Super-Resolving the Actual Position of Single Fluorescent Molecules

and Julie S. Biteen. Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055, United States. ACS Nano , Article ASAP. DOI:...
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Super-Resolving the Actual Position of Single Fluorescent Molecules Coupled to a Plasmonic Nanoantenna Bing Fu, Benjamin P. Isaacoff, and Julie S. Biteen* Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) enhance the radiative decay rate of adjacent dyes and can significantly increase fluorescence intensity for improved spectroscopy. However, the NP nanoantenna complicates super-resolution imaging by introducing a mislocalization between the emitter position and its super-resolved emission position. The mislocalization magnitude depends strongly on the dye/NP coupling geometry. It is therefore crucial to quantify mislocalization to recover the actual emitter position in a coupled system. Here, we superresolve in two and three dimensions the distance-dependent emission mislocalization of single fluorescent molecules coupled to gold NPs with precise distance tuning via double-stranded DNA. We develop an analytical framework to uncover detailed spatial information when direct 3D imaging is not accessible. Overall, we demonstrate that by taking measurements on a single, well-defined, and symmetric dye/NP assembly and by accounting explicitly for artifacts from super-resolution imaging, we can measure the true nanophotonic mislocalization. We measure up to 50 nm mislocalizations and show that smaller separation distances lead to larger mislocalizations, also verified by electromagnetic calculations. Overall, by quantifying the distance-dependent mislocalization shift in this gold NP/dye coupled system, we show that the actual physical position of a coupled single emitter can be recovered. KEYWORDS: nanoparticle plasmonics, local surface plasmon resonance, super-resolution microscopy, superlocalization, emission mislocalization, single-molecule imaging, dSTORM ingle-molecule super-resolution fluorescence imaging improves traditional light microscopy by localizing emission below the diffraction limit to reveal information previously hidden by lower resolution and heterogeneity.1−3 Due to high contrast, good biocompatibility, and minimal perturbations to the system, it has been extensively applied in biological studies to map nanoscale structures4 and reveal subcellular dynamics.5,6 Furthermore, super-resolution fluorescence imaging has contributed significantly to the study of nanophotonics by enabling direct measurements of near-field light−matter interactions in a far-field microscope.7 Upon resonant excitation of the local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), the local electromagnetic field is enhanced near a metal nanoparticle (NP).8 Plasmonic nanomaterials can modify optical properties of proximal dyes, such as the electronic decay rates. Depending on the nanostructures and fluorophores, significant enhancements up to tens of thousands-fold9 or, conversely, quenching at short separation distances is realized, and the distance- and wavelength-dependence has been studied.10−12 Plasmonic enhancement is particularly useful in ultrasensitive detection13 and enhanced solar cell light harvest-

ing14 and has recently shown promise for enhanced-resolution single-molecule cellular imaging.15,16 However, although fluorescence enhancement has been well characterized experimentally and with electromagnetic calculations, a critical gap remains in our ability to apply dye/NP coupling: because of the increased local density of optical states, far-field microscopy detects an apparent fluorescence emission position that deviates significantly from the actual molecule position. Furthermore, although fluorescence enhancement occurs only over ∼10−20 nm distances, this “emission mislocalization” phenomenon has been detected for dye molecules and quantum dots much farther away from the nanoantennas7,17−20 and for a wide variety of nanoantenna geometries and materials.7,19,21−23 Therefore, despite the fluorescence enhancement, mislocalization obfuscates the location of a plasmon-coupled fluorescent molecule and has


© 2017 American Chemical Society

Received: May 16, 2017 Accepted: August 14, 2017 Published: August 14, 2017 8978

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03420 ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8978−8987



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was tunable from 10 to 90 base pairs (nominal lengths: 3.4− 30.6 nm). DLS of the NP/dye assemblies in aqueous solution confirmed successful modification (Supplementary Figure S1, Table S1, Supplementary Methods), and the measured assembly sizes correlated well with the nominal 0.34 nm per base pair, which verifies that the dsDNA spacers are rigid in this length regime.32 Single NP/dye assemblies were drop-cast onto a glass coverslip (Figure 1a, right inset). The dark-field spectra of individual NP/dye assemblies (blue lines in Figure 1a and

