Nov 6, 2010 - SUPER-VERSATILE SILICA. Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (11), Outside ... DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n011.obc. Publication Date: March 16, 1959...
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This list of uses for CAB-O-SIL® shows just how versatile a super-fine silica can be. Is there an idea here for you?

SUPER-VERSATILE SILICA properties functions applications High External Surface Area Favorable Refractive Index

Thickening Thixotropy Ease of Dispersion

High External Surface Area Favorable Refractive Index

Flatting Suspending Agent Ease of Dispersion

High External Surface Area High Chemical Purity Fine Particle Size Non-settling

Surface Extender for Greater Contrast

Low Moisture Content Fine Particle Size High External Surface Area

Reinforcement Stiffening Effect Good Electrical Properties

Fine Particle Size Low Moisture Content Low Bulk Density

High Insulation Efficiency at Low Unit Weight

Fine Particle Size

Ease of Wetting Ease of Dispersion Emulsion Stabilizer High Tear Resistance


High External Surface Area Favorable Refractive Index

Suspending Agent Flow Control


High External Surface Area Favorable Refractive Index

Thixotropy Thickening Ease of Dispersion

Solvent base floor waxes

Fine Particle Size Favorable Refractive Index

Anti-slip Ease of Dispersion

High External Surface Area Fine Particle Size

Anti-slip Bodying Ease of Dispersion


High External Surface Area High Chemical Purity Favorable Refractive Index

Gelling Ease of Dispersion


Dusting powders, DDT. suifur

Fine Particle Size High Chemical Purity Low Buik Density

Specialty and muitî-purpose greases

Fine Particle Size Low Moisture Content High Purity Good Refractive Index

Thickening Temperature Stability Ease of Dispersion Excellent Appearance

Ulddd ICIIIIUIbCU pUljCOlGI iCdllld, CpUAJ ICdllia


Varnishes and lacquers Reproduction paper


Rubber wire and cable covering


Low temperature thermal insulation Latex gloves


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) General Properties, Functions and Uses (#cgen-l) ) Cab-o-sil in the Rubber Industry (#crub-l) ) Cab-o-sil in Butyl Rubber (#crub-2) ) Cab-o-sil in the Lubricating Grease Industry (#cgre-l) ) Aqueous Dispersions of Cab-o-sil (#cmis-2) ) Cab-o-sîl in the Paint Industry (#cpai-2) > A Flatting Agent for Varnishes (#cpai-3) > Cab-o-sil in the Reproduction Paper Industry (#cpap-l) > Cab-o-sil in Polyester-Glass Reinforced Plastics (#cp!a-l) > Cab-o-sil In the Plastics Industry (#cpla-2) > Cab-o-sii in Automobile Polishes (#cpol-l>

( ) Cab-o-sil in Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics (#cpha-I)