SULPHUR helps to create HEADLINE products - ACS Publications

Nov 12, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts · Current Issue · Past ... SULPHUR helps to create HEADLINE products. Chem. ... First Page Image. Adv...
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H E A D L I N E i>roxlucis

,5^^^'lts^ " T h i o k o l " synthetic rubber, is a n organic polysulfide elastomer. One o f its many uses is in solid propellents f o r long range and high altitude missiles. I n liquid form, "Thiokol" synthetic rubber mixed with an oxidizer, is poured into specially designed combustion chambers of rockets. It helps to give stability to the fuel charge and resistance to shock. It promotes uniform burning. When the rocket motor is ignited ihe mixture burns with great intensity and generates large volunes of gas to propel the rocket. Solid propellents made with * v Thiokol" synthetic rubber


proved their value in rockets over liquid propellents in many ways: they are less costly and easier to manufacture—simple and rugged construction makes handling and launching easier and safer—fuel tanks and complicated feed systems are eliminated. " T h i o k o l " synthetic rubber is a product containing a high percentage of Sulphur—its name being derived from the Greek words for sulphur and glue. Here is another example of the continually broadening field in which Sulphur is an important and necessary element.

*A trade name of Thiokol Chemical


T e x a s G u l f Sulpltuir Co. 7 5 E a s t 4-5th S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k 1 7 , N . Y. 811 Rusk A v e n u e , H o u s t o n 2 , T e x a s

S u l p h u r Producing Units 68


DEC. 2,

195 7

+ Newgulf, T e x a s • M o s s Bluff, T e x a s

• Spindletop, Texas • Worland. Wyoming