prevented accurate plasmon-enhanced single-molecule superresolution imaging. Thus, as the super-resolution imaging community strives for brighter metal-enhanced probes, this mislocalization problem is of great concern.20,24−26 For instance, dye molecule emission is coupled into plasmonic nanoantennas, even at separation distances up to 90 nm.7,17,18,20,22,25 Single-molecule imaging can characterize the mislocalization, but the measurements have been limited by the nanoantenna−fluorophore separation distances, which have been broadly distributed in most previous experiments due to randomly positioned dyes or asymmetric nanostructures.7,19,22,25,26 A well-defined nanoassembly is required to better quantify this mislocalization effect in the tens of nanometers regime relevant to plasmonic enhancement; such a measurement was first accomplished by Raab et al. based on DNA origami assemblies.20 Here, we map the nanometerscale emission mislocalization in single, well-defined, and symmetric dye/NP assemblies by conjugating spherical gold NPs directly with ATTO532 dyes through rigid, tunable double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) spacers. The apparent emission positions of all dye molecules are super-resolved by dSTORM (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy).27−30 In this system, we correlate these apparent emission positions with the actual known dye positions to reveal the amount of localization distortion. Overall, in these measurements of dye/NP coupling, three effects lead to observed fluorescence emission mislocalizations. The first two effects are artifacts of the imaging procedure due to finite localization precision and 2D projection, whereas the third effect is the true near-field photonic coupling. In this Article, we demonstrate that by taking measurements on a single, well-defined, and symmetric dye/NP assembly and by accounting explicitly for the two artifacts, we can measure the true nanophotonic mislocalization effect. First, 3D super-resolution imaging reveals qualitative mislocalization in larger nanoassemblies. Then, 2D imaging characterizes smaller nanoassemblies with stronger radiative LSPR modes, and we use statistical simulations to uncover information obscured by 2D projections. Overall, our measurements of dyes coupled to a 78.6 nm gold NP demonstrate 46 nm mislocalizations for 33 nm spacers and at least 30 nm mislocalizations for 11 nm spacers. Electromagnetic calculations reproduce the mislocalization effect and reveal properties that are not distinguishable in experiments: the emission mislocalization changes as a function of the dye dipole orientation and axial position. Overall, this Article provides experimental and computational measurements of the distance-dependent emission mislocalization of single dye molecules near nanoantennas to enable applications of accurate plasmon-enhanced single-molecule imaging by recovering the actual emitter position from a plasmon-coupled system.

Figure 1. dSTORM data analysis. (a) Measured (blue) and simulated (black) dark-field scattering spectra of a single 78.6 nm NP modified with 11 nm dsDNA-ATTO532; fluorescence emission spectrum of dsDNA-ATTO532 (pink line) excited at 515 nm (arrow). Inset: Microscope and sample geometry. (b) Mean fluorescence intensity (over 450 × 450 nm, inset white box) vs time for a single 78.6 nm NP/dye assembly with 32.6 nm dsDNA linkers. Scale bar: 500 nm. (c, d) Magnification of the orange and green boxes in ‘b’, respectively. Red lines: change-point algorithm curve fitting. (e) Super-resolved emission from one representative molecule. Each dot is a localization of that same single molecule in one imaging frame. Color bar: density of localizations; blue +: average localization position for that molecule; black circle: 78.6 nm NP diameter; red circle: actual dye molecule positions with 22.8 nm dsDNA spacer; red cross: geometric center of the NP. All localizations are mislocalized from the outer circle toward the NP center.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gold NP/Dye Assembly Preparation and Characterization. The average size of spherical gold NPs was measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS; Supplementary Figure S1) and the size distributions determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Supplementary Figure S2). To measure the distance dependence of dye/NP interactions in a symmetric assembly, we modified large spherical gold NPs (diameter 179.1 ± 19.1 nm) and small spherical gold NPs (diameter 78.6 ± 5.0 nm) with a monolayer of rigid dsDNA31 linked to ATTO532 dye molecules at the other end. The DNA length 8979

