Sulfur in Proteins. - Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS

J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1960, 82 (1), pp 250–250. DOI: 10.1021/ja01486a059. Publication Date: January 1960. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. S...
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BOOK REVIEWS Sulfur in Proteins. Proceedings of a Symposium Held a t An eighth section consists of a conference summary by J. Falmouth, Massachusetts, May, 1958. Organized and T. Edsall. This is more than a summary; it represents a PAUL critical evaluation of the arguments which is both searching Edited by REINHOLD BENESCH, RUTHE. BENESCH, MIDDLEBROOK,and provocative of wider considerations of the problems D. BOYER,IRVINGM. KLOTZ,U’.ROBERT ANDREWG. SZENT-GYORGYI and DAVIDR. SCHWARZ.raised. Discussions held after each paper are recorded and Acadcniic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenixe, Xew York 3, add considerably to the value of the reports. N. Y. 1959. xi f 469 pp, 15.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, Readers of this collection will be impressed anew how $14.00. progress i u so many diverse fields is dependent upon the solution of a number of problems concerned with fundamental This volume is an account of a research conference held at measurements upon basic structures. Foremost among the Falmouth, Massachusetts, in May, 1958. The scope of the problems under discussion was the difficulty of assaying reconference was more limited than the title indicates. Con- active sulfhydryl groups quantitatively. Some agreement on sideration of sulfur in proteins was confined to the role of the reliability of the p-chloromercuribenzoate or silver titrasulfhydryl and disulfide groups in determining structural tions was reached. The problem of non-reacting sulfhydryl configuration, reactivity and functions of blood proteins, has been extant for a long time and considerable emphasis enzymes, muscle proteins and viruses. Participation of was given to this subject a t the conference. The discussions sulfhydryl groups in cell division also was discussed. Never- also emphasized the difficulties which arise in interpreting the theless, the editors have succeeded very well in their goal of role of sulfhydryl groups in binding metals, and coenzymes, reporting what transpired when some recent findings in the and in determining the structural configuration of protein sulfur chemistry of a number of biological systems were dis- surfxes of wool, hemoglobin, serum albumin and the viruses. cussed by a group of investigators prominent in their fields. The papers on cell division admirably apply molecular conThe volume performs a valuable service in pointing out com- cepts to biology. mon problems of many scattered areas in biochemistry. The volume represents thoughts o n the subject current in Some twenty-eight papers with discussion are reported in May, 1958, and hence is evidently already out-of-date when seven sections. The titles illustrate the breadth of the con- issued one year later. From the viewpuint of reporting new ference: I. Protein Reactions Inuolving Sulfur: Chemical results, it must be recognized that the publication rates of Modification of Thiol and Disulfide Groups in Proteins and most journals are faster. Nevertheless, the papers contain Peptides, J. M. Swan; The Introduction of N e w Sulfhydryl more speculation which could not find space in the current Groups and Disulfide Bonds into Proteins, R . Benesch and serials and bringing the papers together in one volume serves R. E. Benesch; Disulfide Bonds in Proteins, J. E. Turner, an objective of the editors by stimulating scientists to invesM. B. Kennedy and F. Haurowitz; The Varying Reactivity tigate the techniques and findings of alien fields for assistance. of the Cystine of Wool, H. Lindley; A High-Sulfur Protein As a service to science, editors and publishers might consider from Wool, J. M. Gillespie; The Decomposition of Keratin the feasibility of cutting delay in publishing, which has been by Microorganisms, J. J. Nova1 and W.J . Nickerson; and