitroso It salt with different amount’s of cobalt whic,h are directly proportional to those of potassium in the sodium potassiuni cobaltinitrite precipitat,e. Reagents SITROSO R SALT. Dissolve 1 gram of nitroso R salt in 70 ml. of water and then add 30 ml. of iron-free acetone. SoDImf A A ~ ~ Place ~ ~ 544.3 k ~ grams ~ . of sodium acetate tri-

hydrate in a 1000-ml. volumetric flask, add water to complete volume, heat over a steam bath, and filter. SODIUM COBBLTINITRITE. Dissolve 12.5 grams in 100 ml. of water and filter. Only immediately before using, portions of this reagent should be mixed with equal volumes of 95 per cent alcohol because the mixture is not very stable after mixing and should not be prepared in greater amounts than those needed immediately. STANDARD COBALT SOLUTION.Dissolve 3.043 grams of cobalt chloride hexahydrate in water, add 5 ml. of 5 -11 hydrochloric acid, and dilute with water to 1 liter. One milliliter of this solution contains 0.7537 mg. of cobalt, which is equivalent to 1.000 mg. of potassium. This standard is relatively concentrated and aliquots taken for comparisons must be diluted from 100 to 500 times. 10 SODIUM HYDROXIDE.Place 400 grams of sodium hydroxide in a 1000-ml. volumetric flask and make to volume with water.

Procedure A4sha quantity of plant tissues (0.5 to 1.0 gram) containing 0.04 to 0.10 mg. of potassium in a platinum crucible, and dissolve the ash in 5 ml. of 1 per cent hydrochloric acid. If analyses for other elements are to be made in the same material, filter to remove silica and other precipitates, and take an aliquot for the determination. If not, make the entire volume of the solution alkaline to phenolphthalein by adding a few drops of a 40 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide. Warm on a hot plate to effect flocculation of iron and of vanadium which interfere with the potassium and cobalt determinations and then either centrifuge or filter to remove the precipitate. Make to 100 ml. with water. Take an aliquot of the centrifugate or filtrate, either 5 or 10 ml., and place in a 50-ml. beaker. Xeutralize and make decidedljacid with 1 ml. of 1 per cent hydrochloric acid. Place the beaker over a steam bath and evaporate to dryness until all fumes of hydrochloric acid have disappeared. Add t o the beaker after cooling about 0.5 ml. of water and then 10 ml. of the sodium cobaltinitrite-alcohol reagent. Place the mixture in a refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours and cover it t o protect it from ammonia fumes. Filter through a fritted-glass crucible (Corning S o . F)