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ACS Nano Supplementary Figure S3) show a resonance peak that overlaps with the fluorescence emission peak of ATTO532 (pink line), which is one condition for plasmon-enhanced fluorescence.33,34 Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) electromagnetic calculations of the NP/dye assemblies predicted plasmon resonances consistent with experiments (black line in Figure 1a and Supplementary Figure S3). dSTORM Super-Resolution Imaging of Mislocalized Emission from Dye Molecules near Plasmonic NPs. Single NP/dye assemblies were illuminated at 515 nm, which excited both the dye molecules and the NP plasmon mode, and were imaged in dSTORM buffer,27,29,30 which switches ATTO532 dye molecules on and off stochastically to enable single-molecule microscopy. The drop-cast dye/NP assemblies were dispersed to allow single-particle experiments, and the assemblies stayed stationary during imaging (Supplementary Figure S4). The intensity time trace for the dyes on a single NP (averaged over a 450 × 450 nm imaging area about the NP center position) showed emission bursts from the photoswitched molecules and a constant-intensity NP fluorescence background (Figure 1b).12 The off-frames (background from constant low-intensity fluorescence from the NP only) were distinguished from the on-frames (single dye molecule bursts) in the raw data with the STaSI change-point finding algorithm (red lines in Figure 1c,d),35 and the average background image from the nearby off-frames was subtracted from each on-frame (Supplementary Figure S5). The dots in Figure 1e show 38 successive (x, y) localizations of a single ATTO532 dye molecule positioned 22.8 nm (red circle) from the surface of a gold NP (diameter from DLS: 78 nm) (black circle). The spread in localizations here comes from the finite photon statistics, which follow a Poisson distribution with a measured standard deviation (localization precision) of 22 nm (Supplementary Figure S6). The dot colors represent the localization densities. It is interesting to note that, although the apparent emission positions are shifted inward from the actual emitter positions,7 the average localization position (blue +) is not shifted all the way to the NP center. Thus, although the dye molecules are coupled to the plasmonic NP, the extent of coupling, which is a function of separation distance, can be measured in terms of mislocalization distance with singlemolecule imaging. 3D Imaging of Assemblies of Large NPs and Coupled Dye Molecules. To overcome the limitation of conventional super-resolution images, which provide only the 2D apparent dye emission positions, we super-resolved the 3D positions of single molecules based on astigmatism through a cylindrical lens.36 The alignment was calibrated with fluorescent beads (Supplementary Figure S7).36 Due to the 60 nm axial (z) precision (Supplementary Figure S8), we investigated larger gold NPs (diameter from DLS: 179 nm) modified with dsDNA-ATTO532 of length 11.0 or 32.6 nm (Supplementary Figure S1). The dipole plasmon resonance mode at about 580 nm (Supplementary Figure S9) had spectral overlap with the dye fluorescence emission. The 3D super-resolution localizations and fluorescence intensities for each single molecule with 11.0 or 32.6 nm dsDNA spacers are mapped out in Figure 2a and d, respectively. 3D imaging avoids the z-position ambiguity in 2D imaging. We selected the central slice of the NP/dye assembly (blue rectangles in Figures 2a,d) by plotting all apparent x,y emission positions with z in the range of −75 to +75 nm in Figure 2b,e for 11.0 and 32.6 nm spacer distances, respectively. For

Figure 2. 3D localizations. (a) 3D localizations of dye molecules attached to a 179 nm gold NP via 11 nm DNA linkers. Each dot represents one emission localization, color coded by intensity. (b) xy plane projection of all the localization positions inside the central 150 nm thick slice (blue rectangle in ‘a’). Color bar: normalized density of localizations. The density is averaged at each radius according to the circular symmetry of the system; black circle: gold NP; red circle: actual dye molecule positions. (c) xy plane projection of all localizations inside the two outer slices combined (green rectangles in ‘a’). (d−f) Same plots as in ‘a’−‘c’ but with 32.6 nm DNA spacers. In both cases, the central slice projection maps show wider, ring-shaped localization densities than the top/bottom slices, which is evidence that super-resolution imaging provides 3D spatial information in this structure.

comparison, localizations that fall outside this central slice (green rectangles in Figures 2a,d) are plotted in Figure 2c,f. All projected localization slice maps are color coded by the normalized average localization density at that radius; this relative number of localizations provides the distribution of the apparent positions: the densest areas (yellow) represent the areas with the highest probability of emission events. Choosing the central slice reduces the NP/dye assembly from a 3D sphere to a disc: these molecules are arranged in a circle (red circle in Figure 2b,e) some distance away from the gold NP surface (black circle in Figure 2b,e). It is therefore notable that the most probable apparent molecule positions (yellow areas in Figure 2b,e) are significantly shifted from the red circle toward the NP for both spacer lengths. Here, because we are measuring the apparent emission positions from molecules on a circle and not the 3D surface of a sphere, it is reasonable to draw conclusions about the mislocalization 8980

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Figure 3. 2D localizations and single-molecule analysis. (a) 2D localizations of dyes 11.0 nm from a 78.6 nm gold NP, color coded by intensity. Black/red circles: gold NP circumference/actual dye positions. (b−d) Localization maps for 11.0 nm (b), 22.8 nm (c), and 32.6 nm (d) dsDNA spacers, color coded by normalized localization densities. (e) Radial density plots for 11.0 nm (blue), 22.8 nm (red), and 32.6 nm (yellow) spacers calculated directly from the density maps in ‘b’−‘d’. (f) Localizations from one single molecule as in Figure 1e. (g) Localization probability plot for the single molecule in ‘f’ (red) and two other examples. The probability at each radius is the average of density of all dots at that concentric slice. The peak of the red curve corresponds to the blue + in ‘f’. (h) Single-molecule localization probability curves for 11.0 nm (blue), 22.8 nm (red), and 32.6 nm (yellow) spacers obtained by adding all single-molecule radial density curves like in ‘g’. Inset: Gaussian fit of the yellow curve.

