Summer change of address - Journal of Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Full text: Until September 1, all correspondence for the Editorial Office of the Journal should be addressed to: Journal of Chemical Education, Woods ...
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(7) WARE,"Essentials of qualitative analysis," John Wiley and Sons,Inc., New York City, 1928. (8) MELWR. "A comprehensive treatise on inorganic and theoretical chemiqtry." Longmans, Green and Company, Inc., New York C~ty,1923, Vol. IX, p. 265. (9) MELLOR, h.cit., Vol. IV, p. 943.. (10) M~DI- ON AND WILLARD. Ioc. clt., p. 221.


(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

M D D L B ~AND N W n ~ mloc. , cit., p. 230. MELWR,10.5. oil.. Vol. 111, p. 598. MELLoR, lot, &,, Val, VII,p. 465, MELWR,Ioc. cil., Vol. IV, p. 69124. MELLOB, IOC. cd., Vol., XI, p. 290-1. CUNNINCHAM AND PERKINS, J. Chm. Soc.. 95, 1567.

FOURTH SUMMER CONFERENCE OF THE NEW ENGLAND ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTRY TEACHERS UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE August 11-14,1942 F r a y Mmning, August 14 ~:LM-ERNB~T G. RITU~AN. U n i w s d y of N m Hampshire. T m d o y Evening. August 11 Calories in Wartime. 7: 3GMotion Picture Program. ~O:C~-KATU+RINE B. B w n o m . G m r a l Ekclru Canfsny. 8: ~E-~SDICE OE TEE PRESIDENT, University . of . Nnu Ham#sbire. Interference Colors Reflected by Thin Films. Welcome. HAWLEYC~ \TWRIGEI. Cmninn " Cbrs Wwks. In8 : 3 0 - - h ~ m R. DAVIS, Massachusetts Iwtitute of Techndogy. 11:-C. visible Glass. Fire and the Control of PTre. I


Wcdncsday Mmning, August 12 9:W--Fan~~r G. Lnrrmar,, U n i w s d y of Virginia. Experimental Evidence on the Relative Value of Individual Laboratory Work and the Demonstration Method in Teaching science. 10:-GopnoN P. PERCIVAL, Uniwsity of Nnu HampShire, Modern Methods of Soil Testing. ~~:-CARLE R. HAWARD,Masswh~fettsItlslitUtC of T& nology. Chemistry and Physics Applied to Extracting Metals from Ores.

F*idoy Aflcmoon. Augusr 14 ?2:-REVEREND J o m w J. SULLIVAN, S.J., Holy Cross Cdkpc. Glass Blowing. Structure. 3: *Symposium-Atomic 4:3&Rmnd Table Discussion. The Effect of the War on Chemistry. F*iday Evening, August 14 7:3C-Motion Picture Program. ~:~&AL-BI( S n m ~ m Uniunsily ~ , of Pillobw~h. Glass Today and Tomorrow.

Wcdnesdoy Aflcmoon. August 12 TRANSPORTATION Z:(K~LEALLYN B. CLAPP,Bropcm University. Sulfamic Acid Durham is on the Western Division(via Dover) of the Boston and Its Uses. 3:-posium-Atomic Structure. J o m E. CAVELTI, and Maine Railroad. Frequent service is available all day. Reasonable taxi service is available from Dover for those trains Chairman, Allegheny College. 4:Round Table Discussion. Laboratory Versus Demon- which do not stop at Durham. The Durham railroad station is a two-minute walk from the registration desk of the dormitory. stration Bus service from Boston is also available Telephone connections Wcdmdoy Euming. August 12 are available at James Hall (registration) and Congreve North 7:3&Motion Picture Program. (dormitory). 8: ~&RAWEW. GERARD, Um'vnsity of Ckicngo. science EduEXPEN~ES cation and the Contemporary World. Registratiw Fees Thursdoy Morning, August 13 All teachers of chemistry in attendance at the mnference are 9 : O O - - C r n ~ sH. STONE, English High Sclrool, Baston. M a reawed to resister. chusetts (Retired). Guide Posts to Successful Teach~ e m b e r s , paid before August 1, 1942. $2.00; if paid after ing. Oxidation and Reduction. August 1, 1942, 8.00. 10:00-ALBBI(TF. DAGGETT.Uniwrsity of Nnu Hompshd~c. Non-members. $5.00. Spectrochemical Analysis. (At the option of the registrant, three dollars of this fee ll:(KtMn~oW ~ ILLIAM 0. BROOKS, C.W.S., Unit& Stales may he used in payment of dues for membership for one A m y . What the Chemical Warfare Service Is Doing. year in the Association.) Thursday Aflnnoon, August 13 Non-professional Guests of members or regislrants, per family, $1.00. ~:O&PP.ANK Scmrsrns~, Qucnts CoIlege. Micrachemical Demonstrations as a Teaching Tool. Rates 3 :W4pmposium-Atomic Structure. Room. $1.00 per night; $3.00 for 4 nights. 4:3(tIlound Table Discussions. (I) The Fused Course; (11) Meals. about $1.25 per day. The Teaching of Elementary Organic Chemistry. The committee will attempt to make any special-rooming Thursdoy Evening, August 13 arrangements that are desired, if they are notided in advance of 730-Motion Picture Promam the conference. AU inquiries concerning the Fourth Summer 8: I ~ R O B L BD.YEVANS, k m s a c h ~ f u tInstit& s of Technology. Conference should be addressed to the Conference Chairman. Atom Smashing and the Structure of Atomic Nuclei. Millard W. Basworth, Saxtons River, Vermont.

SUMMER CHANGE OF ADDRESS UNTIL September 1, all correspondence for the Edi- JOURNAL OF Cmmcnr. EDUCATION, WOODS Horn, torial Office of t h e JOURNAL should be addressed to: M ~ s s ~ c w s ~ m .