accomplished elsewhere, by issuing such reports in paperthe Supercontraction of Keratin-Fibers by Lithium Bromide, backed pamphlet form. The attendant speed and economy -4. E. Brown and L. G. Bcauregard. would make such volumes as this all the more valuable to the 11. Serum Proteins: Some Chemical Properties of the reader. Sulfhydryl Group in Bovine Plasma Albumin, E. V. Jensen; DIVISIONOF CHEMISTRY Relative Probabilities of Isomers in Cystine-Containing J O I i N 1,. b’OOD OF TENYESSEE Randomly Coiled Polypeptides, W.Kauzmann; and Biogen- THEUNIVERSITY esis of Protein Fibers: The Clotting of Blood Plasma, L. MEDICALUNITS MEMPHIS 3, TENX. Lorand, A. Jacobsen and L. E . Fuchs. 111. Iron and Copper Proteins: The Role of Sulfur in Some Metal Proteins, I. M. Klotz and T . A . Klotz; The Role of Sulfur in Cytochrome c, H. Tuppy; The Cystine/ Cysteine Content of Hemoglobins, T. H. J . Huisman; Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Volume 1’111. Tungsten. Uranium. Vanadium. Ytterbium. YtSulfhydryl Groups and the Oxygenation of Hemoglobin, A. trium. Zinc. Zirconium. Addenda, Compiled by Riggs; and Relation of Iron to Sulfhydryl Groups in FerriLate Professor of Chemistry, West C. A . JACOBSON, tin, A. Mazur and S. Green. Virginia University. Edited by CLIFFORDA. HAMPEL, IV. Enzymes: Some Aspects of Protein Structure in Consulting Chemical Engineer, Editor, “Rare Metals Relation to the Role of -SH and -S-S- groups in Enzymic Handbook.” Reinhold Publishing CorDoration, 430 Catalysis, P. D. Boyer and A . R . Schulz; Mechanism of Park Avenue, New York 22, N.” Y. i959. 533 pp. Action of Alcohol Dehydrogenases from Yeast and Liver and 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $14.00. &Galactosidase of E . coli, K. Wallenfels, H. Sund, J. L. Zarnitz, 0. P. Malhotra and J. Fischer; Determinations and This final volume in the series inaugurated some years ago Properties of Sulfhydryl Groups in Yeast Alcohol Dehydr?by the late Professor C. A. Jacobson follows the general genase, F. L. Hoch and B. L. Vallee; Fluorometric Analysis practices characteristic of the earlier volumes except that of Coenzyme Binding and Thiol Interactions on Glvceraldeentries are arranged in alphabetical order of chemical symhyde-3-phosphate and Lactic Dehydrogenases, S. F. Velick; bols rather than according to an arithmetical order of nurnand On the Order of Disulfide and Bond Reduction in Ribo- bers of atoms in the formulas. Such a practice brings the nuclease, F. H. White, Jr. and C. B. Anfinsen. presentation into better agreement with other reference V. Muscle Proteins: Cysteine and Cystine Content of sources and should aid in making the individual entries Muscle Protein Fractions, A. C. Szent-Gyorgyi, R. E. accessible to the reader. Benesch and R. Benesch; The Role of SH Groups in the InThe present volume has the advantages and disadvantages teraction of Myosin with Phosphate Compounds and with characteristic of its predecessors. Inasmuch as the apActin, J. Gergley, A. Martonosi and M. A. Gouvea; and proach is non-critical, the disadvantages commonly outStudies on the Functional Sulfhydryl Groups of Myosin and weigh the advantages. The entire series should have Actin, M. Barany. limited use where preliminary literature searches are being VI. Viruses: The Masked -SH Group in Tobacco Mo- made, but it is doubtful that a person seeking completely saic Virus Protein, H. Frankel-Conrat; and Structure and definitive information could depend upon it for much more. Function in T2 Bacteriophage, L. M . Kozloff. This is aptly expressed by the Editor in his preface as “it is VII. Cell Division: The Role of Thiol Groups in the believed that users of the ‘Encyclopedia of Chemical ReacStructure and Function of the Mitotic Apparatus; Multiple tions’ are more benefitted than hampered by its existence.” Functions of Sulfur in Mitosis; and Function of Protein Di- I t is unfortunate that the tremendous effort could not have sulfide Reductase in Cellular Division of Yeasts, W. J . been channeled into a critical summary where many duplications could have been avoided. Nickerson and G. Falcone.