3D imaging approach permitted only axial resolutions of Δz ≈ 60 nm. Thus, although the center slice of 179 nm NPs could be separated from the top and bottom with this approach, the center slice of smaller gold NPs cannot be parsed in this way. However, 78.6 nm gold NPs have bluer resonance peaks that overlap better with the ATTO532 fluorescence spectrum and avoid the higher-order modes and retardation effects that exist in the larger particles (compare Figure 1a to Supplementary Figure S9). Therefore, these small gold NPs provide a better, more interesting structure for plasmonic fluorescence enhancement, and it is important to understand the emission mislocalization for assemblies of ATTO532 dyes and small gold NPs. We separated ATTO532 from 78.6 nm gold NPs with dsDNA spacers of four different lengths: 3.5, 11.0, 22.8, and 32.6 nm (Supplementary Table S1). For the 3.5 nm spacer length, we observed very few emission events. Since DLS indicates an 86 nm assembly diameter, this decrease in localization density is consistent with dye molecule quenching at very short separation distances.7,10 For the three other spacer lengths, the emission from each dye molecule was detected and the apparent emission position was resolved with an xy localization precision of ±22 nm (Supplementary Figure S6) with 2D dSTORM imaging. To quantitatively examine the super-resolved apparent emission patterns from dye molecules conjugated to gold NPs, the apparent localization positions (relative to each NP center position) from all dyes in 77−102 single-particle experiments were compiled into one map for each spacer length (Figure 3a−d; Supplementary Table S2). For example, the apparent position and fluorescence intensity for each emission localization in all assemblies with 11 nm spacers are indicated with a dot in Figure 3a. Interestingly, in this map, most of the best enhanced molecules (yellow color)

distance based on the apparent position maps. With the 11.0 nm dsDNA spacer, we observed a wide ring-shaped localization distribution (Figure 2b) consistent with a radially symmetric shift of the ATTO532 dyes toward the gold NP. The highest density appears about 80 nm away from the NP center (Supplementary Figure S10). This ∼20 nm mislocalization shift shows the effect of dye/NP coupling. In contrast, the map combining the slices from above and below is generated from the same NP/dye assembly and with the same analysis parameters (Figure 2c), but shows a very different distribution: the highest density apparent emission position is tightly concentrated at the NP center. This central localization position is consistent with the fact that these slices include molecules located near the top and bottom poles of the dye/NP assembly; in the xy plane, the actual positions of those molecules are near the NP center and no significant mislocalization is predicted. Similarly, for the longer (32.6 nm) spacers, we also observed two different maps for the two different z slices: the center slice has a wide, ring-shaped apparent emission position density (Figure 2e), for which the radial plot (Supplementary Figure S10) shows about 40 nm emission mislocalization, and the upper and lower slices show the highest localization density at the center (Figure 2f). The results in Figure 2 demonstrate that 3D imaging can resolve z positions to reveal the true coupling effect. Figure 2 also demonstrates that a simple analysis of the 2D projection alone, which includes the data from all image slices with different z positions, can lead to erroneous conclusions about the mislocalization if not carefully considered. 2D Imaging of Assemblies of Small NPs and Coupled Dye Molecules. Although 3D imaging enables z filtering of plasmon-coupled dye emission, providing access to the ideal ring-like geometry in Figure 2b and e, our astigmatism-based 8981

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Figure 4. Statistical simulations of plasmon-free dSTORM experiments account for 2D projections and limited photon statistics. (a) 2300 randomly sampled dots on a 3D 50.3-nm-radius sphere color coded by normalized dot density in 2D projection. (b) xy plane projection as in ‘a’ color coded by normalized density. (c) Representative simulated localization position density map from 150 single dye molecules projected on the xy plane incorporating localization precision and dye blinking statistics (Supplementary Figure S11). Red circles in ‘b’ and ‘c’: sphere circumference. (d) Localization probability curves as in Figure 3h. From left to right, sphere radius = 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 40, 50.3, 62.1, and 71.9 nm. (e) Peak positions from fits to the measured localization probability curves in ‘d’ as a function of the actual simulated 3D radii. The relationship is linear for radii >20 nm (y = 0.80x + 4.5; R2 = 0.998). Below 20 nm (dashed rectangle), the data deviate from the linear trend, and it is not possible to interpolate precisely in this region.

have apparent emission positions near the assembly center; this pattern is consistent with our previous findings for other sample geometries that the best coupled (brightest) molecules are strongly mislocalized and appear to emit from the NP center.7 Still, imaging this spherical geometry yields a 2D projection of all molecules at all z-positions; molecules that appear to radiate from the assembly center therefore might be molecules that are actually at the top or bottom of the NP in 3D space and that would show up at the center due to projection even without coupling. To quantify how mislocalized the apparent emission positions are from the actual emitter positions, we instead look at the density distribution in the localization maps. Here, a larger coupling will shift more apparent emission positions toward the NP center and generate a more concentrated distribution (higher density of apparent emission measurements) at the center; a weaker coupling would lead to a more diffuse distribution with lower, more spread out density in the center. The normalized density maps were calculated for 11.0, 22.8, and 32.6 nm spacers (Figure 3b,c,d, respectively), and all three lengths give qualitatively obvious concentrations of apparent emissions at the assembly center. The radial plots of the three density maps (Figure 3e) indicate subtle differences between the profiles for the 11.0 nm spacer (blue line), 22.8 nm spacer (red line), and 32.6 nm spacer (yellow line), but the trend is only qualitative. A drawback to the super-resolution density maps in Figure 3b−d and the corresponding radial density plots in Figure 3e is that these images combine every localization of all dye molecules attached to the NP to provide an ensemble view. Because each molecule is imaged for several short (20 or 40 ms) imaging frames (Figure 1b), the super-resolution image consists of many localizations each with limited photon

statistics and reduced localization precision. Such a reconstruction neglects some of the single-molecule information that is available in our dSTORM data. We therefore developed an approach that explicitly uses the single-molecule data to quantify differences in coupling as a function of spacer length. Specifically, to take advantage of the single-molecule information, we looked at all the emission localization positions we collected from each single molecule individually (Figure 1e). The map of localizations over the course of 100 imaging frames for one example single molecule is shown in Figure 3f, and the emission localization probability for that one molecule was calculated as a function of radius from the NP center (red line in Figure 3g). Two additional example curves are also plotted in Figure 3g. In these single-molecule radial plots, the peak of each curve corresponds to the most likely emission position for that molecule; this is the position that is considered the average emission position in single-molecule imaging. Importantly, the localization probability peak positions here do not coincide with the particle center, rather this position reflects the true mislocalized apparent emission position of the corresponding molecule. Then, to quantify the mislocalization without artifacts from the averaging that blurs the ensemble analysis in Figure 3b−e, we added the single-molecule localization probability curves from all molecules instead of merely considering the localization events for all molecules as a whole. These summed curves were normalized to provide a probability distribution (Figure 3h), and a fit to this curve (Figure 3h, inset) reveals how the emission peak position varies as a function of spacer length. For the two shorter spacers (blue and red curves), the most probable apparent emission position (curve peak) is at 8982

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down to ±5 nm are readily distinguishable in the straight-line regime. Furthermore, for these simulations of uncoupled assemblies, the linear correlation between the fitted peak position and the original sphere radius is robust to simulation parameters: the radial curves in Figure 4d and the linear correlation in Figure 4e are unchanged whether high sampling (here: 1500 simulated molecules) or fewer simulated molecules (150 molecules; Supplementary Figures S12 and S13) are analyzed. Therefore, the single-molecule localization analysis introduced in Figure 3h is indeed able to reveal information down to 5 nm precision, even when only 2D projection maps are available and the localization precision is as high as 22 nm. Importantly, this measurement of the single-molecule localization probability distributions in the context of Figure 4 enables a quantitative measurement of the true nanophotonic emission mislocalization due to near-field light−matter interactions in the absence of all artifacts (Figure 5). For

∼20 nm, whereas for the longest spacer (yellow curve), the peak is shifted to ∼25 nm. Statistical Simulations of Plasmon-Free dSTORM Experiments Account for 2D Projections and Limited Photon Statistics. The experimental results in Figure 3h explicitly quantify the influence of spacer length on emission mislocalization. However, because the dyes are distributed on a 3D spherical surface, in-depth analysis is needed to separate the effect of the 2D projection from the true mislocalization. We therefore compared the peak positions of the single-molecule localization probability curves from simulated data for an ideal dSTORM experiment (i.e., in the absence of plasmonic coupling). For example, to match the experimental parameters for the shortest linker assemblies (78.6 nm NP diameter and 11.0 nm dsDNA spacer), we stochastically sampled the xy plane positions of 2300 points (number chosen based on usual experimental statistics; Table S2) on the surface of a 100.6 nm diameter sphere. The simulated localization positions and densities for this uncoupled system are shown in Figure 4a and b, respectively. Figure 4b clearly indicates a ring-shaped maximum density at ∼40 nm radius (yellow region). This radius is shifted in from the actual radius of the sphere (red circle) because of the 2D projection, but is qualitatively different from the map in Figure 3b, where the localization density concentrated at the NP center. The difference in the localization density distribution between the experiments in Figure 3b and the simulations in Figure 4b can be attributed to (1) finite localization precision in the experiments, (2) finite sampling in the experiment, and (3) plasmon coupling. To account for the first two effects, the true imaging conditions are replicated in Figure 4c by adding noise in the positions according to the experimentally characterized 2D localization precision (±22 nm; Supplementary Figure S6) and by reducing the number of positions simulated from 2300 to 150 single molecules. Each molecule is localized multiple times according to the experimental blinking statistics (Supplementary Figure S11) so that the total localization number is still ∼2300. Interestingly, the localization density map in Figure 4c for the uncoupled simulations still shows the greatest localization probability at ∼40 nm (yellow region; circular asymmetry due to limited sampling; compare Figure 4c to Figure 4b) and is still very different from the experimental data (Figure 3b), which shows a concentrated localization distribution at the NP center. The clear difference between the uncoupled case in Figure 4 and the coupled experimental measurements in Figure 3 clearly demonstrates that plasmon coupling results in significant mislocalization of fluorescence emission. These simulated imaging data were translated in Figure 4d into curves of single-molecule localization probability (calculated as in Figure 3h). The measured maximum localization probability varies as a function of actual 3D radius (Figure 4e and Supplementary Figure S12). When the sphere radius is 20 nm or smaller, the position of maximum emission position probability is near the NP center (dashed rectangle in Figure 4e), which indicates that at this experimental localization precision different radii less than 20 nm are not distinguishable. On the other hand, with sphere radius >20 nm, the maximal probability of emission position increases with sphere diameter. Most importantly, the relation is very linear. Thus, we can accurately determine the actual radius even with the presence of a 2D projection and finite localization precision (∼22 nm). With the current experiment conditions, differences in radii

Figure 5. True nanophotonic mislocalization due to near-field light−matter interactions. (a) Summary of measurements for dyes 11.0, 22.8, and 32.6 nm away from a 78.6 nm gold NP. The minimum true nanophotonic mislocalization is the difference between the actual physical dye radius and the 3D dye emission position recovered from 2D measurement. (b) True nanophotonic emission mislocalization vs dsDNA spacer length. Because some measured peak positions are in the nonlinear region in Figure 4e, these mislocalizations are lower bounds.

instance, fitting our experimental localization probability curve (Figure 3h, yellow line; Supplementary Figure S14) gives a peak position of 24.9 nm for the 32.6 nm spacer (dye/NP assembly radius of 71.9 nm), which corresponds to 25.6 nm in 3D (Figure 4e). Thus, the plasmonic NP/dye interaction accounts for a mislocalization of 71.9−25.6 nm = 46.3 nm! The shorter spacers (11 and 22.8 nm) show localization probability 8983

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Figure 6. FDTD calculations. (a) Calculation geometry. Red stars: simulated dipole positions. All possible actual molecule positions were accounted for by spherical symmetry. (b, c) Localization densities for dipoles coupled to a 179 nm gold NP with (b) 11.0 nm and (c) 32.6 nm spacers. Density values are averaged over each concentric circle to recover the symmetry. These plots are the xy projections of a 150 nm slice in the center of the assembly. (d−f) xy projections of single-molecule apparent emission localizations from dipoles coupled to a 78.6 nm gold NP with (d) 11.0 nm, (e) 22.8 nm, and (f) 32.6 nm dsDNA spacers, color coded by densities. In ‘b’−‘f’, experimental localization precision and dye blinking statistics are incorporated. (g) Single-molecule localization probability curves for simulations in ‘d’−‘f’ (blue: 11.0 nm; red: 22.8 nm; yellow: 32.6 nm), calculated as in Figure 3h by summing the radial density curve from each molecule. Inset: Gaussian fit of the yellow curve.

maxima at 20.9 and 21.9 nm, respectively (Supplementary Figure S14). These apparent emission positions are very close to the NP center and indicate mislocalizations of 29.7 and 40.3 nm. However, because these fitted peak positions are at the nonlinear region in Figure 4e, these mislocalizations are lower bounds, and the apparent emission position may indeed deviate from the actual emitter position by up to 50.3 and 62.1 nm. The mislocalization of dye molecules near a plasmonic NP is therefore real, and we have shown here that the magnitude of mislocalization can be quantified with far-field single-molecule, super-resolution imaging. Electromagnetic Calculations. To develop a theoretical framework within which to understand the physics underlying this mislocalization effect, we conducted full-field FDTD electromagnetic calculations of radiating dipoles near a gold NP. For each spacer length (11.0, 22.8, and 32.6 nm), the farfield emission profile for each of a series of dipoles (Figure 6a) was calculated and fit to a 2D Gaussian to determine the superresolved apparent emission positions according to our experimental protocol for single-molecule imaging. Calculated localization density maps (Figure 6b−f) were obtained by introducing the experimental localization precisions and dye blinking statistics. We calculated maps for the 150 nm thick center slices of the large NP assemblies. These maps show broad, ring-shaped localization distributions that match the experimental data for 150 nm center slices (compare Figure 2b and e to Figure 6b and c). For the 32.6 nm spacer in Figure 6c, the apparent emission maximum is at 110 nm, showing the expected coupling effect (emission mislocalization toward the NP center, Supplementary Figure S15). Because the emission pattern of a single molecule is distorted by the nearby

nanoantenna, under certain conditions, the emission actually seems to be pushed away from the NP. For example, for the 11.0 nm spacer in Figure 6b, the apparent emission center position is at 120 nm, a greater distance than the actual dye position diameter of 100.5 nm (Supplementary Figure S15). This subtle difference was also observed in the experimental data: the shorter spacer (Figure 2b) produced slightly less mislocalization than the longer spacer (Figure 2e). For the 78.6 nm NP assemblies, we calculated the apparent dye emission positions for three spacer lengths corresponding to the experiments in Figure 3 (Figure 6d−f). In general, the calculations reproduce the experiments: the majority of the molecule’s apparent emissions appear at the center, creating very high localization densities consistent with strong mislocalization. This effect depends on the spacer length. Notably, for the shortest spacer (Figure 6d; 11.0 nm), the calculated map looks very similar to the experimental data (Figure 3b); however, the calculated map for the medium spacer (Figure 6e; 22.8 nm) shows a more diffuse density distribution, indicating a weaker predicted coupling compared to experiments (Figure 3c); and finally, a significant discrepancy was noted for the longest spacer (Figure 6f; 32.6 nm). In this last case, calculations predict a broad, ring-like distribution of emission events, while experiments show very large coupling and mislocalization (Figure 4d). Comparing the calculated localization probability curves in Figure 6g to the experimental curves in Figure 3h clearly demonstrates this discrepancy: the calculated distance-dependent mislocalization distances are 32.7, 22.7, and 7.9 nm for 11.0, 22.8, and 32.6 nm spacers, respectively; these mislocalizations are consistently smaller than experimental values. Because the mislocalization 8984

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03420 ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8978−8987


ACS Nano

broadband halogen white light source excited the sample through a dark-field condenser, and scattered light was collected in an Olympus IX71 inverted microscope equipped with a dark-field oil-immersion objective (NA = 0.6). The diffraction-limited image of a single NR was aligned to the entrance slit of an imaging spectrograph (Acton 2300, Princeton Instruments), and spectral data were collected on an EMCCD (4 s integration time; Andor iXon). Background spectra collected from nearby positions with no NR on the spectrograph entrance slit were subtracted from measured spectra, and all data were normalized by the halogen light source broadband spectrum and any additional neutral density filters to correct for the system spectral efficiency. dSTORM Experiments. First, the dark-field scattering image was used to distinguish the single NP/ATTO532 assemblies (green color in dark field) from any possible dimers or large clusters (orange or red color). Epifluorescence imaging was performed on single particles one at a time with a 100× 1.3 NA oil-immersion objective in an Olympus IX71 inverted microscope (Figure 1a, inset). Samples were excited with circularly polarized 515 nm laser light (Spectra-Physics Excelsior 515 nm and Tower Optical Z-10-A-.250-A-514.5 quarter-wave plate) with intensities of ∼36.4 W/mm2 for 78.6 nm NPs and ∼79.3 W/mm2 for 179 nm NPs. Each NP was localized based on the Stokes-shifted luminescence in the same channel as the dye molecules.12 In dSTORM buffer, the dye molecules appeared on and off stochastically, therefore allowing the super-resolution localizations from a single molecule. Reference experiments on DNA-coated NPs without dye molecules showed no significant fluorescence emission bursts over this flat background, and the buffer is indeed responsible for stochastic blinking (Supplementary Figure S17). Single-molecule analysis of intensity traces as in Figure 1b was ensured by adjusting the laser intensity to favor single-molecule bursts and by excluding any rare two-step bleaching from the analysis, which indicates simultaneous emission of multiple molecules (Supplementary Figure S18). The single-molecule emission events were not expected to have a constant intensity due to the different possible dipole orientations they may possess, as well as rapid blinking kinetics in the dSTORM buffer. Fluorescence emission was filtered appropriately (Semrock LPD01514R/BLP01-514R-25) to maximize signal and minimize scattered laser light and then imaged on a 512 pixel × 512 pixel Andor iXon EMCCD (1 camera pixel = 49 nm in the imaging plane) at 20 or 40 ms/frame for 200 s. The NP center (red cross in Figure 1e) was obtained by fitting the single-NP emission in 20 off-frames. Apparent emission positions of all dye molecules were combined into one map by registering relative to the NP center positions, which are obtained from the nearby frames for each of the single-molecule pulses. The localization density was calculated as the number of localizations per certain area, which was consistent throughout all the analysis. For 3D localizations, a 3D calibration curve was first obtained by imaging fluorescent TetraSpeck polystyrene beads (Invitrogen TetraSpeck Microsphere, 0.2 μm) with a cylindrical lens (Thorlabs Inc. LJ1144RM-A, f = 500 mm) in the emission pathway.36 The beads were diluted 10-fold and drop cast on a coverslip to provide isolated single emitters. A 5 μL amount of glycerol was sandwiched between the substrate and another coverslip before the sample was imaged. The z-position of the samples was tuned in 50 nm steps by a piezo stage (PI E-709 digital piezo controller), and the fluorescence image was taken at each z-position. By fitting the PSF to a 2D asymmetric Gaussian function, a calibration curve that plotted the long-axis and short-axis Gaussian widths as a function of z-position was obtained and used to extract the z-positions of each localization in 3D imaging experiments (Supplementary Figure S7). Statistical Simulations. Positions on the surface of a sphere were randomly sampled with the Matlab function RandSampleSphere.41 True imaging conditions are replicated by adding noise in the positions according to the experimentally characterized 2D localization precision (±22 nm; Supplementary Figure S6) and by simulating 150 detected molecules. These simulated imaging data were translated into curves of single-molecule localization probability. The precise peak positions come from fitting the peak region of each curve to a Gaussian function (Supplementary Figure S12).

distance depends strongly on the dipole orientation, especially for the longer spacers (Supplementary Figure S16), this disagreement may be explained by the dipole orientation of the molecules, which was not readily measurable in real experiments. Furthermore, for a given dipole orientation, the mislocalization distance also depends strongly on the axial (z) position (and thus the lateral displacement from the imaging axis) of the molecule (Supplementary Figure S16).

CONCLUSIONS The ability of single-molecule super-resolution imaging to beat the diffraction limit depends on the number of photons detected from each probe molecule.37 Diverse efforts have addressed the challenge of improving label brightness, and coupling to plasmonic metal NPs to improve the optical properties of common labeling probes has great potential to broadly improve super-resolution imaging. However, even though the plasmon resonance tremendously increases the fluorescence decay rate to produce a much brighter probe, the high local density of optical states drastically changes the emission pattern of the coupled fluorescent molecule. As a result, the super-resolved emission is mislocalized by the nearby nanoantenna and thus no longer reflects the actual emitter position. Here, we have measured the apparent emission positions of dyes coupled to a spherical plasmonic NP molecule by molecule. By fine-tuning the separation distance with nanometer precision in a symmetric assembly and by separately considering the three effects that lead to emission mislocalizationa finite localization precision artifact, a 2D projection artifact, and the true near-field photonic couplingwe measured the true distance dependence of this mislocalization effect and demonstrated the ability to quantitatively deconvolve mislocalization effects for plasmon-coupled dyes and therefore harness the power of plasmon-enhanced super-resolution imaging without bias. METHODS NP Assembly Samples. The protocol was slightly modified from previously published methods.18,38 First, thiolated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) was mixed with complementary ATTO532-labeled ssDNA and hybridized at 95 °C for 2 min followed by 1 h incubation at room temperature.18 Then 0.1 M dithiothreitol (DTT) (final concentration) and 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH = 8.0) were combined with the dsDNA to reduce the disulfide group.39 An Illustra NAP column (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) was used to clean up the reduced dsDNA sample. Gold NPs of 200 and 80 nm (nominal sizes, BBI Solutions) were immediately mixed with an excess of dsDNA, and the mixture was incubated for >16 h while gently shaking (at 60 Hz) to ensure high-yield conjugation.40 The sodium chloride concentration in the buffer was then gradually brought up to 0.5 M to increase the loading yield of dsDNA on the NPs, and the sample was incubated overnight at room temperature while gently shaking.38,40 Finally, we centrifuged the conjugated particles at 10 000 rpm for 20 min three times to remove unconjugated DNA, and the final pellet was dispersed in deionized water for future imaging. For imaging immobilized NP/ATTO532 assemblies on a microscope coverslip, NPs modified as described above were diluted 10-fold and 10 μL of the dilute suspension was drop cast on an Ar plasmacleaned (200 mTorr, 15 min, PE-50, Plasma Etch Inc.) coverslip. The NP suspension was allowed to sit on the surface about 15 min before rinsing and air drying. Single-Particle Dark-Field Scattering Spectroscopy. Modified NPs immobilized on a coverslip were immersed in dSTORM buffer (0.5 mg/mL glucose oxidase, 40 μg/mL catalase, 10% w/v glucose, 10 mM methylethylamine) for dark-field scattering measurements. A 8985

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03420 ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8978−8987


ACS Nano FDTD Calculations. Electromagnetic simulations were performed using the Lumerical FDTD Solutions software package. The real sample geometry was considered (Supplementary Methods), and the scattering spectrum was computed by exciting the NP from above with a broadband plane wave and measuring the scattered power in the farfield through a numerical aperture NA = 0.6, as in the dark-field measurements. Apparent emission positions were calculated by exciting the NP with a broadband point dipole source (constant current). The radiation propagating downward from the NP (into the glass) was projected to the far field and focused through a lens with numerical aperture NA = 1.3, as in experiments. This far-field image was fit to a symmetric 2D Gaussian to determine the apparent position of the emission, as previously described.22 To compute the emission from all molecular positions in the experimental system, the dipole source was placed at 25 or 45 different locations (for the 78.6 and 179 nm spheres, respectively), along a vertical circular arc in the xz plane at y = 0 around the NP located at the origin; the simulated points were mapped onto all possible experimental points by symmetry (Supplementary Methods). The arc radius was the NP radius plus the DNA spacer length (11, 22.8, or 32.6 nm). The dipole positions were angularly spaced equally starting directly below the NP at the glass interface and ending directly above the NP (Figure 6a). At each location, three simulations were performed, each with the dipole oriented along a different Cartesian direction (x, y, or z). Because the NP and the dipole source were both located in the same xz plane and because the 2D localization procedure used only returns the (x, y) positions, only the fitted x position was kept; deviations from y = 0 were small enough (